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^ I'd love to see a Captain Britain minifig!!

I should have probably put this with my other question but I forgot. Do you guys think we will see Black mask as a minifigure ?

I'd quite like to see Captain Britain in a Marvel set. Just as one of those odd throw-in characters. No idea what sort of set he could go in but he'd be cool to see as a minifigure.

I've got my fingers crossed that he could appear in the MCU. Maybe Captain America 3 or the SHEILD TV show. So hopefully if he does we will get him as a figure.

I would imagine next year we will get two Thor sets in the January wave and two Batman sets. Then in april to build up to captain america 2 perhaps three cap sets like they did with iron man 3 but then again it could be more as there are no big DC movies next year. Could be a great year for minifigs though as with thor 2 we would most likely get Malekith,Odin,Thor, jane foster probably some dark elves and of course lego would never miss an opportunity to release another loki but hopefully heimdal and the warriors three would be made. Captain america wise we could finally get a movie style nick fury,the winter soldier,captain america,steve rogers,Crossbones who is the apparent villain of the film and maybe a better variant of black widow (absent of cheekbones??) as she is appearing also. What i'd really like is one of the sets to be a first avenger set so we could finally get hugo weaving's red skull. I wonder what the exclusive large winter set would be though as we've had arkham last year so if it had to be DC then i'd like to finally see a wayne manor as we still miss alfred,batgirl,nightwing etc. Another variant of bruce in a different suit colour would be nice if included and maybe some exclusive villain like ras al ghul (i would kill for a figure of him especially neeson's :wub: ) Most people think it might be marvel and if so i would hope for a helicarrier or stark tower but there are numerous posibilities of other locations. Helicarrier: movie nick fury,agent hill,agent coulson,shield agents,bruce banner,the hulk. Stark tower: stark(black sabbath),iron man,loki,dr selvig,pepper,thor,more chitauri,the hulk (dark purple pants like in movie and maybe even banner in a tatty shirt. The tower or helicarrier could be the pride of the superheroes line if they just made one of them.

Just some ideas :sweet:

Edited by legofreak86

@ legofreak86- I like the sound of all your sets, the Stark Tower really interest me though. I had a similar idea for a Wayne Manor awhile back and I certainly do think it'll be one of the sets next year, but since year talking about next year, here are my predictions...

January 2014-

-Spider-Man: Green Goblin Attack: Spider Man, Green Goblin, Green Goblin's Hover Board, Street Light/sidewalk for Spider Man to swing on-12.99$

-Nightwing vs. Clayface: Batman Captured: Nightwing, Clayface, Batman, Nightwing's Attack Car-19.99$

-Spider-Man: Spider Man, 4 Other Characters form recent Ultimate Spider Man Show Episodes-49.99$

-Batman vs. Ras al Ghul: Showdown at Wayne Manor: Batman, Batgirl, Alfred, Ras al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Bat Girl's Tri-Cycle-69.99$

March 2014:

-Captain America: The Winter Soilder Set: Captain America, Main Villian-12.99$

-Captain America: The Winter Soilder Set: Cpatain America, Villian, Falcon-19.99$

-Captain America: The Winter Soilder Set: Captain America, Nick Fury, 2 Villians, Female hero character-49.99$

July 2014:

-Guardians of the Galaxy Set-19.99$

-The Flash and Green Lantern vs. Zoom: Centeral City Face Off: The Flash, Zoom, Green Lantern, Some Building-19.99$

-Guardians of the Galaxy Set-49.99$

-Toys R Us Exclusive Set- Batman vs. Bane: Bane's Sewer Hideout: Batman, Bane, Catwoman, Bane's Henchman, John Blake, Bane's Tumbler-39.99$

-Lego Exclusive: (I really don't have any ideas)

Just some ideas really, Thanks For Reading!

We need a lego carnage! I think that we will get him though as he is a popular choice (at least I think he is), I am also very desperate to get black mask as there are different variants Lego could choose from like the Arkham city variant, the comic variant or the lego batman 2 variant. Let me know guys what you think to these ideas. Thank you.

it's a little far off, but I'd like a an Ant-Man set with a build-able ant for him to ride.

also, for Guardians of the galaxy, a Groot (which could easily double up from a Tree Beard build or something) and Rocket Raccoon.

No one think we'll be getting another Wolverine set anytime soon to go with the new movie? If so, Silver Samurai VS Wolverine, please.

We need a lego carnage!

I agree that would be a very cool minifigure, but I don't know if he will be produced simply because of the nature of his character. Cletus Kasady is a cold psychotic murder, and the Carnage symbiote only enhances that to superhuman levels. Every time he appears there is massive death and blood. Who knows what TLG will or won't produce at this point though, the topic of what is appropriate and inappropriate in the eyes of LEGO is a really controversial topic. I know I certainly would buy what ever set he appeared in!

I agree that would be a very cool minifigure, but I don't know if he will be produced simply because of the nature of his character. Cletus Kasady is a cold psychotic murder, and the Carnage symbiote only enhances that to superhuman levels. Every time he appears there is massive death and blood. Who knows what TLG will or won't produce at this point though, the topic of what is appropriate and inappropriate in the eyes of LEGO is a really controversial topic. I know I certainly would buy what ever set he appeared in!

If he appears in Ult Spidey, I'm sure he'll get made. Venom doesn't exactly have a clean track record.

Infact, people who've said Punisher couldn't be made in a lego set would do well to check out a few Venom stories during his anti-hero phase.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it took me a while to formulate this, but here are my thought for the 2014 Marvel line:

-Iron Man (January 2014):

Stark Tower D2C set ($160)

-CA:TWS (March 2014):

$13 set

$20 set

$50 Bank set

-GotG (June 2014):

$20 set (two of the members + a villian)

$40 set (the three other members)

Edited by just2good

Well, it took me a while to formulate this, but here are my thought for the 2014 Marvel line:

-Iron Man (January 2014):

Stark Tower D2C set ($160)

-CA:TWS (March 2014):

$13 set

$20 set

$50 Bank set

-GotG (June 2014):

$20 set (two of the members + a villian)

$40 set (the three other members)

i would think that the bank set world be cheaper, perhaps in the $20-$30 range.

i would think that the bank set world be cheaper, perhaps in the $20-$30 range.

Well, the last two bank sets we got were $50...

Well, the last two bank sets we got were $50...

i guess if it has a vehicle or two and a good quality vault, i will be okay.

Batman sets:

Killer Croc's lair

minifigures: Batman (power suit), Batgirl (black suit), Killer Croc

includes: sewage pipe and various platforms as well as transparent green base for sewage water

Price: £19.99

Nightwing vs Deadshot

minifigures: Nightwing, Deadshot

includes: rooftop

Price: £11.99

Wayne Manor

minifigures: Bruce Wayne (comic version), Damien Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Robin (Damien Wayne), Batman (new design), Batgirl (grey suit), Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul

includes: Wayne Manor in a similar fashion to Arkham Asylum

Price: £129.99

other DC sets:

Green Lantern vs Sinestro

minifigures: Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Sinestro

includes: lots of transparent green and transparent yellow bricks with instructions to make lots of construct items out of them

Price: £24.99

Vertigo's Lab

minifigures: Green Arrow, Speedy (Mia Dearden), Count Vertigo

includes: Vertigo's lab

Price: £19.99

Flash vs Gorilla Grodd

minifigures: Flash (Barry Allen), Gorilla Grodd

includes: Gorilla Grodd's device (not sure)

Price: £11.99

Arrow Polybag

includes a minifigure of Green Arrow based on his Arrow design

Avengers "Phase 1" sets:

Iron Man 2: Party

minifigures: Mark IV Iron Man, Mark II Iron Man (Rhodey), Mark III Iron Man (battle damaged)

includes: Tony's lab and boxing ring (lab can be combined with the Iron Man 3 set to include the 5 additional armour stands), also includes the Cap shield prototype, as well as various other pieces that could be found in his lab

Price: £39.99

Iron Man 2: Race Track battle

minifigures: Tony Stark (racing suit), Whiplash, Mark V Iron Man

includes: suit case and car which can split in two

price: £14.99

Iron Man: Birth of Iron Man

minifigures: Mark I Iron Man, two terrorists

includes: rubble, car battery

price: £11.99

Iron Man: Ironmonger

minifigures: Mark III Iron Man, Ironmonger, Agent Coulson

includes: rooftop setting

price: £19.99

Captain America: Super Soldier

minifigures: Steve Rogers (small), Steve Rogers (strong), Erskin, Howard Stark

includes: lab equipment for the conversion

price: £19.99

Captain America: Red Skull

minifigures: Captain America (First Avenger costume), Red Skull

includes: Nazi car

price: £11.99

Hulk: Final Battle

minifigures: Hulk (different shorts variant), Abomination, Betty Ross

includes: city wreckage

price: £19.99

Thor: Warriors Three vs Frost Giant King

minifigures: Thor, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Laufey

includes: icey scenery

price: £24.99

Thor: Destroyer in New Mexico

minifigures: Thor, Destroyer, Jane, Darcy, Selvig, Sif

includes: ruins of the town

price: £49.99

I think there is a very high chance we will get a Wayne manor in the 2014 winter line, and I also think it will be as big as the Arkham Asylum set we have gotten in the 2013 winter line.

I think there is a very high chance we will get a Wayne manor in the 2014 winter line, and I also think it will be as big as the Arkham Asylum set we have gotten in the 2013 winter line.

I don't think we'll get a D2C one, but a $70-$100 one is likely, considering 2014 will be the year of Batman.

I think there is a very high chance we will get a Wayne manor in the 2014 winter line, and I also think it will be as big as the Arkham Asylum set we have gotten in the 2013 winter line.

I doubt it I imagine next years Direct set will be Marvel and the following year (2015) will be DC.

I don't think we'll get a D2C one, but a $70-$100 one is likely, considering 2014 will be the year of Batman.

Agreed, think we'll see 4 Batman sets, one Green Lantern Set and one Flash Set in 2014 simialr to these predictions...

-Bane's Stock Exchange Escape: Bane, Batman, Motorcycle for Bane, Batpod, Some Street Scenery-12.99$

-Nightwing vs. Killer Croc: Batman Captured- Nightwing, Batman, Killer Croc, Nightwing's Speed Boat, Harbor Scenery/Batman being lowered into Crocodiles(x2)-34.99$

-Batman vs. Ras al Ghul: Showdown at Wayne Manor: Batman, Batgirl, Alfred, Ras al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Bat Girl's Tri-Cycle-69.99$

-Batman vs. Bane: Bane's Sewer Hideout: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Bane's Henchman, Detective John Blake, John's Gotham City Police Car-39.99$

-Green Lantern and Green Arrow vs. Sinestro: Coast City Battle: Green Lanter, Green Arrow, Sinestro, destroyed Sceney-19.99$

-Flash vs. Zoom and Gorilla Grodd: Showdown in Central City: Flash, Zoom, Gorilla Grodd, Zoom's Lab-19.99$

Thanks for Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

  • 1 month later...

Hoping for a Batcopter next year. If its the $20 set it will probably just be the Batcopter chasing a flying villain (Manbat?) or could be a larger set with Scarecrow's plane again.

I still want to see Green Lantern; I'm saddened that the cartoon got cancelled.

Please bring back some $70-100 sets. The Batcave and Quinjet were cool.

I'd like to see more Avengers sets in general, perhaps based on the cartoons. One set I thought up tonight while running was:

Attack of the Abomination: The Abomination, She-Hulk, Luke Cage, and Agent Coulson. Consists of a truck for the Abomination to smash/toss around, some street items like a bench and a lamp post, and a SHIELD helicopter for Agent Coulson to pilot. $59.95 Canadian.

Arrow Polybag

includes a minifigure of Green Arrow based on his Arrow design

I've been hoping that we would get some set with Green Arrow, and a polybag would be awesome! I also had the idea of a set similar to the Catwoman chase set, with one of Green Arrow's enemies on the motorcycle, and Green Arrow chasing him down, although that might be too similar to the previously mentioned Catwoman set. :wink:

I really want more LEGO X-Men, especially with the upcoming X-Men movie.

Would like to see:


Professor X


Kitty Pryde


Juggernaut (would be a large figure like Cave Troll)

Edited by gundamz

I really want more LEGO X-Men, especially with the upcoming X-Men movie.

Would like to see:


Professor X


Kitty Pryde


Juggernaut (would be a large figure like Cave Troll)

I second this, plus:

Jean Grey





Emma Frost






Mr Sinister

As I have been watching Arrow on Sky 1 every Monday at 8pm, I would like to see a set based on the show. It doesn't have to be big and it can be a one off in the vain of the superman vs. lex power armour. I'd just like to see a figure with Arrow's Green Arrow design as it looks awesome and I can't help but think it would be a brilliant minfigure. They could just do a set that includes Green arrow/Oliver queen, John Diggle and dark archer/Malcolm Merlyn in their arrow designs. Also a john barrowman figure would be pretty cool even in dark archer costume as they could still do a face based on his likeness and include some black hair that is commonly used on tony stark and mutt Williams and various other minifigures that I can't quite recollect currently. Same with Oliver who could have a double sided face one with the green painted mask with angry face and on the other a normal solemn Oliver queen face based on the likeness of Steven Amell. just a thought.

I don't think anyone has brought up the possibility of Super Heroes Brickmaster books yet, but I can see them making one each for Marvel and DC. On the DC side, Green Lantern would be a perfect fit for the format since the models could be literally anything as long as they mostly use Bright Green bricks. I'm not sure who I'd pick for Marvel though, what do you all think?

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