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With the Riddler's chase now being an offical set for 2014, here are my adapted 2014 DC set predictions...

-Black Mask's Capture: Batman, Black Mask, Batcopter(small), Money Containers for Black Mask-12.99$

-Joker's Laughter Ambush: Batman, Joker, Batgirl, Joker's Truck(Laughter Gas Containers inside), Road Barriers-19.99$

-Riddler Chase: Batman, Riddler, The Flash, Batmobile, Riddler's Dragster-29.99$

-Final Showdown in Gotham City: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Talia al Ghul, Bane's Henchman, Batpod, Transport Truck(with Nuclear Bomb inside), Gotham City Hall(small mainly the outside with some breaking pieces)-49.99$

-Attack on Wayne Manor: Batman, Ras al Ghul, Deathstroke, Nightwing, Alfred, Nightwing Motorcycle-69.99$

-(Toys R Us Exclusive) Penguin's Gotham Harbor Escape: Batman, Robin, The Penguin, Killer Croc, Penguin's Henchman, Penguin's Submarine(Small), Batman's Speeder Boat, Harbor Dock-39.99$

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With the Riddler's chase now being an offical set for 2014, here are my adapted 2014 DC set predictions...

-Black Mask's Capture: Batman, Black Mask, Batcopter(small), Money Containers for Black Mask-12.99$

-Joker's Laughter Ambush: Batman, Joker, Batgirl, Joker's Truck(Laughter Gas Containers inside), Road Barriers-19.99$

-Riddler Chase: Batman, Riddler, The Flash, Batmobile, Riddler's Dragster-29.99$

-Final Showdown in Gotham City: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Talia al Ghul, Bane's Henchman, Batpod, Transport Truck(with Nuclear Bomb inside), Gotham City Hall(small mainly the outside with some breaking pieces)-49.99$

-Attack on Wayne Manor: Batman, Ras al Ghul, Deathstroke, Nightwing, Alfred, Nightwing Motorcycle-69.99$

-(Toys R Us Exclusive) Penguin's Gotham Harbor Escape: Batman, Robin, The Penguin, Killer Croc, Penguin's Henchman, Penguin's Submarine(Small), Batman's Speeder Boat, Harbor Dock-39.99$

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Like it! The TDKR one would be very cool. for the manor though I reckon it would contain more minfigs: Bruce(different design),Alfred, batman,Nightwing, Ras al ghul, a recycled villain and a new villain maybe death stroke. I would think we'd also get a car for Bruce that could maybe transform into a bat vehicle. TBH they will probably not reuse the joker again and give us someone else new. I'd like to see for the dc one like they did with supes in 2012 one with arrow and dark archer from the TV series. Also I'd like to see another batman and hero team up set with green lantern maybe they could be fighting killer croc or someone more powerful.

My predictions: Dc 2014

As with 2012 the dc sets will be restricted to January and I would wager judging by the riddler one be mostly batman related bar the dc one ala superman 2012:

£12.99 batman in some small vehicle vs. some either new or carried over villain.

£19.99 Arrow vs. The Dark Archer ambush: includes Green Arrow (TV show design) , Dark archer (TV show design) and huntress (TV show design) Arrow has a reversible face one side with his mask painted on and one with out with an exp<b></b>ression of anger on one side and determined on the other. Dark Archer has one side printed with his black half face mask that covers the nose and mouth leaving the eyes visible and one side with a determined exp<b></b>ression with the likeness of john barrowman. Huntress should have one face with a mask and a smile and one face with a mask and a scowl. Included in the set is a dark green quad bike for arrow and a large black car for Dark archer and a black motor bike for huntress. The quad bike could have some sort of missile feature if wished and the car could have some hidden features. there could be a flip feature to launch arrow's quad bike onto archer's car or something gimmicky like that.

£29.99 set already confirmed with riddler, batman and flash.

£39.99 exclusive. Batman:harbour battle includes: Batman (2014 variant), Batgirl, penguin,deathstroke, Black mask. Set includes a large penguin submarine with features and missiles but with a proper interior cockpit area with a periscope. Includes The Batcopter with rope ladder for bats to hang on and missiles and other features. A Black dingy for black mask to make his getaway and a dock with planks to explode when

blasted to throw death stroke into the water. The story is Black mask is making a deal with penguin at the harbour Deathstroke is there as a contract security for mask. Batman arrives in the Batcopter and breaks up the deal penguin summons his deadly submarine!!! use the missiles and bomb features on the Batcopter to blow penguin's sub out of the water then deal with deathstroke with the bomb function and exploding dock!!! black mask escapes in his speedy dingy can batman and batgirl stop him in time? you decide.

£49.99 Batman and green lantern scarecrow confrontation. Includes: Batman (2014), Green Lantern, scarecrow, Man bat and killer croc. The Gotham university has been robbed!!! Scarecrow, man bat and killer croc have teamed up to steal valuable chemicals needed for scarecrows dastardly schemes. The villains are escaping in scarecrow's blimp! use the Bat-Jet to catch up with the villains. green lantern lends a helping hand (or fist)use the missiles to bring the balloon back to earth and engage in a deadly battle with batman's foes to return the chemicals to the university lab.

Set includes: Scarecrow blimp with control deck with controls. Small university lab building ala bank in 2012 and the bat jet with missiles and other features.

£79.99 Wayne Manor ultimate showdown: Includes: Batman (2014), Bruce Wayne (new suit or clothing variant perhaps battle damaged or in a tuxedo), Alfred pennyworth (redesign for 2014),Ras Al ghul and Talia al ghul, Nightwing and clay face. Set includes large Wayne Manor half building with two levels and lots of features. Rooms include: Ground floor: entrance hall with falling log trap and a double staircase, Living room with TV and sofa with an exploding window and a flipping coffee table function. Garage area with space for Bruce Wayne's sport's car with opening sliding doors to garage opening feature and also smashing feature. The second floor has Bruce's study with an opening fireplace/grandfather clock/bookcase or what ever bat man uses to represent the way into the Batcave. It also has a desk two large windows with breaking features and a piano and book case and a trap door to drop someone into the garage. The landing which the stairs lead up to perhaps with a breaking stair feature. Bruce's bedroom with a large bed and photos with maybe a bed flipping feature. The east drawing room with a target practise ala TDKR and a table plus some other furniture the target has a moving feature and arrows can be stuck into it. Set also includes Bruce Wayne's sport's car with seats for two people in the front and two in the back. Car has fold out secret missile function in case there is crime around at the time. Nightwing motorcycle a back motorcycle and a small helicopter for Ras al ghul and talia.

Edited by legofreak86

Those sets sound amazing, I do really think we are going to see Wayne Manor and I think it will be near enough the same as how you have described it. I think that the harbour set is an excellent idea, this would be really good to see another submarine for penguin and also to see Black mask in a set. Black mask is one of my favourite villains, and up until now he hasn't been noticed as much as he should of been. But since he has been involved quite deeply in the new Arkham game he is getting a lot more fans ( well that's what I personally think).

What I would think Lego would produce:


The Fantasticar has four individual cars that connect into one...two for each set.

-Dr. Doom Chase: 2 sections of the Fantasticar (Front/side sections), Mr. Fantastic, The Human Torch (On fire), Dr. Doom with a small green ship.

-Battle of the Mole Men: 2 sections of the Fantasticar (Back/side sections), Invisible Woman, The Thing, Mole Man with 2 mole minions.


Danger Room walls/floors would connect to make a playset

-Battle in the Danger Room (1): Walls with turrets and missile launchers (Yeah I guess flick fire... :hmpf_bad: ): Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm.

-Battle in the Danger Room (2): Walls with flame throwers (flames spewing out) and arms with saw blades on them: Iceman, Rogue, Beast.

-Mutant escape: Semi truck with holding cells: Wolverine (I know Lego wants him in as many sets as they can get him in), Nightcrawler, Magneto, Juggernaut, security guard.

-Blackbird vs. the Sentinel: All blue Blackbird (yeah doesn't sound right), landing gear, turrets, many seats, computer console, loading platform with Wolverine, Colossus, Professor X, Gambit with buildable Sentinel.

I would love to get that many X-Men, but I'd assume Lego wouldn't put that many characters out at once.

I hope we will get some sets loosely based on Batman: Arkham Origins, just like the Dynamic Duo Funhouse Escape, which was in my opinion loosely based on Arkham City. And I thought about more sets based on the Arkham Games. Here some ideas:

12,99$ - Catwoman´s TYGER Safe Robbery - includes Arkham City Catwoman, a normal TYGER guard, an armored TYGER guard, a small safe containing gold and diamonds and a table with Poison Ivy´s plant and two suitcases

19,99$ - Battle at the Docks - includes Arkham Origins Batman, Deathstroke and Deadshot and a small crane holding a container and a platform for Deadshot

19,99$ - Killer Croc´s Sewer Hideout - includes Arkham Asylum Batman with Line Launcher, big-fig Killer Croc, Arkham Asylum Scarecrow and some wooden platforms, which can float on the water

29,99$ - Mr Freeze´s Lab - includes Arkham City Batman with Remote Electric Charge, Arkham City Mr Freeze, Arkham City Harley Quinn, translucent Nora Fries, a small Lab section, a safe containing the antidote

39,99$ - Lazarus Pit Battle - includes Arkham City Batman with Sword and Freeze Grenades, big-fig Clayface, Talia al Ghul, Arkham City Joker and the Lazarus Pit

79,99$ - Wonder Tower - includes Batman with ripped suit and cape, Hugo Strange, R´as al Ghul, 3 TYGER guards, Wonder Tower and Platform ( about the size of two Iron Man Malibu Mansions

Edited by Batsy

Just saw The Wolverine last night. It's a shame LEGO doesn't have the rights for that movie. Just two sets would be all we need.

$50: Yashida Home - the small pond in the middle, with the room where Yashida lay on his deathbed. Includes Logan (shirtless), Yukio, Shingen, and one of Harada's ninja.

$75: Final Battle - the adamantium samurai, made like Lex Luthor's mech, some walkways and a small elevator shaft. Includes Logan, Mariko, Viper, Harada, and Yashida in the mech.

I'd love these sets, but alas we'll never see them.

Just saw the Wolverine too and here another set ideas:

12,99$ - Brawl at the Bar - includes Wolverine, Yukio with Katana, Hunters, chairs and a bar. The chairs can be splitted

39,99$ - Silver Samurai Attack - includes Wolverine with extra bone-claws and a sword, Yukio with Katana, Mariko with Wolverine's broken claws, Viper, Yashida in Silver Samurai suit and giant 2 swords (size as Kai's Fire Mech), Experimental Chair, Walkway and lab with exploring functions

49,99$ - Funeral Ambush - includes Wolverine in suit, Mariko in funeral dress, Yukio in funeral dress with Bo-Staff, Harada with Bow, Yakuzas, Guests, Shrine with coffin, walkway, tenple-like entrance, everything is elevated to look like build on water

69,99 $ - High-Speed-Train Battle - includes Wolverine in suit, 3 Yakuzas with knives, Mariko in funeral dress, Passengers, 2 sections of the train ( one passenger area, the other one bathroom area )

I have some more sets I'd like to see:

$20-Attack on Oa: Green Lantern main power battery with GL John Stewart, Ganthet and Sinestro.

$40-Red Hood's getaway: Batcopter, getaway car and two motorcycles, including Batman, Red Hood, Nightwing and Batgirl.

$50-The Interceptor: GLTAS Interceptor with Hal Jordan, Kilowog, Razer, Aya, and Atrocitus.

$60-Flashpoint: The battle for Earth: The climax of the Flashpoint storyline with destructible buildings and terrain, including The Flash, Reverse Flash, Batman (Thomas Wayne), Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Captain thunder.

$70-Brainiac's invasion: Large scale mech for Brainiac with some attack probes, including Superman, Brainiac, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.

$130-Wayne Manor invasion: modular mansion with a nice car and a helicopter, including Batman (maskless), Robin (Damian Wayne), Red Robin (Tim Drake), Nightwing (new 52), Alfred, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Deathstroke.

My DC predictions/dream sets:

Batman: Killer Croc's getaway- £12

Minifigures: Batman and Killer Croc

The set includes a boat for Killer Croc and some stolen money bags. The boat has a play feature that makes it split in half.

Batman: Battle over Gotham- £25

Minifigures: Batman, Batgirl and Scarecrow.

The set includes a plane for Scarecrow that shoots fear gas canisters and the Batcopter.

The Riddler chase- £30 (already confirmed)

Superman: Fotress of Solitude- £50

Minifigures: Superman, Green Lantern, Bizzaro, Brainiac.

The set includes a UFO for Brainiac and the Fortress of Solitude. Inside the fortress are computers and Kal-El's rocket that brought him to earth.

Batman: Wayne Manor showdown- £90

Minifigures: Battle damaged Batman, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Alfred, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul and a Ninja.

The set is basically a large mansion that is similar to Arkham Asylum with it been two floors and including multiple rooms.

Floor 1: The entrance room with statues that can fall down, the room to the left is the dining room with a collapsing table and the room to the right is the entrance to the Batcave.

Floor 2: A trophy room, a room with a piano and a bedroom with a large 4 poster bed. Each room will have walls separating eachother, unlike Arkham Asylum.

There is also a staircase around the back of the building so minifgures can get from one floor to the next.

This wave brings us 5 new heroes (Nightwing, Batgirl, Green Arrow, Flash and Green Lantern) 4 new villians (Ra's and Talia al Ghul Bizzaro and Brainiac) and 1 new redesign (Killer Croc).

Edited by greeny

  • 4 weeks later...

Arrow- The Ultimate Menace

1x Arrow with Bow, Quiver and Hood. ( TV Variant)

1x Deadshot with Bow, Quiver and Hood.

1x Detective with Revolver

Basic Building with Stand off on the roof top, various action features and a Police Car.


I do believe Lego will give us F4 at some point, if and when they do, I'm expecting a $300 Galactus set with nothing but Galactus, maybe with a feature where his stomach can fit several bricks? So you can pretend he just ate the DBC or something, also all of the Fantastic 4 in their stretchy, invisible, and flame variants, along with the silver surfer, I know more figs would be demanded, but I'm fine with just the 5. Also I really wish Lego would start making like 20 (or more) sets for the theme. I don't want 1 Thor set, one Cap set, and so on. If they made 10 they could fit in 5 more sets before 2013, but I think it's too late for that, so I will keep wishing that 3 Thor sets an X-Mansion and a Fantastic four set could still be released this year, I will literally stop buying from the theme if they don't give at least 10 Marvel sets next year, as for DC I love it, but Lego made it pretty clear that it's not Lego DC superheroes, it's just another Lego batman, so anyways here is what my wishlist would be: X-Mansion $100 set with Mystic, Juggernaut, Magneto, and either Toad, Pyro, or Blob, along with Professor X, Jean Grey, Strom, Beast, Gambit, and Cyclops. Along the next few years, a cerebro, and X training room and possibly a brother hood of mutants meeting hall. A large sentinel set, and a $50 Hydra set with Viper, f2 Hydra workers, Wolverine, and Silver Samurai.

Shield Heli-Carrier ( Death-Star Priced Set)

Features include huge Command Deck with space for Nick Fury, multiple computer consoles and other details.

SHIELD Laboratory with scientific equipment and Window, Hulk's lab from the Avengers.

SHIELD Holding Facility with drop-out feature and external walkway with holding cell.

Armory Room with Captain America's Shield, Bow, Pistols and other Accesories.

Fighter Jet refill station with storage for SHIELD Fighter from Helicarrier Attack.

Room for Quinjet on deck, and deck is removable.

Lastly, broken turbine with access for Cap and Iron Man.

Minifigures: Nick Fury ( Trenchcoat), Maria Hill, Male SHIELD Agent, Female SHIELD Agent, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Thor, Steve Rogers, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Loki and 2x Loki's Soldiers

SHIELD Pursuit

1x Black SUV with Four Seats, two in front, two in back, and hidden flick fire missles.

1x Alien Vehicle from Agents of SHIELD with Flick Fire Missles.

1x Agent Coulson with Pistol, 1x Agents of SHIELD Agent, 1x Agents of SHIELD Alien


Hulk- The Abomination

1x Hulk figure in Green with Purple Pants

1x Abomination

2x Hulkbusters with Star Wars Long Blasters

Several Bits of rubble, and a wrekced car.


Arrow Vs The Dark Archer

1x Green Motorbike with Nice Detailing and Room for one Minifig.

1x Rooftop with Drop-Down Fire Ladder and Break-Apart Feature

1x Arrow ( TV ) With Bow, Hood, and Quiver.

1x Dark Archer ( TV ) With Bow, Hood, and Quiver


Edited by LegoFan117

For Marvel they'll probably have sets from Winter Soldier and Dark Worlds. Would imagine we'd see a X-men DOFP series.

I'm excited to see a Bucky Winter Soldier figure, but would also love to see a classic comic Bucky.

I wonder when you will make a Guardians of the Galaxy set. Interested in seeing their Rocket Raccoon snd Groot.

Edited by skarski10

Agents of SHIELD set? Agent Coulson with Lola?

How about a AGENTS 4x4? :-D With Coulson, Lola and a Alien. :-D

2 Arkhams, 2 Batcaves, and a fleet of Bat-vehicles. I would love to see a DC set without Batman.

First post!

I had an idea a little while ago, can't find any pictures I drew, but it was the Penguin's submarine. It was bigger than it was in the old Batman line, and it took some inspiration from the submarine in the 1966 Batman movie with Adam West. It had Batman, Nightwing, the Penguin, Killer Croc, Deadshot and 1 Penguin Goon (dressed like a pirate), as well as maybe 3 of those little armed penguins. The left side of the submarine could be opened to see inside, and inside was a periscope, some computers, a vault and a room for the Penguin, complete with a desk and a bucket filled with fish. Batman wore a black-and-grey costume, and the Penguin took the appearance of the Arkham set's version. Deadshot looked like he did in the video game, and Killer Croc was redesigned, with more scales, a light nougat "chestplate" of sorts, a belt and ripped pants. Deadshot came with two rifles from Star Wars, and Killer Croc had some access to a huge rock (Based off of the B:TAS episode "Almost Got 'Im"). Nightwing had the current Robin's mask, but a serious face. He had the torso design, leg design and the hair from the video game/ before, as well as carrying his trademark escrima sticks. The main fight was on top, where Batman could open the hatch and dive in. There was also a small version of the Whirly-Bat (which is basically a flying seat for Batman) and Nightwing had a jetski of sorts, that turned into his motorcycle AND a hovercraft, just to allow him to keep his trademark motorcycle. The set would be about $80 in my eyes.

Classic Avengers Quinjet, D2C Blackbird and Sentinel, cheap £15-£20 Sentinel with extra parts to turn one into Mastermold, Avengers Bus, Baxter Building, Avengers Mansion, Stark Tower, X Men Base (Danger Room, Control Room, Lab, Cerebro), and a Huge Death's/Thanos's palace from the Infinity Gauntlet saga

And that's my ideas ATM.

  • 2 weeks later...

Here's some better, more detailed ideas due to my lack of time, last time:

Kree Battlepack


1 Ronan The Accuser

1 Kree Captain

2 Kree Soldiers

Supreme Intelligence (Brick Built)

Classic Skrull Battlepack

1 Classic FF Superskrull

3 Skrulls

Some kind of Hover transportation pad and a some battlements

Shi'ar Battlepack

1 Gladiator, leader of the Shi'ar imperial guard

3 Shi'ar

Various weapons and battlements

Avengers Mansion

Modular building sized and detailed, with a equally big price tag. Huge, bottom floor consisting of a dining room, kitchen, lift, spare room, hallways, second and third floor consisting of bedrooms and a quinjet hanger. Minifig statue outside.

Avengers HQ

Attaches to the bottom of Avenger mansion like Jabba's Palace, three floors containing an operating theatre, a gym, cryogenic storage, main assembly room, firing range, arsenal chamber, computer room, lab and a battle training area.

X mansion

Similar to the mansion except that its a bit smaller, and that there is a huge swimming pool out the back that opens.

X Men HQ

The Same as the Avengers with the exception of cerebro and a blackbird hanger, but a different layout and all on one floor.

Baxter Building

Labs, Living room, more Labs, Negative Zone portal, loads of detail, Fantasticar, and a feature for the building to snap in half for the authentic Terrax attack!

Galactus Attack

Huge, and I mean huge Action Man sized Galactus with a equally big Galactus Gizmo, loads of Heralds like Terrax, Fire Lord, Silver Surfer, and Gabriel the Air Walker, with the FF and some Avengers

USS Captain America 2

Huge, ridiculously big, ewe inspiring Spaceship for the original Guardians Of The Guardians Of The Galaxy

Nuff Said

If the 3 confirmed Spiderman sets for march 2014 are USM or a mix of ASM2 and USM. Then this could very well feature in the usm set/s: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130220133332/thedailybugle/images/thumb/2/22/114.jpg.png/500px-114.jpg.png and hopefully this: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130223022817/thedailybugle/images/9/90/172_glider.png and so badly need in next year's sets this: http://www.thehdroom.com/images/news/12798a.jpg. Unless the Spiderman sets are all ASM2 which I would be completely fine with as we could get some great characters and scenarios. It would be nice after Lego not having a Spiderman 3 range due to licensing or Amazing Spiderman range if they get ASM2.

Arrow- The Ultimate Menace

1x Arrow with Bow, Quiver and Hood. ( TV Variant)

1x Deadshot with Bow, Quiver and Hood.

1x Detective with Revolver

Basic Building with Stand off on the roof top, various action features and a Police Car.


Deadshot doesn't use a bow or hood I think you are thinking of the Dark Archer/ Malcolm Merlyn.

Based on what we has been confirmed about the 4 batman sets I can see these minifigures appearing.

The penguin £12.99 set is obviously going to include pengers and batman and his robot minions apparently?

The Man Bat set is said to include Batman, man bat and another hero they reckoned either robin or Nightwing.

riddler chase we know about

Joker steamroller: the joker apparently appears in a new hat with 2 other villains and another hero apart from batman. My thoughts on this are the villains could be either Deathstroke and Dark Archer, Deathstroke and killer croc or deathstroke and black mask unless they are recycling scarecrow from 2013. Hero wise I reckon it is one of four possibles: green arrow, batgirl, Alfred from BTB who is younger and a former mi6 agent or green lantern. I reckon green lantern could happen but very unlikely due to the setting of the set (a city). green arrow is quite possible as he has been in the public eye a lot and is currently very popular and in the media focus. Batgirl is once again a likely candidate as a member of the bat family who hasn't made her way into any sets and a popular and requested Lego character. Alfred from BTB animated series could be very possible as the new batman and bat mobile appear to be based off the show and it would be a way of putting Alfred into a set without it being Wayne manor as Alfred in the TV series is more spry and very action orientated.

Gosh, at this point Im thinking we will get some Arkham Origins inspired sets. At least a set with Deathstrke in it... Maybe for Marvel

we Agent Coulson's flying sports car! Could be a re-build of Nick Furys flying car! :laugh:

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