December 11, 201311 yr I imagine someone has already floated the idea of a collectable minifigure series of Marvel characters. I guess it might not be feasible due to not having the permission for individual minifigures on their own (similar to Star Wars), but it would be awesome. If it were possible I think it would be awesome to have a theme: My first series would be: SHIELD VS HYDRA/A.I.M. I would include 16 minifigures, 8 generic and 8 heroes. Hydra: Hydra medic (first aid kit, pistol), Hydra soldier (rifle, grenade), A.I.M. soldier (classic beekeeper costume, rifle), A.I.M. scientist (laptop or vials), Armin Zola (I have no idea how they would do him, but he could look awesome), Batroc the Leaper (I always loved this guy), Baron Von Strucker (monocle face, Satan's claw accessory), Viper (pistol, whip). SHIELD: SHIELD medic (first aid kit, pistol), SHIELD soldier (rifle, grenade), SHIELD Mandroid (awesome Mandroid armour), Nick Fury LMD (half the face blown away to reveal a robot, classic Nick Fury look), Classic Nick Fury (2 x pistols, eye patch), Classic Hawkeye (bow, quiver, awesome Hawkeye mask), classic 70's Black Widow (black catsuit, whip), Danielle Moonstar (worked undercover for SHIELD, would just look awesome in any of her costumes). I doubt my selection would sell that well due to the kids probably wanting the big name characters. But still I would love it :)
December 11, 201311 yr We don't actually know whether or not they have the ability to do a Super Hero CMF series for either Marvel or DC? The terms about "Action Figures" vary from license to license. We know they can't do it with SW, and have some clear indications about LotR/Hobbit (sets require x number of pieces per fig sort of thing). But there were rumors that they were actually looking at the feasibility of doing such a line in Super Heroes. (including that the print designs for the SDCC figs came from the CMF proposals.) Heck Megabloks had Marvel Blind Bag's and didn't run into a license issue, so it's possible that it is still an available option.
December 11, 201311 yr Nice, I didn't know either way. It would be an awesome way to sell more obscure characters. Hell I would even pay more for these, maybe £3.50 instead of £2.
December 11, 201311 yr A Super Heroes CMF line would sell like hotcakes! If TLG is willing to devote an entire CMF series to The Lego Movie minifigs, perhaps TLG would consider a Super Heroes CMF line if The Lego Movie series sells well.
December 13, 201311 yr Just a wishlist here BUT I feel like LEGO could've done better with Nolan movie sets... *Tumbler - Batman Begins Batman, Batman Begins Scarecrow, Batman Begins Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins Lt. Gordon. Includes The Tumbler, a support beam you can flick a switch and it blows up. Then a horse and a sewer top things that blows up by flicking it. $69.99 *Monorail - (Just for the monorail fans) Batman Begins Batman and Batman Begins Ras a Ghul maybe a Batman Begins Ninja... Including a monorail that you can blow up the back of the vehicle and a support beam that can be blown out from under it (also included in The Tumbler) $49.99 *Batpod - TDK Batman, and TDK Joker. Includes Batpod and Truck $29.99 *R&D lab - Lucius Fox and Bruce Wayne including TDK Batsuit, Sticky Bomb gun, grapple gun, batarangs. All in new drawer pieces. $12.99 *Bane's Bomb truck - Bane, Talia a Ghul, and Blake. Includes Truck, Bomb, and small brick wall with a printed tile including a chalk drawn bat symbol. $19.99 *Batcave - Alfred, and Bruce Wayne. Includes a huge cave, the Bat, Batsuit holder. Also including Batcomputer and motorcycle from TDK $79.99 *Wayne Manor attack - Ras a Ghul, Battle Damaged Bruce Wayne, Alfred, and 4x LoS ninjas. Including burning Wayne Manor with planks that can fall on a character, and Alfred's car. $129.99
December 13, 201311 yr If we were to have a collectible minifigure series for this theme, I'd also want some love for DC. But at the same time, I know if they did make a collectible minifigure series for DC, all the characters would be Justice League members/ villains and the sets would have yet another reason to focus on Batman. Oh dear god anything but another Batwing!
December 13, 201311 yr If they do a CMF line---and that would cause me to dance for joy---they should give us "lesser" superheroes: She-Hulk, Luke Cage(adult), Daredevil, Elektra, Dr. Strange, Wasp, Iceman, and Black Panther. Villain-wise, where to begin? Baron Zemo, Kang the Conqueror, Green Goblin(comic version), Absorbing Man, Mystique, Madam Viper, and a HYDRA Trooper for the army builder. Oh, and lastly, Agent Coulson. :) Edited December 13, 201311 yr by Suspsy
December 13, 201311 yr As an avid comic collector, I would consider none of those mentioned 'lesser heroes; al;though I suppose children might not know as many. If the line continues for several years, I am very confident that they would eventually produce Iceman, Mystique, Dr Strange, Black Panther, Daredevil, Elektra, She-Gulk and Coulson. I agree though that lesser heroes and villains would be best, maybe with a smattering of the 'lesser heroes' that you mentioned earlier to get the children interested in the line as many of them will have heard of some of them (I'm a teacher and at the start of getting a new class I run a superhero day and many of my children knew of several of the above).
December 15, 201311 yr ^ I would have loved to have had a teacher like that. I am tired of all those stupid spider-vehicles. Yes, I know TLG has done some limited market research and probably focus groups to see what kids want. Those spider-vehicles could easily be replaced with something else and I bet they would sell even better. For example, the spider-trike, the Electro fig seems to have stolen a gem. Where did he steal it from? I say we can have more action in the story without adding a redundant vehicle to the mix. A small storefront with a doorway and smashed window display would have been perfect to visually set the scene for that set, without the crappy vehicle. Another one is that god-awful spider-copter. if SHIELD issues Spiderman a helicopter, why would it have those gaudy spider-colors all over it? I thought they would prefer something a little more inconspicuous. Why not forgo the helicopter altogether? Next time, LEGO, why don't you just have Spidey come and rescue the citizens from a lunatic villian without an ugly vehicle. I would have preferred the copter be a transit authority bus. That would fit in so much better with some civilian scenery.
December 27, 201311 yr How about a Mount Justice? In memory of Young Justice: A D2C with many rooms, and a removable top. Comes with the first six, Red Arrow, Black Canary, Tornado, and The Batman.
December 28, 201311 yr I'd personally love to see a CMF Series, myself. My ideal figures would be as follows: -Gemini Armor Iron Man -She-Hulk -Ultron -Arnim Zola -FF Spider Man -Mysterio -Archangel -Bombastic Bag Man (Because why not?) -Black Panther -Kraven the Hunter -X-Force Deadpool -Cable -Stan Lee -Carnage -White Tiger -Ms. Marvel
December 28, 201311 yr Here's my two cents: The Hulk: Abomination Encounter: Comes with Hulk, Abomination, one cop, two military soldiers, one civilian. Set includes police car, small military tank, debris, and a small wrecked building. Play features include: a lever on the police car that makes it break in half, technic shooter on the tank, exploding wall on the building. Retails £30-£40. Invisible Woman vs Dr. Doom: includes Sue Storm with force field bubble around her, Dr. Doom. Set includes fire hydrant, debris, and a tall building facade. Play features include: water pieces that pop up from behind the fire hydrant, catapulting debris, exploding facade. Retail £11.99.
December 29, 201311 yr On 12/28/2013 at 8:12 PM, Sir Brickalot said: Here's my two cents: The Hulk: Abomination Encounter: Comes with Hulk, Abomination, one cop, two military soldiers, one civilian. Set includes police car, small military tank, debris, and a small wrecked building. Play features include: a lever on the police car that makes it break in half, technic shooter on the tank, exploding wall on the building. Retails £30-£40. Invisible Woman vs Dr. Doom: includes Sue Storm with force field bubble around her, Dr. Doom. Set includes fire hydrant, debris, and a tall building facade. Play features include: water pieces that pop up from behind the fire hydrant, catapulting debris, exploding facade. Retail £11.99. I like the Doom set idea and think the price would be doable. The Hulk set (whilst a nice idea) would no doubt be a lot higher price than 30-40 pounds with 6 minifigures and 2 of them big ones.
December 30, 201311 yr Here a some of my dream sets, even though they seem a bit unlikely I think they would do great. 'Doomsday Battle'- A big-fig Doomsday, torn-up and ravaged Superman, some civilians and street accessories (Headlights, bins, walls) $30-$40 'Altantean Battle Pack'- Aqualad, An elite Atlantean solider and 2 generic ones, a seahorse and some generic ocean-based decorations. $15 'Amazonian Battle Pack'- Warrior Wonder Woman variant, Elite Amazonian warrior, 2 generic Amazonian warriors, catapult. $15 'Bludhaven ???'- Nightwing (Blue variant, long hair), Black Mask (White suit of course), Black Mask thug x2, car, warehouse features and setting. $20-$30 '
December 30, 201311 yr On 12/28/2013 at 8:12 PM, Sir Brickalot said: Here's my two cents: The Hulk: Abomination Encounter: Comes with Hulk, Abomination, one cop, two military soldiers, one civilian. Set includes police car, small military tank, debris, and a small wrecked building. Play features include: a lever on the police car that makes it break in half, technic shooter on the tank, exploding wall on the building. Retails £30-£40. Invisible Woman vs Dr. Doom: includes Sue Storm with force field bubble around her, Dr. Doom. Set includes fire hydrant, debris, and a tall building facade. Play features include: water pieces that pop up from behind the fire hydrant, catapulting debris, exploding facade. Retail £11.99. I also really like both of these ideas, too. The Abomination set would undoubtedly be more expensive, though. I like the idea of two big figs in a single set, that would be a first!I would also like to see that Dr. Doom set be a bit more expensive, too. That way it could come with a more substantial build. Would you do a USM Dr. Doom again, or a realistic one, or maybe a comic version?
December 31, 201311 yr So is there anything really stopping Lego from releasing a CMF line consisting entirely of Marvel (or DC, I suppose) super heroes? (Besides wanting to make more money by releasing them in larger sets) Edited December 31, 201311 yr by Suspsy
December 31, 201311 yr On 12/31/2013 at 3:01 AM, Suspsy said: So is there anything really stopping Lego from releasing a CMF line consisting entirely of Marvel (or DC, I suppose) super heroes? (Besides wanting to make more money by releasing them in larger sets) Probably nothing. Other than color scheme, which would most definitely confuse buyers "didn't this series come out in 2012"? Questions like that would be very irritating for customer service. Maybe also the fact that Lego and DC believe that nothing non Batman will sell. They base this off of mediocre sales from Green Lantern, which is pretty much setting themselves up for failure. I assume they COULD make one for Marvel and not DC, but I think it's an altogether type thing, like: if Marvel gets Ultrabuilds, then DC gets ultrabuilds, if Marvel gets 12 sets in 2 years then DC can't have any less than 10 or something like that.
December 31, 201311 yr Was really hoping for a GL:TAS set but I think that ship has sailed. Would have been great to have the ship with at least Hal, Kilowog, and Razer :( Also, I'm wishing for a new Battank. And an Ultimate Collectors Batwing. Edited December 31, 201311 yr by Drock
December 31, 201311 yr On 12/30/2013 at 5:42 AM, Green said: 'Amazonian Battle Pack'- Warrior Wonder Woman variant, Elite Amazonian warrior, 2 generic Amazonian warriors, catapult. ' A Kingdom Come style Battle Armor Wonder Woman would be real easy to do with existing parts. Just print her legs and torso with gold armor, use the CMF Aztec's helmet and add a WW printed round shield and Pearl gold short sword.
January 1, 201411 yr Wayne Manor: Minifigs : Alfred, Bruce Wayne ( "relaxed"mode: with jeans, a jacket like muth williams, and this hair http://www.firestart...ed-~-Black.html ), Batman ( grey suit), Red Robin, Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Ninja, Damian Wayne ( assasin mode ) One Gate; Sports Car, Swat like truck to transport Ra's crew, Wayne Manor ( 2 levels. 1st floor - kitchen, living room, dinning room and gym area. 2nd floor bathroom, bedroom. Everyone wants alfred so it could be also a set with a limo and bruce and alfred or a polybag with alfred and a broom Edited January 2, 201411 yr by rodrigofernandes1307
January 2, 201411 yr The original Lego Batman Theme had been Lego's Super heroes line for three years back in 2006-2008, Now that the Lego Super Hero Line has outlived both the Spider man and the Batman theme's. How long Will it be until the Super Heroes theme will be put to rest. I myself hope that the theme will continue for some time but who knows how long. There are plenty of villains and heroes from the DC universe and the marvel Universe which characters would you think Lego might actually make because we all know that they aren't making Poka dot man. So tell me what sets you think Lego should make and what characters to put in it. Sincerely cullmancreations
January 2, 201411 yr I hope we get a new Norman Osborn figure. It would also be fantastic to get remakes of some of the old Spidey sets.
January 2, 201411 yr On 1/2/2014 at 4:00 PM, Godtshep said: I hope we get a new Norman Osborn figure. It would also be fantastic to get remakes of some of the old Spidey sets. They might make an osborne figure for the New spiderman sets or maybe when the next spidey movie comes out in 2015 Edited January 2, 201411 yr by cullmancreations
January 2, 201411 yr I think as long as their are dc/marvel movie, they can pimp this line. I like that they are going into other heroes in the DC side (Flash, superman, wonder woman, etc.) And the sets are still nice. Although the minifig quality has increased, I think the 2006 Batcave was far superior the the one from last year
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