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Well first off I LOVE IT! I loved the movie so i bought the Shaun Mini fig from Brick arms and i have a movie poster etc. SO when I saw this i immediately fell in love with your moc.

I also supported it on Cuusoo. I really really really hope it gets released as soon as it does ill be at the LEGO shop buying it.

Great work and thats such a neat story Simon Pegg is a great actor and for him to see your work is great.


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Thank you all for the great feedbacks (and support) and a huge thanks to EB for frontpaging the story !

I just wanted to give a little more info on why I chose to post this on CUUSOO as I don’t want people to misunderstand my motives.

I think that the “Win” on CUUSOO is a good project for the AFOL community for several reasons:

  • this build got a huge visibility thanks to the involvement of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and more generally “the outside world”. The story has been told on websites and blogs all around the net and not just on Lego fan sites. This is in my opinion a great opportunity to improve the visibility of our hobby and beat some clichés. The AFOL world rarely meets the real world, opportunities like this one are rare.
  • the “Win” could become a great ambassador of the best Lego can do today. The idea is to make a modular house out of this, one that would of course be compatible with the existing line. I think that the modular house line is one of the best products Lego has developed in years, it remains however an exclusive line aimed at fans. Again, this would be an opportunity to reach out to other people and let them know what is out there.
    The topic of the film is perhaps not everyone’s cup of tea but the zombie/shaun twist is only an additional parameter – once you look at the build without it you still have a house that could nicely complete the existing line.
  • the build features several BrickArms accessories. I got the support of Will Chapman in the project so this is a great opportunity to improve the visibility of the custom accessories. It is also a challenge because I have no idea what would be the position of Lego regarding this but customs are important to our community, it’s only fair that they could gain some visibility both from Lego and from the general public.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this MOC is any better than a lot of other projects featured on CUUSOO. The success of this MOC can probably be explained because the idea is original but mostly because I got very lucky! The point I’m trying to make is that for all the above reasons I think this project is a good one for the community.

I also wanted to tackle “the elephant in the room” – the money question.

I think we all know that Lego is giving 1% interest on the sales if a project gets produced. Well… I am not doing this for the money, if this thing pays off (and that’s a big if) I intend to invest it in the community via contest sponsorship or other means.

Ever since I found out about the CUUSOO website I have been puzzled by the absence of initiative coming from the AFOL community, sure there are a few projects here and there but nothing major. Instead, there was this Minecraft thing that blew everything away…

I think it’s time that the AFOL world sends a coordinated answer to Lego and I think “the Winchester” could be it.

It’s too soon to tell what is going to happen with the project but I’ll keep sharing the progress here.

Just supported it on CUUSOO. Got a bit distracted by the Zelda project (Lego Beetle!! :wub:), but then it was Shaun all the way! Fingers crossed for success!

It’s too soon to tell what is going to happen with the project but I’ll keep sharing the progress here.

This is incredible ! I love everything happens around the "Win", moreover the fact that I follow it from the beginning !

You can count on my support !

Amazing work on The Winchester and congrats on the publicity! :thumbup: I just went and supported the project on Cuusoo - one more down, 9295 to go... best of luck! :classic:

Congrats. That's a build worthy of all the hype and praise it is receiving.

Oh how I loved Shaun of the Dead. Great movie. This MOC is pretty awesome! Keep up the good work :classic:

Done, you can now count on my support !

It's a great MOC, for a great movie ! (you can replace "great" by "awsome" :tongue: )

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Ok guys, time for an update.

The CUUSOO project is doing good, after 13 days we have 793 supporters… that is awesome, thank you.

The story has been relayed in a lot of different medias (please see the full list below and sorry if some of this is a duplicate from previous posts).

Now I need your help to take this to the next level… so I’m reaching out to the EB community.

This is what the project needs:

  • people who would be willing to help me translate the CUUSOO project in different languages and possibly spread the word in other communities (Japan would be great)
  • someone who could help me with the CUUSOO page layout – I’m not an expert in HTML coding and this system is a pain, I can’t seems to be able to even code the hyperlinks!
  • anyone who has a connection with the media world and who would be willing to pass on the info to journalists, bloggers. So far the info has not really been relayed in traditional medias so this is the next target.
  • anyone who’s comfortable with the social networks tools. Facebook, Tweeter… I’m a sucker for this and I know that this is instrumental in the success of such a project.

Again, I’m not doing this for the money and I really believe a project like this one would be beneficial to the AFOL community in general. If you think this project is worth investing some of your time please contact me either via this thread or by PM.


Media coverage so far and important links (this summary can be used when communicating with the medias, it shows that this thing is serious!):

Support from Edgar Wright (from tweeter and his blog) and Simon Pegg (via tweeter and from his official fan page)

CUUSOO project:


Lego Blogs and forums

Websites - English

Websites - French

Paper media

The French magazine Cinema Teaser will make a full page on the story in their next issue (distributed in France, 40000 copies per issue)


The Television channel “Sky” contacted me to make a topic on this in their show “35mm”

You could try the British newspapers Metro & Daily Mail as this is the kind of article you often see in them.

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You could try the British newspapers Metro & Daily Mail as this is the kind of article you often see in them.

Thanks for the tip! I have already sent the story to "The Sun", "The Telegraph", "The Sunday Times", "The Independent" & "The Guardian"...

I know the chances are slim... but I'm sure this story could be a hit in the UK medias. If anyone knows a journalist in any of these newspapers that would really help!

I'll shoot an email now to the Metro & Daily Mail.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm so glad to see your project growing in support. Hopefully my recent blog on CUUSOO will help. I highlighted The Winchester as one of my favorite projects, which it really is. I hope you make it to 10,000 votes! :thumbup:

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I'm so glad to see your project growing in support. Hopefully my recent blog on CUUSOO will help. I highlighted The Winchester as one of my favorite projects, which it really is. I hope you make it to 10,000 votes! :thumbup:

Thank you SilvaShado!

The project is indeed getting more and more supporters. I am about to make some big announcements on it actually... but it's not ready yet!

What I can already tell you is that my good friend and fellow EB member Pixel Fox is going to help me out with the project. People here on EB might remember one of our previous collaborations - we make a pretty good team.

We are currently working together on the Winchester 2.0, the new version will be completely modular and have 3 floors with detailed interior. In addition to that we will soon launch a website dedicated to the Winchester CUUSOO project where we will post new material on a regular basis. The type of info you will be able to find there will be tutorials, new builds, a comic, promotional offers with partner sites, interviews.. all sorts of cool stuff.

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you an exciting news. The “Winchester” is currently featured as a full page story in the February issue of the French Magazine Cinema Teaser, here is a screenshot of the article (you may click the picture to download a pdf scan).


Stay tuned!

Congrats on all your achievements with this project, Yatkuu! I think it's great that it's getting media attention and that it's doing so well on CUUSOO. I look forward to seeing what Pixel Fox and you have in store for us.

That is very cool!! Great feature and can't wait to see the second version of the Winchester! :thumbup:

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author

Hello everyone!

It’s been 2 months now that the Winchester project has been posted on CUUSOO and we have secured close to 1500 supporters… this is amazing, thank you so much!

1500 supporters is a good milestone to switch the second gear... so today my friend Pixel Fox and myself are very happy to share with you the launch of our new website: “makethewinchester.com” !

On this blog you will be able to find additional information on the project, who we are, an overview of the media coverage… In time we will also add instructions and making of details, exclusive info on the movie and much much more… (my signature is only a teaser of what's coming!)

For starters, we are very happy to announce a partnership with Z Magazine - the first Magazine for zombies written by zombies!

Support the Winchester on CUUSOO and get a free ecopy of the magazine – check all the details here.

Very very cool! I'll be checking out your blog and the new magazine. Sounds like a lot of fun. Good luck and I'll definitely be rooting for your project to get to 10,000! :thumbup:

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Hello everyone, I have a big news to share with you today... just as the Winchester secured 1500 supporters on CUUSOO we got our first official comment from LEGO!!

Congratulatory message from LEGO for +500 votes


Congratulations on all of the supporters! Your model is very well done, and you've presented the project in a fun and engaging way all around.

Since Shaun of the Dead is a comedy, and you present your work in a humorous fashion, we believe this is within the realm of the LEGO company brand standards on violence. Note that the zombie theme does put this project at the edge of what we produce, however we recognize that the LEGO Group produces other products where themese of violence and death play a significant role.

Please understand that this initial green light does not have an effect on the LEGO Review that will take place if the project reaches 10,000 supporters. The nature of the work would require some significant internal discussion before we make the decision to produce such a set.

In the mean time, we wish you the best of luck on your journey to 10,000 supporters!


I am over the moon!

Ok, so they are being careful and so should they but hey, it's a great positive feedback nonetheless!

So, what do you think?

Edited by Yatkuu

That's a pretty positive message. Funny they mention the zombie issue, be use all those, mi us a few parts, are official TLG parts. They could always just remove the zombies, and call it good. Besides, the majority of people who'd buy this already have at least one zombie in their collection.

Very happy to see you reach a milestone and that LEGO commented on it. I don't know why they're being so cautious when they made zombies for PoTC. Heck, they made cannibals! I've had to very tactfully explain what a cannibal is to a few little kids and it wasn't easy. After a while, I just said they were primitive people in places like Africa. Yes, shoot me. I wasn't accurate, but I was not going to tell someone else's kid what a real cannibal was. :cry_sad:

Anyway, I really hope this makes it to 10,000! I really like your project. :thumbup:

I love this idea and I fully support you (it's one of 3 projects I actually support on CUSSOO).

I know it's not much but I gave you a shout out in my latest youtube video

so hopefully you'll get some supporters from that. :sweet:
  • Author

I love this idea and I fully support you (it's one of 3 projects I actually support on CUSSOO).

I know it's not much but I gave you a shout out in my latest youtube video

so hopefully you'll get some supporters from that. :sweet:

Thanks mate, I really appreciate it! I am positive that there are far more than 10k people out there who would be willing to support this project.. the trick is to let them know about it and in that regard I need all the help I can get.

I think the real trick for many of them is getting registered on Cuusoo. I don't know why, but I seem to have constant problems... first registering, then logging in... I don't have these problems anywhere else, but sometimes I get so frustrated I give up. Don't worry though, I was able to get through and vote for your creation. :-)

I'm curious why more people who are fans of modulars haven't voted. They buy every modular set LEGO produces, but you're telling me they wouldn't buy this one? I don't believe that.

I've heard some people say things like "LEGO wouldn't do it because they don't have a license" or "LEGO wouldn't do it because it has undead" but LEGO has already said that neither of those is necessarily a deal breaker. They pursued a license for minecraft, and said they could do a zombie theme with some tweaking, so if those are holding you back, get out and vote!

The only thing we aren't likely to see is something like Transformers, since that is a Hasbro property they aren't likely to license to LEGO since they have their own line. But outside of competing toy companies, I think any license is fair game until LEGO says it isn't.

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I think the real trick for many of them is getting registered on Cuusoo. I don't know why, but I seem to have constant problems... first registering, then logging in... I don't have these problems anywhere else, but sometimes I get so frustrated I give up. Don't worry though, I was able to get through and vote for your creation. :-)

I'm curious why more people who are fans of modulars haven't voted. They buy every modular set LEGO produces, but you're telling me they wouldn't buy this one? I don't believe that.

I've heard some people say things like "LEGO wouldn't do it because they don't have a license" or "LEGO wouldn't do it because it has undead" but LEGO has already said that neither of those is necessarily a deal breaker. They pursued a license for minecraft, and said they could do a zombie theme with some tweaking, so if those are holding you back, get out and vote!

The only thing we aren't likely to see is something like Transformers, since that is a Hasbro property they aren't likely to license to LEGO since they have their own line. But outside of competing toy companies, I think any license is fair game until LEGO says it isn't.

Thank you for this great feedback!

I have indeed heard of a lot of registration problems... like on the day Simon Pegg tweeted the CUUSOO link I had a feedback from a couple of people who were unable to register. If a few took the time to let me know that something was not working I wonder how many just gave up? This is a real problem for project owners.

The view counts of the projects are also very interesting to look at:

Minecraft: 10,005 supporters - 952,727 views – 1 supporter per 95 views

Back to the Future: 6115 Supporters - 142,044 views – 1 supporter per 23 views

Western Town: 5,417 supporters - 100,398 views – 1 supporter per 18 views

Winchester: 1634 Supporters - 41,665 views – 1 supporter per 25 views

I’m sure we could do some nice analysis out of these but I once made a solemn vow never to make stats again in my life so I’ll just highlight that it just seems absurd to me. Of course we would need to know exactly how these views are counted but even if there is a fraction of these numbers that is generated by people who visit the project pages several times it still does not make any sense.

Roughly 1 supporter out of 20 views?! Voting is free and takes 20 seconds, how come we don’t get more votes?

My feeling is that it’s the registration barrier.. but as time goes by there should be more and more people already registered on the site so in theory new projects should be easier to promote…

The Licensing question - totally agree with you and I'll also quote this extract of the CUUSOO Guideline:

You will receive credit and compensation for your original ideas. These ideas are broken down and handled as follows:

Original Model Ideas. You will receive 1% of net sales if your LEGO CUUSOO Project is chosen and the LEGO Group commercializes it as a LEGO set.

Original Part Ideas. You will receive a one-time flat fee as remuneration for a part idea that is produced, to be determined by the LEGO Group.

Original Model Ideas based on Licensed IP. You will receive 1% of net sales if the model you submitted is based on third-party intellectual property (e.g. Star Wars™ or @ngry Birds™) and is your original work.

The topic of the build - Zombies - is a hugely popular theme and LEGO gave a feedback on the project stating that it was "within the realm of the LEGO company brand standards on violence".

Again, as you say, for anyone here who believes this project does not stand a chance... please guys take a second to think about it, there are no show stoppers or red flags here - this could really happen so go vote people!

  • Author

Hello everyone... I guess that some of you must be getting tired of the Winchester?

Well.. sorry guys but I'm not done, there is still a long road to the 10k supporters and I'm here to stay :tongue:

Ok, so more seriously, I have a big update to share on the project, I would like to introduce to you the Winchester 2.0!


Winchester 2.0 - Floors breakdown by Yatkuu, on Flickr

Not much has changed on the outside… but it’s in the inside that we have some very cool new cool features.

The first version of the build only had a detailed ground floor… actually it did not even have a wall on the side in order to simplify the photography.

This new version is now a fully modular house with a detailed interior on every floor. As with any other LEGO modular, the floors can each be removed to allow an easy access and playability.

The third floor features a bedroom and a complete bathroom; on the second floor we have a kitchen and a dining room and on the ground floor we have the tavern that has been slightly modified to accommodate the staircase to the upper floors. The build now also has a backdoor.

You can check some close-ups of every floor on the website "Makethewinchester".


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