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True, but BIONICLE lasted for nine years, and some BIONICLE fans even felt that there were lots of ideas that hadn't yet been used by the time its success finally petered out. Ninjago is a lot like BIONICLE in several ways, and some of the product descriptions for the Ninjago books suggest that this is by design rather than by coincidence.

Heavily story-driven themes like BIONICLE and Knights' Kingdom II have, historically, had a lot of advance planning before their release. This includes brainstorming plot elements that can be turned to at a later time if the theme turns out to be successful. I have no doubt that TLG, in the very least, has plenty of stories planned that they can continue telling for as long as the theme remains successful. If the theme starts to show less ingenuity I'm confident it will be the effect of a decline in sales, not the cause of one.

Let's not forget that Greg Farshtey, the genius behind the Bionicle world, is in charge of the storyline for Ninjago, so... :wink: I have a feeling that some of the ideas from the Bionicle "ideas file" that couldn't make it into that theme have (and will continue to) made their way into Ninjago. (They sure as heck didn't make it into Hero Factory...)

Disagree. The snake theme is very good in my opinion, though you are right on the dragon front. I actually think that many of the sets have exellent shaping and parts, as well as looking good overall. The Destiny's Bounty is actually one of the worst Ninjago sets ever, IMO. And for the record, Ninjas vs Pirates is an awful idea. I would much rather see the return of the Skellies rather than that. Especially if they kill Garmadon in Rise of the Snakes and he comes back as a black skeleton. :sweet:

Let's not forget that LEGO Universe has (soon to be had) established a Ninjago storyline as well. At some point in the distant future, Garmadon returns and brings back the skeleton army, stronger than ever. He destroys the latest Ninjago monastery, sending a Ninja of Imagination named Neido hurtling into the Crux System, where he finds the Skeletons are mining Maelstrom to forge Maelstrom-infused weapons and armor that are highly resistant to Spinjitsu. Meanwhile, the other Ninja rebuild the Monastery bigger and better, just in time for Garmadon's forces to beseige both it and the Fire Temple. Neido, Sensei Wu, Nya, and the four ninja then train an army of new ninjas (the members of the Nexus Force, aka the players) in the way of Spinjitsu to fight the skeletons and save Ninjago.

I have no idea of the canonicity of that (especially since LU will vanish forever at the end of the month), but if it remains canon then Garmadon has to survive, even if he just ends up banished again.

I have a good idea! How about...

Ninja VS. Robots?

Ninja vs. cyborgified Exo-Force??? :drool::laugh:

I actually think that Ninjago would do well as a vehicle for other themes. I.E. someone from (for example) the Wild West needs help to defeat the bad guys, so they call the ninja to their aid. It'd be kind of weird, especially the collision between themes, but I think it would turn out awesome. Plus, it would be a way to keep cycling through the action themes without ending Ninjago (not to mention the extra time and effort it would save in having to come up with backstory for these themes! :tongue:).

What kind of "power" pirates will get?Like fire or venom?

I wonder if the tribe that was starved to extinction (name?) will play a role. (Undead snakes?)

Hm, I really like the evil ninja idea, more realism to actually ninjas. I also think they should use less jets, tanks and motorcycles. It's just plain weird.

This theme has nothing to do with anything realistic, please get used to it already. :P

Ninjago is the stupidest theme in the history of Lego. I would like to pretend it doesn't exist, but that is hard for a couple of reasons.

1.) Lego shoves it down my throat. All the new catalogs, etc... feature this lame theme on the cover.

2.) Walk down the Lego aisle at any store and this is all you'll see left. Why? Because no self-respecting AFOL or kid with any sense wants this junk.

It is like they took all the stupidest parts of their worst past themes and hobbled them together to create something more stupid than stupid. These lame and uninspired sets, the entire "spinning ninja concept, are also a rip-off of Tomy/Parker Brothers' SPINJA toys of the late 1980's.

We're ninjas! We spin! We're stupid!

Please, Lego, back to the drawing board. You discontinue Kingdoms but continue with this waste?

No offense but are you the owner of that Tomy/Parker Brothers' SPINJA toys or something? :P Things you wrote are a bit harsh.

No offense but are you the owner of that Tomy/Parker Brothers' SPINJA toys or something? :P Things you wrote are a bit harsh.

No. I just really find the theme offensive. They keep pumping out that garbage and let stronger themes go by the wayside.

Ninjago is the stupidest theme in the history of Lego. I would like to pretend it doesn't exist, but that is hard for a couple of reasons.

1.) Lego shoves it down my throat. All the new catalogs, etc... feature this lame theme on the cover.

2.) Walk down the Lego aisle at any store and this is all you'll see left. Why? Because no self-respecting AFOL or kid with any sense wants this junk.

It is like they took all the stupidest parts of their worst past themes and hobbled them together to create something more stupid than stupid. These lame and uninspired sets, the entire "spinning ninja concept, are also a rip-off of Tomy/Parker Brothers' SPINJA toys of the late 1980's.

We're ninjas! We spin! We're stupid!

Please, Lego, back to the drawing board. You discontinue Kingdoms but continue with this waste?

Well, nice job insulting every fan of the Ninjago theme on these forums, or rather, every fan of the Ninjago theme in the world. I happen to really like Ninjago. It's zany, it's got lots of well-designed sets, it has a well-written story, and in general it has been immensely successful with kids. It has a lot of the characteristics that I really liked about BIONICLE, and I hope that it will be successful enough to compare with that theme.

I had never heard of the Spinja toys before, but it's interesting to see that the Ninjago concept isn't completely out-of-the-blue, but has been approximated by another company years before. Of course, Ninjago seems vastly superior to those products, but one wonders if they were in fact the inspiration for Ninjago, or merely an idea that two companies coincidentally happened to arrive at when trying to create a "battle top" toy franchise. Either way I'm sure TLG knew about the Spinja toys by the time the theme was ready for release, if only due to the necessity of avoiding intellectual property infringement.

If the ending of Kingdoms has anything to do with Ninjago, it's because Ninjago was deep, inspired, and phenomenally successful while Kingdoms was a fairly generic castle theme that just failed to resonate with kids today. But that's not likely the case-- nearly every Kingdoms fan here on Eurobricks has by now recognized that Kingdoms was discontinued so that it wouldn't be competing with the Lord of the Rings products that TLG is releasing later this year. There's no need to spew pointless hate towards a quality theme still on store shelves, and there's never any excuse for spewing that same pointless hate towards everyone who for whatever reason is able to enjoy that theme.

Well, nice job insulting every fan of the Ninjago theme on these forums, or rather, every fan of the Ninjago theme in the world. I happen to really like Ninjago. It's zany, it's got lots of well-designed sets, it has a well-written story, and in general it has been immensely successful with kids. It has a lot of the characteristics that I really liked about BIONICLE, and I hope that it will be successful enough to compare with that theme.

I had never heard of the Spinja toys before, but it's interesting to see that the Ninjago concept isn't completely out-of-the-blue, but has been approximated by another company years before. Of course, Ninjago seems vastly superior to those products, but one wonders if they were in fact the inspiration for Ninjago, or merely an idea that two companies coincidentally happened to arrive at when trying to create a "battle top" toy franchise. Either way I'm sure TLG knew about the Spinja toys by the time the theme was ready for release, if only due to the necessity of avoiding intellectual property infringement.

If the ending of Kingdoms has anything to do with Ninjago, it's because Ninjago was deep, inspired, and phenomenally successful while Kingdoms was a fairly generic castle theme that just failed to resonate with kids today. But that's not likely the case-- nearly every Kingdoms fan here on Eurobricks has by now recognized that Kingdoms was discontinued so that it wouldn't be competing with the Lord of the Rings products that TLG is releasing later this year. There's no need to spew pointless hate towards a quality theme still on store shelves, and there's never any excuse for spewing that same pointless hate towards everyone who for whatever reason is able to enjoy that theme.

Yep. It's a pretty dumb theme.

Ninjago is the stupidest theme in the history of Lego. I would like to pretend it doesn't exist, but that is hard for a couple of reasons.

1.) Lego shoves it down my throat. All the new catalogs, etc... feature this lame theme on the cover.

2.) Walk down the Lego aisle at any store and this is all you'll see left. Why? Because no self-respecting AFOL or kid with any sense wants this junk.

It is like they took all the stupidest parts of their worst past themes and hobbled them together to create something more stupid than stupid. These lame and uninspired sets, the entire "spinning ninja concept, are also a rip-off of Tomy/Parker Brothers' SPINJA toys of the late 1980's.

We're ninjas! We spin! We're stupid!

Please, Lego, back to the drawing board. You discontinue Kingdoms but continue with this waste?

Well aren't you the biggest ray of sunshine. :hmpf:

I personally like this theme with it's unique plot and figures.

"Either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else" -Kai


Edited by CM4S

Well aren't you the biggest ray of sunshine. :hmpf:

I personally like this theme with it's unique plot and figures.

"Either buy something or go peddle your insults somewhere else" -Kai


Maybe you guys are right. I always felt something was missing from my Lego experience. I guess it was battle cards and other senseless crap.

Maybe you guys are right. I always felt something was missing from my Lego experience. I guess it was battle cards and other senseless crap.

Well, it's a good thing LEGO can sell you those. On the other hand, I don't know where you might buy a shred of dignity, respect, or decency, since you also seem to be missing all of those things. :hmpf_bad:

Incidentally, I don't like Ninjago for its cards or spinners. Those are cool (I love the gorgeous character art for the cards, and the spinners are genuinely fun), but they're not the reason I'm a big fan of the theme. I appreciate the theme for its beautiful, intricate set designs, its complex and in-depth story, and of course the uniqueness and zaniness of its general concept. It would seem that you haven't given any of these things even the slightest glance.

Of course, it's entirely possible to dislike Ninjago. There's no rule saying all LEGO fans have to like the same things, and people can have a variety of interests. Hence why many fans put forth an effort to appreciate various themes for their merits rather than insulting anyone whose opinions are different than theirs. Of course, sometimes that leads me to make foolish decisions, like trying to reason with obvious trolls, but I think it gives me a healthier worldview than I would have if I just spoke disdainfully of any theme I happened to dislike, and insulted people who for whatever reason did like those themes.

Edited by Aanchir

Ninjago is just a really bad theme.

I wasn't very interested in NinjaGo in the beginning. except for some figs.

however, I find boys love them. they play them a lot. I realized the reason - they like to pretend play fight! You are right, fight!!

especially for 6-8 years old boys, they are a little tired of CITY. but like to make up their story about battle between good and bad.

ninjas vs skeletons. they made some buildings and defined rules and story lines. made more weapons and scenes

and.. dragons. They seems never had enough dragons!

I admit the vehicles are really just so so (mostly white/black color). but dragon sets and Fire Temple are awesome.(well, I bought most of sets in discount).

However, I feel kinda weird for new Green Theme Ninja. Haven't bought any yet. (not very attractive, maybe the color itself is weird to me?)

but I think I might get some booster pack.. (expensive if you calculate price per piece.. )

Well, it's a good thing LEGO can sell you those. On the other hand, I don't know where you might buy a shred of dignity, respect, or decency, since you also seem to be missing all of those things. :hmpf_bad:

Incidentally, I don't like Ninjago for its cards or spinners. Those are cool (I love the gorgeous character art for the cards, and the spinners are genuinely fun), but they're not the reason I'm a big fan of the theme. I appreciate the theme for its beautiful, intricate set designs, its complex and in-depth story, and of course the uniqueness and zaniness of its general concept. It would seem that you haven't given any of these things even the slightest glance.

Edited by happymark

I wasn't very interested in NinjaGo in the beginning. except for some figs.

I admit the vehicles are really just so so (mostly white/black color).

However, I feel kinda weird for new Green Theme Ninja. Haven't bought any yet. (not very attractive, maybe the color itself is weird to me?)

but I think I might get some booster pack.. (expensive if you calculate price per piece.. )

I will grant you that some of the unique minis are cool, but the theme overall is very lame. I agree that the vehicles are weak and silly. The concept of "booster packs" is crazy and foolish; a raw way to scam a couple of extra bucks for nothing parts and pieces.

agree. for AFOL, maybe.

however, LEGO is a toy, mainly for kids (mostly boys). that's why it will still sell.

compare Ninjago with license theme(CARS, TOY STORY), Ninjago provides more free space for kids to play. they even do not need to watch any movie or books.

just like HERO FACTORY, which I never think I will like. but kids still love them. (no offense for some Adults here).

I will grant you that some of the unique minis are cool, but the theme overall is very lame. I agree that the vehicles are weak and silly. The concept of "booster packs" is crazy and foolish; a raw way to scam a couple of extra bucks for nothing parts and pieces.

I think "junk" is another good word for Ninjago.

They are literally giving away Ninjago stuff for FREE on the official Lego site. Even they want to be rid of such pure junk.

I think "junk" is another good word for Ninjago.

They are literally giving away Ninjago stuff for FREE on the official Lego site. Even they want to be rid of such pure junk.

Please watch the way you address other members. It appears you are attempting to provoke a reaction out of them.

I think you're wrong anyway. The theme is releasing two waves a year and boys are flipping out about it. There's a similar toy being sold in Japan that is just the disks and it's very popular. Spinning disk arenas seem to be something young boys like.

To everyone else who is responding to LegoBrickSteve, remember that trollish behavior only has power if it is responded to. If you ignore him, he ceases to exist.

And also, Spinner concept is very older than the toy you mentioned.


For example this. This is a spinner. :)

I just don't like it. It is always exciting when Lego debuts a new theme...I just consider this one to be an absolute waste. Lowest common denominator kind of kid stuff.

Ninjas vs pirates? Interesting.

I hope that those pirates will look like Atlantis warriors and Davy Jones' crew :wub:,

and I would really like that TLG gives us some female villains.

I just don't like it. It is always exciting when Lego debuts a new theme...I just consider this one to be an absolute waste. Lowest common denominator kind of kid stuff.

Isn't LEGO kid stuff anyway? Why not make it zany? :sceptic:

Edited by Superficial Username

I just don't like it. It is always exciting when Lego debuts a new theme...I just consider this one to be an absolute waste. Lowest common denominator kind of kid stuff.

I get it. We all get it. You hate Ninjago. Now please stop spamming up multiple threads, and insulting anyone who is a fan of the theme.

People are entitled to their opinions, including those who's opinions differ from your own. Please stop.

And by the way, I heard that the Spam Police have hired a few new members. . . :tongue: :tongue:


People are entitled to their opinions,


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