Posted January 7, 201213 yr hello all (I know this is rather late but I have been here for over a year but not been on very much) my name is Gordon and I have been collecting LEGO for many years now! My first proper set was the Alpha Team Helicopter and then I remember after that I got hooked so I got all the Alpha Team sets! My favourite themes are Castle, Harry Potter and Star Wars but I haven't been collecting much Star Wars since they changed the minifigures to more cartoon y versions which really don't bond well! My favourite set is 3739 Blacksmith Shop and I got this when it came out. It really is a beautiful piece when built! This was the first set I ever got ordered of and since then I do get a lot from that site. My next set is going to be the Medieval Market Village as it will go well with all my Castle stuff I have already (none of the trolls or skeletons, I have King Leo and Cedric the Bull instead of the skeletons and trolls). I saw it in the LEGO store in Cardiff while on holiday there and I fell in love with it so I'm really happy that we are ordering it soon! Aside from LEGO I love performing! Last March I was part of my first ever production in a real theatre (even though I was only chorus), The Mikado by W.S Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. I joined the Edinburgh Gilbert and Sullivan Society and I have never looked back since then. Our next production is Iolanthe at the Festival Theatre which has a much bigger stage so I am really looking forward to that! After The Mikado I was privileged to be given my first principal role in a production of The Zoo by Arthur Sullivan at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2011. I was playing and understudying a lead role but it was only for 3 nights and 40 minutes each time. This was such a fun experience and I really enjoyed it! Then just before Christmas 2011 I was cast as lead role Nick Piazza in Fame the musical at my school. this was my first proper principal role and again it was only for 3 nights but this time it was for over 2 hours! I thoroughly enjoyed this role and it awoke my passion for performing arts! I cannot wait until the next school production as it will be my last one in my time at secondary school! I dream to play inspector Javert (hence my Eurobricks Username) in Les Misérables in the future and possibly also Commander Khashoggi in We Will Rock You! Aside from the performing arts I am a big fan of Doctor Who! To all whovians on Eurobricks you may be seeing a lot of MOCs relating to Doctor Who in the future! My favourite Doctor is Matt Smith. I am also a keen collector of autographs and I have a real lot of them from Stage Door visits and Conventions and also through writing! 2 of the most memorable people I have met are Brian May (Queen's Guitarist) and David Tennant (the 10th Doctor). Aside from all my main hobbies I have many others including Reading, Drawing, Listening to Music (My music taste is wide), Figure customisation (including LEGO minifigures although I don't do a lot with them) and playing games (mostly platform, no shooting and most of all LEGO Harry Potter, Batman and Indiana Jones!) Anyway enough from me, I look forward to getting to know some of you better and discussing the brilliance that is....LEGO!
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