Posted January 18, 201213 yr With all the new bricks added to 4.2.5, many because of requests by us LDD users, I (well, it was actually Calabars idea ) thought we needed a new topic for brick requests. So fire away with your most wanted bricks. Please be sure to add a link to BrickLink (or include a small thumbnail) so it's easy to see which brick you are refereing to.
January 18, 201213 yr Request for 60599 2x4x6 Door Frame Part 60599 is a 2x4x6 Door Frame. According to Bricklink, it appears in 19 sets. It has been in production for several years and appears in the 2012 set 4625. Request for 40233 Headgear Hair Short, Tousled (Harry Potter) Part 40233 is a Harry Potter wig. According to Bricklink, it appears in 51 sets. Request for 93563 Minifig, Headgear Hair Mohawk Part 93563 is a wig. According to Bricklink, it appears in 1 set. It is so delightfully weird. Request for 3626bpb324 Minifig, Head Female with Eyepatch and Large Red Lips Pattern Part 3626bpb324 is a minifigure head. According to Bricklink, it appears in 2 sets. Several men have eyepatches in LDD but no women. This is terribly unfair! I call upon TLG to right this terrible gender inequality and provide at least one female with an eyepatch in LDD! Edited February 6, 201213 yr by ok13
January 18, 201213 yr x1192px1 / x1192px2 / x1192px3 All essentially the same element, just with different colored inserts. 111 An older version of 111b I'm sure I could think up a huge list of elements I'd like to see be included, but these are the ones that immediately came to mind.
January 18, 201213 yr x1192px1 / x1192px2 / x1192px3 All essentially the same element, just with different colored inserts. 111 An older version of 111b I'm sure I could think up a huge list of elements I'd like to see be included, but these are the ones that immediately came to mind. If it helps the LDD team, the Design ID for the second part is 32175, and the design ID for the second is (as far as I can confirm) 47326. Remember that especially for parts appearing in post-2006 sets, you can plug their numbers into the URL of a Customer Service replacement part page to look up their Design IDs. Multicolored or decorated parts are sometimes exceptions to this, but I think it will still help the LDD team to give them proper Design IDs rather than just Bricklink IDs.
January 19, 201213 yr 40243 - Spiral stair case step. Unless it's in there and I just don't know about it.
January 19, 201213 yr Good afternoon, I've found some parts I would really like to see in LDD, but because I haven't made 5 posts yet, I cannot yet use links. So this is a message that isn't really usefull, but helps me to make 5 post (I don't really know how many posts I have to make :$) Edited January 19, 201213 yr by Stephan
January 19, 201213 yr My current parts wishlist looks something like this (roughly in priority order): 2493 Window 1x4x5 (We already have the glass, part #2494) 4214 Hinge Vehicle Roof Holder 1 x 4 x 2 73436 Door 1x4x5 Left 73435 Door 1x4x5 Right 2349 Hinge Vehicle Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof 2348a Glass for Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof without Ridges 2348b Glass for Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof with Ridges 251c01 Turntable 2 x 2 Plate with Hinge, Complete Assembly 4587 Horse Hitching with Hinge 4504 Hinge Plate 1 x 6 with 2 and 3 Fingers On Ends 4626 Hinge Bucket 2 x 3 Curved Bottom, Hollow, with 2 Fingers" 73312 Door 1x4x5 Right with 6 Panes 73313 Door 1x4x5 Left with 6 Panes 3149c01 Hinge Plate 2 x 5 - Complete Assembly 89524 Horse Battle Helmet (Unicorn) 89522 Horn (Unicorn)
January 19, 201213 yr Author Good afternoon, I've found some parts I would really like to see in LDD, but because I haven't made 5 posts yet, I cannot yet use links. So this is a message that isn't really usefull, but helps me to make 5 post (I don't really know how many posts I have to make :$) Oh, I forgot about that. I guess I should make the LXF available for all to download. I'll look into it. In the meantime, why not make a post in the welcome topic:
January 19, 201213 yr Choo-choo train fanatic Most Wanted List: Train Tracks: - Get rid of the rail tracks that in LDD do not fit onto other elements such as ground plates (74745 Curved & 74746 Straight) - Retain the rail tracks that do (53400 Curved and 53401 Straight) - Replace current rail switches / points (75541 Right & 75542 Left, they also do not fit onto other bricks) with identical switches/points that do fit onto other bricks and can be used with rail tracks 53400/53401. Design IDs for these switches are 53403 (Switch Right) and 53406 (Switch Left). Note that these differ form the parts numbers in Peeron/Bricklink (53404 and 53407 respectively) - Introduce Control Switch 2866 (for the rail switches / points) - Introduce Train Track Crossing 32087 - Introduce Train Track Double Crossover (Half) 60128 (LEGO Design ID 57794, Crossing 1/2 With Switch) Other Train Parts: - Introduce Train Door Sliding - Type 2 2874 And I support the already mentioned Window 1x4x5 (2493) (I need it for the Train Engine Shed 10027) and Black Door 1x4x5 Right with 6 Panes (73312) (used in Cafe Corner).
January 19, 201213 yr I would love to see more torsos and heads, specifically would be nice.
January 19, 201213 yr Well, I've made my five posts (woehoe!) Here's my wishlist (so I can finally finish my Nitro Muscle/Menace): 32195b Technic, Steering Arm 6.5 x 2 with Towball Socket Rounded, Chamfered 1825 Tire 81.6 x 36 R Technic Straight Tread 46453 Technic Engine Tuneable, Block with Trapezoidal Air Scoop (for part 2133) 44350 Technic, Panel Fairing #20 Large Long, Small Hole, Side A 44351 Technic, Panel Fairing #21 Large Long, Small Hole, Side B 46452 Technic Engine Tuneable, Block with Two Round Air Scoops (for part 2133) 61287 Cyclinder Hemisphere 2 x 2 with Cutout These are the one's I needed recently. Edited January 19, 201213 yr by Stephan
January 19, 201213 yr So, I wrote a nice introduction Introduction of moi No new parts I really need :P Stay tunned...
January 19, 201213 yr Author So, I wrote a nice introduction Introduction of moi No new parts I really need :P Stay tunned... Excellent. Now you you only have to make one more post, and you're up to 10, and then you can use the PM system. Ain't that nice.
January 19, 201213 yr And here's my tenth post :) I don't really have a parts request, but I do have an other request. I would like to see more parts (Flex Axles, Outer Cables) have the abbility to flex. Now you can only use the Flex Tool for a handfull of parts. It would be nice to see my Seattle Space Needle taking its shape as well as my Nitro Muscle/Menace. That's my wish until now :) Have a nice evening everybody! Edited January 19, 201213 yr by Stephan
January 19, 201213 yr One more from me: 95201pb01 Face, Alien with Black Eyes Pattern (Alien Conquest Commander) - TLG's DesignID/Name for this is 96239 Alien Mask "NO1" How can the Aliens possibly conquer (virtual) Earth when the Commander has no face! It'd be nice if the other AC alien faces could be coloured properly too.
January 20, 201213 yr What happened to my post at #2 containing the link to the previous post? Here is my list, partially recovered from the old topic: Hight Priority 4737 Panel 4x4x6 Corner Convex Ribbed (was available in LDD3) 3149c01 Hinge Plate 2x5 - Complete Assembly 43753 Minifig, Headgear Hair Swept Back Tousled 3947a Baseplate, Raised 32x32 Crater Plate without Crater Studs 4089 Slope 33, Inverted 3x2 Hollow with Towball (Arm Piece) 4626 Hinge Bucket 2x3 Curved Bottom, Hollow, with 2 Fingers 792c01 Arm Holder Brick 2x2 without Hole and 1 Arm (and similar pieces with 0 and 2 arms) 3613 Arm Piece with Towball Socket, 3 Fingers 4873 Black Bar 1x6 with Studs Open 73037String Reel Winch 2x4x2 39 Window 1x1x1 x105 Minifig, Visor Old with Grille and Feather 3144 Antenna with Side Spokes 4587 Horse Hitching with Hinge 251c01Turntable 2x2 Plate with Hinge 3597 Hinge Plate 2x4 - Female 3315 Hinge Plate 2x4 - Male 4071 Door Frame 2x6x7 4611 Door 1x6x7 Barred 3497 Baseplate 8 x 24 Lower Priority 30014 Arm Holder Brick 1x2 with 2 Horizontal Fingers 122c01 Plate, Modified 2x2 with Wheels 4085a Plate, Modified 1x1 with Clip Vertical - Type 1 73312 Door 1x4x5 Right with 6 Panes 4491aHorse Saddle with One Clip 39bc01 Window 1x1x1 (old type) with Extended Lip, with Glass 3596Flag on Flagpole, Straight 132-old Tire Smooth Old Style - Small 3462Plate, Modified 2x3 with Helicopter Rotor Holder [/url] Propeller 4 Blade 5 Diameter with Hole for Rotor Holder 3481 Plate, Modified 2x2 with Helicopter Tail Rotor Holder 3480 Propeller 2 Blade Helicopter Tail 8 Plate, Modified 2x2 with Wheel Holder Bottom 4265a Technic Bush 1/2 Toothed Type I 3626ap01 Minifig Head with Solid Stud In general, I'd like to see more raised baseplates (3947a was only an example) or baseplates with old typ road (such as 6100px2), and more decorations, especially for minifig torso and face (some old one), and 2x1 brick.
January 20, 201213 yr I would like to see part 2880 Hinge Bar 2.5L with 2 and 3 Fingers on Ends (Pantograph Shoe Holder) So I can finally finish my Sopwith Camel and Red Baron 100% (except for the strings with knobs)!
January 20, 201213 yr I would like to see part 2880 Hinge Bar 2.5L with 2 and 3 Fingers on Ends (Pantograph Shoe Holder) Quote for this part! It recurs in a pair of sets I'm interested to.
February 2, 201213 yr Most important to me as super fan of unimog 8110: 60c01 (Technic, Gear 24 Tooth Clutch) x189c01 (Pneumatic Cylinder with 2 Inlets Small (32mm)) 47224c01 (Pneumatic Cylinder with 2 Inlets and Rounded End Medium (48mm)) 95292c01 (Technic, Shock Absorber 9.5L, Complete Assembly (Extra Hard Spring)) 99798c01 (Pneumatic Pump Small (6L)) 92908 (Technic, Steering Portal Axle, Housing) 92910 (Technic, Steering Ball Joint Large Open with C-Shape Pivot Frame) 32494 (Technic, Steering CV Joint) 92911 (Technic, Steering Ball Joint Large Receptacle) 4694b (Pneumatic Switch with Pin Holes) 92909 (Technic, Steering Portal Axle, Hub) 99021 (Pneumatic Hose Connector with Axle Connector) And a a special wish: Please make the linear actuators 61927 adjustable. ... and the pneumatic cylinders and pumps. Greetings to all PS: If the LDD Developers install an interface for creating parts (with necessary examination) in future versions, the community would sure like to help to perfect the software. Or is this too complicated? PS 2: In LDD please make a setting for proxy connection with authentication. Edited February 2, 201213 yr by PeterleB
February 2, 201213 yr Author 3939 Slope 33 3x6 I was going through your list when I spotted this, and it is allready in LDD
February 2, 201213 yr I was going through your list when I spotted this, and it is allready in LDD Absolutely true: I already used this brick to update my Fire Station 6382 (not posted yet). Probably I forgot to delete the request, as I recycled the old wishlist! Not I edit my previous post.
February 2, 201213 yr I've looked at Hero Factory parts that might be desirable on LDD and have tried to prioritize them. All ID numbers are Design IDs, with Bricklink IDs in rectangular brackets where applicable. All names are Bricklink names. These ones are high priority-- they all appear in sets this year, and for all I know some of them might already be in the works for a future LDD update: 61798 Bionicle Wing Large with Hologram Pattern Effect (Gorast) 87802 Hero Factory Mask (Stormer) 87817 Hero Factory Mask (Stringer) 98530 Hero Factory Mask, Left Half (Splitface) 98578 Hero Factory Weapon - Spiked Ball, Half 98579 Hero Factory Mask (Toxic Reapa) 98581 Hero Factory Mask, Insect 98582 Hero Factory Mask, Robotic Shark 98603 Hero Factory Chest Armor Small 98613 Hero Factory Arm / Leg Extender with Ball Joint and Ball Socket These ones are medium priority. They appeared in the Hero Factory theme and have been used in more than ten sets each. So I'm selecting these based on the likely demand rather than personal need or preference: 32173 Technic Ball Joint 2 x 7 with 2 Ball Joints 45749 Bionicle Rahkshi Leg Lower Section 47298 Bionicle Toa Metru Foot 47300 Bionicle Ball Joint 3 x 3 x 2 90 Degree with 2 Ball Joints and Axle hole 47328 Bionicle Vahki Leg Lower Section 53544 Bionicle Toa Inika Upper Arm Cover 53562 Bionicle Foot Piraka Mechanical 57528 Bionicle Weapon Claw Blade Small 60990 Bionicle Engine Jet Pack (Toa Lewa) 62386 Bionicle Foot with Ball Joint Socket with Flat Top 3 x 6 x 2 1/3 Other than these 20 parts and parts already mentioned by other members, there are 30 other Hero Factory/BIONICLE parts I'd like to see on LDD: 44847 Sports Hockey Skate 57575 Bionicle Mask Hydraxon 60900 Bionicle Arm / Leg Upper Section (Solek) 60917 Bionicle Toa Pohatu Lower Arm Section 60918 Bionicle Makuta Torso with 2 Ball Joints 60926 Bionicle Weapon Blade Claw (Antroz) 60928 Bionicle Weapon Hook Blade (Chirox) 60935 Bionicle Wing Large 61794 Bionicle Weapon Mistika Nynrah Ghost Blaster Scope with Crosshairs (Toa Gali) 90795 Bionicle Weapon Small Blade with 4 Spikes, Marbled Yellow Pattern (HF Xplode) [61807pb02] 64272 Bionicle Shoulder Armor, Vorox 64299 Bionicle Weapon Double Curved Blade (Mata Nui Scarab Shield Half) 64330 Bionicle Mask Cendox V1 / Kaxium V3 Flip Mask 87800 Hero Factory Weapon - Ice Arm with Trans-Light Blue Icicle Blade [87800pb01] 87801 Hero Factory Chest Armor with Triple Spiked Shoulders 87803 Hero Factory Weapon - Energized Harpoon with Lime Boomerang [87803pb01] 87809 Hero Factory Weapon - Heavy Metal Shooter Arm 87810 Hero Factory Chest Armor with Single Spiked Shoulders 87815 Hero Factory Weapon - Sonic Blaster Arm 87816 Hero Factory Chest Armor with Double Spiked Shoulders 87820 Hero Factory Shield, Type 1 87822 Hero Factory Mask (Meltdown) 87823 Hero Factory Mask (Corroder) 87824 Hero Factory Mask (Thunder) 87825 Hero Factory Shield / Armor Spiked with Marbled Yellow Pattern [87825pb01] 87827 Hero Factory Weapon - Corroder Claws 87828 Hero Factory Weapon - Crush Claw 87831 Hero Factory Mask (Rotor) 87839 Large Figure Arm / Leg Section with 2 Ball Joint Sockets (Ben 10) 92238 Hero Factory Mask (Witch Doctor)
February 2, 201213 yr I would like to see the remaining Hero Factory Hero and Villain Helmets appear in the next LDD update.
February 2, 201213 yr It seems the number for this one (array of decorative packed together parts) is 93081.. but anyway, this:
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