January 5, 201312 yr And? Don't they want our money? I mean, if I ran a business and offered stuff for free and someone suggested to give me money for it, I guess I knew what to do. So what hinders TLG to offer a LDD Premium? I think the situation is not so simple. A paid version requires a certain organization of the business structure, requires that the developers respect certain deadlines, could make feel standard LDD users as "discriminate", as it was born as a accessory, not as a product itself. My idea is that TLG, after the closing of the Universe and the Design by Me projects, has leaved LDD as a Fan's present, but don't intend to invest great resources on it.
January 5, 201312 yr My idea is that TLG, after the closing of the Universe and the Design by Me projects, has leaved LDD as a Fan's present, but don't intend to invest great resources on it. I'm really uncertain how to feel about this. On the one hand I'm glad that LDD is still alive, at least to some extend, and I feel happy that I can enjoy LDD at all; but on the other hand I'm sort of impatient and await each and every update eagerly, as I really miss some of the older parts and decorations LDD currently lacks of. I accept however that there is still much work to do to get a sellable fullprice product meeting TLGs qualitiy standards: In addition to adding all the missing bricks, one might think of a real physics engine with gravity, rag doll effects and stuff like this, working chains, elastic rubber bands, rotating axels, wheels and gears, physically correct cloth and sails, cannons, nets, strings and winches and so on. Or a really cool movie function, with which you can easily make your brickmovies with. Or some more import and export interfaces to programs like Blender. Maybe a Linux port. Or a mobile app. Or an integrated cloud storage option. Yes, LDD currently is miles away from being ideal -- but I would pay for it nonetheless. Maybe TLG fears another scenario: If everybody uses virtual bricks, nobody buys the 'real' ones. Thus LDD is kept on a low heat to prevent cannibalizing the core business. But before I start getting too off topic now, here's another wish: Crane Basket 2 x 3 x 2 with Non-Locking Hinge Fingers (https://www.bricklin...Item.asp?P=2424) This part is needed to round the already existing 2350 and 2351 up. There is in fact a similar part 51858; but this part unfortunately isn't compatible with 2350 and 2351.
January 8, 201312 yr They were not mentioned for a while and there some updates since they were last mentioned, but there are still missing pneumatic parts in the LDD. Since they are appearing in recent sets, may be they can be added also to LDD. Flexing pneumatic tubes have quite simple geometry, so they should not be a problem and the other parts are not more complicated than linear actuators or other PF parts. And the new PF motors would be nice, but not a must have.
January 9, 201312 yr Author Here is the current "Fans Most Wanted list", prioritized as 1, 2 or 3 after my best understanding of what we want as a group. NOTE: All bricks with Prio 1, 2 or 3 are on the same level, i.e. there is NO order among all bricks in the same Prio-group (they are sorted by DesignID). Download the excel-file. If you strongly feel some brick should be moved up or down the list, then add your prio value to the MyPrio column and make the file available here. Or just make a simple post with bricks you want moved (max 10 bricks to keep it simple). If you want to add a brick then, just do so. NOTE: max 10 bricks. FansMostWantedJanuary2013.zip
January 9, 201312 yr I report here some of my hight priority bricks from my list: 43753, 4089, 792c01, 3613, 39, x105, 4587, 251c01, 4071, 4611 The complete list here (maybe in the meantime some piece has been added... I would need a list of LDD bricks to verify). Besides, a great "UP" for the zinfinion wishlist reported here and here (I see there many "priority 1" bricks not reported in the xls file, and don't forget raised baseplates!).
January 9, 201312 yr Author Thanks for pointing those lists out Calabar The most important thing to remember is also that we need to aim that the "Priority 1" category only contain about maximum 30 items (so it's a bit too much already). Otherwise it is unrealistic that they will be added in a near future in LDD. So if one brick is upped to Prio 1, an other need to go down the list. The less the Prio1 list is, the more "sharp" our wishes are. And of course there is the balance between adding new bricks, adding flex, adding decorations etc.
January 13, 201312 yr 30474pb07 - Slope 33 3 x 2 Smooth with McDonald's Chicken Head Pattern 3001px2 - Brick 2 x 4 with Wavy Mouth and Eyes Pattern They're silly bricks, so I'd love to do something awesome with them in LDD!
January 15, 201312 yr 30474pb07 - Slope 33 3 x 2 Smooth with McDonald's Chicken Head Pattern 3001px2 - Brick 2 x 4 with Wavy Mouth and Eyes Pattern They're silly bricks, so I'd love to do something awesome with them in LDD! Hi and welcome to Eurobricks. The bricks 3298 and 3001 are already in LDD, but unfortunately without these really cool decos. By the way, how do 30474 and 3298 actually differ? Their Bricklink images seem to be rather identical. Is there any noticeable distinction justifying adding 30474? As you are obviously more interested in the decorations than the underlying bricks, may I kindly suggest to post these requests in the separate decoration thread (http://www.eurobrick...showtopic=72201)? Additionally, you may introduce yourself in this section (http://www.eurobrick...hp?showforum=17).
January 16, 201312 yr My idea may be a bit short, but it has to do (of course) with the minifig aspect of the program, namely the headpieces/wigs. If nothing else: Arwen/Galadriel's wig Shaak Ti headpiece Kit Fisto head (Nautolan?) Plo Koon's head Saesee Tiin's head (horns) Hagrid's torso Ahsoka headpiece
January 18, 201312 yr I've been thinking of new ideas for creations, but I don't have the pieces in real life, and LDD doesn't have them, so here are some HF parts: Evil HF Parasite Brain: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11164pb01 HF 2013 Chest Armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11271 Regular HF Visor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11269 Printed HF Visor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11269pb01 HF 2013 Bulk Helmet: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11279 HF Bruizer Mask: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11296 2013 HF Head: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11270
January 18, 201312 yr Author Just got info that for the parts below, TLG does not have digital models. This means that they have to be manually created, which in turn means they end up lower on the prio-list. 2348 Glass for Hinge Car Roof 4 x 4 Sunroof with Ridges 2712 Technic, Plate Rotor 3 Blade with Toothed Ends and 3 Studs (Propeller) 2719 Technic, Plate 1 x 10 with Toothed Ends 2866 Control Switch (for the rail switches / points) 2880 Hinge Bar 2.5L with 2 and 3 Fingers on Ends (Pantograph Shoe Holder) 3315 hinge plate (digger bucket holder) 3480 Propeller 2 Blade Helicopter Tail 3481 Modified 2 x 2 with Helicopter Tail Rotor Holder 3597 hinge plate (digger bucket holder) 4084 Tire Offset Tread Medium 4214 Hinge Vehicle Roof Holder 1 x 4 x 2 4261 Technic, Steering Arm 4318 Boat mast 4504 Hinge Plate 1 x 6 with 2 and 3 Fingers On Ends 4507 the hinge hinge plate 1 x 6 with 2 and 3 fingers on its sides 4626 bucket
February 21, 201312 yr Bionicle Toa Mata torso: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32489 Toa Inika chest armor v1: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=53546 Toa Inika chest armor v2: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=53547pb01 Toa Nuva chest armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=43558 Kanoka disk (with all other pattern): http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32533pb159 Jetpack/engine: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=60990 Rahkshi foot: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=44138 Inika foot v2: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=53549pb02 Visorak foot: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=50858 Toa Metru head: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47312 Toa Nuva head: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32553 Toa Mata eye: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32554 Toa Metru eye (short version): http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=57536 Piraka eye: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=54359 Toa Metru eye (original): http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47313 Toa Metru lower torso: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47306 Matoran disk launcher: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47304 Vakama's disk launcher: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47318 Kanohi Huna: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47308 Kanohi Kakama: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=43615 Kanohi Mahiki: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47307 Toa Mistika chest armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=61802 Toa Nuva shoulder armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=x345 Toa Metru shoulder armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47310 Toa Inika leg: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=53548 Toa Mata leg: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=32482 Toa Metru arm: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47311 Toa Metru chest armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=49423 Toa Metru torso: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47305 Toa Nuva leg: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=43557 Bohrok-Kal shield: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=45274 Turahk's staff blade: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=44808 Aero slicer: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=47314 Air katana: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=44033 Air saber: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=60923 Blizzard blade: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=60924 Nynrah ghost blaster body: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=61808 Midak skyblaster: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=60932cx1 Vorahk's staff blade: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=45425 Hero Factory Note: I know, some were requested already, but I wanted to make my own list about the pieces. More patterns for the armors Large chest armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=98604 Bulk's 1.0 chest armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87810 Large foot with 2 toe: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=98597 Brain attack chest armor: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11271 Brain attack visor v1: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11269 Bulk's Brain attack helmet: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11279 Thunder's helmet: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87824 Spider drone body: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=98581 Armor from various villians: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87820 Scout jet drone: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=98589 Brain attack sword: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11305 Bulk's 1.0 gun: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=87809 Flame/lightning bolt blade from Brain attack: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=11302pb01 Blade holder thingy: http://cache.lego.com/media/bricks/5/2/6022718.jpg
February 22, 201312 yr My wishes for the next Update (If it's not yet on the wishlist before): 4227853 Black Lt Wheel Bearing w/3 Snaps - http://cache.lego.com/media/bricks/5/2/4227853.jpg
March 11, 201312 yr Hello, I am French and I would like to know when the battery power will add features to the MOC process??? thanking you in advance. ------------------------ AAA battery box LEGO ® Power Functions Item: 88000 Image Thanking you in advance Edited March 21, 201311 yr by Calabar : Removed inadequate parts.
March 11, 201312 yr I'm glad to see some of the parts I wanted made it in! Here are the ones that didn't, but I still think should be added.. most being Marvel Super Heroes parts. http://www.bricklink...asp?P=10908pb01 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=10154 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=10124 http://www.bricklink...asp?P=10121pb01 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=10127 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=10126 http://www.bricklink...p?P=973pb630c99 http://www.bricklink...sp?P=970c99pb01 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=87817 http://www.bricklink...asp?P=98588pb01 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98592 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98593 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98596 http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98604
March 14, 201311 yr 11946: Technic, Panel Fairing #21 Very Small Smooth, Side B 11947: Technic, Panel Fairing #22 Very Small Smooth, Side A -Toa Of Justice
March 14, 201311 yr Guns, a lot of guns and ballistic vests for minifigs ! I usually creat military and futuristic creations on LDD so this would be so awesome !
March 22, 201311 yr Hello and thank you I'm new to the forum my only request is the addition of the battery so that I can faires my mocs power functions ... Thanking you in advance ....
April 11, 201311 yr I wanna see a whole new section to LDD which has all the different 3D Base plates such as in sets 5986 The Secret Jungle Temple, 7327 Scorpion Pyramid, and 6199 Hydronaut's Base and also more treads for different sets in different sizes that work for them Edited April 11, 201311 yr by ThorsHammer9999
April 14, 201311 yr Hello and thank you I'm new to the forum my only request is the addition of the battery so that I can faires my mocs power functions ... Thanking you in advance .... Same holds for me. (train battery)
April 15, 201311 yr Bionicle Toa Mata torso: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=32489 Toa Inika chest armor v1: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=53546 Toa Inika chest armor v2: http://www.bricklink...asp?P=53547pb01 Toa Nuva chest armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=43558 Kanoka disk (with all other pattern): http://www.bricklink...sp?P=32533pb159 Jetpack/engine: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=60990 Rahkshi foot: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=44138 Inika foot v2: http://www.bricklink...asp?P=53549pb02 Visorak foot: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=50858 Toa Metru head: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47312 Toa Nuva head: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=32553 Toa Mata eye: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=32554 Toa Metru eye (short version): http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=57536 Piraka eye: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=54359 Toa Metru eye (original): http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47313 Toa Metru lower torso: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47306 Matoran disk launcher: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47304 Vakama's disk launcher: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47318 Kanohi Huna: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47308 Kanohi Kakama: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=43615 Kanohi Mahiki: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47307 Toa Mistika chest armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=61802 Toa Nuva shoulder armor: http://www.bricklink...Item.asp?P=x345 Toa Metru shoulder armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47310 Toa Inika leg: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=53548 Toa Mata leg: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=32482 Toa Metru arm: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47311 Toa Metru chest armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=49423 Toa Metru torso: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47305 Toa Nuva leg: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=43557 Bohrok-Kal shield: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=45274 Turahk's staff blade: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=44808 Aero slicer: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=47314 Air katana: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=44033 Air saber: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=60923 Blizzard blade: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=60924 Nynrah ghost blaster body: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=61808 Midak skyblaster: http://www.bricklink....asp?P=60932cx1 Vorahk's staff blade: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=45425 Hero Factory Note: I know, some were requested already, but I wanted to make my own list about the pieces. More patterns for the armors Large chest armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98604 Bulk's 1.0 chest armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=87810 Large foot with 2 toe: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98597 Brain attack chest armor: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=11271 Brain attack visor v1: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=11269 Bulk's Brain attack helmet: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=11279 Thunder's helmet: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=87824 Spider drone body: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98581 Armor from various villians: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=87820 Scout jet drone: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=98589 Brain attack sword: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=11305 Bulk's 1.0 gun: http://www.bricklink...tem.asp?P=87809 Flame/lightning bolt blade from Brain attack: http://www.bricklink...asp?P=11302pb01 Blade holder thingy: http://cache.lego.co...5/2/6022718.jpg These would be incredibly useful in many of my creations, as I tend to mostly build TECHNIC contraction figures in LDD.
April 15, 201311 yr 93082h 11605 92258 Along with every other FRIENDS elements Edited April 15, 201311 yr by deskp
May 12, 201311 yr You guys know, what I want for LDD? Only two things: 1. A section with ALL existing Bionicle pieces 2. A section with ALL existing HF pieces (By section, I mean a mode like LDD extended) With this, if ever becomes a reality, every Lego fan will be happy. Edited May 12, 201311 yr by Calabar : Post moved inside the proper thread.
May 15, 201311 yr You guys know, what I want for LDD? Only two things: 1. A section with ALL existing Bionicle pieces 2. A section with ALL existing HF pieces (By section, I mean a mode like LDD extended) With this, if ever becomes a reality, every Lego fan will be happy. I think having a separate mode for these would be kind of ineffective. Why not just continue adding BIONICLE and Hero Factory parts to LDD Extended mode like they've been doing? And naturally, the goal is eventually to have every part, including BIONICLE and Hero Factory parts. With that said, the LDD team isn't superhuman, and parts can only be added so often. I'm very grateful that BIONICLE and Hero Factory parts are even included in updates as frequently as they are, considering that they are somewhat "niche" LEGO themes and often somewhat underappreciated by the wider LEGO fan community.
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