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Vote Tally

Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor): 15 votes (Scubacarrot, Fugazi, Hinckley, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Bob, Tamamono, Wuntin, TinyPies, Professor Flitwick, Zepher, fhomess, WhiteFang, Sandy, Waterbrick Down)

If there are no further developments, and no unvoting, before 7pm GMT today (about eleven and a half hours from now), we may close the day early.

I thought it was rather obvious. I'm sorry for using my head and thinking about who might be who in the plays. :sceptic:

No need to be sorry; I tried to figure it out too, but had no success. Perhaps you'd like to share your reasoning?

Since she knew who Freud was before I revealed it and she was Freud's little alibi that really puts the nail in her coffin. Nice job, Shack Attack! :thumbup:

It does indeed. Looks like we're having our second good day in a row now :sweet:.

Vote: Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor)

Anyway, Gordon, how townie have you been? You are (metagame-ish) uncharacteristically not helpful.

Not as helpful as I would've wanted to be, which I've explained to some people I've talked to privately just recently, including you Mehmet. While I understand the (metagame-ish) uncharacteristically suspicions surrounding me due to my perceived inactivity and not being 'helpful', I think it's quite inappropriate to judge a person (based on his activity on past games) you've only met for the first time. I'm even thinking I may have made a mistake for signing-up in this game expedition due to some real-life inner issues I'm currently dealing with. But I will still talk to you further privately Mehmet, I know you would understand my situation and hopefully, at the very least you'll be able to strike one Campie here off your suspected Cultist list so we could deal with the real ones.

Why did Gordon insist on me being investigated two days in a row? Percy was suspicious of that too. I understand why he needed it the second day, but he was suspiciously vocal about "Mehmet needs to be investigated."

Like what I said earlier, after losing one of the two pillars of the Camp in Mr. Fitzdef, I thought it was worth: a) investigating you again to somehow clear any more doubts that you're an Innocent, and b) protecting you if you'll be confirmed as an Innocent. Again I'm not trying to influence the investigator, he/she may or may not follow my humble suggestion, I just thought it was worth exploring. I hope you find the sincerity in my intentions for suggesting that course of action, even if it is flawed by experienced gamers people's standards. :classic:

I'd also like to apologize to Gordon for lashing out at him like that. The most important thing to remember is that this is just a game, and it's not worth hurting anyone's feelings over.

Same here, I was rather harsh on you Sheila and I apologize to you too. I didn't want to hurt your feelings since I feel, in a weird way, like we've been friends before in a previous life (previous games). :sadnew:

I'm not sure what I think of Gordon. He sure does like Patrick a lot though...

I call it competitive respect. :classic:


I don't know if my vote will still matter at this point, but the way Mustafa tried to point out Hugh's mistake during the Day 1 voting also stuck to me as suspiciously trying to push Hugh's lynching at that point. Though admittedly, I also contemplated on bringing this issue to our hosts Ossie and Is privately, but didn't push through with it after realizing that what ultimately matters is the majority's decision and not some unfavorable result due to some 'technicality issue'. With the additional incriminating circumstantial evidence brought up by some of our fellow Campies today, it just cements my initial suspicion on Mustafa, so I will:

Vote: Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor)

There are two investigator claims and they both claim to be the one talking to def!

And just in case anyone is wondering (I'm looking at you Jennifer Taylor) I didn't tell Popeye shit. I used all code names. I wasn't going to give him the name of who I wanted investigated until the end of the day. And I haven't told the new one anything yet either! I knew being paranoid was helpful!!!

I had been paranoid about Popeye this whole game. He's been listed as a suspect in my spreadsheet from the beginning. I know his behavior when he has an action and this game was not it, but that's meta-gaming. I watched him, like I usually do, and saw him reading the day threads a lot. Sometimes 1 page for 9-11 minutes at a time. Oh, yes, I'm nuts. Sorry, I forgot to mention that. I stalk all of you. Get over it. :blush: Well, this person is smart enough to know that I would be stalking, but that's all metagaming crap to begin with and could mean anything.

What means something is this: His investigator claim is rather broad. He doesn't come out and say he was speaking to def, but he does leave def out entirely and say he investigated me again.

This new investigator, who I forgot to ask what cartoon name they would want to be, has many more details...oh Scorpion Balls to this, I'm just going to quote them.


Yes, I'm the investigator. I investigated you again last night, and you checked back Innocent this time.

I'm still a little concerned about revealing this, as I understand you'd be the first person the scum would want to convert (although I'm beginning to doubt they can, due to the whole virgin thing - if they convert a virgin, there's one less virgin on the table to sacrifice, and they'll be less likely to achieve their goal).

Bluto: (name subject to change)

So, why am I choosing now of all times? Because of this little thing you said: "So, this Popeye dude contacts me and tells me he's the investigator. According to him, he investigated me again and I am Innocent."

And why is this important to me?

Because I am the investigator that told def about my result on you. So there, I said it!

So either there are two investigators.

Or Popeye is lying (I know I'm not lying, but I guess you don't)

Or one of us is insane (now, that could very well be me, I have no megablocking clue).

Or even worse: you're lying about Popeye (maybe to get the real investigator to speak up, or whatever)

All I know is this: I investigated you night one, because you told me to! And I was told that I think I investigate you, and then it said that I found a cultist (but it didn't in any way say it was you). I told all this to def, and he knew all along, but he chose to hide the details of the results. I don't know why he did that. But all along, he said that he didn't think you were a cultist, and he had some good arguments for that.

And this night, I chose not to investigate you again, because I didn't want to waste a night action investigating someone who was probably town. And def didn't think I should either. So I investigated Bam-Bam (*name changed to protect the Innocent) instead. This time, there was no doubt in the result that I investigated Bam-Bam . And he turned out not cultist in my result.

So, there, make of this what you want. Ask me any questions you want. But if what you said about Popeye is true. Be careful about him.

I would love for Popeye to be telling the truth and there be two investigators. If there really are two, is one of them insane? So, is Bam-Bam really a cultist? How long would it take to verify? :wacko: I'm inclined to think that Popeye is a ballsy Cultist. Why would he come forward without admitting that he was an investigator, though not the one def was talking to? Was he taking the gamble that def was making it up, as a sting or something, to see how I and others would react? It's a damn big risk to take for Popeye, but all of the details that should've been there were not and the fact that he said "I investigated you again" was trying to make me believe he had been working with def.

Oh my Ra! That means, if Popeye is Scum, they intended to kill me tonight! That's why you take the risk with that lie, all they need is the list of confirmed Virgins! *oh2*

Oh no!!!! :cry_sad: They're coordinating! And they mean to kill us! I know that's the premise of the game, but they had a plan! :cry_sad: Thank you Bluto and thank you Mehmet's paranoid brain that didn't tell Popeye jack shit!

So we have a lynch candidate for tomorrow, then? Good work, Mehmet.

So we have a lynch candidate for tomorrow, then? Good work, Mehmet.

Let's watch the bloodlust William. :snicker: We'll just take the night to verify the claims.

Let's watch the bloodlust William. :snicker: We'll just take the night to verify the claims.

Sorry, I get cranky when I haven't worn a dress for a while, I mean, caught a rabbit with my snares... :look:

What means something is this: His investigator claim is rather broad. He doesn't come out and say he was speaking to def, but he does leave def out entirely and say he investigated me again.

This new investigator, who I forgot to ask what cartoon name they would want to be, has many more details...oh Scorpion Balls to this, I'm just going to quote them.

Looking at both of those claims, it definitely seems like Bluto is the one telling the truth. Popeye seems to be making a more ambiguous claim about talking to Fitzdef, which is exactly what the scum would want to do if they were claiming investigator. That way, they could pass themselves off as either A. Fitzdef's investigator, or B. A completely different investigator.

Looking at both of those claims, it definitely seems like Bluto is the one telling the truth. Popeye seems to be making a more ambiguous claim about talking to Fitzdef, which is exactly what the scum would want to do if they were claiming investigator. That way, they could pass themselves off as either A. Fitzdef's investigator, or B. A completely different investigator.

And that's how my thought process goes as well. If they were a different investigator, wouldn't they have approached somebody else on Day One when def revealed I had been found a Cultist? And wouldn't they want to offer the information were they a different investigator? It was a fast and dirty attempt to get the Virgin list. They saw how desperate I was to get the investigator, they might assume I would tell everything to someone who def trusted. Meanwhile, Bluto has a good reason for waiting. If Popeye really was a second investigator, I'm sure he would've come forward to someone at some point when def was saying he had been talking to an investigator. Granted, Popeye's claim came after I asked him, point blank, if he was the investigator, but that's because his activity was already suspicious. Not to mention, there is enough time between each PM to go chat it up on a writeboard while appearing to look over the day threads, if you know you're being stalked.'

And to really lay the metagaming on thick, this person is known to fully understand these games, and known to come forward when he has info and just spill it, night kills be damned. If I'm going to metagame him, this has not been his "town mode" at all. But, as mentioned before, technically I just met him. I've never been stuck in a hole in the desert with him before and none of that should be taken into account. I will ask the jury to disregard those statements and the court reporter should strike the comments from the record.

*This post has been edited by the court reporter, and no, Bonerhead, this is not a real edit, it's a joke.

No need to be sorry; I tried to figure it out too, but had no success. Perhaps you'd like to share your reasoning?

Mostly it was just the fact that Mehmet said that Yesterday's lynch should be easy. At the time he said that, we didn't know about Nacy the Psychiatrist Snake yet, just about a little bit of wording suspiciously missing from Freud's statement. If the lynch was going to be easy based on what we knew at that time, we must have already had some facts against 'Freud'. In addition, if a lynch of 'Freud' was easy and 'Freud' was not Melaena, the people already voting for Melaena would have to be convinced to change their votes quickly.

Mostly it was just the fact that Mehmet said that Yesterday's lynch should be easy. At the time he said that, we didn't know about Nacy the Psychiatrist Snake yet, just about a little bit of wording suspiciously missing from Freud's statement. If the lynch was going to be easy based on what we knew at that time, we must have already had some facts against 'Freud'. In addition, if a lynch of 'Freud' was easy and 'Freud' was not Melaena, the people already voting for Melaena would have to be convinced to change their votes quickly.

Quickly? There were 27 hours left in the day when you voted. More than enough time for people to adjust their votes to Freud if it was someone different.

Sorry... looks like I mixed up my times... still more than 12 hours.

Vote Tally

Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor): 17 votes (Scubacarrot, Fugazi, Hinckley, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Bob, Tamamono, Wuntin, TinyPies, Professor Flitwick, Zepher, fhomess, WhiteFang, Sandy, Waterbrick Down, Cecilie, KielDaMan)

As no-one has yet objected, or unvoted, the day will close in one hour.

Sorry... looks like I mixed up my times... still more than 12 hours.

In a book called The Coming Darkness, there were a couple people who would check in wake up around halfway through the Day to cast their vote, and then not be seen for the rest of the Day.

In a book called The Coming Darkness, there were a couple people who would check in wake up around halfway through the Day to cast their vote, and then not be seen for the rest of the Day.

Thanks for the book report.

It looks like the day is almost over. Good night and good luck! :blush: I will do my best to coordinate the Town to get as much info as possible tonight. Someone commented earlier that I was trying to play their game for them. That is never my intention. For whatever reason people have trusted me, I'm doing my best to use the info I've received for the benefit of the team. I am not doing this for any sort of personal attention or anything like that. I enjoy strategizing and people are trusting me. I will do my best to honor that trust and really make something happen tonight and every night. I really want us to win this! Go Town go!! :wub:

Sorry it is late but I have managed to look over today's discussions and the case against Mustafa seems to be our strongest, so I shall...

Vote: Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor)

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Final Vote Tally

Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor): 18 votes (Scubacarrot, Fugazi, Hinckley, JimButcher, CorneliusMurdock, Bob, Tamamono, Wuntin, TinyPies, Professor Flitwick, Zepher, fhomess, WhiteFang, Sandy, Waterbrick Down, Cecilie, KielDaMan, ADHO15)

You have 24 hours from this post to get your night actions in. A conclusion will be up in due course.

Day Three Conclusion

The camp is so sure of its decision today that they don't even wait till sunset. They pick up Mustafa Nidia and bear him to the Guardians' podium.


'You summarise but don't add anything!' someone jeers.

'You knew who Freud was!' sneers another.

'You don't speculate wildly!' yells a third. 'You must have an idea!'

The procession pauses when it reaches Ishaq Ettaq.

'W-what's happening to me?' stammers Mustafa, distraught.


'You're being put into carbon freeze,' replies Ishaq darkly, 'for your journey to the statue.'

'But it's only over there!' wails Mustafa.

Mustafa is bundled into position....


... and the camp gathers round to watch.

Mehmet has been dug out of the sand. The best part of a whole day buried has left him unable to walk; his clothes are stained gold, and he has a cricked neck from trying to see what's been going on all day. His campmates strap him to Aloysius so he can get around.


'Turn around you woolly! I can't see!'

A complicated three-point turn later...

'Oh, they're encasing him in carbonite!' he paraphrases.


'just like in that story that hasn't been written yet.'

Mustafa starts to descend.

'You know we had to lynch you, right?' Mehmet yells.

'I still love you...'

'you know...'



Mustafa merely glares.

Please get your night actions to us within 24 hours of the above post (or 23 and a quarter hours of this one :grin: )

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