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Well as far as alien abductions go...

Once I thought it happened to me once.

Something woke me up in morning earlier than ususal in the twilight just before sunrise. Felt that I couldn't move and saw one of those grey large headed aliens standing at the foot of the bed.

Since I'd never belived in aliens my thoughs were 'oh s**t they are real!' then I lose consiousness and wake up at my normal time.

It is at this time that I see that the place I saw the round grey alien face, was actually the silver sphere of a lamp in my room...

And I know that the reason why I couldn't move was because I had not fully awakened and regained muscle control yet.(I have experinced that before when taking naps)

Even so, the experience felt very real at the time.

I have never seen a ghost, or a flying saucer. I would really like to, it would be 'comforting' to know that such things really do exist, so while this girl does seem to be a lot of trouble for StarWars4J I kinda envy that he is able to see such things...

(you were series right, not just a scary made-up story?)

Now, what really scares me, is People. People in an angry mob ready to lynch someone; ever see the Twilight Zone episode the Monsters are Due on Maple Street? Scared people in a mob just don't act human at all...

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As well, years back my dad had an out of body expierence where he was flying over the highway here and talked to a man who said "Hi my name is ______ I just died" The next day there was a car accident and a guy had died.

I also totally agree that there are other forces out and around us.


I never sat there and consciously decided to do anything like that, but it has happened to me a few times, and in physically verifiable ways.

In that text document I posted earlier, my cousin and I sometimes shift, seeing what the other sees. We've run around inside IDENTICAL dreams at least twice, meeting each other (briefly) inside.

Due to her illness(es), "health" is something that can turn on a dime. One night while working in "the vault" I was nearing the end of my shift when all of a sudden I got panicky... I was walking around confused and was scared the people on the floor below (floors were made of metal grating) would see me.

So, I ducked down into an aisle of data tapes and scrunched down on the floor holding myself.

I was rocking slightly and felt really sad, to the point tears started forming.

After a few seconds I said to myself, "Why is this happening to me? What did this? I'm about to die, right here, right now!"

Then I stopped a second, thought about it, and much as the way I've taught myself to identify and exit dreams, so too did I realize "Waaaaaait a minute... I'm healthy... this isn't me."

At that point, my vision went white, and I exited through the ground, through the roof of the building (seeing coworkers on another floor as I passed them) and into the sunlight, speeding across the farmland between my workplace and the direction my cousin's house was in.

So, I compose myself, get happy that I'm ok, but then am worried wondering who it had been.

(My mom had a similar experience when my dad's mother died... 5 states away).

I get home, and call my cousin just to shoot the breeze about what happened. Before I said anything, she informed me she'd just had a super migraine attack, and had thought for sure she was dying.

The time between what I saw and felt coincided with the time she also was crumpled up on her livingroom floor.

Neat, but not a conscience decision by me. Nor was this old story:

Sometime in the mid-90's:

I was driving home from work one gorgeous day, debating if I should go home, or just drive past my house and go to the mall. I got about a mile or so away from my house and started up this STEEP hill on my road. On one side of this hill, you had a mud wall. On the other side, a god knows how many foot drop into a ravine. So I'm going up there, wondering if there's ANY reason I should bother stopping at home first, when all of a sudden my vision goes white. I kept driving, just on instinct and repetition of doing it so many times before, but like I said, I WAS blind... but the white started fading, only I wasn't seeing the road... I was seeing 2 hands holding a box, walking up my sidewalk, as if it were me. The hands stooped over, put the box down, and then started to turn around.

While I was intriqued by wanting to stay on it and see more, I had to force it out of my head because megablocks... I'm still going up a big, dangerous hill completely blind.

I'd done a good job, made it pretty well up to the top as my vision shifted back. If it had been a cold winter day, I'd probably have been yet another casualty on that nasty hill.

So anyway, the second my vision was back, I FLOORED IT. I was driving extremely irresponsibly, but had to see for myself.

Just as I'd rounded the corner on the last stretch to my house, there was the UPS guy pulling out of my driveway. Pity not knowing if it's only certain people, or a result of something my subconscious mind is doing.


ghoulrealm Posted Today, 07:13 AM

I don't know if it means anything in particular, but the ouiji board never works when I touch it, even with someone else who it was working for. I think it's a good thing actually. Maybe I'm a ghost repellent, or I think is more likely I don't have an exoexpressive subconscience.

I'll get to you later. :-D


in minnesota, when i was 7, my mom went to an old country club that actuly reminds me of a spainsh fort for a retreat. this country club, burned down like, what is it now.... not sure, but over 30 years, might have been the forties or something, and a girl named mary was killed. So my mom said that she looked in the mirror while combing her hair and putting on make-up (girls!) and she saw a red out line of a person with some vauge facial detials and could tell it was a woman. now i hardly go to said country club for fear of Mary. My mom said she somehow knew she Mary was just observeing and not trying to scare, but i just don't think i want to run into a ghost. :'-(

Posted (edited)
ghoulrealm Posted Today, 07:13 AM

I don't know if it means anything in particular, but the ouiji board never works when I touch it, even with someone else who it was working for. I think it's a good thing actually. Maybe I'm a ghost repellent, or I think is more likely I don't have an exoexpressive subconscience.


See. #6. Very important.

If you left a door open to say, an apartment complex you owned, you might not be interesting enough for an intruder to pay attention to... but you can bet that if they're intruding, they'll inevitably find someone they DO want to devote attention and energy to.

I'll take it a bit further with this conversation from earlier this year. The person answering in the guy's topic is me.

The "guy" has a thing in his house much like Sne's, and him and those close to him have all seen it... but more importantly, ALL have devoted alot of attention to it:

Does the smell of rotten eggs indicate anything?

Last night was somewhat eventful.

My mom,yet again,made some megablock white supremacy jokes while we were discussing our "visitor".

I was laying down in the living room floor last night( remodeling my room) and she wakes me up and three thirty and tells me she is scared.

She said she had seen it three times,it kept making noises in the dining room,and the like. I told her to just lay down with me,it would be alright. She had never been that frightened before of it,so evidently it was pretty bad. i got up to get something to drink, and felt a little uneasy,like,i was being watched.

I got up,and looked in the dining room.

The night before I had been sorting magic the gathering cards,but them in neat little piles and megablock.

I looked in there,and they were all scattered and thrown about the table.

I was like "well thats kinda odd".

laughed a little

and then i went over there to touch them and look at them,and i got the biggest megablocking cold spot.

I had never felt a cold spot before,and dear lord,it was freezing. I checked the vent,and it was blowing heat.

My mom felt it,and she got goosebumps it was so cold.

Then,I went back in the livin room to lay down and get some more sleep.

All of the sudden,I smelt a smell so fragrant of rotten eggs that it was sickening.

I can't smell at all,I have very weak smelling sense,but this was putrid.

My mom said she smelt it before I said anything,and I told her that I could actually smell it.

After about a minute it went away.

I have been researching it,and I can't really find much on rotten egg smells. Aside from that if someone died by suicide or a particularly angry death,it could have that smell.

I am at the point now where I am considering that this could be a demonic force I'm megablocking with.

Dont kno if it is,but i have it as an option now.

I mean,it is a shadow person, straight black,shape of a man, and tall.

plus i get a sense of anger from it.


This was followed by people saying "Get a priest" and such. : /

My response:

Hell isn't quite the thing as depicted in the (ugh) bible, but the smell of "fire and brimstone" (sulphur) is... which is odd, now that I think about it.

Must have something to do with ionization and metals and crap.

(I guess?)


A few other posts later...

ummm,did a smudging a while back,relatively quiet for a long while. now we're all using the ouija board again,and actually getting usful information. I'll update once we find out more stuff.
Decision making time.

Do you want the fun and excitement that comes with megablocking with the ouija, thereby possibly placing your life, your quality of life, as well as that of those around you in jeopardy? ...or would you rather just separate from the supernatural and allow your interest in merely "experiencing life" to flow as it does for most people?

The supernatural is always there. But it's ability to interact with us does often depend on us, and our feelings towards it.

If you meet strange occurences and entities head-on, things only increase in tangibility.

If you disregard it and go about things regardless of attempts to get your attention, you more than likely "win".

Though admittedly, you have so far described something that's commonly understood as being "stronger" than what's normally encountered.

Despite that, and just by the nature of similar experiences, it would be pretty easy to say you're being played right now... being given a temporary reprieve so you can keep on messing with the tools of the trade.

And think about it, what do the tools of the trade DO?

Ah... that's right... increase your attention in the direction of the entity(ies).


now we're all using the ouija board again,and actually getting usful information. I'll update once we...

Oooooooooh no you're not.

You're talking to things which you have NO proof of intention.

You're talking to things that can be telling the truth for a month, followed by being replaced with a slimy imposter the next moment, even in mid-communication.

You could be talking to professional manipulators, angling you in a direction they wish you to go.

You're talking to strangers AND taking their candy AND getting into their van.

I'll bite... what kind of "useful" info have you gotten so far?

I understand it can be pretty personal in nature, but megablocks... you can talk to an invisible entity but not us?


I think you already know what I'm saying here. Your post count is high enough that you've surely heard this all before.

So things are going good and chaotic events have slowed to a crawl.

Cool, sounds cozy.

Now stop. Cold turkey. Two months. Let's see if the new peace remains once you and your mother stop acknowledging it.

If the smell you described wasn't that of a strange airflow underneath your house combined with a dead animal nearby, then you have something powerful messing with you.

And no offense, but possibly of a higher intelligence, especially at deception & lying.

Don't be a sucker.

I might sound harsh, but when you're talking an event with sulphuric stench, there's not room to be a pussy about things and beat around the bush.

You too need to start thinking in this no-nonsense way as well. Bonus points if you can get your mom and anyone else involved into this mindset with you.

If I recall right, the dude was trying to contact a newly-dead relative... and believes one of the things in there to be them.

Not good.

The emotions are too high.

Edited by JINZONINGEN 73

It's funny; but I must admit that I like most things supernatural, but believe in very few of them. I think our mind is a very powerful tool, and we can create a lot of things in our own head that we believe. This thread is a good sample of the things that can scare us, some maybe more true than others.


Indeed. But it's a beautiful thing when you get 2 or more people experiencing an event at the same time. It could be a downright horridly scary event, maybe involving physical harm... but it becomes something different when there's witnesses and not just yourself.

It invalidates one as being just over-creative in their head (or just plain kooky).

The subconscious mind is not something to discount though.

Just as easily as it can make a person believe they see & hear things not there, it can, on command, shift one into a mindset in phase with such stranger things. Might take a long time, might be instantaneous, but it certainly does work.


Speaking of more than one person witnessing things...

Example, my wife and I a few years ago:

While still living in New Jersey and in the same house that I'd last seen the black form at the window, many other paranormal events occured. Sticking to shadow creatures however...

My wife and I had gone out one Sunday morning to raid 7-11 for crappy breakfast-like food products. On the way there, I saw a deer standing on the grass just off the road. My wife, being from the city, was happy at that sight. For the sake of humor, I slowed down, and automatically rolled down her window. Suprisingly, the deer stayed there long enough to listen to me ask it for directions to the nearest highway before running off. It was a normal, laid-back kind of weekend. On the way back, I had a strange feeling. I knew ahead of time that something was not going to be quite normal once we got home.

My wife was in front of me, as I reached over her for the doorknob. As it swung open slowly, there was a cat. But it wasn't a cat. It just looked like one.

There in the middle of the livingroom floor were cushions we'd put there, but with a shadowy, featureless cat sitting upright in the center of them, almost as if to say "Welcome back".

Once the door finally reached the positiion of being all the way open, it leapt to the right, going through the solid wall, it's front section vanishing before impact and PERFECTLY clear outstretched cat legs and tail finishing up the sight upon exiting.

We stayed there a few seconds, walked in, and started getting our bags of junk food prepared to bring upstairs. I asked her, "Did you just see something?"


"Describe it."

"An animal."

"A cat that looked like Charlie**."

"But it was a shadow."


**Charlie was our cat we had at the time. There's a whole disturbingly supernatural handful of stories regarding him. He was "AWOL" at the time, reappearing quite awhile later. But that's a story (maybe) for another time. Besides... living cats don't jump into solid walls and vanish.

So what, us two, who don't do drugs, weren't tired... just happened to witness the same thing 5 feet in front of our eyes?


Oh, I get shivers up my spine. But I understand what the shivers are, internally and externally.

No, i guess it doesn't lol.

I get an eerie feeling like anyone would, going downstairs to the fridge for munchies in the dark at night, but the real fear is stepping on ill-placed dog crap in my path. :-D

There's more fearful things that are physical.

For things out of phase with us to interact, alot of energy is used, and like I said, there's things and intelligences in place to buffer more extreme interaction.

It might make you jump because it happened on a dime, but events that are odd should be approached with no more "worry" than if you saw something rare while bird watching... though there are some dangerous birds on rare occasions.

And plenty of other factors to get in the way while trying to birdwatch, if you know what I'm saying.

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