Posted October 11, 200618 yr Lately I've developed a habit of buying new sets, and building them. But then leaving them as is. Not building any MOCs from them, just buying more new sets... I guess it's because I've been busy, not much time to sit down and design anything new. Its problematic of course, since new sets cost money, and I end up with lots of them sitting around doing not too much... and bricks that are not being put to other use than display... Bridge Walker and BUilding Crane both got released to USA S&H, but as nice as they are, if I think about it, I probably should not buy either till I take the time to do something with the bricks and sets I already have lying around... seems kinda depressing, like I dont have time to be creative... no ideas... Anyone else get this problem? Too busy to MOC so you end up doing nothing but buy and build the official sets?
October 11, 200618 yr I find myself building official sets and leaving them on a shelf for ages. I spend more time on here talking about sets than I do using them. I never moc, because I never make anything good. And I'd have to rebuild the sets again. Makes the whole hobby feel pointless. I could be doing more useful stuff.
October 11, 200618 yr i just moc because my parents won't get anymore sets because they say i have too many already but i only have about 5 or 6 system sets and 12 (or more, but not a lot more) bionicles. just look at you guys! you have like 1000's of sets. my mom is leaning towards buying some more because my sister is complaining that i hog all the bricks so there is a little hope... *sing* X-D :-P
October 11, 200618 yr During my evolution as a Lego user in my childhood i was ending with buying sets only for the parts i need for MOCs. I was spending hours with mocing star wars sets 15 years before TLC was doing them, i remember painting a knights sword red and a helmet black for my Darth Vader.... :-$ I
October 11, 200618 yr Yeah, I know that feeling. Same here at the moment. I buy lots of Technic sets to build and display, and I buy City sets for my layout, but somehow never get around to build them. Somehow I "need" to have all the new or latest sets. On the other hand I don't consider myself a MOCer. I haven't built anything "freestyle" in a long time and usually get frustrated if things don't turn out the way I want or I can't find a certain brick or piece. So, yeah, right now I'm in a buying frenzy without MOCing intentions. But I don't consider that... umm... "bad". There's people/collectors who do that only and never MOC, so I'm good :-)
October 11, 200618 yr xenologer wrote seems kinda depressing, like I dont have time to be creative... no ideas...Anyone else get this problem? Too busy to MOC so you end up doing nothing but buy and build the official sets? My current dilemma is worse...... I have a few official sets that I have not even opened much less put together. Full time University student, husband, father of two, live on an acerage, trying to get ready for winter (there was snow on the ground this morning). Right now life is so busy it is absolutely no fun. I had an extra day of this weekend and wanted to work on some figs with parts I got off BL a month ago.... I was going to spend almost the whole day...kind of a "mental health day"...didn't happen :'-( I am hoping before Christmas break to get some time....but midterms start next week, I have my first paper due the week after that.......... No fun at all.
October 11, 200618 yr yeah, a lack of play time more than anything else really. i like to compare it to old geezer buying expensive sports car then driving it at 55mph. :-D that i can afford the sets, i kinda lack the drive or creativity to moc. :-P
October 11, 200618 yr I go through periods of low building, but I understand why. A. We've constantly had to move over the past few years. I'm always packing up my stuff and unpacking it. B. In the cold months of winter, most of my Lego parts are in the off-limits rooms we don't open, to keep cold out (no heat in house). C. ...because moods go up and down. But every one of you gets C. too. It's normal. You might buy certain sets and not build them, but it's not like the part of your subconscious that told you to get them doesn't know why it told you to. You will inevitably get to it. If you feel like you've unwillfully bought a set, it's probably that your subconscious also realizes parts purchased in sets one year, may not be available for purchase the next. Like the Bionicle guys, with their trans elements and spikey helmets? Might not be there when you get back in the mood to build. Have a brilliant idea for Patrick's head from the Spongebob set? Better get it now, for it might not be there next year. Buy 2, you might need to make your moc symmetrical. Etc etc... Was that too abstract, or did everyone get it?
October 11, 200618 yr I do have periods of time where I'm too busy to build any MOC's. However, not having the funds to buy up new sets, I tend to just not build anything at all during those periods of inactivity. When I do buy bricks for MOCs, it's usually in the form of second hand and bulk, seeing as it's several times cheaper than buying first hand and as a set. When I buy SETS, the sets always stay as a set. They sit on a shelf for a while until I run out of shelf space and a newer set comes up and replaces it. At that point the older set goes back into the box (A rarer and rarer occasion these days) or a plastic bags.
October 12, 200618 yr Lately I've developed a habit of buying new sets, and building them. But then leaving them as is. Not building any MOCs from them, just buying more new sets...Anyone else get this problem? Too busy to MOC so you end up doing nothing but buy and build the official sets? I have this problem from time to time as well. Some of the reasons: 1) Sets/pieces have become so specialized, it's difficult to build anything else with the set. 2) I think the time that it takes to build an average set has increased tremendously. The sets have gotton bigger and more complex. Once you spend 3-4 hours building a set, you don't want to break it up. 3) As you get older (at least for me), play diminishes and the building becomes more important. As a child, I could play for hours with a stack of pieces. Now I just seem to want to build the set as if it was a model. Suggestion: Develop stories for your sets and mini-figs. I did this with my mysteries and Ghost Town MOCs. It's amazing how much interest this adds in customization and the desire to build freely. I also keep a separate supply of bulk bricks to build my MOCs. Since I keep my set pieces together in their original box, I will pull out a specific theme from time to time, and use pieces from one or two sets combined with bulk pieces. The result is/are a great addition(s) to an existing theme. Good topic Xenologer.
October 12, 200618 yr I take spells like that. Then they slowly disintigrate as I pilage them for pieces for MOCs, when I get into a MOC phase... Steve
October 12, 200618 yr I've been busy with school, I haven't actually built anything for a few weeks. But I am going to play a brikwars game this friday with a friend. I usually just buy sets and MOC when I'm bored.
October 12, 200618 yr i think my problem is the opposite... i have become so engulfed in creating my MOCs that im not buying sets. i used to be a hardcore MISB collector... now i find my self only placing orders on BrickLink for MOC pieces. Brickster has an excellent point/idea/suggestion here... Suggestion: Develop stories for your sets and mini-figs. I did this with my mysteries and Ghost Town MOCs. It's amazing how much interest this adds in customization and the desire to build freely. I also keep a separate supply of bulk bricks to build my MOCs. Since I keep my set pieces together in their original box, I will pull out a specific theme from time to time, and use pieces from one or two sets combined with bulk pieces. The result is/are a great addition(s) to an existing theme.this is the main reason MOCing has taken over my hobby. and its not a bad things... definitely good. im getting way more for my money. but it is time consuming... but that is what a hobby is, right ??? something to fill your last two MOCs took me four months each, now that is a good hobby !!! - BrickMiner
October 12, 200618 yr At the moment, everything I buy is built and left as is. My Star Wars, Batman, Exo-Force and Ferrari are display pieces, so like to keep them on shelves. My City sets are going into my town layout. I've only been in the hobby 2 years, so haven't really bought anything just as a parts pack. As time goes on, I probably will. A few of the buildings are my own creations, but I can honestly say I'm not particularly proud of them. Just can't seem to make a decent house :)
October 12, 200618 yr I'm in a buying frenzy too, but I'm not buying many MISB sets. I'm buying parts for my MOC that I haven't been able to touch in weeks. Plus I've bought a few old sets that turned out to be in a worse condition than I'd thought, so I'm buying replacement parts for those, too. Buying is easier for me, because I do it at work (I sit in front of the computer all the time). Building would happen at home, taking time away from my family chores. I'm spending far more than I could actually afford, so it's got to stop. Also, I'd better start building again this weekend - especially with a MALUG meeting coming up on the 21th where I want to display some stuff. I've never bought sets to keep them MISB. Apart from the Viking sets, everything else I buy is for parts.
October 12, 200618 yr i think my problem is the opposite... i have become so engulfed in creating my MOCs that im not buying sets. i used to be a hardcore MISB collector... now i find my self only placing orders on BrickLink for MOC pieces. And you're so much better off for it, I'd say. I use to be the moron that thought certain action figures kept in package actually somehow meant money later on. LOL On top of that, it often seems like some official sets are hollow and "unfinished" likely to reduce cost and to promote mocing. MOCing is where it's at. Suggestion: Develop stories for your sets and mini-figs. To-to-to-totally. *sing* Edited October 13, 200618 yr by JINZONINGEN 73
October 12, 200618 yr Yeah, stories for sets and minifigs are what I do, it's the only reason I still MOC at all! That's really what LEGO is all about. :-)
October 13, 200618 yr Yeah, I know that feeling. Same here at the moment. I buy City sets for my layout, but somehow never get around to build them. Somehow I "need" to have all the new or latest sets. On the other hand I don't consider myself a MOCer. I haven't built anything "freestyle" in a long time and usually get frustrated if things don't turn out the way I want or I can't find a certain brick or piece. So, yeah, right now I'm in a buying frenzy without MOCing intentions. But I don't consider that... umm... "bad". There's people/collectors who do that only and never MOC, so I'm good :-) It's the same think for me! And I know why it is hard for me to do some good mocs, because I'm too require with myself! So I hardly have a good feeling with my mocs, I want them to have a lego spirit, a hard work for me. one of my modified set, the heavy loader, bring me this feeling of achieved work (the gallery) But buying new sets and just biuld them is not a problem for me (more for my wallet :-P )
October 13, 200618 yr Governor Lately I've developed a habit of buying new sets, and building them. But then leaving them as is. Not building any MOCs from them, just buying more new sets...I guess it's because I've been busy, not much time to sit down and design anything new. Anyone else get this problem? Too busy to MOC so you end up doing nothing but buy and build the official sets? This used to be me! I'd buy the sets, build them and then put them them on a shelf. That was until I started running out of space so now I'm forced to dismantle them, however, having at least 2 to 3 of many of the smaller pirate sets I don't buy many sets these days, unless I can get them exceptionally cheap. Instead, I just buy parts and a mini-figures which I do intend to build something with as soon as I get more time.
October 13, 200618 yr I go through cycles. I was on a buying spree about six months ago and I kind of backed off for a while. Lately, I've just been buying the new Star Wars and Technic. I've been so busy with work and family lately that I haven't had much time for building. I still have a few reviews queued up to finish (Mindstorms NXT, AT-ST and Technic Fire Truck). I've also been working on a few MOCs, but those have taken a back seat lately. I need about a month of time to get caught up. I wonder if my job and family would mind if I checked out for a while...
October 15, 200618 yr I tend to work through a 3 phase cycle. The first is a phase wereby all the original sets are great; I'll buy new and second hand sets to help build up my collection (eventually I would like every set which is minifig scale or features minifigs), when I buy a new set; I build it; and it sits on display; I will also often then build all the others sets I have of that theme; and make a big display; which can then be played with (goodbye dinning table/floor/etc). This usually ends in me building every set I own (600 odd at this stage). Building them all takes weeks. The next is a mocing phase; now; before I want to start mocing; I like to have all my pieces neatly sorted; but achieving that can take some time too, generally again; some months. I like to sort bricks and plates by colour, width and size; other parts get sorted into catagories ... eg minifig torsos, castle walls; animals, car parts etc; and if any catagory gets to big it gets sorted again into either sub catagories; or by colour. This leads to me having about 10m
October 15, 200618 yr I mostly buy my sets for MOC purposes the unless it are TOWN sets. The only new ses I actually buy ae those 300/500 brick boxes and the occasional small vehicule. I do plan to buy some of the new trains and stuff but I don't like the overall scale they have given to the new CITY theme.
October 15, 200618 yr I mostly buy my sets for MOC purposes the unless it are TOWN sets. The only new ses I actually buy ae those 300/500 brick boxes and the occasional small vehicule. I do plan to buy some of the new trains and stuff but I don't like the overall scale they have given to the new CITY theme. I like more the older trains 12V, they are much more pretty...
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