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Its making me think the head looks slightly too small now =/ Although I have an idea which is very simple which should hopefully sort it out...


I think the head is fine, and I think you got the relations pretty well. One might argue about details, but the shape is decent.

The front "shoulders" seem to be too close to the "throat" of the modell, but that's just an impression. I'd like to see more pictures from several angels, beginning with a frontal view of the back and ending with a frontal view of the front. Do you have a gallery somewhere?

Posted (edited)

The front "shoulders" seem to be too close to the "throat" of the modell, but that's just an impression. I'd like to see more pictures from several angels, beginning with a frontal view of the back and ending with a frontal view of the front. Do you have a gallery somewhere?

Yes, you are correct on the front shoulders, in fact, the whole drive engine assembly/hips are slightly too elongated (by perhaps 2 or 3 studs), But I think that without a semi-large redesign, I shall lose some strength in the build. I shall however address this when I have the physical pieces to mess about with as I build it, because this will now niggle away at me xD

Pics of more angles:

Link is here:

If you would like even more angles, message me in particular which you would like, and I shall upload some to my flickr!

Edited by Fuppylodders

Yes, you are correct on the front shoulders, inf act, the whole drive engine assembly/hips are slightly too elongated (by perhaps 2 or 3 studs), But I think that without a semi-large redesign, I shall lose some strength in the build. I shall however address this when I have the physical pieces to mess about with as I build it, because this will now niggle away at me xD

Pics of more angles:

Link is here:http://www.flickr.com/photos/66283772@N04/sets/72157629019504725/

If you would like even more angles, message me in particular which you would like, and I shall upload some here!

I'm fine with the pictures, thanks :classic:

I like the "comparison merged" idea; it's precisely what I had in mind. Before you get lost in the chaos of bricks in order to redesign certain aspects, I'd make a short list of things you want to fix. Before adressing further issues, I'd stick to them first.

Posted (edited)

I'd make a short list of things you want to fix. Before adressing further issues, I'd stick to them first.

You're right :P

I get too carried away when I suddenly think of something for part of it that I'm not currently working on, then I go off onto another part of it... so many parts get left half done xD For example, the small (exhaust?) greebling on the very bottom at the rear-most side panel... (this bit: http://www.modelermagic.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/kg_at-at_-028.jpg) I am absolutely stuck on how to achieve this :(

TY JJ! Means a lot =D

Edited by Fuppylodders

Your model is looking awesome so far! If you are wondering how to extract a part list, you can create a html instruction in LDD and in the last page of the instruction is the part list. have fun!

  • 9 months later...

Hey, you've done really well with this. When you've finished it would I be able to have instructions please?

Oh and If I do get instructions, can I use this for video's on YouTube if I give you credit?


Posted (edited)

Hi, thanks. I completed it in October in real bricks. There is a new thread titled 'Yes, another AT-AT! But crashed in snow!' which has pictures/links etc. The LDD file needs updating for the correct build of the head, I shall do that when I find time shortly, and make it available. As for instructions, it would be best to use LDD instructions although some parts get placed in the incorrect order as, if you do decide to build it, you will find out.

Edited by Fuppylodders

Hi, thanks. I completed it in October in real bricks. There is a new thread titled 'Yes, another AT-AT! But crashed in snow!' which has pictures/links etc. The LDD file needs updating for the correct build of the head, I shall do that when I find time shortly, and make it available. As for instructions, it would be best to use LDD instructions although some parts get placed in the incorrect order as, if you do decide to build it, you will find out.

Cool. I checked out your AT-AT on Flickr and it is awesome. I can use LDD instructions just fine, thanks. Can't wait!

  • 1 year later...

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