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To those that have been talking about a trans-purple 1x1 round tile, it isn't a tile. Look at the bag image and you'll find it is a round plate. Some have been complaining about the new cheerleader. My only problem is that I was hoping for green, so that I could use the pompoms for plant parts. I can easily avoid buying a fig I don't want by feeling the bags, so I don't feel the need to be overly critical of what is offered. I will just have to get to my local Target and make my search when the time comes.

What are people's thoughts re: 2nd head prints?

DIVER - if this doesn't have a holding-your-breath expression with a blue overlay (like Space Marine's visor) & maybe some bubbles, then it's a big opportunity missed.

ACTOR - the main image has him with a raised eyebrow & closed so there's a chance of portraying him mid-monologue.

Based on past series I'll guess that several will have alternate head prints but most wont.

On another note, should we be expecting a trans-purple minifig head to go into the Alien the same way the AQ one had a trans-green head?

Edited by Combee




Pure eyegasm. :cry_happy:

Well, a round trans purple stud would be usefull too, but I don't think it's a stud, but a flat part.

i'm also on the "poor serie" side of the fence for series 8.

while i get that rehashes are good to get variety, it doesn't make sense to make more of cheerleaders. let me clarify the point. you can easily get "variety" by changing the torsos. there are lots of city theme torsos which you can use to make different cheerleaders. you can even swap the female tennis player for a cheerleader too. the only plus this one brings is another color of pom poms. given that this is only the second rehash of a cheerleader vs 3rd or 4th skateboarder, i can easily overlook this point.

pirate captain - plenty of those before so this version is extremely boring and useless, imo.

skier - second rehash of a skier, so that's okay. though there were plenty of skiers from advent calendars and you can easily mix them with snowboarders to get "varieties" so the only saving grace here is the skis. nice new purple ones.

football player - not different from the hockey player. a second rehash though is okay. not great but tolerable.

evil robot - another rehash - again, not great but tolerable.

trader - another man in suit. how many suits do you need? if the suit has been white, i can still think of buying it but it's black again. how many black suits do we need. the only good point is the black bowler hat. that's all.

cowgirl - underwhelming. i would have preferred a western lady, with a can-can skirt, big ribbon bonnet and maybe a fan or something. how many cowgirls are historical accurate? plus you can't even swap out the hairpiece. you can't army build because it only has one hair color and one hat color.

i would probably just get a set to complete my collection, that's all. the only figure i want multiple of is the conquistador. the retro diver is good, and i'll probably get a few for trades. apart from these two, the rest are just okay. and the fact that there are so many rehashes this series just make it super dull. 3-4 i can tolerate but when you get more than half of the series being rehashes or male/female remake, it just too much. no wonder they didn't reveal the series until now.

Based on past series I'll guess that several will have alternate head prints but most wont.

On another note, should we be expecting a trans-purple minifig head to go into the Alien the same way the AQ one had a trans-green head?

Woah, you are right, I forgot the brain Aliens in Alien Conquest came with trans neon green heads. I am pretty sure there will be a trans-purple head in the queen, else the brain would not look right.

When' your review comin', Fangy? :wink:

When can we expect a review?

We will see how it goes in the near future. :classic:

It looks like Lego really paid attention to our wishes here. I mean, an actual santa hat, a black bowler hat, headphones, an opposing cheerleader? Aren't these all things that we've been yearning for since the CMFs started? =D

Pretty much the only figure here I'm not too hyped about is the Cowgirl, though in person I'm sure she'll be a positive surprise, as these tends to be. =)

Am I not allowed to post my honest negative views of this series? Is it supposed to be all positive comments every time for TLG's products?

And please tell me how your post adds to the discussion about the topic. Attacking the poster instead of refuting his arguments? Pls. be more respectful, you're making yourself look like an ignorant fool with that comment. :wink:

I think it's fine to give an honest opinion even if it's negative. However, I think some of your comments are very uniformed and you seem quick to judge without fully taking in the merits of some of the minifigures you decided not to like.

For example, the Santa is a much improved Santa that has a proper Santa hat. That is something many Lego fans have been requesting for a long time

The "boring guy in black suit" is a banker set in 1850's England perhaps. While it may be a boring character it could be a nice way of getting a bowler hat that some may find useful.

I too have mixed feelings about this series. I didn't feel compelled to collect the entire Series 7 either. Honestly, this is all coming at us so fast that my collection of minifigures is starting to overwhelm me and is causing me to take a step back. I seriously feel that Lego should only do 1 new series each year. I say that, but at the same time I loved some of the minifigures of the more recent Series like the Classic Alien and Galactic Patrol. We probably wouldn't have seen these minifigures until much later. So, the best thing is to take it in stride and only get the ones I feel most interested in.

Yay! Trans-purple minifig head! Will be great for MOCcing!

Do we know the street date for these beauties yet?

Well... I might add a line. I hope no-one gets offended, this is just my personal view.

I can see that there are people happy for this serie, which I state again, TO ME it's the worse ever, but I really can't imagine for neither a second people telling this is the best series ever!

If you like Cheerleaders, Robots, "Alien Conquest"'s Aliens, Pirate Captains, ? We already had these guys!

If you like english gentlemen, bat-men, conquistadors, american football players, female skiers... then well also they could be made before, perhaps just in different colours, but they're no new concepts.

If you like a SLIM santa, or THAT fairy, well I can't meet your ideas, sorry.

DJ, Cowgirl and Old school diver are IMHO useful just for the headgear... so nothing wonderful.

I honestly don't like a lot the forestman with a pretzel... or also said, bavarian boy.

I just save the Actor, which is very useful and interesting.

And I repeat, TLC did a lot of very very surprising things, like LOTR, splendid new SW sets, the whole MonsterFighters theme is a BOOM to me... but really, I'll get this series just to get all those men-bat because I can't buy them on bricklink from the vampire castle, and for the actor who will become a medieval noble in my medieval set.

Sorry, no offence meant to anybody. I just expect more from LEGO.

Ah! Pictures at last! :wub:

I was right about the alien being similar to the alien conquest ones! That and the robot are must buys for me :sweet:

Diver: The long legs? That new helmet? I need 20! *huh* It's amazing!

I wondered about that, but upon closer scrutiny he may have something on his feet representing weighted boots which gives him extra height.

I wondered about that, but upon closer scrutiny he may have something on his feet representing weighted boots which gives him extra height.

You're right, If you actually look closely on his feet on the second picture, you willsee he have 2 studs under his feet.

Great series though, especially the santa, I can see a lot of christmas mocs showing up, and that Actor and DJ are awesome to. A whole series for me again!

Being an avid American Football fan, I will be stock piling multiple football players. Aside from that, I see myself being happy with one of each one.

I think it's fine to give an honest opinion even if it's negative. However, I think some of your comments are very uniformed and you seem quick to judge without fully taking in the merits of some of the minifigures you decided not to like.

For example, the Santa is a much improved Santa that has a proper Santa hat. That is something many Lego fans have been requesting for a long time

The "boring guy in black suit" is a banker set in 1850's England perhaps. While it may be a boring character it could be a nice way of getting a bowler hat that some may find useful.

I too have mixed feelings about this series. I didn't feel compelled to collect the entire Series 7 either. Honestly, this is all coming at us so fast that my collection of minifigures is starting to overwhelm me and is causing me to take a step back. I seriously feel that Lego should only do 1 new series each year. I say that, but at the same time I loved some of the minifigures of the more recent Series like the Classic Alien and Galactic Patrol. We probably wouldn't have seen these minifigures until much later. So, the best thing is to take it in stride and only get the ones I feel most interested in.

I appreciate you taking the time to address my comments in a constructive and mature manner, this is what discussion should be all about. :classic: While I don't agree with your opinion that my comments are 'very uninformed' and caused by 'quick and hasty judgement' (as I did take the time to look closely at each of the minifigure elements in this series), I agree that there are a number of interseting and useful pieces in this series - particularly for me the pretzel, the headphone-hair mold, probably the trophy and the Shakeperean ruffled neck thingy, the black bowler hat. The printed torsos and legs are also quite useful for customisers like me. But judging the series as a whole? I still stick with my stance that this is probably the weakest of all CMS releases, again which IMO is due to the fact that almost all the awesome minifig fan-wishes have already been released in the previous series, and we're left with the second- to third-tier choices in the collectible minifig fan wishlist.

I am going to have an army of Manbats.

:wub_drool: Well, I never thought I'd say this after seeing the list, but this is an almost flawless series!

The businessman, DJ, Cheerleader, Bat, Bavarian, Fairy, Conquistador, and Santa are all must haves for me, and the others (namely skier an actor) I'll probably end up picking up as well.

Thanks for the great news, CM4S!

so, at the end, we did get everithing I said (more or less:) ;) black face (she-robot), wings, the only thing missing is tiara ;)

...who knows, maybe isn series 9?

My favorite - man-bat; monster-fighters sets were to expencive for me, minifigs on bricklink also; and I do like this black one more ;)

nothing's change, TLG is going in the directon they set a year before, and I like it ;)

I am very dissaponted with this series :thumbdown: As mentioned before, not much "new" and there are not a single figure that I want/must have/need so I will probobly not by a single one of these = good news for my wallet :laugh: I might just by the alien becouse It's kind of ok though nothing new just in o different color, and I didn't want to cash out for the alien conquest series.

This series is hit & miss for me:

Female alien: Meh! Might have a usable dress so may get one purely for that fact.

Cow girl: OK. Will probably get one of these.

Santa: Nice hat & sack, rest is meh!

Conquistador: Pretty good fig, will definately get a few of these.

Bavarian boy: Will get one of these & maybe get a few extra pretzels from Bricklink.

Cheerleader: Recolour of the old one, will get a few.

Oldskool diver: Really like this one, my favourite of the series. Will get a couple of these. :wub:

American footballer: Nice new trophy, will get a few of these.

Pirate captain: Is ok, may just get one of these... but I already have one of the old captains so maybe not... :sceptic:

Fairy: Will get one of these.

London city gent: Will get a few of these, one which I suggested we were missing! :cry_happy:

Thespian actor: Another great figure! Love the ruff. Will get at least one of these.

Robot: Hmmm sure I've seen something similar before!! :hmpf::thumbdown:

DJ: Love the headphones!! Need to get 3 or 4 of these. :thumbup:

Man bat: Re-colour of the Monster fighters one. Won't be too upset if I fail to get one, I have no use for him.

Skier: Will get one of these.

This, in my opinion, is the worst series yet. :sadnew:

Anyone noticed how American CMF is? Hockey player, cowboy, native American, native American, cheerleader, cheerleader, cowgirl, American football player, daredevil (With his stars and stripes), baseball player... must I go on? To me the 'football' player is just a recolour of the hockey player, and the cheerleder also a relcolour.

I can't help but feel TLG is running ouy of ideas for these. :sceptic: That fairy- What?? :sick: And the black robot is just the S1 one crossed with the Space Bad Guy.

Still, I can't help but love the Conquistador, buisnessman and Shakespearian actor! :blush:

This, in my opinion, is the worst series yet. :sadnew:

Anyone noticed how American CMF is? Hockey player, cowboy, native American, native American, cheerleader, cheerleader, cowgirl, American football player, daredevil (With his stars and stripes), baseball player... must I go on? To me the 'football' player is just a recolour of the hockey player, and the cheerleder also a relcolour.

I would have more sympathy for you normally, but you just had a set of CMF that came out exclusively in your country. Also, I think the London banker screams U.K. in this instance, as did the Highland battler, the Bagpiper, and the Palace Guard. You don't see any of us over here screaming about how "English" everything is, do you?

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