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I originally planned on getting the Vampyre Castle, and then decided to just bricklink the manbats. Now I don't think I will be doing that. A great way to save money! Thanks TLG.

When I first saw these pictures, I was floored and had to have multiples of lots of the figures. Now that I've seen the Superhero figures for 2013, I will have to rethink most of this series. I will still get one of a lot of them, but probably not many multiples. Makes me glad I didn't go all out with the evil knight from series 7.

The cheerleader was appealing at first since I missed the first one, but I actually think I'd prefer the blue uniform anyway. Odd. And I had no desire for the original robot, but this new one looks really cool.

My mind may change when I hold them in my hands though. That has happened with a few surprising figures.

Nice to see some pictures. I have to admit though, I'm on the fence on the new batch, some make me grin because they're so brilliant, while others seem like they were phoned in and are poor rehashes.

Cheerleader: Shocking rehash, not at all different from the Series 1 figure except for the colouring.

Female alien: Space and aliens in Lego form is not something I'm particularly interested in, but I love the detail and work that has gone into this one and have no doubt that it be popular and sought after.

Conquistador: Very detailed and looks great, will be the Spartan of this series.

DJ: Better than expected and fortunately not a carbon copy of the Series 2 Disco Dude. Love his headphones.

Winged Monster: Won't be buying much or any of the Monster Fighters series so it's a nice one to add to the collection. Like the DJ, I'm pleased it's not just a series 2 repeat.

Pirate: A stereotypical pirate, slightly overwhelmed with gold, but a decent enough figure.

you are certainly right about the cheerleader - in fact I think it's even worse than the S1 one. Female Alien. . . not too cool. And I'm also very glad that the DJ isn't a S2 copy - as it is, I love the detailing and especially the head phones. :wink:

These are more than what I expected. I can finally get the earlier CMF pieces that I missed. Great job, LEGO :thumbup: Will be getting all of these.

EDIT: just noticed the alien has lipstick :tongue:

Edited by GeluNumber1

Finally....we have a flat lego stud in PURPLE :drool: , and that is definitely going on a snake general staff for Pythor,not to mention purple arms too,either way great minifigs the conquistador, the diver, the bat(because I can't afford Vampyre Castle :sad: ), the pirate(should be a okay replacement for Captain Soto until if we get one), and the DJ are my favorites. Overall good series of minifigs.

Pretty easy to se what theme you like. . . Actually, Captain Soto is one reason I'm not too crazy about this pirate - who needs so many pirate captains? :wink:

Really like Shakespeare, Santa, Pirate, Conquistador and that guy in a black suit who reminds me of Poirot. :classic:

But then there are a few really bad ones, robot, alien, black man-bat... Really LEGO surely you can think of something better! How about a Jock, with football jacket, or a Politician of some sort, and then a ballerina! I mean it's not that hard to think of something new! :hmpf:

That being said I'm glad to see this series continue because it's still bringing in new elements for are cherished minifigures. :classic:

Well. . . Lego has to spread out the new minfigs a little, don't you think? Honestly, I don't think this series is so bad - I just think that a lot of people have forgotton S2 and S3. . . :wink: Not that they weren't cool, (just a little plain), but this one is at least as good, IMHO.

I am glad that there is no Jock, ballerina or politician and we instead get a chance at an evil robot and an Alien queen. Added to the conquistador and William Shakespeare, I think this series is definitely better than series 2, and is probably tied or better than some other series so there is no way it can be the worst of them. I prefer a good old idea over a bad new one every day, and the robot and Cheerleader were good old ideas. I hope to see more remakes in future series. Specially of series 1 (Hilariously, the robot and the Cheerleader happen to be some of the few figures from series 1 I could get Hope to see a new Luchador in the future.

I don't mind the repeats either. . . It might be disappointing to people who collect dozens of thease minifigs, but to the rest of us their pretty cool. Except the Cheerleader, who is basically just a different color (and not even a nice scheme at that. . . :sad: ).

I personally would like a Greek hoplite from another city, maybe Athens, or Corinth. I don't like repeats, but I guess they're OK, as long as they're not to similar to the original figure. The robot was too similar, in my opinion. The diver isn't really a "re-design," because it's kind of too different, but the cheerleader and robot definitely are.

I'm personally quite happy to see another robot so similar to the first (which was in Series 1, remember - not only the least-recent series, but also the one with the most limited distribution in the US, at least until the Team GB series, if we include that). Speaking as someone who wanted to army-build the S1 Robot but wasn't able to get nearly enough of them, I'm chomping at the bit for a second crack at a similar one; now I can have my small handful of S1s serving as the "leaders" or "elite" units over the masses of S2s (as many as I'm able to afford, anyway). The only thing I'd change (apart from my inability to afford as many of any as I'd like :tongue: ) would be to make the new one the elite unit I'd get in more limited quantities, and the original the one I get in massive numbers, but no biggie.

And as for the new cheerleader, I plan to get five or six of it, as I did the first one, and I don't even like sports or cheerleading in real life.


Diver: The long legs? That new helmet? I need 20! *huh* It's amazing!

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Long Legs? It actually just square 1x1 studed tiles on the bottom. Even better, if you ask me. . . :laugh:

I seriously feel that Lego should only do 1 new series each year. . .

If you ask me, four a year would be good. . . and it seems like that's just about what they're doing :wink:

I think you have just creeped me out completely. Where is that image from?

It's from Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, released in 2005. It's quite entertaining.

This series seems like a good one for me: A couple of very desirable figures, but not too many and I probably don't want more than one of anything. Saves some money, which is appreciated.

If you ask me, four a year would be good. . . and it seems like that's just about what they're doing :wink:

Three a year. While the January series may start appearing in December, you can't count it for both years :wink:

Edited by Haltiamieli

Three a year. While the January series may start appearing in December, you can't count it for both years :wink:

OK. Good number, if you ask me. :laugh:

I see that we not only got Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', but poor 'Yorick' as well :tongue:

Businessman - I'll want several. :thumbup:

DJ - Must have. Love the torso print. :thumbup:

Conquistador - Will be a museum exhibit with a plain yellow head in my town. :thumbup:

Rodeo girl - Like it, want it. :thumbup:

Diver - Oh yes. Perfect city museum fodder. :thumbup:

Skier - Want her just because I have the other winter sports minifigs. :thumbup:

Thespian - Fantastic. More museum fodder. The ruff is perfect. :thumbup:

Cheerleader - I could use the legs for a MOC tennis payer. Otherwise not wanted. :sceptic:

American footballer - No use to me. The trophy will be worth getting from bricklink. Finally a trophy in minifig scale. :sceptic:

Santa - The hat and sack look like useful parts but I don't want a santa. It'll never be christmas in my town. :sceptic:

Austrian pretzel guy - Nice but not going to fit with anything I have planned. I'll bricklink the pretzel though. :sceptic:

Robot - I don't like it. Didn't like the last one either. The bucket head is too big and I think I prefer the clockwork robot. :thumbdown:

Alien - Looks lovely but I have no use for it. The alien grey fulfills my alien needs. :thumbdown:

Fairy - Not hot. I don't like fairies. They're just overgrown butterflies who backchat. :thumbdown:

Vampire - Can't think of any place I'd use him even though he looks great. :thumbdown:

Pirate - Think I've had my fill of pirate captains. Some regular historical sailors would be nice as a change. :thumbdown:

Edited by Jargo

WOW these are AWESOME.

I can see the Spanish guy being the pick of the lot for army building.

Personally my favorites are the bowler hat guy, DJ and Santa.

Some questions for anyone who can tell the answer from the pictures:

1.What shade of trans-purple is that on the 1 x 1 round tile for the space alien laser gun?

2.Is the hat on the Cowgirl new?

3.Can anyone see if Santa has any neck-wear? And whats that in his hand?

4.Is the pretzel on the German guy the same color as the pretzel in the new Hobbit Bag End set?

5.What is the businessman holding? The tile looks like it might be a newspaper but I am not sure, is the other thing the normal suitcase or something new?

and 6.Is the square tile held by the DJ meant to be a record cover or what?

Lets see. . .

1. Same as the head, I think. Not pink, at any rate. I think it might be the first purple-trans peice? :sceptic:

2. Yes, but only because of the hair underneath it. Other than that, we've had the same basic mold before.

3. Neck-wear? I dont think so - he just has a beard (not sure if that counts as neck-wear. . . :wink: ). In his hand he has a sack - almost golden, actually.

4. I think so. Not positive though.

5. It does seem to be a newspaper, and, although I'm not 100% positive about this, I beleive his suitcase is the same as previous ones :cry_sad:

6. Seems like it. Not too cool if you ask me. . . :wink:

Woah, you are right, I forgot the brain Aliens in Alien Conquest came with trans neon green heads. I am pretty sure there will be a trans-purple head in the queen, else the brain would not look right.

That would be really nice. . . I had no cule they came w/head though. . . :wink:

Pirate - Think I've had my fill of pirate captains. Some regular historical sailors would be nice as a change. :thumbdown:

Well, we did have a sailor in S4 :wink: . . . But I agree, not to thrilled about the pirate captain (almost too much gold, actually. . . :classic: )

Very excited about this series and I am liking most of them.

Excited about the headphones hair piece. I recently made a dodgy pair because I wanted some, but now there will be Lego ones which look much better.


Have also been wanting a bowler hat in black and fairy wings.

I also love man bat, giant pretzel, diver helmet and thespian collar.

Okay, then....not as impressive as past releases. Another robot, really.....the business man should have had an umbrella to be even more British. :laugh:

The Alien queen is the best of the bunch, reminds me of the alien queen from the original BSG...well just a little. :laugh:

This is definitely an underwhelming series. The figures are all well-designed, but this reveal didn't get me as excited as the unveilings of Series 6 and 7. :sceptic:

Hopefully Series 9 will be great...

When will TRU see these in stores? Early august?

The DJ headpiece is a really nice piece, he looks a lot better than the old DJ/disco dude. I still think Series 7 is better though, with the Galaxy Patrol, Aztec, and Bagpiper(the bagpipe was simply superb) This series more overall OK minifigures, rather than a few excellent ones. I'm thinking Series 9 will come out, if it does, in December or January of next year.

When will TRU see these in stores? Early august?

I think more like late August or early September, TLG likes to show us the pics at least a month before they come out.

Edited by Lightning Dragon

while the bavarian is rather boring, there's something interesting about the parts... it seems he is getting a white feather plume. that is quite rare indeed. guess BL price is going to fall for that piece now!!!

Are the new headphones attached to the hairpiece?

It seems to me that they are doing to many minifigures that have been done before. I think that the idea of collectable minifigures should be to do new and different minifigs that are great for display. Although I like all of them, some are unneeded. We have already seen a cheerleader and skier before. I think Lego should do ones that haven't been done before, like a fireman, soldier, medusa, rock climber, bigfoot, and a lot more. The list goes on for a while.

Ideas can be gathered from here.

Repeating a minifig is fine, but make it different from the previous one, and original. The cheerleader is identical to the previous one, just in a different color.

I do like how they made the series 7 space marine different from the previous space minifigures :wub:

Just my thoughts.

Edited by jasbury

I think Lego should do ones that haven't been done before, like a fireman, soldier, medusa, rock climber, bigfoot, and a lot more.

Just my thoughts.

you're kidding right? we need more firemen like eskimos need ice.

you're kidding right? we need more firemen like eskimos need ice.

But we haven't had one from the collectable minifigure line :wink:

A specialized original one would be cool :sweet:

Edited by jasbury

They look stunning! :sweet:

I am happy Lego is releasing CMs that are easy to feel within the pack. :thumbup:

Not too thrilled, but not at all disappointed, either. My opinion on the figs:

- alien queen: I, for one, welcome our new alien overlord/lady...

- cowgirl: OK, would have liked a more authentic settler woman with a bonnet. hoppefully, TLG will give us a shepperdess or something like that soon.

- santa: about time.

- conquistador: very nice, but would have liked non-gold armor better.

- Bavarian: OK, the pretzel is great!

- cheerleader: as repeats go, this has the most merit, though another hairpiece would’ve been better.

- diver: great! been on my wishlist for a long time (underwater Adventurers!)

- footballer: neat trophy, but the guy could use some more color, he seems plain, and the sleeveless arms don’t really do it for me

- pirate: like I said before, too much gold. the torso is the one very useful part.

- fairy: looks pretty poor, need a closer look (I agree with someone before me who said she looks like put together from random spare parts)

- businessman: so that’s what this fig is! OK by me, black bowler hat and a dapper gent is great for a historical setting

- thespian: not “ancient”, but great anyway – such a fig was on my wishlist, though I wanted a big puffy hat to go with it (but since that came with the bagpiper, I have no complaints).

- evil robot: meh. need a closer look.

- DJ: OK.

- vampire / man-bat: nice, a more scary color than the MF one (and much cheaper to get, of course).

- skier: OK, we all saw a female skier coming (I don’t suppose TLG will make a female footballer, for example) – they might even make a third skier with a helmet!

top 3: diver, thespian, conquistador

bottom 3: fairy, robot, footballer

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