February 14, 201213 yr Dumb question: why are there blue and red plates for a green and white truck? This has been typical of City sets for the last few years. Those parts which are out of sight (or nearly out of sight as in this case) are often in very different colours to other parts in the set. I've heard several reasons for this but the two which seem most likely are that it gives a wider variety of parts and (as you would expect!) for cost reasons. Cheers Rog
February 16, 201213 yr Bought this set today. Also not a fan of the back dump piece, as well as the space between the rear door and red window frame. Garbage falls out between the crack. The new color of green is not that appealing IMO. I would rather it be the same color green as the garbage can (a bit darker). Still an excellent vehicle addition to any City. Just a few mods are in order to make it perfect. Cheers.
February 24, 201213 yr Here's a big THANK YOU for this awesome review of the set! I truly enjoyed reading it :)
February 24, 201213 yr Really liked this set. £15.99 initially seemed steep, but there are a lot of parts and the truck is very solidly built. My toddler loves the truck and the tip mechanism. The banana and fish are nice touches. The 2012 vehicles are great toys, probably the best city vehicles ever from TLG. Good review too
February 25, 201213 yr I love the Bright Green! Now, if only the banana piece came in Dark Brown... I mean, come on, who throws away a perfectly good banana?!
February 25, 201213 yr Built this yesterday-- it seems to be a much more compact and efficient build than the old Recycling Truck, but for some reason I just seem to like that one more. Still, money well spent-- wish they did a new torso design for the crew, but otherwise thumbs up!
August 21, 201311 yr I just got this today at Wal-Mart her in the USA for $13. That was the clearance price. I guess they're rotating them out for the holiday releases.
August 22, 201311 yr I just got this today at Wal-Mart her in the USA for $13. That was the clearance price. I guess they're rotating them out for the holiday releases. Please read our policy on topic bumping (which is linked to in the Site Guidelines). Thank you.
August 22, 201311 yr Please read our policy on topic bumping (which is linked to in the Site Guidelines). Thank you. Huh? Is this some more heavy handed EB moderating? Pretty much the first line of the Bumping policy says "posting in an old LEGO topic is always better than posting in an old community topic" which is what has been done. Further on in the bumping policy it says not to bump your own posts. This new post is not by the OP. I can't see what he has done wrong? It's an oldish topic but with a topical and relevant update... Cheers Rog
August 22, 201311 yr I can't see what he has done wrong? It's an oldish topic but with a topical and relevant update... I agree this isn't really clear-cut because a lot of discussion surrounding sets also tends to take place in review topics. At the same time I wouldn't like people to bump old review topics every time a set goes on sale somewhere in the world either. I'd consider a post that adds some information or an opinion about the reviewed set to be a much better reason to bump a review topic. I hope that clarifies things a bit.
January 30, 201411 yr I just got this set recently (yes, I got it "on sale") and built it a few nights ago. I think this is an awesome little set. I never owned the previous garbage truck that has been referred to, but I did have my eye on that one back in the day too. This truck was a fun little build and will look great on display on my modular street. The parts assortment in this set is so good that I really wish I'd picked up at least a 2nd copy if not more (while that sale was on). I look forward to getting some more of these smaller city vehicles (the fuel tanker, the fire truck, etc.). BTW, since the time this review was original done, has there been a more widespread use of that "bright green" color?
January 30, 201411 yr BTW, since the time this review was original done, has there been a more widespread use of that "bright green" color? To answer your question - in Duplo, yes, this color has been used more. In System, not so much unless you count the Ninja Turtles. As you mentioned, this set has great parts. I did pick up an extra just for the parts. The two shades of green are so similar that it is hard to tell them apart unless you are using them next to each other. In fact, I forgot that this set uses Bright Green, so when I was building a tow truck a couple of weeks ago I went to get my spare 6 wide green roof, only to find out when I placed it on the 'dark green' tow truck that it isn't the same color. Doh! I still need to find a dark green roof for that truck...
January 31, 201411 yr Nice review, i wanna buy it, i found it for 13€ (average cost is 22 on spain). Thnks for all, that review convince me!
December 27, 201410 yr Ack, I bought one of this set off BrickLink earlier this year, and its been parked on the curb of my modular city. Well, last night, in the dark I accidentally bumped the table, and the poor garbage truck took a nose dive off the edge and exploded on the floor. Most of it stayed intact, but one of the curved sides popped out and the tipper mechanism almost completely came apart. I had a heck of a time finding the parts all over the floor/under a bed, etc. Well, its been a while that I built it, and I couldn't remember how the tipper mech went. So being the day after Christmas, I was too lazy to dig out the instruction booklet, so looked it up on the Lego site for the pdf of the instructions. This is where I have been scratching my head and searching in vane for some parts that those instructions showed should be attached to the tipper. I checked inventories on Bricklink and on BrickSet, and discovered that a page had been added to the instructions (compared to the instructions I got with my set), which added a 1x2 trans black brick and a 2x2 domed plate to below the tipper. Neither of which were included in my set. I guess, the later inventory was amended, because of some play functionality it added. Those parts, as far as I can tell would provide support to the spot where the trash can would be attached on the 2x2 jumper plate. Maybe a kid playing with it would of been constantly breaking it off, so the added parts provide a support below it...I think it would drag on the ground moving the truck though. Ah, just thought I would share this on a quiet afternoon after Christmas...haha. I like the truck even though it leaves a trail of trash that falls though a gap in the container..and the review was very good!
December 29, 201410 yr Thank you for pointing this out Talos. I wouldn't have realized they added some stability parts to this set otherwise. I own two of them and felt that the back was rather unsupported. Makes me wonder what other sets have been adjusted?
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