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This year, I was able to go to the New York International Toy Fair for the first time as a representative of the BIONICLE wiki BIONICLEsector01 and its sister site HEROsector01. Together with fellow BS01/HS01 staff member Chols, who took most of the photos, I attended the LEGO Collectors Preview where representatives of LEGO fansites can view and photograph the new sets for an extended two-hour timeframe (our invitations unfortunately did not cover admission to the full three-day Toy Fair event, so externally-produced LEGO products like clocks and watches were not among the things we saw).

Since our sites' normal coverage doesn't extend outside the constraction themes, we reached an agreement with Eurobricks to share with them our coverage of the LEGO Collectors Preview and all the sets and themes on display. First up is Hero Factory itself, a theme which probably holds little interest to a lot of Eurobricks members but was what we as a wiki came to see.

The theme for this year's Hero Factory sets is "Breakout". There has been a mass breakout from the Hero Factory's villain containment area, and previously-captured villains are fleeing all over the galaxy. Each Hero is tasked with tracking down and capturing a particular villain, and each is equipped with a pair of Hero-Cuffs for the task. A quirk about this year's Hero Factory sets is that instead of packaging all Heroes as US $7.99 sets and all villains as US $12.99 sets or larger, as had been done previously, the range of sizes is mixed.

First up are the ten sets already released: five Heroes and five villains. Of these, two (6227 Breez and 6228 Thornraxx) have been held over until August for their U.S. release.

6200 Evo

36 pieces

US $8.99

CAN $11.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Nathan Evo, "The Steamroller", is a strategically-minded Hero whose attacks hit hard. His weapon is a "Tank Arm", an enhanced version of the plasma shooters wielded by all the Heroes.

6201 Toxic Reapa

42 pieces

USD 8.99

CAD 11.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Toxic Reapa is a villain from the swamp planet Z'chaya who attacks with toxic waste and laser cutters on his face. Evo is assigned to recapture him.

6202 Rocka

55 pieces

USD 12.99

CAD 15.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Rocka is the team's newest member, with a cocky attitude and a desire to meet each challenge head-on. While the other Heroes recapture the fleeing villains, Rocka is assigned to stay behind and protect the Hero Factory. He wields an energy crossbow and lenticular energy shield.

6203 Black Phantom

124 pieces

USD 19.99

CAD 24.99

Other currencies from Brickset

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Black Phantom is the villain who organized the breakout, but instead of fleeing to his home planet like most villains, he stayed behind to sabotage the Hero Factory itself. He carries an Arachnix drone, a bug-like weapon with a mind of its own.

6216 Jawblade

45 pieces

USD $8.99

CAD $11.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Jawblade is a shark-like aquatic villain. Furno is assigned to hunt him down on the water planet Scylla. His weapons are a modified version of a weapon stolen from Furno on a previous mission.

6217 Surge

39 pieces

USD $8.99

CAD $11.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Mark Surge, "The Livewire", is a somewhat defiant Hero with electricity powers. He is equipped with an Electricity Shooter similar to his original weapon, the Lightning Shooter and Shields. His chest pattern, helmet, and weapon all have electricity motifs of some kind.

6218 Splitface

50 pieces

USD $12.99

CAD $15.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Splitface is part-organic, part-mechanical villain with a split personality, which makes him unpredictable as he attacks the space station Sigma Sigma. He wields a powerful Shredder Claw and a poison plasma gun that launches toxic Infecticide. Surge is assigned to return him to the Hero Factory.

6227 Breez

55 pieces

USD $12.99

CAD $15.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Natalie Breez, "The Whirlwind", is a cool and confident hero with a strong sense of duty. She is equipped with a powerful Hex Energy Shield and blade weapon, along with leg rockets and the standard-issue plasma gun.

6228 Thornraxx

44 pieces

USD $8.99

CAD $11.99

Other currencies from Brickset

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Thornraxx is an insect-like villain with a malicious attitude. He can spit venom or attack with his powerful stinger or claws. He flees to his native Hive Planet after the breakout, and Breez is assigned to capture him.

6293 Furno

56 pieces

USD $12.99

CAD $15.99

Other currencies from Brickset


Furno, "Young Blood", was formerly a headstrong rookie much like Rocka, and has been a part of several missions with his team. A fire-themed Hero, he's very much out of his element on the water planet of Scylla, but has been specially equipped with an Aquajet Pack and harpoon.

There are eight Hero Factory sets new for August 2012: four Heroes and four villains. I apologize for not being able to provide prices for these in currencies other than U.S. and Canadian dollars, but those are all the press kit for the event included.

6221 Nex

39 pieces

USD $8.99

CAD $11.99

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Julius Nex, "The Tech-Head", is the head of Hero Outreach, and his chest pattern and helmet reflect the idea of networking with a computer chip texture.

6222 Core Hunter

51 pieces

USD $12.99

CAD $15.99

6866566457_32854fa5a6_m.jpg 6867200691_de253eb1be_m.jpg

Core Hunter is roaming Makuhero City hunting down and disabling any Heroes he can find to extract their Hero Cores with his Hero Core remover. He has a Plasma Gun just like the heroes wield, no doubt pilfered from a previous victim.

6223 Bulk

61 pieces

USD $12.99

CAD $15.99

6866562697_02c5c186f0_m.jpg 6867062845_c31296cf8a_m.jpg

Dunkan Bulk, "The Behemoth", is a metal-themed Hero. Originally self-conscious about his weaker mental capacity than his teammates, he has since taken up reading and become one of the smartest members of his team. His equipment includes a missile launcher in addition to the standard-issue plasma gun and Hero-Cuffs.

6229 XT4

39 pieces

USD $8.99

CAD $11.99

6889324207_05324a98e5_m.jpg 6866579627_938d7b690e_m.jpg 6866577775_2330d72d66_m.jpg

XT4, native to the planet Mechna, has a very unique appearance among the villains. He has four arms equipped with a razor disc slicer, laser slicer, and two striking blades. Nex is assigned to return him to the Hero Factory.

6230 Stormer XL

89 pieces

USD $24.99

CAD $29.99

6866568375_0ef8960445_m.jpg 6866570263_73d3ff9797_m.jpg 6867180157_f644ce3b8f_m.jpg

Preston Stormer, "The Pro", is the leader of the team and veteran of countless missions. In his newest form he's equipped with a Power Sword, arm-mounted scout drones, and a plasma gun. His ice motif appears on his torso, left leg, and scout drones.

6231 Speeda Demon

192 pieces

USD $34.99

CAD $44.99

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Speeda Demon flees to the ice planet Kollix IV on his nitro rocket motorbike. Stormer is assigned to recapture him.

6282 Stringer

42 pieces

USD $8.99

CAD $11.99

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Jimi Stringer, "The Supersonic", is a friendly and laid-back Hero with a passion for music. His sonic theme is apparent in his chest pattern, his shoulder armor with its speaker-like texture, and his powerful sonic blaster (which, although not visible at Toy Fair, he has been seen to hold like an electric guitar).

6283 Voltix

61 pieces

USD $12.99

CAD $15.99

6866564531_f1f6d1e826_m.jpg 6867081759_7ab53d1dd7_m.jpg 6867085947_846a09167b_m.jpg

Voltix has used the breakout to try and disrupt the power supply at Tansari VI Energy Collection Array. His electrical theme can be seen in the red and blue wires criss-crossing his body, the voltage booster switch on his back (hard to see in these pictures), and lots of lightning bolts. Stringer is assigned to stop him.

That concludes our LEGO Hero Factory coverage from New York Toy Fair! Next up, we will cover the zany and exciting sets of LEGO Ninjago!

Edited by Aanchir

They look amazing! Thank you for your photos and time which you spend on this! XT4 looks like from the same spiecies as Meltdown. The same situation is with Toxic Reapa and Splitface.

Corehunter is the most baddass villian ever in HF. The possibility of getting of hero cores and destructing Heroes! Perfect :D I'm going to buy him for a revamp! Like xt4.

I don't like the idea of energy swords on the head of Voltix but It's nice to see them in new desing.

And again. Thank you for that! :D

Oh how I wish Core Hunter (Reaper) would of been in the first wave. I think this is my favorite one out of both waves.

Great job! I adoor Core Hunter and Bulk, they're actually my favorite.

Thanks for the pictures and summaries, Aanchir.

Man I'm sorry, but I just don't get why everyone is so enamored with Core Hunter. He's an extremely generic build in extremely generic colors (black and red, how original), and apart from the admittedly interesting head, he doesn't appear to have any special parts. Voltix and XT4 are at least a bit more interesting in design, although the execution leaves much to be desired.

Overall though, this wave is a lot less interesting than the previous one IMO. I haven't bought any Hero Factory sets thus far, but I'd much rather have bugs, sharks, and split-faces than this generic tripe. And no, if your asking, I don't think moving the awesome Thornaxx to the Summer makes the unorginality here okay.

Edited by Zarkan

I'm loving this wave. I'm frankly annoyed that Breez and Thornraxx were pushed back. >.< But as it is, I can wait, if only for that helmet on core-hunter! He has some good pieces, along with Voltix.

Thanks for the pictures Aanchir!

I'm looking forward to get Stringer and Stormer. Due to Lord of the Rings I have to cut back on HF though (otherwise I'd get XT4 and perhaps Bulk as well).

Oh my god Stormer uses a DSS and stickers are used for his chest :sick:

I love the look of Stringer and XT4 looks a LITTLE better.

Oh my god Stormer uses a DSS and stickers are used for his chest :sick:

I love the look of Stringer and XT4 looks a LITTLE better.

It's possible that those stickers are preliminary. Many models at the event had stickers in place of actual prints. The preliminary box art does not even include a chest print or stickers, so it's possible they were added later into production and will be made into a print later on.

I'm very impressed by this lineup. I already plan to get Bulk, and perhaps Core Hunter too. Stringer also looks quite impressive. :3

I am yet to be disappointed by Bulk's appearance. :wub: I think he's the only one I'll get from the Summer wave, though Nex is pretty nice.

Man I'm sorry, but I just don't get why everyone is so enamored with Core Hunter. He's an extremely generic build in extremely generic colors (black and red, how original), and apart from the admittedly interesting head, he doesn't appear to have any special parts. Voltix and XT4 are at least a bit more interesting in design, although the execution leaves much to be desired.

I think the love for Core Hunter is due to two factors. First of all, while neither his build nor his color scheme is unique, both are quite attractive, especially used together like they are. Secondly, his character bio reveals him to be a complex villain. He's essentially a serial killer who hunts Heroes for their Quaza and gear. This is a lot darker than any previous villains, even the energy junkie Fire Lord.

All in all, there's not a one of these sets I'm disappointed with.

  • Author

I think the love for Core Hunter is due to two factors. First of all, while neither his build nor his color scheme is unique, both are quite attractive, especially used together like they are. Secondly, his character bio reveals him to be a complex villain. He's essentially a serial killer who hunts Heroes for their Quaza and gear. This is a lot darker than any previous villains, even the energy junkie Fire Lord.

All in all, there's not a one of these sets I'm disappointed with.

It also has to be remembered that Core Hunter includes a number of useful recolored parts including a black 2.0 shield, three black Rocka 3.0 "paw" pieces, and bright red "claws". The fact that black and red parts are already so common is both an asset and a flaw. On one hand, it means that the set doesn't add much to the range of colors a person can build with, but on the other hand, the new parts in those colors increase the versatility of any black or bright red parts you already own.

I also think Core Hunter is fairly bland in terms of construction and part use, but with his unique aesthetic (there hasn't been a villain since 2010 with such a grim overall appearance), his great story role, and his nice parts, it's easy for me to understand his appeal with other people.

In terms of imaginative villains, XT4 misses the mark with a lot of people but definitely shows uniqueness. He has a very unique posture and anatomy, not to mention his intriguing new 5x6 torso beam (I fully expect this to show up more often in 2013 just as Waspix's connector for his back arms made a more prominent appearance in 2012). His greatest similarity to a past villain is to Meltdown, and that's just by virtue of the head mold-- otherwise he's extremely unique in design.

As far as Stormer's torso stickers are concerned, I personally have no vendetta against stickers as long as they're easy to apply and they adhere securely, and I see no reason the broad, smooth area of Stormer's torso would present any difficulties.

Edited by Aanchir

As far as Stormer's torso stickers are concerned, I personally have no vendetta against stickers as long as they're easy to apply and they adhere securely, and I see no reason the broad, smooth area of Stormer's torso would present any difficulties.

I think the outer side of Stormer's legs (where the 2.0 torsos are) and his left thigh armor have a pattern as well, if I'm not mistaken (I've tried to find a good pic of the legs but no success so far). Anyway, thanks for the thread!

Edited by wghost

In terms of imaginative villains, XT4 misses the mark with a lot of people but definitely shows uniqueness. He has a very unique posture and anatomy, not to mention his intriguing new 5x6 torso beam (I fully expect this to show up more often in 2013 just as Waspix's connector for his back arms made a more prominent appearance in 2012). His greatest similarity to a past villain is to Meltdown, and that's just by virtue of the head mold-- otherwise he's extremely unique in design.

As far as Stormer's torso stickers are concerned, I personally have no vendetta against stickers as long as they're easy to apply and they adhere securely, and I see no reason the broad, smooth area of Stormer's torso would present any difficulties.

XT4 is just too quirky for me. Nice concept, but he looks kinda jumbled. Not to mention I don't feel a lot of desire for so many light gray limbs when dark gray is more versatile for constraction mocs.

I would actually prefer if Stormer's chest was stickered. It's such a nice big piece, it could be used for much more than just a chest. (Heck, I don't think I'd ever make a moc with a chest that size.) Though I'd be fine with prints too.

Originally self-conscious about his weaker mental capacity than his teammates, he has since taken up reading and become one of the smartest members of his team.

Ah, now I know why Bulk is so smart in Savage Planet.

Pretty good Aanchir. I'm loving Nex and Core Drainer <3

core hunter prepare to be revamped

Man, given the hunk of parts here, even I could probably build something this year in this theme.

Glad I sent you two :P I look forward to the following writeups, Aanchir.

Nice to see Voltix has an apple green head, instead of a yellow one as I previously thought. Interested to see that switch on his back, he's really growing on me.

Anyway, Aanchir - did you manage to see if Bulk has any back armour, by any chance? With the shoulder armour and the way the missile launcher attaches possibly getting in the way of any back armour, I'm afraid Lego might try to forgo it on him.

Excellent work, Aanchir! And thank you Cholie for those big beautiful photos, I saved most of them.

So if I understood correctly Voltix has a tr. bright green head? Huh. I don't mind that piece in that colour becoming more and more widespread, but I definitely think I'm switching it to a tr. neon one, as it fits with his colour scheme (that I don't find cluttered at all, except for said green head and a few red pieces) more and it further distances Voltix's look from Black Phantom's.

I'm really curious about that "switch" on his back. It sounds like a really nice detail, and I wonder of it is built.

And Core Hunter's helmet- GOD YES. I'm so happy to see that it does have eyeholes, he wouldn't have looked as cool if those creepy eyes weren't allowed to be glowy looking. My only gripe is that the Glatorian head is too narrow for the eyeholes placements, so it looks like only the 2 inner eyes are coloured. But still, it's one of this year's best new helmets.

Edited by Shakar

So if I understood correctly Voltix has a tr. bright green head? Huh. I don't mind that piece in that colour becoming more and more widespread, but I definitely think I'm switching it to a tr. neon one, as it fits with his colour scheme (that I don't find cluttered at all, except for said green head and a few red pieces) more and it further distances Voltix's look from Black Phantom's.

I'm pretty sure he HAS a trans. neon green head, not an apple green one like Black Phantom. It looks especially so in the final picture Cholie took to me. Perhaps Chols himself or Aanchir could enlighten us.

I'm pretty sure he HAS a trans. neon green head, not an apple green one like Black Phantom. It looks especially so in the final picture Cholie took to me. Perhaps Chols himself or Aanchir could enlighten us.

Really? Compare his and Nex's face shots. Nex clearly has a Trans. Neon Green head, while Voltix has an "apple green" or Trans-Bright Green head. :wink:

Not a fan of this wave's Heroes, execpt for Stormer and Stringer (Trans-blue :wub: ). The villains look :wub_drool:, though. :grin_wub:

Edited by Poison Ivy

I don't know, I saw some people commenting on Voltix's head so I asked. It looks tr. neon green to me, but I wasn't there so I can't tell properly.

The opposite goes for Nex's head. It looks tr. bright green to me (and IMO it should be, as it's the Glatorian head colour colour that is closest to Nex 2.0/3.0's green). When we found out about the tr bright green head back in late December 2011, I was happy because I thought it would have been absloutely perfect for Nex. If his head ends up being tr neon green, I'm going to be baffled. Please don't let me down, Lego.

Question for Aanchir- there has been confusion among some people (myself included) about the colour of Stringer's helmet and shoulder armour pieces. While I and others assume they're black, in some photos they look Titanium Metallic. Could you clarify which is the right colour?

Really? Compare his and Nex's face shots. Nex clearly has a Trans. Neon Green head, while Voltix has an "apple green" or Trans-Bright Green head. :wink:

Not a fan of this wave's Heroes, execpt for Stormer and Stringer (Trans-blue :wub: ). The villains look :wub_drool:, though. :grin_wub:

Skip to 2:43 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3gpgEZDhmI. Voltix clearly has a trans. neon green head. Videos are much more accurate to judge than pictures with flash.



They seem pretty similar in the flash images anyway.

I don't know, I saw some people commenting on Voltix's head so I asked. It looks tr. neon green to me, but I wasn't there so I can't tell properly.

The opposite goes for Nex's head. It looks tr. bright green to me (and IMO it should be, as it's the Glatorian head colour colour that is closest to Nex 2.0/3.0's green). When we found out about the tr bright green head back in late December 2011, I was happy because I thought it would have been absloutely perfect for Nex. If his head ends up being tr neon green, I'm going to be baffled. Please don't let me down, Lego.

Question for Aanchir- there has been confusion among some people (myself included) about the colour of Stringer's helmet and shoulder armour pieces. While I and others assume they're black, in some photos they look Titanium Metallic. Could you clarify which is the right colour?

EDIT: Confusion.

It looks to me as if Nex and Voltix both have trans. neon green heads, not trans. bright green/apple green ones.

Edited by Omicron Squad Leader

I see it now. Both having tr bright green would be the best thing, IMO- I already expressed my opinions about Nex, as for Voltix I really can't complain having yet another tr. bright green head.

Hopefully 2013 will bring us at least one more new Glatorian head colour. I would love tr yellow (I'm not talking about Gali/Takanuva's eye colour, that shade has been discounted IIRC) or tr red, personally. Tr purple or tr pink would be crazy awesome, but I guess that is not going to happen.

Ouch, I forgot my bold purple dress.

Edited by Shakar

C'mon, I wanna see this switch Voltix has...?

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