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Okay. So I think I am done with all major work on the harbor itself, and will make only minor fixes and detial additions until I have the real thing built. Tell me what you think!

The deep links will go to larger images of the same angle.






Later I will add all the submodels to a new brickshelf folder so you can see all the little parts that are involved to get a sense of how the thing goes together.

I also plan to add some more of the finished guy with some different angles.

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Wow....That is awsome! You did a really cool job Mr. ZCerberus! So are you now going to build it out of bricks?

Yes. Target completion is November 19th (my birthday if anyone cares!)


well i hope you have a great b-day! I LOVE HOW ITS COMING,and i think that the left and right should be connected into one dock, even though i know your implying that a ship goes between but im not so sure about that idea...


not sure about the idea! Well the two halves DO actually connect. The two buildings in the back of the harbor are intended to be "Gate Houses" and as such, the raise and lower a pair of dock section that connect the halves... I have the gates added to the pictures right now, but they aren't closed... maybe I will show you a shot of the harbor with the gates down... they aren't terribly impressive, but then you would get the idea.

Check out the harbor with the lowered gates.




Lookin good Zcerb. How about adding some more blue baseplates in the CAD image to give a true sense of how it looks surrounded by water? Fill in the gaps and a 32x32 plate border around the front should help. Cant wait to see photo's of the real thing.


Well I think harbor updates will be scant the next week or so as I am done with the CAD, at least until I get the actual thing built (yeah, I think I can do it in 2 days next weekend, if some BrickLink parts get here!)

Though I don't have a ton of pictures, should I start a new post for my ships? I am hesitant because I am not really planning on changing them much...

At the same time, I guess suggestions could always be made even if I don't plan on changing anything!

I have 5 imperial ships in my fleet. The Large White one in the above pictures is the Arbiter. I also have the decently sized one in the actual pictures of the harbor...


This one is the Covenant.

I also have a modest 2 cannon ship (the Sienna) and two single cannon fellows (the Fortune and the Adventure). I will start a new topic for these guys.


Minor update.

I got a Bricklink order today of about 40 yellow 1 x 4 arches, and they are in excellent shape! Looks like Nov. 19th is looking good for completion.


That is an increadible project you got there!

I didn't go through all the pics, there were so many... But you've got so many variations on the design! It does look something like Port Royal on steroids! A pity about all the renovation going on at your house. Just trying to imagine it all on a natural looking set with model sea and sky etc. I am eagering awaiting when you have finished it all off and can present the models without the household scenery, you really must make sure you do that, all that hard work and it all looks incredibly impressive! God, wish I had half as much lego as that to produce such a vast scale model.

Well well done lad! :-)

A pity about all the renovation going on at your house. Just trying to imagine it all on a natural looking set with model sea and sky etc. I am eagering awaiting when you have finished it all off and can present the models without the household scenery, you really must make sure you do that, all that hard work and it all looks incredibly impressive!

While I SHOULD make you apologize for saying we were all Pirate scum or some such thing in your first post on the site, I am going to forgive you as a fellow Royal Navy fan.

Yes, the house is in disarray, however, the lighting in our "great room" is now complete which means 16 lights in one room for better picture taking! There is also an adjustable scaffold in that room while they are working on the ceiling, so I should be able to take more pictures at better angles now... assuming the scaffold is wide enough to fit the whole harbor on. Hopefully it will turn out well, and Photoshop can assist me in adding a nice background.

While I SHOULD make you apologize for saying we were all Pirate scum or some such thing in your first post on the site, I am going to forgive you as a fellow Royal Navy fan.

Yes, the house is in disarray, however, the lighting in our "great room" is not complete which means 16 lights in one room for better picture taking! There is also an adjustable scaffold in that room while they are working on the ceiling, so I should be able to take more pictures at better angles now... assuming the scaffold is wide enough to fit the whole harbor on. Hopefully it will turn out well, and Photoshop can assist me in adding a nice background.

Cool bananas! Imagine you're not taking well to all the dust about... Look forward to seeing it all upgraded.

  • Eurobricks Emperor
Yes. Target completion is November 19th (my birthday if anyone cares!)

Happy birthday Mr. ZCerberus.

Did you reach your deadline?

Now that I see the actual pictures I'm impressed.

This is in my top 5 of my favorite harbors.

My ships would be happy to come here :pirate4:

You have a good number of those beautiful imperial guards in the garnizon.

Do you have any plans for future projects now this is ready?

Only in the top 5?

Just kidding. Well I do not have any immediate plans for the harbor. I would like to add a rock like structure behind each half to signify my original vision of the harbor guarding the entrance to a cove. That would require more BURPs and LURPs and old dark gray than I have right now.

My immediate plans I think are going to be 2 fold. I need a pirate fortress and ship to challenge the Imperials. I think I might try to come up with something different for them!

  • Governor

Just to let everyone know this thread has been split into 2 threads, this thread for the Work In Progress and the second for the completed MOC. This is to make the completed MOC more accessible to those who haven't been following this thread.

The completed MOC can be found in Imperial Harbor - Finished


It might seem strange to post here given that the 'finished' thread is now opened, but since we earlier had a discussion about submodels, I thought I would show you the submodels in the harbor CAD rendering... the BS folder is here

Until it is moderated, some pics of the parts that went into the fortess section...

















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