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Eurobricks Collectable LEGO Minifigures Series 6 Building Contest

[CATEGORY B Entries]


*Special thanks to Eurobricks Staff, Brickthing for the design of the poster*

Category B - Build an Architectural Scene with the LEGO Collectable Minifigures

Build up to 24x24 vignette from any architectural design where you could display a combination of this special interacting scene of your selected minifigure from the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 and any selected existing minifigures from the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 1 to 5.

What architectural design will you choose to build and integrate this special interacting scene between your selected Series 6 minifigure and your selected minifigure within Series 1 to 5?


Spaceman ~ Crash Test Dummy ~ Cheer Leader ~ Tribal Hunter ~ Robot ~ Ninja ~Clown ~ Magician

Forestman ~ Wrestler ~ Caveman ~ Deep Sea Diver ~ Nurse ~ Skater ~ Zombie ~ Cowboy


Mexican ~ Weightlifter ~ Pop Star ~ Traffic Cop ~ Lifeguard ~ Jungle Explorer ~ Spartan ~ Vampire

Pharaoh ~ Witch ~ Mime Artist ~ Ringmaster ~ Karate Master ~ DJ ~ Surfer ~ Skier


Space Alien ~ Snowboarder ~ Fisherman ~ Samurai Warrior ~ Sumo Wrestler ~ Elf ~ Tribal Chief ~ Rapper

Space Villain ~ Hula Dancer ~ Tennis Player ~ Mummy ~ Gorilla Suit Guy ~ Baseball Player ~ Race Car Driver ~ Pilot


Viking ~ Mad Scientist ~ Lawn Gnome ~ The Monster ~ Sailor ~ Street Skater ~ Werewolf ~ Ice Hockey Player

Ice Skater ~ Soccer Player ~ Hazmat Guy ~ Kimono Girl ~ Musketeer ~ Artist ~ Surfer Girl ~ Punk Rocker


Detective ~ Pharaoh Queen ~ Aerobics Instructor ~ Zoo Keeper ~ Eskimo ~ Dwarf Warrior ~ Grenadier Guard ~ Gladiator

Godzilla ~ Circus Clown ~ Woodcutter ~ Snowboarder ~ Mafia Gangster ~ Graduate ~ Boxer ~ Cavewoman


Intergalactic Girl ~ Butcher ~ Mechanic ~ Genie ~ Leprechaun ~ Roman Soldier ~ Surgeon ~ Skater Girl

Bandit ~ Flamenco Dancer ~ Clockwork Robot ~ Minotaur ~ Alien ~ Celtic Warrior ~ Sleepyhead ~ Lady Liberty


Category B - The Rules

  1. Build a vignette that display a special interacting architectural scene between your selected Series 6 minifigure and any amount of selected minifigures from the LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 1 to 5. The vignette measures up to 24 studs by 24 studs (No height limit). The minimum vignette size is 8 studs by 8 studs. So, you can only choose to design between these given measurements.
  2. The selected architectural design can be build in either minifigure scale or in LEGO Architecture scale like these following examples.
  3. The selected architectural design of your participating entry can be fictitious or non-fictitious.
  4. By definition of a "Architecture" or "Architectural"; The art and science of design and erecting buildings and other physical structures. A general term to describe buildings and other infrastructures. A style and method of design and construction. If you are unsure of your selection, please ASK ME!
  5. The vignette can be of any themes that will allow you to showcase the Architecture design for the special interacting scene in the best possible presentation.
  6. The vignette must contain at least one architectural design.
  7. You must provide the name of your designed architectural for the special interacting scene.
  8. All LEGO Minfigures including licensed minifigures such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Prince of Persia, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc; are allowed.
  9. A reasonable overhang is allowed to accommodate tree limbs or minifigure accessories, but may not exceed more than 2 studs outside the base.
  10. No Series 6 minifigures are required. You don't need to own the figure to create a home for it, and it will not improve your chances if you do. You may not include the official minifigure or it's new accessories/parts from Series 6 in your official entry pictures. You may use older accessories, but not new ones from Series 6 like the Sleepyhead's teddy bear, Celtic Warrior's sword, Mechanic's wrench, Lady Liberty's tablet, etc, for example. Please note Series 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 minifigures and parts are allow in this category.
  11. Clone brands’ (Oxford, Megablocks and suchlike) parts are definitely forbidden.
  12. There is no parts limit as long as it all fits within the vignette.
  13. Entries are to be posted in this topic.
  14. One entry per person. An entry must include a picture (no larger than 800x600) showing the vignette without the selected Series 6 minifigure you built it for. Include the name (type) of all LEGO Collectable minifigures used. You may include up to 3 more images following the same rules. If you choose to take additional pictures, you may link to an outside gallery.
  15. Digital backgrounds are allowed.
  16. No LDD entries.
  17. Upload your images onto those dedicated image hosting websites such as Brickshelf, Flickr, etc. Do not use Eurobricks attachment to upload your images.
  18. No digital added decals or parts’ colour changes will be allowed.
  19. No webcam or cellphone camera images can be used for the submitted entry. It must be taken in a clean and decent background with enough brightness to show the beauty of your entry.
  20. The contest begins now and will end on the 23th of April, 2012 at 1200hrs (GMT+8). Voting will begin immediately after that and will last 7 days.
  21. In the event of a tie, the Staff will vote to decide the winner(s) and all Staff decisions are final.
  22. Any violation of the rules will be subject to disqualification.

The Voting!

At the end of the entry period, a posting topic will appear listing the eligible entries for the above categories. Members who joined prior to the start of the contest will then be able to post how they wish to use their 3 points to vote for the entries they like best. A single entry may receive all 3 points, or the points may be divided between 2 or 3 entries, however the voter wishes. Detailed voting rules will be announced at the start of the voting. Members who join after the start of the competition may choose to enter but may not vote. This is to stop vote rigging.

It's just that simple!

Please use this thread for any further discussions or questions pertaining to this contest and most of all ...

Have fun!

Eurobricks Special LEGO Themes Administration Team

WhiteFang & Rufus

Edited by Rufus

  • 3 weeks later...

All your monuments are belong to us...

Series 3: Alien

Series 6: Lady Liberty (M.I.A.)


The alien invaders have taken Lady Liberty as a trophy for conquering the US. :cry_sad: Other monuments across the globe have been ransacked but may become available on gBay (g- galaxy).

To instill fear amongst the humans minifigs, those dastardly aliens have left a lifesize replica of one of their most fearsome warriors, Arnold. :sick:

Is this the end for Earth as we know it ? who will rise up and save the day ? Where's Will Smith when you need him ? :hmpf:

Pic 2


Pic 3


Pic 4


Due to an interstellar battle, a new faction have taken over.... :cry_sad:

Edited by CamelBoy68

  • 3 weeks later...

The (extremely rich) sleepyhead has bought himself a brand new super huge 3D TV, and is spending all his time on the couch in his pyjamas in front of it.

The ski jump is modeled after "Holmenkollbakken", the ski jump in Holmenkollen in Oslo. For reference pic, see here: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Holmenkollbakken_14_march_2010.JPG

The S6 figure is the sleepyhead.





Additional pictures, including ones with the sleepyhead sitting on the could can be seen in my flickr.

Robbers in the lobby

Minifig: Intergalactic Girl

Theme: Space

The "intergalactic girl" (and also the spaceman from series 1) has a job at the lobby of a space station, which is raided by the space villain (from series 3) and his henchmen.




Btw: First space moc since 2005/2006

Finishing Touches

Theme: City

Minifig - Series 4: Artist

Minifig - Series 6: Lady Liberty

Architecture: Liberty Island / Statue of Liberty

The artist stood back to admire his work. He'd been commissioned to create this scale model of the Statue of Liberty for the museum's new exhibition and it was nearly complete. He'd finally finished applying the base colors and now all that was needed were a few finishing touches.





It should be obvious where Lady Liberty is supposed to stand ... but check out the complete set on Flickr to see photos of the vignette with Lady Liberty included: Finishing Touches on Flickr

Battle plans

Minifigure 1: Series 4 Viking

Minifigure 2: Series 6 Celtic Warrior

Theme: Historic

So, here's my entry for cat. B.

A team of warriors is planning an attack on the castle of the landlord, as he is not very kind to his people.

The build shows the discussion of battle strategies between the chiefs of the surrounding villages on a scaled model of the castle.

The Celtic Warrior has to stand on the stud.


Top view

(The castle, with all it's buildings, is based on the pc game Stronghold. Which I used to play back in the days)

Edited by kciR

Toxic Cleanup

Minifig 1-Series 6 sleepyhead

Minifig 2-Series 4 hazmat

Theme- Town

The sleepyhead is so fast asleep that he is unaware of the toxic gas leaking through a broken pipe in his room. He sleeps through the hazmat troops coming to rescue him and clear up the mess.

The sleepyhead is meant to go on the bed in the house. I don't actually have him so you have to use your imagination.





Toxic Cleanup on Flickr

Thanks for looking, Thanks mods for the contest and good luck to everyone.

Edited by Darth Yogi

Past Series: Gangster

This Series: Flamenco dancer

Architecture style: Art Deco


This Flamenco dancer (inside the box) had a bit of "misunderstanding" with the family. Therefore a few "movers" were sent out to pick up some "instruments" from the nightclub where she works.



Without the minifigs


The building is loosely based on the historic nightclub The Paramount built in the 1930's in Shanghai. The car is art deco style too.

Edited by lisqr

Here is my entrie:

Attack in the city


Series 3:Gorilla Suit Guy

Series 5:Lizard Man

Series 6: Alien


Attack of the city par InsaneJames, sur Flickr

"This Gorilla as capture a women.We need an air support now!"


Attack of the city par InsaneJames, sur Flickr

This Lizard man is really destroying everything on his way!


Attack of the city par InsaneJames, sur Flickr

Here is a zoom on the UFO.


Attack of the city par InsaneJames, sur Flickr

Hope you like it!


The Irish round rowers were built during the 9th to 12th century and served as bell towers and/or places of refuge. These times were troublesome for the Irish people as Viking frequently came to plunder their homes. Even the more shy and secret inhabitants of the Emerald Isle, as the Leprechauns, made sure to take cover in the towers when the ravaging horde of Norsemen came ashore.

The model is built for the Leprechaun (series 6) and the Viking (series 4) and the architecture feature is the typical Irish round tower.





The tower is inspired by Derfel Cardarn's style. Although much more fragile since I didn't have all the necessary pieces. :tongue:

My third wish

Minifig series 6: Genie

Minifig series 2: Pharaoh

Architectural feature: Al-Khazneh or The Treasury at Petra, Jordan

Theme: Adventurers

Somehwhere in the desert, a Pharaoh once found a lamp in a secret chamber. He rubbed it and a Genie appeared. As the custom bids of Genies set free, the Pharaoh was granted three wishes.


The hidden palace where the lamp was found

His first wish was a ton of gold, which appeared in an instant. The second wish was, naturally, Cleopatra in Leia's slave outfit. What will his third wish be?


The stud for the Genie on his lamp is illuminated by a PF lamp.

More pics (one with Genie) can be seen on my Flickr

Disclaimer: I had built about half of this when I found this LEGO Al-Khazneh by ArzLan. I had not seen it before and did not look at the pics, so all similarities are coincidental. His is better :thumbup:

My entry: The Fisherman's Surprise

Series 6 Fig: Robot

Series 1-5 Fig: Series 3 Fisherman


See the scene with the fig here.

Here is my entry ^_^

Castle Defense

Minifig Series 6: Celtic Warrior

Minifig Series 3: Elf

Theme: Castle

Architecture: Castle

An elf is trying his utmost to defend the castle from the attack of a Celtic Warrior!!

(a one-on-one battle... very small scale indeed :tongue: )





Thanks for watching!!

More pictures on my flickr.

Outpost Raid

Minifig Series 6: Intergalactic Girl

Minifig Series 3: Space Villain, Space Alien

Minifig Series 1: Spaceman, Robot

Theme: Space

Architecture: Space Outpost

The Intergalactic Girl always wanted to explore the universe and go on space adventures, but she got stuck guarding a remote outpost on a bare planet. I guess she should have been careful what she wished for because one day the notorious Space Villain and his merciless crew of space pirates came to raid the outpost! Can she fend off the scum together with her Spaceman friends?


Outpost Raid - back by Oky - Space Ranger, on Flickr

The outpost is an example of quality space architecture. It is designed to be very sturdy and efficient. The hangar bay doors are nearly impenetrable and can only be opened with the correct access codes. That's why the space pirates are infiltrating the facility through an emergency hatch on the roof.


Outpost Raid - front by Oky - Space Ranger, on Flickr

Inside the storage room of the outpost, a fierce battle between heroes and villains ensues while a defenseless maintenance robot watches in terror!


Outpost Raid - interior by Oky - Space Ranger, on Flickr

In the hangar below, a Spaceman is landing in his Lite-class Vic Viper, unaware of the danger that awaits above.


Outpost Raid - hangar by Oky - Space Ranger, on Flickr

Click here to see it with the Intergalactic Girl and other views/close ups.

Raph's Shack

Series 6 Minifig: Mechanic

Series 3 Minifig: Racer

Theme: Town

Raph (the Mechanic) is currently working with Series 3 Racer and Team Octan on their new car, Blue 5, on his secret garage. The big shot Racer is enjoying his fancy macchiato (a la Jean Girard) while a Team Octan crew and Raph (the Mechanic) are doing all the dirty work.


An old school radio atop the spare wheels is playing songs from the Mechanic's favorite movie, Grease. The mechanic should be situated somewhere there on the left side of the garage.


Racer standing by the window, enjoying his coffee.


Team Octan crew unscrewing the wheel. Some cans and tins are seen on the shelf (as well as an award for being an Outstanding mechanic) and some tools are hanging by the wall. A fire extinguisher is situated on a stool and beside it is the lever for the lift.


Not much of an architectural genius like the masterpieces posted by other members but it's still an architecture, right? More pictures can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommilorenzo/.

"Through the Wormhole"


"Hello, I'm Advid Forst, your host for 'Through the Wormhole' - the show where we travel through time and space to ask the question, "Who would live in a house like this?"

Today we've taken a trip to ancient Earth, the original homeworld of the long extinct human race. But will our panellists be able to identify which kind of human inhabits the structure behind me?"


"The building itself is of a rough stone construction, with a conical roof made from tree branches packed with mud to provide some insulation.

As usual, we've collected a number of items from inside the house that may or may not provide a clue to who lives here. Clearly they are no stranger to warfare, judging by the wooden spear. The helmet is probably a trophy from a recent battle. There is a wooden box containing a skull carefully preserved in cedar oil; the remains of a revered ancestor, if I'm not mistaken. And finally, a bowl of the blue pigment known as woad."


"Now I'm going to reveal to our audience, but not our panellists, the identity of our mystery human.

As he seems to be a fairly aggressive type, we've put him in a stasis pod for the duration of the program. This also helps prevent any embarassing and legally awkward changing-history-by-exposing-primitives-to-alien-technology incidents like that one in ancient Egypt during our last series.

Anyway, have you guessed who it is yet? That's right! A Celtic Warrior! Cyril, are our host's life signs still nominal? Excellent! Now after the commercial break, we'll be heading back to the studio to see how our contestants are doing."


One final overview of the vignette to show the radial roof construction, and now the sensible bit!

Series 6 minifig: Celtic Warrior

Series 3 minifig: Space Alien

Theme: Space/Historical gameshow mash-up

Architectural feature: Celtic Roundhouse

For anyone not familiar with it, this MOC is inspired by the popular UK celebrity panel show 'Through the Keyhole,' and its long-time presenter David Frost.

The Celtic Roundhouse was common in Britain from Iron Age until the Middle Ages, and is based on reconstructions I visited at the Museum of Welsh Life a few summers ago. Hope you enjoyed the show!


Mini figure: bandit

Theme: western

Architecture: Frontier cabin

The sheriff new that the bandits were up to no good when they strolled into town one late, hot friday afternoon.

Something about them just didnt sit easy with him.

After several reports of cattle rustling as well as the bank showing signs of having been robbed, he decided to investigate.


Bandits hideout by branobrick, on Flickr


Bandits hideout by branobrick, on Flickr


the bandit will be sitting in the rocking chair

Bandits hideout by branobrick, on Flickr

I modeled it after a late 1800's early 1900's frontier settlers cabin after arriving in the lonely west. They used what they had, which were trees and stones.

hope you all enjoy my entry.

Edited by branolego

  • Author

Edit by WhiteFang: Extension of 15 minutes more..

Lastly, as the host for this contest, kindly note the DEADLINE. This not the very first time that I had ever placed such a deadline for the CMF contests.

Edited by WhiteFang

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