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Here I'm posting my very first MOC to compete on the contest.

The MiniHuman Factory

Theme: Fantasy

Minifigure: Clockwork Robot

In a future world, robots will get the power, will destroy all of us and then will re-build us as they wish.

Hope this would be only fantasy.

The Factory


The Rob Lab


The Finishing Touches floor and the Warehouse floor


Here is my entry!

Location: Area 51 Warehouse

Minifigure: Grey Alien

Deep in the caverns of a huge government warehouse a rare and secretive alien corpse.


Let's play Lego Games!

Minifigure: Minotaur

Theme: City

The Minotaur has to sit on the other chair.

Kid: 'Heroica is so awesome! Let's play another round.'

Minotaur: 'No! That Goblin King has at least been defeated 15 times. Now it's time for my favourite game: Minotaurus!'




Minifig: Flamenco Dancer

Theme: Town


The male dancer performs a prancing jump in front of his partner, hoping she will be impressed. On the roof balcony, a cat is sneaking up behind a frog between the flowerpots.


He is really flying! Or is he?


Here you can see how the magic is done...

More pics on my Flickr page

Hey, funny contest to all.

Minifig: Mechanic

Theme: Town

Ok, Joe I know... I know that your previous job was mechanic but stop this flow, please take your pipe wrench and turn off the pressure valve!!!!!




I've been hoping to build a 12x12 vignette of this scene ever since I saw the S6 Lady Liberty figure, to squash it into a 8x8 for this competition was quite challenging and fun :sweet:

Minifig: Lady Liberty

Theme: Sci-Fi (Space)

Three astronauts crash their Star Fleet Voyager on a mysterious planet ruled by intelligent apes. The apes shoot and kill one during a human hunt, another is lobotomised and the remaining astronaut is imprisoned in 'a mad house'. Then some friendly Chimpanzees help him and a beautiful primitive woman who can't talk (perfect :devil::laugh: ) escape. Eventually the astronaut discovers the ruined Statue of Lady Liberty on a beach and realises, (OMG) he's been on a future Earth all along!..


More in my Brickshelf

Edited by Praiter Yed


Minifig: Alien

Theme: Sci-Fi

In the summer of 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Aboard this craft was a gray alien. The US government did all in their power to cover up the incident and is now holding the UFO in a secret underground base, studying the vessel and alien corpse.

Click here to see it with the Alien in the tank.


Area 51 by Oky - Space Ranger, on Flickr

The Nightmare

Mini figure: sleepyhead

Theme: Town

Sleepyhead was getting ready to go to bed in his nice house in Lego town. Just after he turned out the lights, he became aware of red eyes staring at him. A gigantic monster had his bed in its grasp. Is this a nightmare... or is it real!?!


Sleepy head sits on these studs:


Edited by Rufus
Corrected image URLs

The Mechanical House

Minifigure - Clockwork Robot

Theme - Steampunk

The Clockwork robot had always dreamed of building himself his own home. Once free of the maniacle toymaker he set to work, taking whatever scrap he could find. He fashioned it into a large mechanical clock, so that the whirring cogs and gears would sound like his own body.


Clockwork man 1 by The Solitary Dark, on Flickr

This was heavily inspired by Steampunk, and the fact that I just loved this minifigure. You can see the mechamism in action here: Sorry its lopsided, it looks too small with the camera the other way.


If you want to see the clockwork robot on the steps then look here:

Clockwork man 2

This just fits on an 8x8 baseplate! I'm on the very boundary of the 2 stud overhang limit, depending on where the 'Big hand' of the clock is. At 9'o'clock I'm over but at 6'o'clock i'm fine! I hope that does not disqualify me?

Here is an image of the model with 2 4x8 baseplate below - you can see what overhangs.


8x8 base by The Solitary Dark, on Flickr

I've measured the model - if the two studs at the centre back of the clock sit on the middle studs at the rear of the plates then the step at the front has a tiny overhang, the brown gear at the side has a 2 stud oberhang, and the ball at the very front of the clock mechanism is also exactly two studs out.

I really did not want to stick to a standard 8x8 square here!

Thanks, hope you enjoy.

Edited by Solitary Dark

Greek Easter was just two days before...so I made this:


Minifigure: Roman soldier

Theme: Historic

You can take a closer look:


Jesus on cross by ted.nick, on Flickr

Edited by Theo

My entry to the 8x8 vignette.

Minifig: Roman

Theme : Historical

I was flicking through some history books and googling for inspiration of something that would hopefully be a little different and came across some images of roman latrines. Hence I give you 'Military toilets through the ages'

First the overall view:


Medieval garderobe:


The Roman latrine:


Other images of the entry available



Edited by LegoPohm

I see there are a lot of tall entries in this category, well here's another tall entry! :laugh:

This is a city scene for the girl skater, who goes on the stud on the wall, like the S1 skater.


A picture with the third skater can be seen here.



Aladdin summons the great and powerful Cuusoo the Genie to impress the princess with a magic carpet ride.

The surgery is ready

Minifig: Surgeon

Theme: Town




More photos on flickr

I hope you enjoy it.

Best regards


Minfigure: Sleepyhead

Category: Town




Pictures with the Sleepyhead are on my Flickr.

Hi all here is my entry.

Bank robbery

Minifigure: Bandit

Theme: Western

Hope you'll like it. :classic:


Here is my entry ^_^

Alien autopsy

Minifig: Alien

Theme: Space/Sci-fi

A mad scientist is about to dissect an alien in his lab...


The "funny" thing is... actually... another alien is about to do a dissection of a human being

RIGHT BELOW the lab!!


With the use of "Glow-in-the-dark" tiles, the lab can give people a sci-fi feeling (I hope).


Thanks for watching!!

More pictures on my flickr.

Hello builders, this is my entry!

Birth & Death

Minifig: Surgeon

Theme: Hospital

The setting is a hospital - a place about two most important things in life: birth and death.

The surgeon is helping a pregnant woman and a seriously ill man.


A happy pregnant woman expecting a baby


A sad old sick patient expecting...??


By the way, can you figure out the parts that have been used to make the drip?

Thanks for viewing. Happy building ^_^

More pictures on my flicr.

Minifigure: Minotaur

Theme: Fantasy/Mythology

The minotaur stalks the overgrown man-made ruins of the labyrinth.


Edit by Rufus: attachments are not allowed as per the rules. Please use a dedicated image hosting service. Thanks!

Edit: I changed the pic. I hope it is right this time. If not, suggestions of how to properly link would be helpful. I can't find the info I need on the subject. Thanks.

Edit by WhiteFang: Thank you. Your entry is accepted. Tutorials can be found in the Website and Forums (pinned topic index).

Edited by WhiteFang

E.T. (Escape Tactic)

Minifigure: Classic Alien

Theme: Town (Highway)

Classic Alien and his buddy took inspiration from the Alien's childhood hero, E.T., as they were running away from authorities. Unfortunately, the escape bike they used didn't have a basket so only the Alien flew away, leaving his friend behind. Poor guy was charged with Theft.

Edited with black background and shiny stars.




Another image can be seen at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tommilorenzo. I don't have a Classic Alien minifig so kindly use your imagination to incorporate the Alien on this vig. :)

Minifigure: Robot

Theme: Town

There have been robots in Lego City for years, but how do they get made? This is a rare look inside the robot assembly plant, retooled from its Exo-Force days. The welder attaches the back panel to the robot's head before the conveyor belt carries him to the next station. The robot is supposed to be lying on the conveyor belt.



Theme: Town

Minifig: Roman Soldier

Ned got the part of the Roman Soldier in Lego City's production of Julius Cesar. He is checking the final fittings of his costume back stage before his big entrance to the play.

The minifig will stand in front of the mirror once his cape is finished off the sewing machine.

Costume Shop


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Edit by WhiteFang: Extension of 15 minutes more..

Lastly, as the host for this contest, kindly note the DEADLINE. This not the very first time that I had ever placed such a deadline for the CMF contests.

Edited by WhiteFang

Sleep Tight...

Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Minifigure: Sleepyhead

Theme: Fantasy

I know the "tire" worm isn't my idea but I haven't seen it in quite a while and wanted to bring it back. So ya, this is for the Eurobricks Minifigure Series 6 contest. I built all of this on Saturday and I like how it turned out, considering I built it in one day. I think there is a pattern going on where I build something last minute for a contest and become like the last one to submit. I think there is also a pattern of not winning :P Anyways, I hope you like it!


Sleep Tight... by Carson Hart, on Flickr

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