CorneliusMurdock Posted March 10, 2012 Posted March 10, 2012 Looks like Grandogsh's helmet not in chest anyway if that helmet on floor. Cronk wonders what else in evidence chest. Maybe knowing would help friends solve mystery. Cronk think it worth shot to tell guard party told to look in chest.
Pandora Posted March 10, 2012 Posted March 10, 2012 "Hmm, if we try to rummage through the chest and he's asleep and wakes up, he's bound to get upset. So maybe we just ask him nicely, as you suggested, Cronk." Nyx walks up to the guard and addresses him while still smiling sweetly "Hello Mr Guard, sorry to disturb you from your, ahem, guarding; we can see you're working very hard at it. We are here to help you find your missing comrades, and to prevent further disappearances if we can, so with that in mind we'd very much like to look through that evidence chest. Oh and is that Grandogsh's helmet just there? He said we could have it, so I'm sure you won't mind if we pick it up. "
Scubacarrot Posted March 10, 2012 Author Posted March 10, 2012 "Huh? Oh! Wait a minute! This is evidence, I can't be giving this out to civilians! I don't care what a prisoner said, it is vital for our uhm.. investigation! But you know, if you want it that badly, I would be willing to... lose it, for say, a 100 gold."
Pandora Posted March 10, 2012 Posted March 10, 2012 "Huh? Oh! Wait a minute! This is evidence, I can't be giving this out to civilians! I don't care what a prisoner said, it is vital for our uhm.. investigation! But you know, if you want it that badly, I would be willing to... lose it, for say, a 100 gold." "I am absolutely positive that Acting Captain Patricia will be delighted to hear just how seriously you take your job, and just how keenly you were guarding this chest. She will surely be proud of such an alert and attentive guard. And I would be delighted to hear more about your investigations! Does that mean that you will not, in fact, be executing these prisoners, as we were very much under the impression that their sentence had been decided and there was no further need for... 'evidence'. "
Scubacarrot Posted March 10, 2012 Author Posted March 10, 2012 "Yeah, don't try that on me, Missy, I am just doing my job, and I am sure Cap'n Pat will remember that if you tell her. Now, a hundred gold for the helmet, or beat it."
Pandora Posted March 10, 2012 Posted March 10, 2012 "Yeah, don't try that on me, Missy, I am just doing my job, and I am sure Cap'n Pat will remember that if you tell her. Now, a hundred gold for the helmet, or beat it." "Yes. Yes you are just doing your job. As are we. We are trying very hard to help you and your comrades who have disappeared, and all we've had from all of you since we got here to help are insults and jeers. You must understand that we only want that which was promised to us, plus it is possible that there may be items in your evidence chest that could aid us in our quest. Helping us now might one day save your life. "
Scubacarrot Posted March 10, 2012 Author Posted March 10, 2012 "You know what? Fine, If you are going to guilt trip me, just take it, and begone." The guard hands the helmet over to Nyx, and then sits back down. Warlord's Helmet - SP: 2 grants 'Natural Respite' What does the party want to do?
CMP Posted March 10, 2012 Posted March 10, 2012 "Good job, Nyx, though they're as corrupt as the Wolfgang," Atramor mutters to himself. Not that he's not glad of it, but, well, these guys were supposed to be doing good. They could at least get a questionable job that made sense for them to be so greedy in. "I'd'n't mind the helmet, this cloak's on a loan, but Rufindel's a bit light on artifacts, so perhaps he should 'ave it...but, hmm, there might be somethin' else of value here..." He rubs his chin, and McCafferey squawks loudly as he pivots to face the chest, attempting the discern the stats of whatever's within with the Cloak of the Elven Spy. Hopefully it works on items.
CorneliusMurdock Posted March 11, 2012 Posted March 11, 2012 Cronk always a sucker for new helmet and would be willing to pass on old one. But Cronk think maybe it better to give to friend with lower health, too. Healing bit between battles come in handy for Friend Rufindel.
Pandora Posted March 11, 2012 Posted March 11, 2012 "You know what? Fine, If you are going to guilt trip me, just take it, and begone." "Thank you very much. Can we look in the chest too? It looks as though there's more helpful items in there. " While waiting for the guard's reply, Nyx confers with her questmates, noting that Atramor is attempting to divine the contents of the chest with his cloak. "Now, about this helmet, this is a bit of a tough decision. I don't particularly want it - horns have never really suited me, and I have that natural respite thingumy already. Rufindel received the Necro's staff already, but it does seem to make sense to give it to him as he's the lowest in health and doesn't have any SP either. I think I will give it to Rufindel, but you never know, it might not fit over his pointy ears. I really will try to share things out as fairly as I can, so please do speak up if you think I'm making a mistake, and Rufindel, expect to be loot-light for a while as you've received a couple of nice pieces so far."
Rufus Posted March 11, 2012 Posted March 11, 2012 If no-one objects, I'd be happy to take the helmet for now. We can always redistribute the loot later if needs be
Scubacarrot Posted March 12, 2012 Author Posted March 12, 2012 Rufindel accepts the helmet, which is too large for his head, even with his pointy ears. He wears it anyway, and feels more protected already! Rufindel Galadhras (played by Rufus) Level 11.5 Cleric Power: 23 SP: 2 Health: 19/19 Ether: 9/15 Gold: 30 Inventory: Malfunctioning Staff(WP:12 on successful roll, has 50% chance to do half of WP damage to self instead(ignoring row and SP), Warlord's Helmet( SP:2 grants 'Natural Respite', Fauxthril Staff(WP:7),Potion x2, Remedy x2, Bone x2, Pickaxe, Tonic x3, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing The guard grinds his teeth when Nyx asks for the contents of the chest, and Atramor does not get any readings from his cloak. The party decides they will not try to get what is in the chest. The heroes do not have any more business to take care of in the prison, so they decide to leave, they go back up the stairs and through the wooden doors. What does the party want to do?
CorneliusMurdock Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Perhaps investigating place of last disappearance good place start? Party could also see if any beings witness disappearance that not come forward to talk to guards.
CMP Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 "That sounds good, mate. Somethin' tells me the guards aren't the best people to be sharin' information with, I can see why witnesses wouldn't be too keen on it. Also, who's dumb idea was it we're not getting what was in that chest...mutter grumble...."
Rufus Posted March 12, 2012 Posted March 12, 2012 Rufindel says something, muffled beneath his oversized helmet. No-one understands him. He lifts up the helmet a little, and tries again. I seem to remember what Act'n Cap'n Pat said: Patricia pulls out a map of Eubric and points at a certain block in the Harbor District, the heroes know how to get there. Well, I guess we go to 'a certain block' then. We know how to get there, apparently!
Pandora Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 "Indeedy team, yes! To the Harbour District! As Rufindel says we know the way, so let's go!"
Scubacarrot Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 The party decides to go off to visit the scene of the disappearances. They quickly walk out the barracks, not paying attention to the strange looks given to them by the few guards, that are walking through the building, when they saw the heroes come out the prison. When the heroes arrived at the building, it was in the afternoon, but now it is dark outside. Quietly, the heroes walk towards the place Captain Patricia had shown them on the map, it was not a very long walk, the barracks are located relatively close to the Harbour District. Suddenly, three figures jump from the shadows, ready to attack the party! PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Enemies: Metasimian(Sword) "Damn it, these don't look like Wolfgang or Blood Fist." Type: Humanoid Level: 16 Health: 150/150 Special 1: Eat Banana: Eats a banana, restoring 50 health Special 2: Vicious Slash: Strikes the target with 15 damage, and makes it lose 3 more each turn, because of bleeding, for the rest of the battle. Used if at full health, can't be remedied, but is removed if target is healed to full health. Drops: Nutritious Banana, Longsword. Metasimian(Crossbow) "Yez But they look like they carry valuablez." Type: Humanoid Level: 13 Health: 105/105 Special 1: Hide: Hides in the back row for this turn and the next 2, halving incoming damage. Special 2: Heavy Shot: Fires a heavy shot at the target, dealing 10 damage and knocking the target to the back row for the next turn, if the target is already in the back row, stuns the target instead. Used if in the back row. Drops: Heavy Crossbow, 20 gold Metasimian(Quarterstaff) "SMASH!" Type: Humanoid Level: 14 Health: 250/250 Special 1: Sweep: Causes everyone in the same row as the target to take 7 damage, ignoring row or SP. Special 2: Roar: Causes every hero to target him for the rest of the turn. 50% chance for each special. Drops: 10 gold, Metasimian Ale. Party: Cronk (played by Corneliusmurdock) Level 16.5 Paladin Power: 28 SP: 9 Health: 36/36 Ether: 11/17 Gold: 10 Inventory: Zoot's Bane (WP:12, Light), Healing Staff (WP:5 Healing effect), Sword of Bashing (WP:5), Bloody Pointy Stick (WP:1) Dawnstar II (WP:9), Ennoc's Blessing (Shield, SP:7), Elaborate Helmet (SP:2), Potion x2, Holy Bomb, Phoenix Essence, Bedroll, Mead Nyx (played by Pandora) Party Leader Level 15.5 Battle Mage Power: 24 SP: - Health: 24/24 Ether: 13/20 Gold: 32 Inventory: Dawnstar II (WP:9), Sandman's Parasol (grants immunity to sleep), Ruby(Fire), Amethyst(Darkness), Topaz(Lightning), Sapphire(Wind), Emerald(Wood), Potion x2, Remedy, Tonic x4, Holy Bomb, Bedroll, Bone x5 Atramor Gibbin (played by CallMePieOrDie) Level 15 Rogue Power: 23 SP: 2 Health: 22/22 Ether: - Gold: 185 Inventory: Leachfeather (WP:7 Fire, Wind, restores 2 health on hit), Shiv(WP: 4, can be used as both a melee and a throwing weapon.)Cloak of the Elven Spy(Allows wearer to see an NPC's stats from afar), Sand Worm Hide(SP:2), Bone Rufindel Galadhras (played by Rufus) Level 11.5 Cleric Power: 23 SP: 2 Health: 19/19 Ether: 9/15 Gold: 30 Inventory: Malfunctioning Staff(WP:12 on successful roll, has 50% chance to do half of WP damage to self instead(ignoring row and SP), Warlord's Helmet( SP:2 grants 'Natural Respite', Fauxthril Staff(WP:7),Potion x2, Remedy x2, Bone x2, Pickaxe, Tonic x3, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing Party Leader, choose the order of action. All of you, choose your targets and the row you want to fight in. Also mention if you want to try to flee, heal or cast a magic spell, or if you want to use an item instead of attacking. Any enemy not targeted will get a Free Hit on the party after everyone have acted.
Pandora Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 "Atramor did you order some Strippograms?" "Ok, I guess not. I'll take the Metasimian holding the Quarterstaff as I think I'll be the only one in the back row, and I've got some Darkness Magic with his name on it. Whatever is his name might be. I really am hopeless with names. Anyway, because of his other Special Move, I shall also go last." Party Order: Cronk Atramor Rufindel Nyx
CMP Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 "This...ain't gonna be an easy fight...'least we have our weapons this time." Atramor draws Leechfeather, stabbing downward at Metasimian (Sword) from the front row. Couldn't kill you to make them part Beast too, could it?
Scubacarrot Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 Couldn't kill you to make them part Beast too, could it? That is insulting to all Metasimians
CMP Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 "Funny, I heard them sayin' the same thing to eachother. You should take a crack at seducing them." Hey, I paid good money for this dagger, I wanna deal some extra damage...
Rufus Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 I'll stick with the Fauxthril staff for now, and I'll hit the Crossbow Monkey from the Front Row.
CorneliusMurdock Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Cronk will bash metasimian swordsman from front row. OOC: How did Cronk get a Dawnstar in his inventory?
Scubacarrot Posted March 13, 2012 Author Posted March 13, 2012 OOC: How did Cronk get a Dawnstar in his inventory? Oops, not sure! Results of Round 1 of the Metasimian-Gang Battle Cronk vs. Metasimian(Sword) - Hit Atramor vs. Metasimian(Sword) - Miss Rufindel vs. Metasimian(Crossbow) - Shield Miracle Nyx vs. Metasimian(Quarterstaff) - Greater Spell Cronk, happily reunited with his weapon, moves in for the hit on the swordsman, and deals 28 damage to him. Atramor runs in behind the same target, and tries to stab the man, but he sees the rogue coming, and nimbly moves aside, making Atramor's dagger stabbing nothing but air. Rufindel tries to attack, but the heavy orcish helmet must have him confused, as he instead receives a miracle from his gods. But it does not do anything, since the whole party is already at full health. Nyx is not messing around, and charges up a powerful spell, dealing 84 damage to the biggest of the three Metasimians, at the cost of 1 ether. The heroes are untouched, and the enemies have already taken some punishment. Enemies: Metasimian(Sword) "Two to one, haha, bring it on, softskins." Type: Humanoid Level: 16 Health: 122/150 Special 1: Eat Banana: Eats a banana, restoring 50 health Special 2: Vicious Slash: Strikes the target with 15 damage, and makes it lose 3 more each turn, because of bleeding, for the rest of the battle. Used if at full health, can't be remedied, but is removed if target is healed to full health. Drops: Nutritious Banana, Longsword. Metasimian(Crossbow) "Cover me! I need to line up my zhot!." Type: Humanoid Level: 13 Health: 105/105 Special 1: Hide: Hides in the back row for this turn and the next 2, halving incoming damage. Special 2: Heavy Shot: Fires a heavy shot at the target, dealing 10 damage and knocking the target to the back row for the next turn, if the target is already in the back row, stuns the target instead. Used if in the back row. Drops: Heavy Crossbow, 20 gold Metasimian(Quarterstaff) "Ow!" Type: Humanoid Level: 14 Health: 166/250 Special 1: Sweep: Causes everyone in the same row as the target to take 7 damage, ignoring row or SP. Special 2: Roar: Causes every hero to target him for the rest of the turn. 50% chance for each special. Drops: 10 gold, Metasimian Ale. Party: Cronk (played by Corneliusmurdock) Level 16.5 Paladin Power: 28 SP: 9 Health: 36/36 Ether: 11/17 Gold: 10 Inventory: Zoot's Bane (WP:12, Light), Healing Staff (WP:5 Healing effect), Sword of Bashing (WP:5), Bloody Pointy Stick (WP:1), Ennoc's Blessing (Shield, SP:7), Elaborate Helmet (SP:2), Potion x2, Holy Bomb, Phoenix Essence, Bedroll, Mead Nyx (played by Pandora) Party Leader Level 15.5 Battle Mage Power: 24 SP: - Health: 24/24 Ether: 12/20 Gold: 32 Inventory: Dawnstar II (WP:9), Sandman's Parasol (grants immunity to sleep), Ruby(Fire), Amethyst(Darkness), Topaz(Lightning), Sapphire(Wind), Emerald(Wood), Potion x2, Remedy, Tonic x4, Holy Bomb, Bedroll, Bone x5 Atramor Gibbin (played by CallMePieOrDie) Level 15 Rogue Power: 23 SP: 2 Health: 22/22 Ether: - Gold: 185 Inventory: Leachfeather (WP:7 Fire, Wind, restores 2 health on hit), Shiv(WP: 4, can be used as both a melee and a throwing weapon.)Cloak of the Elven Spy(Allows wearer to see an NPC's stats from afar), Sand Worm Hide(SP:2), Bone Rufindel Galadhras (played by Rufus) Level 11.5 Cleric Power: 23 SP: 2 Health: 19/19 Ether: 9/15 Gold: 30 Inventory: Malfunctioning Staff(WP:12 on successful roll, has 50% chance to do half of WP damage to self instead(ignoring row and SP), Warlord's Helmet( SP:2 grants 'Natural Respite', Fauxthril Staff(WP:7),Potion x2, Remedy x2, Bone x2, Pickaxe, Tonic x3, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing Party Leader, choose the order of action. All of you, choose your targets and the row you want to fight in. Also mention if you want to try to flee, heal or cast a magic spell, or if you want to use an item instead of attacking. Any enemy not targeted will get a Free Hit on the party after everyone have acted.
CorneliusMurdock Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Cronk will bash Swordsman from front row once more.
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