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Prime Minister Vote  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do choose to support for Prime Minister:

    • Eric Grimmson (kabel)
    • Balruf Whiteman (Blaze)
    • Willihard 'Mitt' Mittenlander (Khorne)
    • Giberte Henriche (darkdragon)
    • Jachleël Sered (Ecclesiastes)
    • (Gondabuggan)
  2. 2. What guild do you call home?

    • Mitgardia
    • Avalonia
    • Nocturnus
    • Kaliphlin
    • None of the above
  3. 3. What issues matter most to you most this election? (Choose all that apply)

    • Taxation
    • Autonomy from the High King
    • Fair treatment of minority magical beings
    • Mitgardian battle readiness and security
    • Others

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Fellow Mitgardians,

are you really this crazy making "Mittenlander" your next Prime Minister? I ask you,

What has he done for you so far? - Nothing!

What is his poltical expecience? - None at all

Where has he been the last years? - No one knows for sure, but not in Mitgardia!

Who does he work for? - His own coffers!

When will he screw you? - As soon as he gets into office!

and the others?

An old witch and a young rebell who is questioning the rule of our mighty Jarl! But nobody with any kind of politcal experience!

As I have shown you, so far my life was dedicated to the Mitgardian cause! It was me who drove out the Drow, me who was trusted by the Jarl, me who went abroad in order to negotiate better trade agreements with our southern neighbors and me who has served in the Thing for the last for years!!

None of the others has any kind of experience in politics! And the biggest liar of them all, the greediest little imposer from the slums of Valholl (or should I say Albion?), a member of the "Money Grabbers Party" is to be your next PM?

Wake up Mitgardians,

trust someone the Jarl trusts too.

Trust me,





Grimmson 2012



"Friends, dearest countrymen. The road is hard and our believe is tested and trialled, but we will succeed! We will finish the road and we will end in Valholl! Together, because that's what Mitgardia is. It's not just a nation, a patch of land needing defense. No, Mitgardia is a set of ideas, a goal forged by our ancestors. Those brave colonists who came here, defying all odds and building a great nation. It's hurts me to see how people try to tear down our beloved nation. The ideas we all hold so dearly!"


They ask me: what have you done this far? What is your experience?

"They claim I have done nothing. It is sad they have to steep this low and turn to spreading false information or just a selection pulled out of its context! It is true that I haven't been able to do much regarding politics on a national level, but I have served my county proudly for years in the county council. Before that, I was an associate of a city council member."

"My main and greatest achievements I have made, are not in politics however, but in business. I have saved different small enterprises from their downfall under this anti-commercial government. I have started several companies of my own when I had gathered the necessary funds. I employ many Mitgardians. I give them work, so that they can afford food and a roof over their head. If it hadn't been for this oppressive regime, they might've been able to venture out in the world themselves and start a business."

They wonder: where has Mitt been all these years? Who does he work for?

"I tell them: I was in Mitgardia! I was born here and will always cherish our beloved and sublime nation! Of course, I have travelled the world, visited the other Guilds and lands. Should I not have done so? Is it wrong to be eager to learn about others, to understand their needs and problems?"

"I work for a living, that's is true. I like to earn gold, but don't we all? I much prefer to live in a house and eat well than live in a gutter and starve! I work for nobody, except Mitgardia, its people and its ideals!"

They accuse me: Mitt's part of the Money Grabbers Party!

"I rebuke them! Is it not the greatest achievement of a democracy to have different parties and be a member of one, able to voice your opinion and shape your country? Plus, my opponents feed you partial information! My party's full name is: Grand Old Free Moneygrabbers Party. We stand for traditional values and freedom! We want to grab money and create an environment in which everybody will be able to do so! I'm sorry if my values and ideas aren't yours, but is that any reason to ridicule my party? I am fearful of our future when I hear all of this anti-democracy talk where other opinions are not tolerated!"


A better man for a better Mitgardia

"Our ancestors had a vision when they first came here. They wanted a country where liberty was the greatest of virtues. They wanted to build a nation where one could become anything they wanted. A place where dreams could become reality. They fought and bled and died to build that nation. You wonder where I have been? I was out there, working their vision! I was building my future, enjoying my liberty. But all that is threatened to be wiped away! Some want to take away our liberty, let our dreams burn down in the flames of eternal war and heavy texation. I could not stand idle to watch our nation go down! So, I crept out of the shadows of small-time regional politics and decided to run for Prime Minister, because I still believe in that dream our ancestors shared!"

"I am Mitt and I believe in Mitgardia!"

"I will not screw you like the current government has! They promised you security but gave you an enormous tax burden and thousands of dead warriors instead! While the other nations are trying to broker for peace, some of us here are looking for war! I will give Mitgardia back its future and a rightful place among the nations!"


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Posted (edited)

Again prove that we Kaliphlins are the most diplomatic minded of all the Guilds, there are the same amount of voters from Kaliphlin as from Mitgardia at this moment of writing! :laugh:

Of course this has some reasons related to trading and influences and so on :wink:

I love the mudslinging which is going on now :thumbup:

Even Eric Grimmson went to my city of Mpya Stedor himself to rally for his campaign and convinced many of my citizens, Willihard Mittenlander won the election in Mpya Stedor thx to the lobbying of some powerful people who found it intersting they can communicate with him in their own language (Flemish).

The results in Mpya Stedor were:

- Balruf Whiteman: 10% ----- (Mostly the fleshcoloured minority voted for him, maybe thx to his last name)

- Eric Grimmson: 35%

- Giberte Henriche: 1% ----- (only my cook and the appletrader voted for her)

- Gondabuggan: 10% ----- (many protestvoters who found it stupid to vote for another Guild)

- Jachleel Sered: 7% ----- (the vikings, berserkers and some other Norsemen of Mpya Stedor were supporting him)

- Willihard Mittenlander: 37%

So Willihard Mittenlander gets the vote of Mpya Stedor!

Very strange! Gilberte Henriche got the majority of votes in Barqa...

- Balruf Whiteman: 5%

- Eric Grimmson: 27%

- Giberte Henriche: 47%

- Gondabuggan: 1% (I think Gondabuggan's campaign got to Barqa after the vote had already taken place)

- Jachleel Sered: 2%

- Willihard Mittenlander: 18%

Maybe its because Barqa is heavily populated by traders... either that or the Drow rigged the votes somehow.

Edited by Mikel Kalores
Posted (edited)

Enter the courier!


Gondabuggan, Lord of the Socialist Party.

Many years ago, i lost my arm to a dragon as a battlemage, sent by warmongering political like Erik Grimmson to my near death. I was saved only by my shear will to survive, and the hospitals I went to would not offer me service, claiming i could not be saved. Every day, many of our people die in similar ways each day, falling victim to the poor healthcare of our Guild. m,en like Grimmson send our men to fight hoards of drow, and our problems will only get worse. Under my rule, all men will be rtreated as equals, and healthcare will be free, and our clerics will do our best to cleanse the soul and the body of evil and wicked things. In this way, we will be able to reduce the fatality rate of wounds that cripple or kill men and women like me.

Over the last years, the Socialist party of Mitgardia has striven for an election like this. how many of you have payed an election tax? I'm sure many of you. The socialist party strives to reduce the taxes in order to make our nation equally rich as the other guilds. Our party also seeks to give the young a chance at learning. Under my jurisdiction, education in the arts of Music, Art, and Magic will be improved and cheapened, to the point that education is free, in order to provide a more unified, intelligent Mitgardia. Other education, particularly religious, historical, and Fighting arts will also be cheapened to an affordable cost of FREE!

What say you, men? I'm the hero Mitgardia deserves!

Edited by Gondabuggan
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