April 8, 201212 yr Mainly i buy collectable minifigs in secret, but last year i bought the 8043 excavator in "secret". Yeah, like nobody would have noticed a big yellow thing on my Lego shelf (so i thought), but ever since i bought it, no one asked me where i got it.
April 10, 201212 yr This was a kind of bought in secret. The parents knew I was going out in a search for LEGO, but didn't see the $151 worth I brought in the house. I was able to put most of the stash in with the rest of my unopened LEGO. I should be good, no questions. Mom is upstairs taking a well timed(for me ) nap, and dad is working on his car and was away from the house at the moment. Success!
April 13, 201212 yr Forgive me AFOLs, for I have sinned... Today I bought my first lego in secret. I blame brickbadger. Last week I bought two little sets (propeller adventures and the lego delivery truck) from Amazon and they turned up this week. My wife rolled her eyes and pointed out I still haven't sold my technics sets that were going to 'make room' for new lego, so I shouldn't be bringing any more into the house. Fair enough really, and they weren't even must have sets for me, just a nice discount. This morning brickbadger posts that Ewok Attack is 38% off on Amazon UK. I've wanted (1) scout trooper minifigs and (2) speeder bikes for a while now, so I jumped on it. during checkout, amazon casually mentions that 'people that buy this set, also buy these' - scout trooper/rebel trooper battle pack and snow trooper battle pack. Two more in the basket :/ then my dirty deed. 'ship to alternative address'. This is the first order I'm getting shipped to my office. My MO will be to pull the contents, maybe even open the bags and sneak them into the house into the pile of unsorted lego before anyone notices. we have so much lego that its easy to think I can build those from what we have. My kids will probably notice that we've never had Ewoks before, or those special speeder bike pieces. Save me jeebus before I sin again.
April 13, 201212 yr I think I secretly buy them and hide them from myself. I recently started cleaning out/organizing my garage and found a bunch of LEGO that I forgot I had bought.
April 13, 201212 yr Oh, my simple answer is YES! Since I have tons of parts everywhere I'm able to buy sets as the wife can't tell what is new or old, but I have slowed down set buying to just City and Super Heroes (my son gets the Star Wars though).
April 13, 201212 yr Forgive me AFOLs, for I have sinned... Today I bought my first lego in secret. I blame brickbadger. Last week I bought two little sets (propeller adventures and the lego delivery truck) from Amazon and they turned up this week. My wife rolled her eyes and pointed out I still haven't sold my technics sets that were going to 'make room' for new lego, so I shouldn't be bringing any more into the house. Fair enough really, and they weren't even must have sets for me, just a nice discount. This morning brickbadger posts that Ewok Attack is 38% off on Amazon UK. I've wanted (1) scout trooper minifigs and (2) speeder bikes for a while now, so I jumped on it. during checkout, amazon casually mentions that 'people that buy this set, also buy these' - scout trooper/rebel trooper battle pack and snow trooper battle pack. Two more in the basket :/ then my dirty deed. 'ship to alternative address'. This is the first order I'm getting shipped to my office. My MO will be to pull the contents, maybe even open the bags and sneak them into the house into the pile of unsorted lego before anyone notices. we have so much lego that its easy to think I can build those from what we have. My kids will probably notice that we've never had Ewoks before, or those special speeder bike pieces. Save me jeebus before I sin again. That is awesome! Not with LEGO, but I did the ol' alternate address thing, I coordinated with my friend about shipping it to his house and the plan of attack to bring it to my house without my parents knowledge.
April 18, 201212 yr I live with my parents, I can't afford a flat/house, my dad hates me getting LEGO, he says I should get something more 'grown up', I said that there are plenty more people like me who get LEGO I always used to ask my Gran to buy me LEGO, I used to get it delivered to her door, she had bought it for me, and I took it home and then I had a new LEGO set!
April 18, 201212 yr Forgive me AFOLs, for I have sinned... Save me jeebus before I sin again. Sorry, mate, you are too far gone!
April 18, 201212 yr My parents are fine with it, they know that they were the ones who introduced my brother and I to LEGO when we were really young, so there's no way back! Sometimes my Dad is like "You already have enough LEGO!" and I go like "But it's all different!" while my mom goes "Soon, we won't even fit in the house!"
April 18, 201212 yr Yes, just bought 10 packs of the new collectible mini figures today. I hid them behind the boxes of cereal when I was checking out. My family didn't even notice until we got home.
April 19, 201212 yr Author Sometimes my Dad is like "You already have enough LEGO!" and I go like "But it's all different!" while my mom goes "Soon, we won't even fit in the house!" That's the same situation as in my house, except I have two brothers!
April 19, 201212 yr I live with my parents, I can't afford a flat/house, my dad hates me getting LEGO, he says I should get something more 'grown up', I said that there are plenty more people like me who get LEGO I always used to ask my Gran to buy me LEGO, I used to get it delivered to her door, she had bought it for me, and I took it home and then I had a new LEGO set! My parents are fine with it, they know that they were the ones who introduced my brother and I to LEGO when we were really young, so there's no way back! Sometimes my Dad is like "You already have enough LEGO!" and I go like "But it's all different!" while my mom goes "Soon, we won't even fit in the house!" My dad does t mind them so much, unlike my mom... I always get the line, "You have enough blah blah blah..." to which I respond, the problem is they always make new stuff! My mom is definitely annoyed by it. Whenever I get a ride from either one, my mom drops me off at the door, my dad goes in with me. Nuff' said.
April 19, 201212 yr I buy all my Lego in secret, but rarely does it stay secret . My kids seem to know my collection as imtimately as I do and quickly shout up to mum if they spot something new in amongst it all. My wife is fairly tolerant and 'gets' my Lego collecting but I do stick to the line 'it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.' I can get away with being open about minifigs but anything else I usually have to sell something beforehand (not Lego), but I am running out of those 'somethings'. I have no idea how I am going to manage the LoTR Helms Deep set yet...
April 20, 201212 yr I got caught out BIG time when I was young. I was about 12 at the time, and used to sneakily save up my school lunch money instead of buying food. Then once I had enough I went off to town with a friend and bought that small red lego bi-plane. When I came home my parents caught me with it. Because I had to tell them about the lunch money thing, they thought I was lying because they thought I couldn't save up money so they frogmarched me back to the shop, spoke to the store manager saying they think I stole it and got him to look up the purchase on their systems :( Embarrassing or what! Nowadays I live with my gf, I still do hide some purchases, but more a case of 'what she don't ask, I don't tell'. Thankfully she is such a lovingly and understanding gf she even joins in and plays with it too. Xmas just gone I thought I was out of luck with the Dropship+AT-OT set... but the last present which was a 'family' present so I was told up until the point of opening it, was the dropship! I was ecstatic, and absolutely love her to bits =D I did buy the 10212 Imp shuttle from amazon.IT because it was such a huge saving compared to S@H, I had it sent to my mums, and there it stays until I get myself a new job and 'my mum gives it to congratulate me on my new job' kinda thing xD Yes. It has now changed to my mum helping me sneakily buy lego xD
May 5, 201212 yr I live with my parents, I can't afford a flat/house, my dad hates me getting LEGO, he says I should get something more 'grown up', I said that there are plenty more people like me who get LEGO One comeback if the parents say "we think you are too old for LEGO" is (depending on the parents and on the age of the FOL) to say "would you rather I spent the money on booze/smokes/loud annoying music/whatever?"
May 5, 201212 yr I think the most 'in secret' I've bought LEGO is by buying two collectible minifigures when I was in town by myself... the only other time was when I snuck a LEGO set into the trolley while my parents were shopping in Target one time I was in Florida. It was while they were paying for it, my dad was annoyed but allowed me to buy it anyway.
May 5, 201212 yr I have made purchases before without my wife knowing it, but after I ordered the pieces I ended up telling her anyway. It was such a good deal, so I couldn't pass it up. She seems to understand most of the time. She likes to buy other things, so with both of us buying things we like, it really adds up fast. Recently we bought her the Friends sets and she thought they were really cute, she said we needed more lego! And it made me happy to hear that, but at the same time I felt that we didn't necessarily need more lego. That will add up much too quickly! For some reason my mom wants to buy me random sets that I want this year so I gave her a list and she has been/will purchase them whenever she sees them in stores. I feel bad allowing this and since my wife and I aren't buying them, it feels like it is in secret. She said she didn't mind, but I don't know what to think. It is interesting reading other people's tales. This thread will definitely make me rethink my future purchases, that's for sure.
May 6, 201212 yr I have made purchases before without my wife knowing it, but after I ordered the pieces I ended up telling her anyway. It was such a good deal, so I couldn't pass it up. She seems to understand most of the time. She likes to buy other things, so with both of us buying things we like, it really adds up fast. Recently we bought her the Friends sets and she thought they were really cute, she said we needed more lego! And it made me happy to hear that, but at the same time I felt that we didn't necessarily need more lego. That will add up much too quickly! For some reason my mom wants to buy me random sets that I want this year so I gave her a list and she has been/will purchase them whenever she sees them in stores. I feel bad allowing this and since my wife and I aren't buying them, it feels like it is in secret. She said she didn't mind, but I don't know what to think. It is interesting reading other people's tales. This thread will definitely make me rethink my future purchases, that's for sure. I'm assuming she offered? If so, I don't think you should feel bad at all. I wish my mom would offer. She doesn't even like LEGO or me buying them. I'd say a congrats is in order, you have a cool mom.
May 8, 201212 yr I'm assuming she offered? If so, I don't think you should feel bad at all. I wish my mom would offer. She doesn't even like LEGO or me buying them. I'd say a congrats is in order, you have a cool mom. Yes, she offered. I think she misses buying sets for me so she tends to go overboard a bit. I'm not sure if anyone saw it, but my post from after Christmas was between her and my wife. Christmas Haul But to not be outdone, my wife has bought her share too. I think we are neck and neck this year. It is a tad overwhelming. And with all these sets coming out, there is no end in sight. TLG needs to slow it down for us consumers.
May 19, 201212 yr i've bought a few sets without the wife knowing! mainly when they've been on offer at argos or tesco near where i work. i've had to cycle home with them, hidden as much as possible & try getting them into my MANS room before shes sees them! LOL once in there she thinks i've always had them!
June 3, 201212 yr I buy Lego in secret all the time. As a college student with a part time job and a lot of free time on my hands, it is really easy for me to do. I will admit, however, that there are a few purchases I have felt a tad guilty about, namely QAR which I found at Wal-mart for 2/3 of the full price.
June 5, 201212 yr Yes, she offered. I think she misses buying sets for me so she tends to go overboard a bit. I'm not sure if anyone saw it, but my post from after Christmas was between her and my wife. Christmas Haul But to not be outdone, my wife has bought her share too. I think we are neck and neck this year. It is a tad overwhelming. And with all these sets coming out, there is no end in sight. TLG needs to slow it down for us consumers. Wow. You want to ask your mom to adopt me? I practically had to beg my parents for LEGO for Christmas. And I only got two sets. i've bought a few sets without the wife knowing! mainly when they've been on offer at argos or tesco near where i work. i've had to cycle home with them, hidden as much as possible & try getting them into my MANS room before shes sees them! LOL once in there she thinks i've always had them! Isn't that ironic...your "man" room is full of kid toys.
June 5, 201212 yr Isn't that ironic...your "man" room is full of kid toys. At least it's not a brony room disguised as a "man" room. Remember, it could always be worse.
June 6, 201212 yr The last 10 boxes where bought in a secret and hide them from my gf build them and put them on the shelf in the livingroom when she saw them and asked about it I told her "my hands itch so bad that I had to take him" I am getting addicted Edited June 6, 201212 yr by bb15080
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