February 17, 201312 yr This was a very good episode. The action and pacing throughout this episode was excellent. I particularly enjoyed seeing the Turbo Tank, one of my favorite vehicles.
February 18, 201312 yr Yep - another very good episode moving the season further away from some of the atrocious Jedi-kids/droid frolics episodes we had to put up with to get to this point. I liked the way that the animators managed to make Anakin look so close to losing it at one stage. A nice mystery and it will be interesting to see if the resolution matches the build-up.
February 18, 201312 yr It seems the Chancellor is spreading the Jedi out now, and they're going too the systems we see in sith
February 22, 201312 yr This arc is really picking up! Here's the blogger review of the last episode! So who do you think the real murderer is? I think it might be Darth Maul, even though I didn't expect to see him in this arc. Palpatine said he still had use for him, and he's expendable from Palpatine's point of view, so it would make sense that he would order him to pose as a Jedi, set Letta up, and later kill her. Or it really could be a rogue Jedi, but I find that hard to believe since I don't think Jedi usually know how to force choke (Anakin being an exception). Either way, Palpatine must be behind this somehow. It seems just like the type of thing for him to do in order to make the public distrust the Jedi, and he's the only one who could conceal the murderer's presence from Ahsoka. On 2/16/2013 at 12:56 PM, General Magma said: What's with all those names? "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much" "To Catch A Jedi" "The Wrong Jedi" I know they're based on old film titles (Alfred Hitchcock), but something still seems a bit odd about 'em. Maybe because they all have "Jedi" in the title? They do sound a bit odd, and The Jedi Who Knew Too Much doesn't really make sense as a title for this past episode, but does it really matter what they're titled? On 2/18/2013 at 3:50 PM, PenguinPool said: It seems the Chancellor is spreading the Jedi out now, and they're going too the systems we see in sith How so? Tarkin said that he wants to remove the Jedi from military matters, not integrate them more. But yeah, it's getting quite obvious that we're moving closer to the events of ROTS, what with all the phase 2 armors/vehicles, the rising public disapproval of the Jedi's interference in Republic matters, and Tarkin rising in the ranks and taking over control from the Jedi. It also feels like it's getting closer to the end of the series because they have started making references to past episodes quite often and are starting to kill off all the extra characters they have created. Which is all a good thing in my opinion.
February 23, 201312 yr I know I'm going to get ripped apart for this, but I think the person behind all of this is Barriss Offee. I know, I know, she originally died on Felucis during Order 66, but she was never actually seen in ROTS and TCW has changed things like this before (like with reviving Eeth Koth and killing off Even Piell and Adi Gallia). Also, if no one caught the reference, all of these episode titles are references to Alfred Hitchcock movies. In "To Catch a Thief" (which was the inspiration to the name "To Catch a Jedi") the thief was supposedly a young friend to the person framed. I haven't actually seen the movie but this is what I heard. And they did show Ahsoka and Barriss's relationship in The Jedi Who Knew Too Much, and Letta did say that the jedi that was responsible for the bombing just disagreed with the jedi's ways at the moment, so this wasn't an act out of pure evil. Like I said, I know a ton of you guys will disagree with me on this, but it's just a possibility to throw out there.
February 23, 201312 yr I don't think it was Bariss Offee, one of the victims in the bombing was a friend of hers.
February 23, 201312 yr On 2/23/2013 at 3:01 AM, Darth Lurtz said: I don't think it was Bariss Offee, one of the victims in the bombing was a friend of hers. To me, that's not an argument. She could have been persuaded to help planting the bomb and having been told that there would be no casualties: naive and idealistic.
February 23, 201312 yr On 2/22/2013 at 9:52 PM, Oky said: How so? Tarkin said that he wants to remove the Jedi from military matters, not integrate them more. In Sabotage they were on Cato Nemoidia for a bit, and last weeks episode they were sending Jedi to Saleuicami. I was meaning Palpatine was setting everything up by moving them farther out. I think Ventress is behind the murders/ bombing/ breaking Ahsoka out. She disagrees with Jedi, she knows how Ahsoka would react, because of how often she's been around her and Anakin, and since she's an assassin, I'm sure she's learned how to cloak herself. We havent heard from her in a while.
February 23, 201312 yr This week's episode showed Ventress getting knocked out by a mystery person on her way back to the house. So i think the mystery person is the one that bombed the temple not Ahsoka. I don't think Ventress did it because Last Season, she got betrayed by Dooku and turned into a bounty hunter.
February 23, 201312 yr I forgot about that, but I still partially think she broke Ahsoka out and killed Letta. I think Barriss bombed the Temple now though, and she's the hooded figure. I also feel she's goinng to get killed next week, and override her getting obliterated by the AT-TE in the Sith comic. This episode as a whole wasn't as good as the last two to me, but the lightsaber duel between Ahsoka and the mystery woman was great. As was seeing Wolffe again
February 23, 201312 yr Hmm... I do think that Barriss was the one who did this, who else could've been the hooded woman? She also didn't kill Ahsoka when she could've done so quite easily. More evidence... she's just as tall as Ahsoka. The argument people come up with against this is the "fact" that Barriss was been present at Felucia during Order 66, but I don't remember seeing her in the movie. Even Piell originally survived Order 66, but when they changed his story in The Clone Wars, he died 2 years before it even took place. He didn't appear in the movie, nor did Barriss, so they can still do anything they want with that character here. Can't see Maul showing up here either, but regardless of that, it may still have been a part of Palpatine's plan... to use one of Ahsoka's closest friends to get her out of the Jedi Order one way or another, so that Anakin would come to fall closer to the dark side. Edited February 23, 201312 yr by General Magma
February 23, 201312 yr On 2/23/2013 at 9:10 AM, Brickadeer said: To me, that's not an argument. She could have been persuaded to help planting the bomb and having been told that there would be no casualties: naive and idealistic. I'm not 100% convinced that Barriss is the one that took out Ventress and fought Ahsoka. I do believe she's involved somehow, the question is to what degree. Brickadeer's thoughts seem like a reasonable possibility.
February 24, 201312 yr I've been watching this lately. I'm like 1 episode away from being caught up. My thoughts on the series as a whole (from a 27 year old who's favorite movies are the originals and who doesn't like but doesn't hate the prequels): It's got some gems hidden in a lot of "meh" and plain crap. After Season 2 I'd say is when some episodes start actually getting good. But you're still seeing bad episodes all the time. Annoying characters are everywhere. Some of the story arcs (and there's a lot) just suck which often means this set of 3-4 episodes sucks. Some of it is great. Specifically when they actually show interesting character driven stuff and not those on-off characters. Like recently there was that set of episodes with the droids and the exploding captured ship. I'm pretty sure that tiny character and the talking droid are so annoying they'd drive most adults insane. Then so many of the plots are so elementary it's ridiculous. At one point they literally explain the definition of corruption... Half the episodes have plots so simple and stupified I can clearly see why a lot of adults don't find this show appealing. Another thing that bothers me is if this such a galactic war why is every planet summed down to a single village of like a few dozen and if they solve THAT problem they solve the WHOLE PLANET'S PROBLEMS... And the predictable stupidity at times is overwhelmingly stupid. Like the episode where they deal with of course, small "simple" and "tribal" people. Then the next episode when R2 and 3P0 go to another planet, I figured "hey, what's the stupidest thing they can do now? I know, make them run into an EVEN SMALLER tribe-like people!" and BAM, it happened. Man... I'm tired so I won't go on that long. There's just a lot of bad things I can say about this show. I enjoy about 15% of the episodes :P and usually watch the ones that aren't interesting me in the background while I work. I'd compare this show to another CGI show which IMO is much MUCH better made, that being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the new one of course). The new TMNT's episodes are usually of at least decent quality, and there's a LOT more for old people to enjoy and it doesn't talk down to the viewers as if they're morons (except for one of the earlier episodes). I'm not saying it's bad. It's just so... stupified so often... The episodes I tend to enjoy are ones that show more humanity and actually give character to the boring monks. Ashoka is a good character. Obiwan is good when he's not a boring monk and shows emotion. Anakin is good. R2 is good :P. There are several story arcs I enjoyed a lot, like the one where they went to the Dark Side/Light Side world. Though I kind of wish Anakin didn't have his memory erased (and maybe it could have been more motivation as to WHY he went to the Dark Side, but they erased it...). I enjoyed the one with the Doctor and the kids getting their crystals. I enjoyed many of the later Ventress ones where they showed her character develop. I'm enjoying the current Ashoka centered one... It's just... so many episodes... SUCK. Oh god do they SUCK. Well, at least for Star Wars and there's plenty worse in Entertainment. :P I can say though it seems to get better over time. I was severely underwhelmed by season 1. Season 2 did just about the same. Season 3 started getting better episodes. Season 4 better. Season 5 probably has most of the stories I like. Edited February 24, 201312 yr by BrickG
February 24, 201312 yr On 2/23/2013 at 10:25 PM, Sir_Basil_Ashton said: I'm not 100% convinced that Barriss is the one that took out Ventress and fought Ahsoka. I do believe she's involved somehow, the question is to what degree. Meanwhile, I saw the episode. I can hardly believe that Barris has the ability to defeat Ahsoka with such an ease, and to successfully ambush Ventress. Unduli maybe?
February 24, 201312 yr I don't think they'd do Luminara like that, she was in the movie after all, albeit briefly.
February 24, 201312 yr These past few episodes really make me think that Matt Lanter makes a far better Anakin than Haydon Cristian, even if it is just voice acting, when Anakin gets a bit dark in TCW it shows in his voice far more than Haydon, who sounds like he is drunk for the final act of ROTS. Also the environments are looking really good now, I think they have picked up vastly over even series 5.
February 24, 201312 yr On 2/23/2013 at 2:41 AM, DarthPotato said: I know I'm going to get ripped apart for this, but I think the person behind all of this is Barriss Offee. I know, I know, she originally died on Felucis during Order 66, but she was never actually seen in ROTS and TCW has changed things like this before (like with reviving Eeth Koth and killing off Even Piell and Adi Gallia). Also, if no one caught the reference, all of these episode titles are references to Alfred Hitchcock movies. In "To Catch a Thief" (which was the inspiration to the name "To Catch a Jedi") the thief was supposedly a young friend to the person framed. I haven't actually seen the movie but this is what I heard. And they did show Ahsoka and Barriss's relationship in The Jedi Who Knew Too Much, and Letta did say that the jedi that was responsible for the bombing just disagreed with the jedi's ways at the moment, so this wasn't an act out of pure evil. Like I said, I know a ton of you guys will disagree with me on this, but it's just a possibility to throw out there. On 2/23/2013 at 9:10 AM, Brickadeer said: She could have been persuaded to help planting the bomb and having been told that there would be no casualties: naive and idealistic. You both make good points, and after watching the latest episode and the commentary, I have to agree that Reveal hidden contents it's probably Bariss. She fits the body type of the attacker and she did sound suspicious the way she dodged Ahsoka's question about how she found out about the warehouse twice. It would fit the trend of these types of stories where it's the one you'd least expect it to be, and maybe she got talked into it by Palpatine. Plus Filoni says in the featurette that we should be able to guess who is behind all this at this point and that we will have a hard time accepting it when it is revealed next week, so yeah, everything points to it being Bariss. Which is a shame since she, while a bit boring, was a likeable character. Oh well.
February 24, 201312 yr On 2/23/2013 at 2:41 AM, DarthPotato said: I know I'm going to get ripped apart for this, but I think the person behind all of this is *snipped* Like I said, I know a ton of you guys will disagree with me on this, but it's just a possibility to throw out there. On 2/24/2013 at 9:44 PM, Oky said: You both make good points, and after watching the latest episode and the commentary, I have to agree that Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents it's probably Bariss. She fits the body type of the attacker and she did sound suspicious the way she dodged Ahsoka's question about how she found out about the warehouse twice. It would fit the trend of these types of stories where it's the one you'd least expect it to be, and maybe she got talked into it by Palpatine. Plus Filoni says in the featurette that we should be able to guess who is behind all this at this point and that we will have a hard time accepting it when it is revealed next week, so yeah, everything points to it being Bariss. Which is a shame since she, while a bit boring, was a likeable character. Oh well. In that case (this is all just my own reasoning from the already aired episodes) Reveal hidden contents I'm not the only one suspicious of her and a bit disappointed then, I like her. Going by physical frame, it can't be any of the known jedi except Bariss Offee. (Luminara has massive hips & the all others with breasts have big headtails etc, she was exactly the right size & build) It surely wasn't any of the bounty hunters or Bo Katana because of the lightsabre proficiency. (Or Padme or Mon Mothma.) PLUS she knew where Ahsoka was because she led her there, and by getting Ahsoka to contact her without being tapped or traced noone could tie her to Ahsoka being sent to the warehouse. So if it's a known character (likely) it's her. Is she also the mystery killer? Is she also the bombing mastermind? Probably. Damn. Did anyone notice Plo Koon & Anakin slowly walking from the council after just being told to go swiftly to find Ahsoka "before it's too late" (btw instead of "before too late, it is")? Great sense of urgency there...
February 25, 201312 yr Baris would seem to be the obvious candidate for setting up Ashoka but what is her motivation - on all her previous appearances she's come across as nothing more than a sweet little jedi ghurlfriend for Ashoka. Surely if she wanted to set up someone for the bombing wouldn't it make more sense for it to be someone she actually didn't get on with? Also - Ventress going from bounty hunter to new best friend to Ashoka seemed a bit rushed - why give away a guarenteed bounty for a promise from someone on the run to get her name cleared "if things worked out"? Edited February 25, 201312 yr by TeufelHund
February 25, 201312 yr Season Six possibly confirmed= this show not getting canceled by Disney any time soon. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/The_Clone_Wars:_Season_Six
February 25, 201312 yr On 2/24/2013 at 11:28 PM, Artanis I said: Reveal hidden contents Reveal hidden contents It surely wasn't any of the bounty hunters or Bo Katana because of the lightsabre proficiency. (Or Padme or Mon Mothma.) Well, yeah, and there's the whole using the force thing. And yes, the fact that she was the only one who could have known that Ahsoka would be at the warehouse is also a pretty big sign that it's her. On 2/24/2013 at 11:28 PM, Artanis I said: Did anyone notice Plo Koon & Anakin slowly walking from the council after just being told to go swiftly to find Ahsoka "before it's too late" (btw instead of "before too late, it is")? Great sense of urgency there... Maybe it's considered rude to run inside the council room? I dunno, it didn't strike me as all that odd, but it is kind of funny now that you mention it. And Yoda doesn't always reverse sentences. On 2/25/2013 at 1:12 AM, TeufelHund said: Baris would seem to be the obvious candidate for setting up Ashoka but what is her motivation - on all her previous appearances she's come across as nothing more than a sweet little jedi ghurlfriend for Ashoka. Surely if she wanted to set up someone for the bombing wouldn't it make more sense for it to be someone she actually didn't get on with? Also - Ventress going from bounty hunter to new best friend to Ashoka seemed a bit rushed - why give away a guarenteed bounty for a promise from someone on the run to get her name cleared "if things worked out"? Wait, are you suggesting that Ahsoka and Barris had a romantic relationship? I think you may have been reading too many fanfics, but I know what you're saying. The answer is simple: It may be shocking that she would betray Ahsoka, but it's the same reason why Letta betrayed her husband, because her political beliefs outweigh her friendship with Ahsoka. That's what I'm assuming anyway. As for Ventress, bounties are a dime a dozen. There will be other big bounties for her to collect, but clearing her name is something only someone like Ahsoka can offer her, so it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that she couldn't refuse, even if it was just based on a promise. She probably knew that Jedi are usually too goody-goody to break their promise.
February 25, 201312 yr I think by "ghurl"friend he meant not as in a couple, but when girls that are close or very friendly refer to each other using the word. Regarding Yoda: in the movies & lately, no, but in previous seasons he'd been reversing far too much, so whenever he doesn't do it it's become weird for me.
February 25, 201312 yr The assailant in the last episode is obviously a female because of the body shape. Bariss seems like the likely (more like only) candidate. She is the only other female introduced in the arc that's still alive. The assailant fits Bariss's small and slender profile. Bariss likely lured Ahsoka into the trap in the abandoned factory. The only hole in this speculation is a motive. Bariss has been shown as a sweet and caring Jedi in previous episodes, and totally out of character with what's been going on in the series. Also, if Bariss was behind the plot, it would mean that there will be new canon material replacing the old such as Adi Gallia's death at the beginning of the season. If Bariss were to be executed or at the very least locked away, I don't think we'll be seeing her on Felucia for Order 66 anytime soon. Either ways, I haven't been this excited for a new CW episode for a long time. Edited February 25, 201312 yr by 382nd Legionnaire
February 25, 201312 yr On 2/25/2013 at 2:56 AM, Artanis I said: I think by "ghurl"friend he meant not as in a couple, but when girls that are close or very friendly refer to each other using the word. Regarding Yoda: in the movies & lately, no, but in previous seasons he'd been reversing far too much, so whenever he doesn't do it it's become weird for me. Yeah, I guess so. The phrase "get [it] on with" just threw me off. And yeah, I'm glad Yoda has stopped parodying himself. On 2/25/2013 at 5:25 AM, 382nd Legionnaire said: The assailant in the last episode is obviously a female because of the body shape. Bariss seems like the likely (more like only) candidate. She is the only other female introduced in the arc that's still alive. The assailant fits Bariss's small and slender profile. Bariss likely lured Ahsoka into the trap in the abandoned factory. The only hole in this speculation is a motive. Bariss has been shown as a sweet and caring Jedi in previous episodes, and totally out of character with what's been going on in the series. Also, if Bariss was behind the plot, it would mean that there will be new canon material replacing the old such as Adi Gallia's death at the beginning of the season. If Bariss were to be executed or at the very least locked away, I don't think we'll be seeing her on Felucia for Order 66 anytime soon. Either ways, I haven't been this excited for a new CW episode for a long time. Letta already told us her motif. She said that the Jedi responsible doesn't like the fact that the Jedi have become soldiers instead of peace keepers, and I think that makes a lot of sense. I can definitely see someone as sweet and caring as Bariss to be very unhappy about the Jedi getting involved in the war. After all, she witnessed death and almost died herself on numerous occasions. Plus her and Luminara always seemed like very peaceful, by-the-book type of Jedi to me, so I can imagine that she'd want the Jedi Order to return to what it once was. And yes, this will likely change Bariss' EU death. The promo for the finale made it sound like Ahsoka was facing a death sentence, so Bariss might even get executed, but I doubt the show would do something that dark. She'll probably just get locked away never to be seen again, just like all CW criminals. That reminds me, I wonder how Poggle and Wat Tambor, who were seen in the cell block, are going to escape.
February 25, 201312 yr On 2/25/2013 at 7:46 AM, Oky said: That reminds me, I wonder how Poggle and Wat Tambor, who were seen in the cell block, are going to escape. Depending on the Prison they could have got out like Boba, Bosk, Cad Bane, and Mr Evil.
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