March 14, 2024Mar 14 Update I find finally the real problem with the serial transmission using my old Omnibook 600 C running win 3 .11 and Dacta control lab . It was the ground pin nr 5 in the 9 pin serial port that have mechanically been pushed into the base of the connector and therfore not keep the ekectrical ground path I was able to push it out again and fixate pin 5 with superglue ,so now the OB 600C works without the dockingstation ( that was providing the ground path using its extension connector to its 9 pin serial connector ) So all good now !
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Hi Toastie et all I found recently old link with description using the interface A and use it together with DOSbox-X . I now have installed version 2024.03.01 . I want to test if I can get the orignal dos version of Lego controlab with interface B using Dosbox-x running on win 11 Pro and using a a USB to RS232 dongle to work . Anybody that have tested that before ? Best /Lars
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Hi Lars, 58 minutes ago, LH4PI said: Anybody that have tested that before ? not that I know of, but that does not mean anything. I bet DosBox-X will work with interface B, as is does very nicely simulate the serial port at 9600 baud. With old link, you are referring to this one, right? (–-lego-technic-control-1-tc1-referenceideas-thread/) Are you planning on writing DOS based software for interface B? All the best, Thorsten Edited March 18, 2024Mar 18 by Toastie
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Thorsten , I already run the original control lab for interface B in Dos , it works perfectly on my old OB 600C so why not try win 11 and DOSbox-X using DOS 5.0 ?!
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Hi Lars, I am asking, because I have no clue what kind of software is available for interface B (other than the Windows application found on the web). So when the original Dacta application is DOS based (please forgive me my ignorance!), it will run with DoxBox-X + USB2Serial adapter almost for sure. Best, Thorsten
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Hi Thorsten It is no problem to run the dos Dacta LEGO control lab program ver 1.3 itself using DOSbox-X The present problem are related to set up the communication to the Interface B . I have tried to get DOSbox-x working using ATEN usb to serial adapter at com1 . That serial adapter works with Windows 7 and windows 11 using windows bricklab.exe application for the interface B . The strange thing when I run the serial emulation (using directserial realport: com1) I only get communication working for a short time (at least it indicate that it sense the right port and speed I believe) , a few seconds and then the dos program loose the communication (Can't find the control box message is displayed ) I have to play around how to config and set up virtual serial1 port using the DOSbox-x configuration Tool. It may be that dos program is sensitive for how it share the port with windows in the background and now have incorrect handshaking that is not what it expect or something in that direction . I have to investigate using a terminal and usb oscilloscope or/and play around with the settings I belive Best/Lars
March 18, 2024Mar 18 4 hours ago, LH4PI said: a few seconds and then the dos program loose the communication (Can't find the control box message is displayed Hi Lars, it is all pure speculation because I don't have the hard nor the software ... Just to get this into the clear: You have the usb2serial adapter plugged in, when DOSBox-X is not running (i.e., you are in the Windows desktop; DOSBox-X it does not recognize the adapter when you plug it into a USB port after it was started); You changed the COM port for that adapter to COM1 in device manager; Then you start-up DOSBox-X with the config file (there are three: 1) dosbox-x.reference.full.conf, 2) dosbox-x.reference.conf, 3) dosbox-x.conf; only the last one is read by DOSBox-X upon start-up - it took me a while to figure that out ^^), where you changed the serial entry to "serial = directserial realport:COM1"; Then you run "bricklab.exe", which is the DOS version to control interface B; In "bricklab.exe", the COM port is set to COM1. Is that correct? Best, Thorsten Edited March 18, 2024Mar 18 by Toastie
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Almost correct Point 4 differs Bricklab.exe is a windows test program for interfacec B and it works in windows 11 but no use for me. Ctrlab exe is the original Dacta full funktion DOS program with labview like interface that I can run i DOSbox-X but not yet errorfree communication . I have started to use a sniff terminal program , let see if that help
March 18, 2024Mar 18 5 minutes ago, LH4PI said: Bricklab.exe is a windows test program for interfacec B and it works in windows 11 but no use for me. Ah. OK no, that won't work. Does bricklab.exe run under Win 3.11? The latter can be installed in DOSBox-X as well. OK, Win 3.11 was a DOS application anyway Best, Thorsten
March 18, 2024Mar 18 Bricklab.exe actually have been made by Swedish programmer , I have talked to him but it is clear that it is not running win 3.11 but win 95 and up !. you find the program here, the interface B The sniffer program I have found that actually support win 11 64 bit is Best Regards Lars
March 19, 2024Mar 19 Test of uploading a picture from my Google drive Edited March 19, 2024Mar 19 by LH4PI
March 21, 2024Mar 21 Hi All Anybody that have info or link about a good free rs-232 monitor/analyzer that can " sniff'/ listen to the traffic between a wIN 7/10/11 64 bit computer and a RS 232 device and save that to file ? Best Regards Lars
March 21, 2024Mar 21 6 hours ago, LH4PI said: free rs-232 monitor/analyzer that can " sniff'/ listen to the traffic Hi Lars, in a German microcontroller forum they said this one does it: For my needs, HTerm was sufficient, so I do not know how this software performs. Best, Thorsten
March 21, 2024Mar 21 Thanks Thorsten I also use Hterm ! I testet the software , but it is free only for two first week and not as good for the same price as my suggestion in my opinum . I have bought a faulty interface B from USA and hope to be able to fix it , I let You know . Best Lars
April 9, 2024Apr 9 I find a solution , I bought a vintage Toshiba Tecra M5 that have a standard 89 pin serial port (as well as SD, PCCARD, USB, CD/DVD, Video ou and a 80 GB SATA harddrive and 2G RAM) , I successfully install Lubuntu 18.04 LTS and Dosbox for linux and get it working using the Dacta Dos program and the serial port !
April 9, 2024Apr 9 I find a solution , I bought a vintage Toshiba Tecra M5 that have a standard 9 pin serial port (as well as SD, PCCARD, USB, CD/DVD, Video ou and a 80 GB SATA harddrive and 2G RAM) , I successfully install Lubuntu 18.04 LTS and Dosbox for linux and get it working using the Dacta Dos program and the serial port ! Edited April 9, 2024Apr 9 by LH4PI
April 26, 2024Apr 26 Everyone I now also want to run interface B , rcx and nxt using robolob 2.9 on windows xp using natively serial port . Can anybody confirm that the interface B actually works well on this platform. Best Lars Edited April 26, 2024Apr 26 by LH4PI
April 29, 2024Apr 29 Hi again Please , that must be somebody in this forum that use or have experience using the Robolab that I can share information to get Lego running Best Regards Lars
April 29, 2024Apr 29 1 hour ago, LH4PI said: that use or have experience using the Robolab that I can share information to get Lego running Hi Lars, unfortunately, I don't have Robolab. However, Google tells me that it was intended to be used for programming the RCX and the NXT. The RCX uses either the serial or the USB tower, the NXT a USB cable or Bluetooth. As per Google, Robolab 2.9 does not support BT - that leaves you with the UBS cable for the NXT; I would not know how to attach the NXT via a serial cable. The only "RS232" only device in your list is then the interface B, correct? That works with a USB2Serial adapter, right? Or is your inquiry software related? As in: "Does Robolab 2.9 support direct RS232 communication?" I am a bit lost here. I'd just use the USB ports on the XP machine with USB2Serial adapters where required (i.e. for the interface B). Best, Thorsten EDIT: I just found Robolab on the InternetArchive, installed it and ran it on my Win11 64 bit laptop without problems. As it shows the RCX, NXT, and interface B on the "RCX/NXT settings" tab, and you can select the COM port you want to use along with each of those, I guess all should be fine with USB2Serial adapters, right? Edited April 29, 2024Apr 29 by Toastie
April 29, 2024Apr 29 I remember trying to get Robolab working years ago but was never successful. After using the official Lego DACTA Control Lab software I've never had a reason to look back. If I find any info I'll be sure to pass it along!
April 29, 2024Apr 29 Hi Thorsten Okay now You have the sam setup as me,also Download the same ( I suppose you also update to 2.9 4C) Since I have the Interface B ( as well as rcx an nxt ) I like to try Robolab of course I have tried to communicate using usb to serial dongle on my windows 7 pro 64 machine but the communication work not stable ( but using dosbox on the same hardware ad well on my vintage Toshiba Tecra M5 and dacta ctrlab 1.3 work perfectly) So it something with Robolab But if I remember correctly you do not have a Interface B , do You can not test ?! Best Lars
April 29, 2024Apr 29 5 hours ago, LH4PI said: But if I remember correctly you do not have a Interface B Hi Lars, no, unfortunately, I don't. It is one of the "last" ;) vintage items, I really like to acquire. So, on your side, does interacting of Robolab with the RCX work? And if so, how? Do you use the serial or the USB tower? Best, Thorsten
April 29, 2024Apr 29 Hi Thorsten Okay now You have the sam setup as me,also Download the same ( I suppose you also update to 2.9 4C) Since I have the Interface B ( as well as rcx an nxt ) I like to try Robolab of course I have tried to communicate using usb to serial dongle on my windows 7 pro 64 machine but the communication work not stable ( but using dosbox on the same hardware ad well on my vintage Toshiba Tecra M5 and dacta ctrlab 1.3 work perfectly) So it something with Robolab But if I remember correctly you do not have a Interface B , do You can not test ?! Best Lars HiThorsten No , I have not testet rcx yet with robolab but should try to get time for that tomorrow. I am initially more interested to get cli to work if possible . I have tested little more and its clear that the implementation of cli (control lab interface) is buggy and I try to understand what commands works and what is wrong ( it looks like the cli commands use the rcx commands instead sometimes . The update to 2.9 4c was needed to get at least a basic start of working communication. More to come Best /Lars
April 29, 2024Apr 29 Hi Brian When you mention that you tried CLI (Control Lab Interface ) using Robolab in earlier days but didn't get it to work , do you remember if you get any communication at all or not , my knowledge so far is that it sometimes it work (initate the correct outport port (at least A,B and C ) and keep going to do so but dependent of the history of what I do it van stop to work , it can also be that the Robolab 2.9.4c installation is not set up correctly .!? By the way did you test RCX with Robolab , better experience with that hardware ? Best Regards Lars
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