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It really is, nice find!

However :pir-laugh: I believe the authors are slightly off with regard to the beginning of LEGO robotics. They write that in the late 1980's it all began with the Interface B using serial communication.

I may be wrong (and @evankĀ as well as @alexGS and some others will know better), but I believe it was the LEGO Interface A using parallel communication on a number of computers via their built-in ports (e.g., C64) or LEGO interface cards (Apple, IBM), which started it all. Around 1986.

The Interface A directly (more or less :pir_laugh2:) listened and talked to the data bus of the computer.

Evan has composed an introduction to LEGO robotics on his website, which nicely covers the very early days: https://www.brickhacks.com/0.php

Thanks for sharing!!!


Edited by Toastie

Hi ThorstenĀ  andĀ Ā (andĀ @evankĀ as well asĀ @alexGSĀ  Ā and all that use Interface A, You areĀ  absolutely correct , I think the article was more about the era after LOGOĀ  .IĀ  remember I wasĀ  in contact withĀ  Chris Rogers ,Tufts University,Ā Medford, MAĀ Ā 0215

asĀ  B-tester for the upcomingĀ Ā the RobolabĀ  2.9Ā  back in 2006 (when my brain still was working far better than now ) !. I shouldĀ  try to reach him againĀ  Ā , hopefullyĀ  he can haveĀ  needed insight how to getĀ  Interface B (CLI)Ā  up running in 2024 !

Best Regards LarsĀ 

Good morning I haven't had time to help with this debate... however I made a short video where robolab 2.9.4 controls the control lab with a motor on port B. I should have more time... but at the moment I can't... um hug to everyone.


windows XP - robolab 2.9.4Ā  - pc with com1 port - Lego cable

this is a answer to


I now also want to run interface B , rcx and nxt using robolob 2.9Ā  on windows xpĀ  using natively serial port . Can anybody confirm that the interface B actually works well on this platform.

Best Lars "


Edited by legoROBOLAB

Thanks a llotĀ Ā LegoROBOLAB!

Fantastic news , now I haveĀ  finally a platformĀ  andĀ  aĀ exampleĀ  that works for you butĀ  works randomly for me , sometimes theĀ  engine B start , sometimesĀ  not , soĀ it must be something with the installation I star to believeĀ  , but I should make the exactĀ  same exampleĀ  and test out further .


Ā  My setup:

IĀ  have an a vintage Toshiba Tecra M5 with XP PRO sp3 (maybeĀ  You have SP2 ?!, I get an error that NXT needs SP2 )Ā  , Robolab 2.9.4cĀ  withĀ  a realĀ Ā serial port com 1Ā  and Lego cableĀ  , so very similar to YouĀ Ā 


Yes... sometimes there are mistakes... but I have to spend more time analyzing them. Because there are messages that say it doesn't work... and then it works... and then it doesn't work... in conclusion... I have to spend some time.

Edited by legoROBOLAB

Hi againĀ LegoROBOLAB!

I test againĀ  andĀ  Ā I use a very simularĀ  vi , I can get it working , but I can either changeĀ  the power level or the direction , the suddenlyĀ  theĀ  communicationĀ  stopsĀ  , even if theĀ  CLI indicatesĀ  that i communicate .Ā  So You are right , it is waste of timeĀ  ifĀ  nobody knowsĀ  if the communication and Robolab actually supportĀ  Ā it fully for the 2.9.4C version . IĀ  Ā have contacted Chris Rogers and wait to his responseĀ  for correct setup !.

Here is an example when it works :


but whenĀ  I changeĀ  as an example the power levelĀ  from 5 (max power ) to 2 (see picture , no changeĀ  in speed , sameĀ  withĀ  the direction , motor runs the sam direction . ThenĀ  it can suddenly stop communicateĀ  when start the program vi againĀ Ā and I have not found anyĀ  step by step procedure to follow toĀ  get it working again . Power down and power up again can help. Running theĀ  dacta ctrlab 1.3 in dosboxĀ  on the same hardwareĀ  even in LinuxĀ  always work , even on windows 7 or above using usb to serial converterĀ 



The robolabĀ  Ā giveĀ  an answer as it was the RCX that was connected :

try to select CLI


gives this :


"Play sound only exist in RCXĀ  so it is clear thatĀ  the software , even if should select CLIĀ  it useĀ  RCXĀ  code !


Version i use :Ā 



Edited by LH4PI


I have identical problems. I'll see if robolab 2.5 has the same problems... I used Windows XP SP3 and robolab version 2.9.4.c.
(I have the impression that there was an upgrade to 2.9.4. due to the use of sensors... but I'll look for that information)




I find thisĀ  instruction for the RobolabĀ  2.9.4c patchĀ  thatĀ  also list what was made andĀ  as you can see they whereĀ  an "minor" uodateĀ  for the CLIĀ  Ā  and in deed when running 2.9 it was worseĀ  problem for meĀ 



A veryĀ Ā interesting book that maybe can help isĀ  "Engineering with LEGO Bricks and Robolab"Ā  by Eric WangĀ  in consultation with Chris RogersĀ  , I do not have the book but it is possible to read on th vintageĀ  forum and I find a few pages thatĀ  describeĀ  CLI . HaveĀ  you that book ?

Edited by LH4PI

Hello Lars

Using robolab 2.5.4. It seems to me that it works well... watch the short video... the engine is running very slowly.
I pressed the STOP key on interface B and the movement was suspended. I charged it again, and the engine continued to run slowly, as programmed... and it has never failed (so far).


You can get RoboLab 2.5, here


This is my blog... make a click over the image of RoboLab 2.5 ... and the archiv.org will give you a version of it.

ImpressiveĀ  blogĀ  Ā LegoROBOLAB !! , I should study , So your impression is thatĀ Ā 2.5.4 work more stableĀ  Ā for CLI then 2.9.4cĀ  ?Ā  Ā  As an example did you have the same proble m toĀ  program the ppwer level in 2.9.4c ? (weĀ Ā looseĀ  NXT support butĀ  ifĀ  CLI and RCXĀ  Ā work more stableĀ  Ā and we do not need the addition sensor from VernerĀ  that is okay enough )Ā 


Best /Lars

Lars... you can use the sensor adapter with only LogIt sensors... Vernier sensors i think you can't... but I will see later. In this version you have the INVESTIGATOR , that wasn't i earlier versions...

Make use of 2.5.4 mixing RCX with interface B.... I will go to do the same... and then will see if 2.5.4 is the answer for your problem.

So , anybody that have the robolab 2.5.4 version handy that should work with Interface BĀ Ā Ā , please listen and help with a link .


Best Regards LarsĀ Ā 

Oh, I really wish I could help out - but no interface B here, nor Robolab 2.5.4.



And I am busy with getting an Amstrad PCW9512 "Joyce" (introduced in 1985) talking and listening to interface A using Mallard Basic-80 for CP/M ... I believe I'm really close. My initial attempt utterly failed - and that was totally me not paying very close attention to the ingenious design of the serial/parallel interface from SCA.


Hope that someone can help out here on your issues!

Good luck and best wishes,
ThorstenĀ  Ā 

I have good news !Ā 

legoROBOLAB helped me to find a working English version of Robolab 2.5.4 that worksĀ  for my CLIĀ  todayĀ 


He is the hero !

Robolab 2.5Ā  does not work for Interface B (CLI)!

Now I can start to program .

Best LarsĀ 

  • 2 months later...

I've been following this thread avidly since the moment I've owned a Dacta Control Lab. Recently I got my hands on a second one and I was wondering if anyone got two Control Labs working synchronised. Im currently using the official Lego software and I havent found an option in there. Also working with Visual Basic and it seems to support that, but the programming seems a bit more limited. Havent tried Robolab up until now.

Best wishes from the Netherlands, Rob

  • 4 weeks later...

Cool, thanks!
Im interested in this Robolab version 2.5.4 as well in that case. Could you tell me where you have found it? Thanks in advance!

  • 1 month later...
p\0###Do you byte, when I knock?$$$

Hi Guys new here and only got got an Interface B.
My eventual goal is to control it from an M5Go Microcontroller via an RS232 adapter using Micropython.

Currently I have it connected to a MAC via a PL2303 Usb adapter and I'm trying to communicate over python.

I think I may have activated the Serial connection but when I serial write the commandĀ 

p\0###Do you byte, when I knock?$$$

Python console returns 34

Is something wrong or am I not understanding something?
Can anyone help me?


Did you configure you serial communication correctly?

I read somewhere:

9600 baud
no flow control
no parity
no modem control lines
one stop bit
8 bit data



Edited by Bliss

Ah Ok so 34 is the bytes in the string sent

Isn't the Stop LED supposed to go out when it gets received?

Here is my code and response.

Python 3.10.5 (v3.10.5:f377153967, Jun  6 2022, 12:36:10) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.30)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/cu.PL2303G-USBtoUART24110')
ser.write(b'p\0###Do you byte, when I knock?$$$')

However its seams to just sit there after issuing the ser.read(16)

Edited by AJB2K3

On 10/11/2024 at 1:02 AM, Bliss said:


Did you configure you serial communication correctly?

I read somewhere:

9600 baud
no flow control
no parity
no modem control lines
one stop bit
8 bit data



Well, thanks for your help but it turned out to be the pins were not as expected.

My working code so far is as follows:Ā 



import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial(port='/dev/cu.PL2303G-USBtoUART24110')
ser.write(b'p\0###Do you byte, when I knock?$$$')

while True:
Ā  Ā  ser.write(b'2')
Ā  Ā  time.sleep(1)
Ā  Ā  ser.read(16)
Ā  Ā  print(ser.read(19))


For some reason the code function is not working.
Ā  Ā Ā 
Ā  Ā Ā 
Ā  Ā Ā 
Ā  Ā Ā 

Edited by AJB2K3

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