December 30, 2024Dec 30 8 minutes ago, Gunners TekZone said: The slider positions remain after a start/stop action (Just the visual, the actual settings reset to full) Good find. Will try to fix later on. Actually for this project, Controlling one box only would be enough as you found out that you can run more than one instance of the program allowing connecting to many lego interface B independly. So I do not intend to add a Lego 3, at least not now. (Maybe I should even remove the second Lego from this demo project... ) However, for my other project, yes, I can eventually allow more than 2... Thank you.
December 31, 2024Dec 31 51 minutes ago, Bliss said: (Maybe I should even remove the second Lego from this demo project... ) Might as well... When not testing, I tend to run multiple instances anyway, so I can see and control both on same screen... Not that there is much benefit, as my initial attempt to test signaling from one Interface to the other met the obvious inability to make the "signal" meaningful without logic... when using your program alone... But at least a button/sensor on one interface (on your app) can start a process on the 2nd interface (on ControlLab). Altogether, that was just messing around. Really looking forward to your other project. As I have my RCX setup connected to same PC, and like the simplicity of the Control Lab programming interface over most of the RXC programming options)... I find myself wishing your project could control/program both RXC and Interface-B (just an attempt to plant a thought worm as they do seem so compatible... just one static and the other portable). Edited December 31, 2024Dec 31 by Gunners TekZone
December 31, 2024Dec 31 @Gunners TekZone, I updated the dropbox. For the slider position vs start/stop of the lego box, after a stop, it will reset to max, but when starting again the box, the slider will come back to the last position but not if you activate an output, it will use this setting not the max like before. If it is preferable, i could also after a stop reset all slider to the max and keep the max when clicking the start again. I'm talking here about start/stop of the box in a same session. If the program is shutdown and re-executed, sliders will initialize at max. I also found another bug: If there is NO com port on the PC, the program do the ghost thing because there was of an error not displayed but shown in the windows log events. The program was initialzing with first com port, item 0 but there was no item. Now it is allowed to start the program without com port in the PC but the combo box does not refresh if you plug a serial usb adapter while the program is running. Have to restart the program... I guess would need a refresh com list button eventually... Bliss
December 31, 2024Dec 31 2 hours ago, Bliss said: I also found another bug: If there is NO com port on the PC, the program do the ghost thing because there was of an error not displayed but shown in the windows log events. The program was initialzing with first com port, item 0 but there was no item. Ahhh, Nice to find out why it confused me so... Successfully running your app on my laptop the first time, but forgetting to plug in my USB-COM adapter after that ). But at least that is what got me to make my initial post about your program. I have been scouring the web for alternative to Control Lab, but so many had missing links, missing articles, software, etc. Your was the only "current" one that also stated a hopeful programmability to it... so I wanted to try it! 2 hours ago, Bliss said: If it is preferable, i could also after a stop reset all slider to the max and keep the max when clicking the start again. After thinking about it... I think having a Connect/Disconnect button (keep as is or amalgamate the current Start Lego/Stop Lego buttons into one with GREEN indication) that resets everything when disconnected, is good. Then adding a dedicated STOP button (that turns all RED when connected, dims out when pressed?) that acts like a emergency software stop that retains all settings. Basically a similar idea as the Control Lab. Of course resetting everything on App start. Edited December 31, 2024Dec 31 by Gunners TekZone
December 31, 2024Dec 31 I updated the LegoDemoB in Dropbox. Added automatic Com port list refesh on clicking the dropdown of the combobox. Added colored Start/Stop Lego Box Buttons. LegoDemoB Program Dropbox Link Edited December 31, 2024Dec 31 by Bliss
January 1Jan 1 7 hours ago, Bliss said: Added colored Start/Stop Lego Box Buttons. Looking real good!... Easy to see at a glance what is happening. Happy New Year! (4 hours to go here)
January 2Jan 2 Hello all. Happy new year! Here is a Draft of my C# project that embed IronPython as an attempt to make a programming environment for the Lego Interface B. Dropbox link : LegoScriptB for Programming Lego Interface B. It is based on my previous LegoDemoB project except that I removed all Lego Box Command Buttons and Status information. However, I left the Serial Start Stop buttons so you can still use them but it is not necessary as you can start and stop lego box from the script textbox. Features: - You can connect and use up to three (3) lego interface B. You can use Lego1, Lego2, Lego3 Variables. - Upon exiting the software, the last script in the textbox is saved. - In this version, there is no way to save to and load from files. - For now, I use Notepad++ to save some scripts in one file that I copy paste the parts I need in the Script textbox... - You probably can use many Python modules (import), for now I just used import time in my examples. - I will provide a text file eventually with all the Methods and Properties of the Lego variable. - You do not need to install Python. The exe is supposed to include all dependant libraries. - If your script has errors, the output box does not give very detailed msg. For example, it you forget a ":" colon for while or if, it will only log "invalid syntax". I'm trying to find a way to have more detailed error messages. I would suggest you try smaller parts of your code as it grows... Usual mistakes are lowercase, uppercase, indents, missing colon... How to use: - Be careful, Python is case sensitive (Lego1, True, False, print, while, etc) - In python, Indentation if VERY important. - You may comment your script with "#" symbol followed by you comment. - You enter your script in the "Enter you Python Script Here:" textbox. - To execute the script, click "RUN Script" button. - The Run Script button will be disabled during the execution of you script program. - The "STOP Loop Scipt" button is provided to allow to gracefully end an infinite While Loop. (See Example) - The use of while loop is tricky as you can be stucked in an infinite loop. You will have to shut down the whole Software. Please always use "while not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested:" rather than "while True:" Lego Variable Methods: - StopLego() : Stop Serial Communication with Lego box. Same as the STOP Button. Ex.: Lego1.StopLego() - StartLego() : Start Serial Communication with the Lgo box. Same as the START Button. (You must have set a valid COM port prior to use this method) Ex. Lego1.StartLego()Lego Variable Properties: - ComPort : Read/Write (R/W) COM port. Ex.: Lego1.ComPort = "COM14" - SetOn[OutPortNo] : (R/W), Where OutPortNo = 1 to 8 representing Output A to H. Ex.: Lego1.SetON[1] = True # Activates Output A. Lego1.SetOn[1] = False # Deactivates (BRAKES) Output A. - SetFree[OutPortNo]: (R/W), Where OutPortNo = 1 to 8 representing Output A to H. Ex.: Lego1.SetFree[1] = True # to inform to Coast to Stop then on a second line: . Lego1.SetOn[1] = False # Deactivates (Coast to Stop) Output A. - SetDir[OutPortNo]: (R/W), Where OutPortNo = 1 to 8 representing Output A to H. Ex.: Lego1.SetDir[1] = False # Set the direction of output A to CCW I think. If set to True, it's the opposite direction. You should set this property before SetON... - SetPow[OutPortNo]: (R/W), Where OutPortNo = 1 to 8 representing Output A to H. Accepts values 0 to 7. Ex.: Lego1.SetPow[1] = 7 # Sets the max power to Output A. - IsRunning: (Read Only), Tells if the Lego Box Serial Communication has been established, the Stop Led Light on the lego box should be OFF. Ex.: if Lego1.IsRunning: print("Lego Box is Running") - InOn[InputPort): (RO), Input port range is 0 to 8. 0 is the status of the Lego Box Stop Button. 1 to 8 are the Input port number. Reports True or False and follow the Led light status. Can be used for many sensors. Ex: if Lego1.InOn[1]: print("Lego1 input 1 is ON") - InVal[InputPort): (RO), Input port range is 1 to 8. 10 bit Value of input port. Ex. if Lego1.InVal[1] > 100: print("Input 1 value > 100) - InRotCW[InputPort): (RO), Input port range is 5 to 8. Status of the last direction reported by the rotation sensor. True (CW?) or False(CCW?). Ex.: if Lego1.InRot[5]: print("Lego 1 Input 5 Rotation ClockWise") - InRot[InputPort): (RW), Input port range is 5 to 8. Rotation sensor Count. You can Read or Set this property. Ex. Lego1.InRot[5] = 0 # Resets input 5 rotation sensor count to 0. if Lego1.InRot[5] > 48: print("Lego1 Rot Sensor 5 made at least 3 turns") - InTempC[InputPort] and InTempF[InputPort]: (RO), Input port range 1 to 4. Read the Temperature Sensor valur in celsius and fahrenheit. print(Lego1.InTempF[3]) # prints temp sensor value at input port 3. Script Examples: The following script connects Lego1 to COM14 port and prints the IsRunning status in the Output Log Textbox. Then it sets the power to max (7) and activates 4 outputs A, B, C, D. It Waits 3 seconds, then it Deactivates the 4 same outputs. Script ends. import time Lego1.ComPort="COM14" Lego1.StartLego() time.sleep(1) print("Lego 1 Running: ", Lego1.IsRunning) Lego1.SetPow[1] = 7 Lego1.SetPow[2] = 7 Lego1.SetPow[3] = 7 Lego1.SetPow[4] = 7 Lego1.SetOn[1] = True Lego1.SetOn[2] = True Lego1.SetOn[3] = True Lego1.SetOn[4] = True time.sleep(3) Lego1.SetOn[1] = False Lego1.SetOn[2] = False Lego1.SetOn[3] = False Lego1.SetOn[4] = False The following scipts has a While loop using the cancellationToken to be able to exit the loop with the STOP Loop Script button. You have to connect a Touch sensor to Input #1. You may connect a motor to Output 1. When executing the script, Press once on the Touch Sensor. The motor (Output 1) will Run for 3.5 sec, then stop for 1.5 sec, Reverse the direction, then start again for 3.5 sec and do this in a loop until you press again the Touch sensor. import time print("Script Running") Lego1.ComPort="COM14" Lego1.StartLego() time.sleep(1) print("Lego 1 Running: ", Lego1.IsRunning) Lego1.SetPow[1] = 7 Lego1.SetDir[1] = False seq_en=False wait_en=False m1=False # m1 is a memory used to simulate a ONE SHOT over the Input 1 to avoid hunting effect... print("Sequence Disabled") while not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested: if Lego1.InOn[1]: if not m1: m1=True if not seq_en: ti=time.time() + 3.5 seq_en = True print("Sequence Enabled") else: seq_en= False print("Sequence Disabled") else: m1=False if seq_en: if not wait_en: if time.time()<ti: Lego1.SetOn[1] = True else: Lego1.SetOn[1] = False tw=time.time()+1.5 wait_en = True else: if time.time()>tw: Lego1.SetDir[1] = not Lego1.SetDir[1] ti=time.time() + 3.5 wait_en=False else: Lego1.SetOn[1] = False time.sleep(0.020) # 20ms scan time. Not mandatory but I thought it might help ressources. Anyway, legobox scantime is around 20-30 ms Lego1.SetOn[1] = False Simple Loop script to make output 1 follow input 1 import time Lego1.ComPort="COM14" Lego1.StartLego() time.sleep(1) Lego1.SetPow[1] = 7 Lego1.SetDir[1] = False while not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested: if Lego1.InOn[1]: Lego1.SetOn[1] = True else: Lego1.SetOn[1] = False time.sleep(0.020) Can be even simpler: import time Lego1.ComPort="COM14" Lego1.StartLego() time.sleep(1) Lego1.SetPow[1] = 7 Lego1.SetDir[1] = False while not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested: Lego1.SetOn[1] = Lego1.InOn[1] time.sleep(0.020) Edited January 4Jan 4 by Bliss
January 2Jan 2 Oh... Python based Interface-B programming... Nice! I have been messing around with this for past few weeks... But even after fixing version changes to things like print() I just couldn't make it do anything... Soooo frustrating. Nice to have something in current development to work on instead!
January 3Jan 3 38 minutes ago, Bliss said: Happy new year! Here is a Draft of my C# project that embed IronPython as an attempt to make a programming environment for the Lego Interface B. Happy New Year! How cool is this!!! I am totally in love ... this is the way to go on modern machines! Simply wonderful. Congratulations!!! Well, this is a coincidence, the moment I noticed your update via EB email notification, I uploaded my (crappy as always ;) video on YouTube. Nothing special, just a demo that a DOS computer can handle the Interface B running QBASIC/QuickBASIC from about 3+ decades ago as well, in both direct and program control. This is what drives me: Controlling old hardware with old machines, using old software, because I am old . Here is the link to the BAS file: Here is the link to the EXE file: They will change over time, but retain the name/link. Here is a (stupid as ever) YouTube video, showing, what you can do (and what not ;) All the best, Thorsten
January 3Jan 3 I updated my previous post and the dropbox link because I forgot to include properties InTempC and InTempF... By the way, the password for the EXE standalone zip file is lego. If you use the Start Stop button to connect your Lego Interface B Box, you do not need to connect it in the script by using StartLego() method. (But you can do it also, It will see it is already started). Then, If you have a temp sensor on input 3, you can just write the following script and Run it: print("Temperature (C): ", Lego1.InTempC[3]) print("Temperature (F): ", Lego1.InTempF[3]) Edited January 3Jan 3 by Bliss
January 3Jan 3 1 hour ago, Toastie said: This is what drives me: Controlling old hardware with old machines, using old software, because I am old . Hah! I can relate. Started off with LEGO, then a VIC-20 (but never mixed them at the time... Just wasn't aware that was a thing. So sad... What I could a learned, had there been LEGO Education resources at the time and in my area). Subbed to your channel, and will build that yellow arm one day, when I can figure it out (apparently there are no official plans). Been thinking about finding some old laptop for DOS use (no space or $$$ for a proper vintage PC to replace what I had to give up over 20 years ago due to a major move). But will see if I can figure out an emulator and try our your program 1 hour ago, Bliss said: If you use the Start Stop button to connect your Lego Interface B Box, you do not need to connect it in the script by using StartLego() method. (But you can do it also, It will see it is already started). And that explains why your example worked on COM1 (where my USB adapter is set for) when I forgot to change it from 14 in the script Is it just me, or is there no way to adjust the window size (with the internals dynamically fitting)? Even on my Win 10 1600x1200 screen (my largest) the whole box is too tall, and way too big to use on my Win7 PC with its wee low-res 1370x768 screen. Otherwise, it is a very nice program... And working great!! Thank You! Edited January 3Jan 3 by Gunners TekZone
January 3Jan 3 import time Lego1.ComPort="COM1" Lego1.StartLego() Lego2.ComPort="COM2" Lego2.StartLego() time.sleep(1) Lego2.SetPow[1] = 7 Lego2.SetDir[1] = False while not cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested: if Lego1.InOn[1]: Lego2.SetOn[1] = True else: Lego2.SetOn[1] = False time.sleep(0.020) Edited January 4Jan 4 by Bliss
January 3Jan 3 5 minutes ago, Bliss said: Did you try with two (2) lego interface at the same time? Not quite yet... The only setup I can run multiple Interface-B's on is my pokey slow Win7 QBOX 2060, so I currently have one setup there and the other on my Win10 laptop. Actually the QBOX it is not that bad, but is setup in a lousy location for working on, in any comfort. I am trying to make some layout adjustments, now that I have your tools to make use of my multiple devices (and still awaiting my 3rd anyhow).
January 3Jan 3 1 hour ago, Gunners TekZone said: I am trying to make some layout adjustments Well... It ain't great, but it's different, and only a minor tripping hazard 2 hours ago, Bliss said: Did you try with two (2) lego interface at the same time? Well... it keeps crashing and blurring out the screen. This is the only way I can "clearly" show what the log says. I think it is trying to use the same COM2 port for both devices. Also... Trying to remember to use numbers for outputs... But just not liking it Ahhh... It does the same thing if I use the dropdown menu to choose the different ports as well. Even without a script. Crashes as soon as I press the Sart Lego button for the 2nd device. Edited January 3Jan 3 by Gunners TekZone
January 3Jan 3 58 minutes ago, Gunners TekZone said: Well... it keeps crashing and blurring out the screen. This is the only way I can "clearly" show what the log says. I think it is trying to use the same COM2 port for both devices. Thanks! It appears I forgot to fix the same error we had in the LegoDemoB program... Here is the Fixed LegoScriptB program I also corrected the Example codes in my posts above. Some of them were not working because of some hidden characters ... Edited January 3Jan 3 by Bliss
January 3Jan 3 Working good now. Nice! I will experiment a bit more with my dual interface setup, and let you know if I run into anything else.
January 3Jan 3 @Gunners TekZone Thank you very much for your kind words! Well, the $$$ situation here is also tight, but more or less due to strict regulations from the higher authorities . Which is OK; otherwise this place would be - well, you know what I mean. 6 hours ago, Gunners TekZone said: But will see if I can figure out an emulator I was very lucky to find a few vintage machines (an IBM XT, several Atari's, C64) a little over two years ago in a storage room of my group at the university - the students cleaning out that room for other purposes were ready to dump them ... but then I spotted the beauties and almost fainted. There was so much more wonderful stuff from the 1980's - to the joy of my wife. Well, at home I have an attic, where I am allowed to do what I like to do as long as it does not interfere with normal life in the house . With regard to a DOS emulator: I strongly suggest DOSBox-X. It has been under vigorous development (and still improves with regard to issues, I never ever have heard off, see their wiki and GitHub page, but has reached a stage that is simply incredible. The "-X" is important, as DOSBox is - as far as I read - leaned more towards DOS games, whereas DOSBox-X tries to get as close to vintage hardware as possible: On modern machines, e.g. Win11/64bit, communication with the outside world is via COM (serial) ports; a USB to serial adapter is all you need. It runs as a Win (etc.) application, no re-booting or dual boot or whatever required. The DOS "file system" is just another folder on your computer and behaves as such: Copy/paste files from any location etc. QBASIC is a matter of 1 file (QBASIC.EXE) of 190 kByte length;) plus the 128 kByte long help file QBASIC.HLP. The same holds true for QuickBASIC and so on and so forth. I have TurboPascal and TurboC running, VisualBasic for DOS of course, and all the original LEGO software, other fellows here on EB (particularly @evank) have archived, which is ready to go: Oh well, nothing for the younger generations I believe, but so much fun for the elderly All the best, Thorsten
January 4Jan 4 I updated the LegoScriptB in the Dropbox link (See my post above). I just added the possibility to use out.A to out.H as the output port number for the output type properties (SetOn, SetFree, SetDir, SetPow). Ex.: Lego1.SetOn[3] , Lego1.SetOn[out.C] , Lego1.SetOn[out.c] are now allowed to activate/deactivate Output Port C. I also replaced SetON by SetOn (Lowercase N) and changed the example codes in my previous post...
January 5Jan 5 @Bliss Working great so far!! Thanks! Now to improve my Python coding so I can make good use of this. Currently I am just using three push buttons on one device to manually control a switch and drive a 9v train (powered on another device) around my test track. Next intent is to duplicate my semi-autonomous program, currently on ControlLab (running TC LOGO) in Python. I can't recall of top-o-head if I already posted this somewhere here... If so, please forgive the duplication :) Edited January 5Jan 5 by Gunners TekZone
January 5Jan 5 12 minutes ago, Gunners TekZone said: @Bliss Working great so far!! Thanks! Now to improve my Python coding so I can make good use of this. Currently I am just using three push buttons on one device to manually control a switch and drive a 9v train (powered on another device) around my test track. Next intent is to duplicate my semi-autonomous program, currently on ControlLab (running TC LOGO) in Python. I can't recall of top-o-head if I already posted this somewhere here... If so, please forgive the duplication :) Nice. Can you paste somehow your TC Logo program? What are the inputs and outputs? I guess a picture of the program would be enough if cannot paste or have a text file... I never used the original control lab software... Maybe I should have tried it to get familiar with the functions. Could have given me some ideas...
January 5Jan 5 24 minutes ago, Bliss said: Can you paste somehow your TC Logo program? Sure... Glad to share... I have looked, but haven't found any others programs for the Control Lab on the internet. Hard to believe, but then Google search parameters are just not up to the task :D I don't have it properly documented... In fact I actually didn't know commenting could even be done, until I found some PDFs of a set of four Control Lab manuals to learn the language from. I had printed them all out... Then, finally, I just found an original set on Bricklink that is currently in transit. Yay! The Control Lab Train Program: to train tto "LampB setright on tto "MotorD setright onfor 20 tto "SoundC setright onfor 20 forever [ ; Run 9v CN forward tto "MotorH setright setpower CN_Auto_Speed on ; Wait for button if Touch4 [ tto "MotorH off tto "LampF on wait 10 tto "SoundC setleft on tto "MotorH setleft on ; backup until trigger light sensor waituntil [light8 < 70] tto "MotorH off tto "LampF off tto "SoundC off tto "MotorD setleft onfor 20 tto "SoundC setright onfor 20 tto "MotorG setright setpower 8 onfor 1 ; Run 12v steam train waituntil [Touch4] tto "MotorG setleft setpower 5 on tto "LampF on wait 10 tto "SoundC setleft on tto "MotorG setleft setpower 8 onfor 1 waituntil [light7 < 70] wait 5 tto "MotorG setright setpower 5 onfor 1 tto "SoundC setleft off tto "LampF off wait 50 tto "SoundC off tto "MotorD setright onfor 20 tto "SoundC setright onfor 20 ]] end to CN_park tto "MotorD setright onfor 1.5 tto "MotorH off tto "LampF on tto "SoundC setleft on tto "MotorH setleft on waituntil [light8 < 70] tto "MotorH off tto "LampF off tto "SoundC off end to steam_park tto "MotorD setleft onfor 1.5 tto "LampF on tto "SoundC setleft on tto "MotorG setleft setpower 8 on waituntil [light7 < 70] wait 5 tto "MotorG setright setpower 5 onfor 1 tto "SoundC setleft off tto "LampF off end Edited January 5Jan 5 by Gunners TekZone
January 5Jan 5 7 hours ago, Bliss said: I never used the original control lab software... Maybe I should have tried it to get familiar with the functions. Could have given me some ideas... Well, I believe your software is already so full of ideas!!! That is incredible progress, you made! Now for even further ideas, I'd go even back to Technic Control (TC), the 4.5V Interface A box and the software for it. It runs flawlessly in DOSBox-X (or on any semi-vintage computer. Has been discussed here on EB "a lot" (considering that only about 5 people are really interested in such moldy stuff Here you'll find all the documents. TLG did a very good job back in the days doing that. It is fun to read the endless pages. tto = short for talkto and so on and so forth. For me, the single reason to make my own TC/interface A software (using QBASIC of course) was, that I simply could not get my head around TC LOGO. Well, I was too lazy I guess, others like @alexGS speak TC LOGO fluently! It is a rather powerful language. I simply like QBASIC, because I grew up with it. The TC LOGO Reference Guide is a very nice document to start with, as all commands and keywords are well laid out. But there is so much more, all available on the Internet Archive: @evank's 1) and then this one 2) The same holds true for Control Lab. The olden days were better But I guess you have already seen all that! Best wishes, Thorsten
January 5Jan 5 On 1/4/2025 at 3:15 AM, Bliss said: I updated the LegoScriptB in the Dropbox link (See my post above). I just added the possibility to use out.A to out.H as the output port number for the output type properties (SetOn, SetFree, SetDir, SetPow). Ex.: Lego1.SetOn[3] , Lego1.SetOn[out.C] , Lego1.SetOn[out.c] are now allowed to activate/deactivate Output Port C. I also replaced SetON by SetOn (Lowercase N) and changed the example codes in my previous post... Hey @Bliss ! I've just tested your application and it works great on my Win11 laptop. Really appreciate your work, this is just what I need! I'm currently building a lego monorail based darkride controlled by 2 Dacta Control Labs and hopefully 2 RCX's as well (I dont get original software working atm, so RCX control integrated in your program as @Gunners TekZone suggested would be even greater, no pressure ofcourse :) I probably wont be as consistent with testing your updates as @Gunners TekZone due to a busy working scheme, but I just wanted to let you know you got a big fan in me. I'll test whenever I can and I'll be following this thread with great interest. Thanks for the great work! Regards, Rob
January 5Jan 5 @Gunners TekZone, Thanks for all the details. The logo program already talks a lot by itself without knowing much about this language. It's pretty simple. That gives me ideas to implement few more commands of the lego interface B that I did not yet tested... About the logo "onfor", I understand that this activates an output and deactivates after a delay, like onfor 20 will activate output for 2.0 seconds and deactivate output after the 2sec elapsed. But I wonder if the logo "onfor 20" will prevent any following instructions to execute unti the 2.0 delay has elapsed. So in the following for example, the MotorH will activate after 4 sec ?: (MotorD, which I believe is the track sw, activates for 2 sec, then after this 2 sec, MotorD stops, SoundC activates for 2 sec, then after this delay, sounds will stop and MotorH will activates. tto "MotorD setright onfor 20 tto "SoundC setright onfor 20 tto "MotorH setright setpower CN_Auto_Speed on According to you video and the timing, that's what it looks like. Right? Thanks again.
January 5Jan 5 45 minutes ago, Ax4478 said: Hey @Bliss ! I've just tested your application and it works great on my Win11 laptop. Really appreciate your work, this is just what I need! I'm currently building a lego monorail based darkride controlled by 2 Dacta Control Labs and hopefully 2 RCX's as well (I dont get original software working atm, so RCX control integrated in your program as @Gunners TekZone suggested would be even greater, no pressure ofcourse :) Hello, thanks for your interest! About the RCX, I already owned few of those but unfortunately I sold them all. I should have kept one at least :-) But as far as I remember, the serial/Infrared link between the PC and the RCX was only to send a program to the CPU inside the RCX (and to update/upload the firmware). The user program was running on the RCX in opposite of the lego interface B where the user program runs on a PC/MAC/Raspberry Pi etc. Lego Interface B is like a remote Input and Output passive device linked to a Main Programmable Logic Controller (PLC, yes I have a backgound in Industrial PLC Programming :-) ) RCX, is an integrated PLC that has it's own Local I/O's (Not remote). Unless you can put a firmware in the RCX that will make it acts has a dummy remote I/O gateway that waits for Output commands from its Infrared port and continuously sends sensors values to the IR port? I recall there was custom firmwares back in the days like NQC, (Not Quite C) and more... I did not check since if there was more custom firmwares available for the RCX. Edited January 5Jan 5 by Bliss
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