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I just bought a 24kg lot of loose Lego parts and I am trying to identify the sets so I can build them. I was wondering if anyone could help med identifying the top part here as I can not seem to find any information based on the number on the bottom. I do not know the set either, so this part seems the easiest way to identify the set.


I hope I post this in the correct thread... it's not so much identifying a part as it is its colors...
Some colors really have me confused. Especially if you try referencing color charts online, they never seem to match with what I am holding in my hand.

I've tried to make a picture with the colors I am trying to identify now... Disclaimer: I am not a photographer :-)
At least I included a white and a black piece as well, so that the more picture-editing savvy user could rebalance it if needed.
In black I've indicated what I am sure of... in red what I think it might be, but needs verification, and one where I couldn't even make a guess.

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter!

  On 10/15/2020 at 12:16 PM, StevenV72 said:

I've tried to make a picture with the colors I am trying to identify now... Disclaimer: I am not a photographer :-)
At least I included a white and a black piece as well, so that the more picture-editing savvy user could rebalance it if needed.
In black I've indicated what I am sure of... in red what I think it might be, but needs verification, and one where I couldn't even make a guess.

Thanks in advance for any help in this matter!

One thing I've found useful is to go to Brickset's Color Chart and click on a color in question where it'll bring up all the parts molded in that color. You can click on each color here and it'll take you to the parts list where picking out a less common/rare piece to use as comparison is helpful. Then you know "X" piece in your collection is Medium Blue and can compare it to your other pieces under the lighting in your place.

These bunch of pieces pictures are helpful as well. For example Dark Azur:


Earth Green:


Also keep in mind that in the list you've made some of those color names are the unofficial color names which are used mostly used on Bricklink so different websites and builders using different names for the same colors can sometimes cause further confusion. For example:

"Dark blue" is officially called Earth Blue by TLG

"Dark bluish grey" is Dark Stone Grey

"Tan" is Brick Yellow


Edited by koalayummies

Thank you both for your replies!

I know there are more colors than the ones I've shown in my picture, those are just the ones giving me headached right now :sick:

Some of those links I already saw, I guess I will need to try to collect info from multiple sources and match them to my actual colors...
Why is there so much confusion dammit! So many very similar colors, and then different names depending on the source... no need to answer this one, it's rhetorical

For now I'll try not to lose too much sleep over colors and focus on sorting by type :laugh:

  On 10/15/2020 at 11:00 PM, StevenV72 said:

Some of those links I already saw, I guess I will need to try to collect info from multiple sources and match them to my actual colors...

Why is there so much confusion dammit! So many very similar colors, and then different names depending on the source... no need to answer this one, it's rhetorical

I've been saying it for years that Bricklink should have gotten onboard with the official color names.

There are those who are sticklers for terminology and say "you cannot say 'Legos'" because Lego is derived from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means "play well" and thus cannot pluralized despite the fact that its natural to do so in a language like English for example; but then they don't adhere to the official Lego names for the colors. So don't you dare say Legos while I use some made up unofficial terms! :oh:

  On 10/15/2020 at 11:00 PM, StevenV72 said:

Some of those links I already saw, I guess I will need to try to collect info from multiple sources and match them to my actual colors...

You get what I was saying though right, pick out one of the less common pieces in your collection that's in a color that you're unsure about. Then you can more easily correctly identify the color by finding that piece through one of these parts resources. That eliminates the factor of lighting/color calibration and guessing because we know exactly what parts have been molded in what colors.

For example you're unsure about Medium Blue. So click on that color in the Brickset guide and then locate a piece that you have in your possession that is in as few sets as possible (it lists the number of sets each piece is in). For example if you own this piece then you have a color to compare to, can confirm which set you got it in and can now more easily distinguish from Medium Azur (the closest neighboring color its molded in) with the lighting you have in your place. Its molded in only a few colors so you know for sure that its one or the other. No monitor/photograph/residence lighting comparison issues.

Edited by koalayummies

Yes, I understand. It will take some time, but eventually I'll know all the colors :classic:

Yeah and you only need to do it once. Locate a less common/rarer piece that you have in your collection, confirm color, now you know.

In the Bricks and Pieces thread, even among those who are familiar with all the colors, we're still regularly asking what colors certain pieces are in member's order pics because of the discrepancy in photo color balance.

Good afternoon, it would be greatly appreciated if someone could name these mini figures.  Thank you


The image is a little small, if it has been uploaded on the forum I must advise you try uploading to an image site and then link it here. The size means I can't make out much detail, but:

Top figure has a Magneto helmet. The figure with antenna is Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy. Then General Zod. The yellow fig is a generic criminal from city and the last is some form of Star Wars trooper with no helmet. 

Still very busy on sorting my huge bulk purchases... about 20k pieces done now with 3k unique pieces recorded. Obvious fakes and different toys have mostly been filtered out, but I'm left with quite some parts to be identified. Some of them I'm 99% sure it's Lego, for others, I'm convinced it's not, but I have been wrong before (with all the weird bionicle stuff for instance). So here is a first set of UPO's (Unidentified Plastic Objects). 


I'd be happy if anyone can confirm any of the shown parts. I've included a grid for referencing and a standard 2x4 brick for size.

- the canopy in A1-2 has the lego hinges, but I can't find it in the rebrickable database
- the shovel in A3-5 is from playmobil I think, but might be from the old style larger figures from the 70's (quite some old lego in this batch)
- the two axes in B6 might also be playmobil, but I seem to remember from my youth we had them in Lego as well

All the other parts shown are unlikely to be Lego, but if anyone recognizes anything, please let me know. If more or better pictures are needed, let me know as well.

Thanks in advance for any help... unfortunately, this will not be my last request :blush:

A1-2 from 7598, 2064, 6212 or 4502.

B1-2 and 3, most likely, China.

The rest is still in question.


You are 100% right on the first one. Unclear to me why I didn't find that one, because it is in the database. Thanks!!

For the ones in B1-2 and 3 you say China... China as in cheap fake, or did you mean the theme Chima?

Thanks already!

A 3-5 is Megablocks or possibly Kreo (There were Kreo DnD sets but Megablocks has had dragons for a long time, it could go in either.) Not sure about the shovel, could be playmobile.

A 6 is certainly Megablocks fencing.

B 1-2 looks like Megablocks

B 3 is a Megablocks cone.

B 4 - Could be K'nex, could be Mega

B 6 I have also seen similar in some hand-me-down bricks in an 80s collection. So they might be Playmobile of the era or some other small toy accessory

C 1 - More angles please? It could be vintage LEGO, it could not be. 

C 3 - Megablocks hinge part

C 4 - Playmobile pistol

C 6 Megablocks Dragons weapon, I have some in my collection (I love to collect cool weapons for figures)

D 4 Megablocks clip

The other weapons look like they could be playmobile also, minifigures have a problem holding them as the dimensions of the hands are different, so that is a slight test. If they are too big for a minifig hand then you have Playmobile, if a figure can hold it or hold it a little loosely, the part is from a competitor building brand. BTW, love that wooden sword and the dagger!

Thanks a lot Peppermint_M! A big help!

Here are two more pictures of that red thing (it doesn't have any text whatsoever, but the plastic feels and sounds like genuine lego).

Sorry about the harsh shadows, my picture setup is very haphazard and amateurish.

Coincidentally, that red spindle from B5 clicks nicely into the holds on this part. They also are a perfect colormatch and plastic type match. I think therefore they might be from the same set (using the same dimensions and tolerances for circular fitting), but the spindle also has no text on it.

If you want, I'd be happy to send you that sword and dagger, nothing but lego in this house!! :laugh:

It’s the bottom part of an old conveyer belt, the spindel is also a part from it:


Edited by Runamuck

Wow, great find Runamuck! Thanks!
It's some real vintage stuff then... too bad the other parts of it were not in my purchase. Just these two parts are pretty useless on their own.

D1-3 is a playmobil ladder and C2 is Playmobil spotlight that would attach to a helicopter.

Thank you KotZ, with those two I think all of them now have been identified.

I will create a new challenge tomorrow :grin:

Ooo, I like these sort of challenges! :grin:


As promised, a new day, a new challenge :sweet:


I'm pretty sure A1 is not Lego, but since there were quite a lot of these in the batch (which was assured to be only Lego!), I am still in doubt, no text on them.

B2 and C1 are the same part, must be something from Bionicle, but unlike most other parts, no mould numbers are present. I was able to sort out quite a big number of half-assembled, half-loose bionicle into 10 sets and a lot of loose parts, of which I could identify most... 
A2, A34, BC34 and D34 are also all from the Bionicle series, but I was unable to identify them.

D12 might be Bionicle or something like that, but I am suspicious because it has a simple pin (slightly smaller than a studhole) to attach it to another part, not like the usual Bionicle parts with an axle or axle hole or technic pin.

AB56 are again some very old parts I think. It looks like a pivoting hatch of a dumpster truck or something. The only text on it says Lego, so I'm quite sure it's genuine lego. I've verified with the conveyor belt from before, they don't seem to be a part of those sets. As you can see, the part consists of 3 subparts which are connected in a nonconventional way, just a tight fit of a rectangular pin in the rectangular hole. On the separate small subparts, the numbers 4 and 16 are moulded into the red ones, and 1 and 11 into the white ones, presumably mould numbers, not part numbers. I would think if they had 16 moulds of this part, it must have been a popular set. no?

CD56 looks like it would fit a counterpart of another half cylinder, creating a sort of container... but the connections don't seem classic lego-style, so I'm also quite suspicious about this one. It has number 24 moulded into it.

Again, thanks in advance for any help in identifying these parts.

A1 are K’nex parts, not LEGO.

A2 and D3/4 are from the same set, 7018 Viking Ship.


There are som Bionicle related parts:

A disc launcher:


A couple of ball launchers:


And the thing in the middle looks like some sort of Nestlé cereal related promotional figure.

The garage doors have already been mentioned.

I don’t know what the rest is, probably not LEGO though.

Edited by Runamuck

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