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“Can you tell me a bedtime story, big bro?” Nico asks one night.

“Nah, bedtime stories are for babies”, Gio replies and ruffles Nico’s hair.

“Tell me a real scary one, then!”

“You’ll just wet your bed.”

“Nuh-uh! I promise!”

“Alright then, you asked for it.” And Gio begins.

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there stood a castle on a hill. It was the most dope castle you can imagine. All your fairytale homies lived there. See, there’s Cinderella and Pinocchio, and there’s the Big Bad Wolf with Red Riding Hood and the Puss-in-Boots. But life was not cool inside the castle, ‘cause some of the residents were foul and wanted to get rid of the others so they could have the whole castle with all of its bling to themselves. So every night one of the good guys was found dead, brutally butchered by these bad guys.

“Why didn’t the good guys call the police?” Nico interrupted.

“Do you want to hear this or not?” Gio said, raising his brow.


Nobody knew who the bad guys among them were, but something had to be done. That’s why the people decided they would choose one of them each day to throw into the Looking-Glass which would reveal the truth about that person. However, once thrown in nobody could ever return from the Mirror World. The good guys had to be quick, before the bad guys would slaughter them all.

“But how would the people know who to pick? What if they chose one of the good guys by accident?” Nico asked.

“Well, these are fairytale folks we’re talking about. They have special superpowers on their side, but so do the bad guys. But hey, now it’s time for you to get some z’s. Let’s continue this story another night.”

“That wasn’t a very scary story, big bro”, Nico scolded.

“Oh trust me; it’s going to get scary very soon. G’night!”


Welcome to learn how to play the deviously addictive game called Mafia through this peculiar bed time story. This Mafia School game is open to all Eurobricks members who want to learn how to play Mafia games, or simply brush up their skills. Note that passing a Mafia School game is currently required in order to play the regular Mafia games on this forum. Veteran players will not be chosen - and don't bother trying to work your way around this, I know who you are.

In order to apply to this fairest game of them all, you need to answer these two questions:

1. Why should you be chosen to play this game?

2. What is your favorite fairy tale and why?

There are sixteen spots open, and the sign-ups close in about a week. Remember that this game will teach you all you need to know about Mafia, so no previous experience or knowledge about the games is required. You still need good writing skills and some common sense in order to play, though, so illiteral idiots need not to apply.

See you at school!

Should we PM you or a post here is sufficient?

This is so adorable I would like to marry it. As much as I'd love to just sit back and watch it, I wonder if you need any help. :blush: Need an intern? :cry_happy:

Great job on the production value so far, Sandy. :thumbup: I have a feeling this is going to be a lucky bunch of students.

1. Why should you be chosen to play this game?

2. What is your favorite fairy tale and why?[/indent]

! cuz my momm sez im cul 2 toy sorty cuz i luv buz liteyeer

! cuz my momm sez im cul 2 toy sorty cuz i luv buz liteyeer

What? :hmpf: Oh no, not you again. Who let you out?

Sandy, I think you should let him play. It's time we taught him proper posting techniques and forum behavior. I know you can handle him. Let him play. Pleeeeeez 111!!!1!!! I mean, please! :cry_sad:

! cuz my momm sez im cul 2 toy sorty cuz i luv buz liteyeer

Get back in your room Frodo!

Sandy I wasn't going to post buy I must tell you how good this looks, the story and especially the MOC'ing.

Do I count as a mafia veteran? :look:

Really nice work on the photos, Sandy, and this is one of the most creative mafia storylines I've seen. :wub:

Oh, this is just the sweetest thing! :grin_wub: Sandy, this looks like it's going to be an absolutely amazing game. I almost wish I were new so I could sign up! :cry_happy::laugh:

Good luck in hosting, Sandy! :sweet:

1) I'm around Eurobricks posting,reading or lurking everyday. I feel I am a courteous member and can string a sentence together. Initially I had quite a scathing opinion of mafia perhaps because I may be guilty of taking myself too seriously and not letting go to the roleplay aspect of it all but reading through Imhotep at New Year went a long way to making me think again. Eager to learn and try something different.

2) Thanks to having a grandmother from Austria my favourite fairytale was a much tampered version of a story called The Story of a Boy Who Went Forth to Learn Fear.

1. I most certainly can string sentences together, and I also have read a lot about Mafia and am eager to try out what I have learned.

2. That's a hard one.....Possibly the Brothers Grimm version of Goldilocks, but the Grimm version of Little Red Riding Hood is also very good.


1) Yes, I can string sentences, thank you very much. I'll be here all day long. :sweet:

2) Jack and the Beanstalk. I don't know why, but I like it.

Edited by RPGer

1) Yes, I can string sentances, thank you very much. I'll be here all day long. :sweet:

The irony! :sadnew:

Man, this looks awesome! Do I count as a veteran? :grin:

1- I would like to play as I have participated in one Mafia School (Withcbreed) which I passed (was killed :s). I think I did well but would like to get more experience before playing with the "big boys". I would like to get more involved in Mafia games but still feel I need more experience, I did a few costly mistakes in Witchbreed.

2- Favourite fairytale? I don’t know if this qualifies as a fairy-tale but Shrek is my favourite fairytale-related story. Having a world populated by fairytale characters ans seeing their “natural”. Plus, who doesn’t love a good story intersected by farts and burps!!!!!!,

Well, this seems like a very interesting plot, and yet I have a feeling all of our favorite Fairy Tales will be destroyed at the same time. default_laugh_new.gif

1) I tried one Mafia School earlier on, and got neutral, mainly because I died the first night (Silly SK) and didn't have much to do with it. However, that aside, I would (obviously) like to graduate from Mafia School in order to play in the other mafia games, and I am often more likely to hang around the Mafia and RPG part of the forum than the others, so i would naturally be pretty active.

2) Mostly the fractured fairy tales. Pretty much, if there is a fairy tale, there is a not-so-happy ending of it, most of the time these are absolutely hilarious. (Which is why I like them so much!)

1. I'm a very active and passionate player, I've followed the previous Mafia games here obsessively (I'm even reading archives of the finished games), I know the rules of mafia, I've played Mafia in the real world (the one where randomly playing cards determine roles, and the narrator has to improvise even more than normal, Mafia Scum Wiki calls this "meat world" mafia), I know what the Mafia Scum wiki is...shall I continue? :grin:

2. My favorite fairy tale...hmm...well, I grew up at Disneyland (no, not a typo, long story), so all my fairy tales are basically Disney movies. Of those classic Disney films, my three favorites (tied) were Aladdin, Peter Pan, and Hercules, with Mulan close behind. I loved Peter Pan because he was a boy who lived in a magical world and never had to grow up and lose his imagination. Aladdin, on the other hand, was an outcast who became a prince, a theme that resonated with my childhood experiences. Hercules as well, though that one was more about Hades and his goofball minions than anything. Mulan I liked because a.) it was PRETTY, b.) Mushu, and c.) once again, Mulan was someone "different", but her uniqueness is what saved the day. And yes, I did think in a (slightly) simpler version of those terms when I was little; I was a very observant kid. :tongue:

This looks like a really good Mafia! :thumbup:

1. Well I really enjoy watching Mafia, and hope to pass so I can play regular Mafia games. I have read a few Mafias and found it quite interesting and fun. I'd like to really get into this game so I know how to play properly and more strategically.

2.My favourite fairytale is probably the Three Little Pigs or Jack and the Beanstalk.

Good luck in hosting if I do or do not get in!

1. I've been watching some of the Mafia here and would like to give it a try. You have to start somewhere, afterall. I'd also like to try and hone my logic and reasoning, which I'm sure this could help with, if I'm town. If I turn out to be scum, it couldn't hurt how to become a better lier. :grin:

2. There was a lesser known fairy tale I read recenty, I think it was Grimm, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it must of been translated lazily or something. It was about a family of four; A father, his son, a step mother, and her daughter. As in most fairy tales, the step mother was evil. I can't remember what it was called, but a summary is in the spoiler below if you're interested.

The mother had a chest of apples and offered the son one, but she close the chest on his head to decapitate him. She tied it back on with a handkerchief and put a handsome apple into his hand. The daughter walked up to him and asked for the apple, of course he didn't reply. She went to the mother to tattle on him for being rude. The mother told her to ask again, and if he didn't respond, to hit him on the head. So, she hit him on the head and his severed head rolled off. The family burried his body under an almond tree. The boy's spirit was reincarnated into a bird who would sing a song that was something like "My mother killed me. My sister morned for me. They buried me under the almond tree. La, la, la, la, I'm such a pretty bird!" Three craftsmen; a shoemaker, a blacksmith, and a gold smith heard his song and each gave the bird gifts, a pair of shoes, an anvil, and a golden chain. When the father went out, he listened to the song and the bird gave him the gold chain. When the sister went out and listened to his song, he gave her the shoes. When the mother came out and listened to the song, he dropped the anvil on her. Then the bird turned back into a boy and the family went inside for dinner.

But if you want a normal one, I'd probably say Hansel and Gretel. I just really liked the ending; "And they all lived as happily as possible." That's from the same translation as the story above, just so you know. :grin: I also liked how they crossed the river to get back home using a giant duck. :laugh:

This looks better than I imagined!!! Good luck to all who get in, and have fun!!! :sweet:

1. I'd like to sign up. Although I passed a previous school, I was playing as mafia and would like some experience hunting mafia as well. (it's hard to see your own scumminess!)

I am (or rather, will be) an articulate, available and commited player.

2. My favorite fairy tale is "the sultan and the parrot" . At least I think that's what it's called

Oh Sandy this looks so promising. Weird coincidence, I was thinking about using the classic fairy tale characters for my next mafia. Let's scrap that! I'm looking forward to it!

Beautiful and charming and twisted as always. I look forward to this a ridiculous amount. :thumbup:

Good luck to all those who get in. Having gone through Mafia School under Sandy's leadership, I can say you people are in for a treat! :sweet:

While I said earlier that I wanted to play in this game, Real Life®­­ has gotten in the way: You see, I've been looking for land/a house since about this time last year, and wasn't expecting to actually be buying anything for another two months at least. Long story short, I found the perfect piece of property for a price that's to die for, so I'm entering negotiations to purchase it as I type, meaning I likely will be too busy to play the game. :sad:

I WILL, however, be following it as closely as I can, and who knows, I may be able to participate in the next Mafia School. In the meantime, thanks for hosting this awesome game and your hard work, Sandy. To those who are chosen, I'd like to say:

"Play Well, and May the odds be EVER in your favor!"

I would like to take part.

1. I am intelligent, pay attention to small details, can catch people in lies (and tell them, if need be :devil:), and am a good writer. Thus, I think that I would qualify to take part in this game.

2. I don't really have a favorite, though I do like them. If I had to though, I would choose "Little Red Riding Hood", and "Little Red Cap". The hidden meanings found in those stories make them fascinating to read.

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