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I was extremely confused that MetroiD unvoted me and voted for Alopex when I said I was the investigator. It was at that point where I was willing to resign and accept my fate, but seeing that pumped some life into me and I kept on fighting.

I'm surprised to hear that it actually did work... :look: I just wanted to keep you talking for as long as possible, so that we could extract as much information in case there was another scum (mutineer or agent) left. I was always going to vote you off in the end (yes, we weren't working together with def, but he'd already proven his allegiance by that point, so I was obviously going to follow the investigator's lead), and the whole time I was playing along in your charade, I thought I was being so freaking ironically obvious, it would be useless. Still, you did keep feeding us lies and tangling yourself even worse in that mess you kept creating with every new post, so it turns out I was still of some use to Town after all, in some small way. :sweet:

P.S.: The scum writeboard was an interesting read... noticing how I managed to rub people off the wrong way with my sheer desire to play aggressively almost makes me feel ashamed :tongue:

All in all I think I bit of a bit more than I could chew. I’ve hosted the Cirque du Freak mafia game before this game and was sure I was ready for the big stuff. The game I created had an absurd amount of players and a huge lot of night actions. So hosting this game was a bit harder than I could have imagined. When I designed the game I didn’t have a full time job. I’m a substitute teacher and I work at a cinema in the evening hours. Around the time I posted the confirmation & discussion topic, I was offered a full time job at a school for kids with a below average IQ. So I was working about 60 hours a week from then on. As you might have noticed, this sometimes clashed with my Mafia Game schedule.

Too bad you didn't have a trusted advisor giving you solid advice about all of these complications that you could just completely ignore. :hmpf: With everything getting complicated and out of control you certainly didn't ask for help or ignored advice, when you did ask, that would've fixed several of these things. To be perfectly honest, it seems that you, not only got overwhelmed but, weren't very concerned about repairing some of the oversights or mistakes. You did a great job with Cirque du Freak, but it felt like your heart wasn't really in this one. :sceptic:

On that note, I'm a little disappointed that this turned out to be survivors win, because I had assumed that it was team win, but it is my fault that I got lynched, so I don't really have that much against it, even if I feel that I was more helpful and put more effort into this game than some of the winners.

I'm not sure that badboy is aware that we've shifted our focus to Team win vs. Survivors win.

Does this mean that dear old Lizzy was really a loyal yakuza family member? If so, you'll find me in a corner, trying to dislodge my foot from my mouth.

Welcome to Yakuza Family, in this game of wits and strategy you'll be playing:

Lizzy – Played by Capt. Redblade

You are a Vanilla Townie and have no Night Action what so ever. You win when all the Scum is eliminated.

How's it taste, swils? :wink:

Thank you for allowing me to play, though I also have some harsh criticisms. I enjoyed most of my time playing, but to me it seemed like the entire game was extremely unbalanced. Starting with this:

Game Mechanics

When I planned this game, I started with designing the figures and the family tree. After that I knew I wanted to let this game revolve around the four brothers. Each one of them had an investigative power; tracker, follower, voyeur and watcher. All they could do was watch. But if they were able to combine their powers and target one person they would be able to see the entire course of events that revolved around that one person.

It's a huge mistake and against the rules to base roles, affiliations, or anything else on characters and figures. All roles are supposed to be assigned randomly.

Also, the town had all of these investigative roles, and as Rufus pointed out, it was nearly impossible for either scum team to win. The conditions for merging teams were needlessly complicated, and the Agents didn't really have a good counter (i.e. a killing role). With an organized town like the one in this game, the scummies didn't stand a chance.

And why was Bob a scum paranoid doctor (that could also kill and janitor...)? The role made absolutely no sense. I mean, it didn't make sense for a paranoid doctor to be on the scum team. So yes, I outed my role to Bob and for some reason he told def about it...

Bob: Why did you tell def about my role? I was really on the fence about trusting him at the time, so by keeping it a secret you could've just swept my death under the rug.

Def: Job well done on this game, I'd go as far to say that this has been your best yet. :thumbup: You did a great job organizing the town and also staying alive. On the dead writeboard I was cheering for you to lynch Bob. Remember when I said in PM, the night that I died, that if that was the case I was sure Bob was scum? :tongue:

Bob: Why did you tell def about my role? I was really on the fence about trusting him at the time, so by keeping it a secret you could've just swept my death under the rug.

To earn his trust and tell him that I was coordinating with other townies. I certainly didn't think my team would override me and kill you. I intended to coordinate you like I tried to do with Legonater, but alas my team felt it paramount to get rid of power roles rather than to use them to their advantage. :hmpf:

How's it taste, swils? :wink:

There's a distinct hint of Irish Spring. Lucky me, I took a shower before reading this! :laugh:

Well, good to see this game had a happy ending! :laugh: Congratulations to the winners!

You did a good job hosting your first advanced game, badboy. The sets were great, the characters were all unique, the writeups were hilarious, and there were lots of strange and interesting roles. However, I think you could have done a little better organizing night actions (giving def results on swils when he had commuted and not giving the Secret Agents a killing action when they had completed their incredibly unlikely objective of rolecopping Scuba), and I don't like the idea of giving each of the four brothers a weak investigative action. Each character should have an equal chance of getting any role.

I had a fairly good time this game. After my performance in IMHOTEP, I figured it was about time to step up my town game and take on a role similar to the role I took on in Isla Paradisa. Unfortunately, my actions on Day 1 caused me to look pretty scummy in the eyes of more than a few people, so my 'leadership' attitude kind of backfired in the end. :grin: All in all, I learned something important (you can't lead well if you're not clear), so it was a game well played in my opinion.

Here's my role PM:

Ichirou – Played by Tamamono

Ichirou works for his father in the Yakuza family company. He’s Nobuo’s first born son so he is most likely to be the successor to the family business.

You are the Town Tracker. You can target a player at night and learn who, if anybody, that player targeted the same night (but not the action the player performed). You win when all the Scum is eliminated.


Alopex voyeured The Legonater

I got voyeured? What exactly is that? default_blush.gif

Welcome to Yakuza Family, in this game of wits and strategy you'll be playing:


Tadao – Played by The Legonater

Tadao is a super gifted wiz kid. He broke into the governments database. When they found out he was snooping around they tracked him down and contracted him to work for them. This is where he met Akio who was a delivery boy at that time. Tadao and Akio make sure the government remains clueless about the identity and whereabouts of the last remaining Yakuza.

You are the Town Roleblocker. You can choose one player per night to block from performing his or her Night Action. You win when all the Scum is eliminated.

I've already told my story, but I guess it doens't hurt to tell it again.

On Day 1 I was aproached by Bob, as a request to join his group. He asked my role, and as an act of good faith, I gave it to him. I really hadn't made any alliances in the past two games I've been in, and I was eager to make an attempt to do so. At Night I targeted Def, because for whatever reason I found his seemingly cranky behavior odd. I promised Bob I'd tell him what I did in the morning, lest he tell anyone who might be connected to scum. During the night, Tammo also approached me,a sking to join his group. Again, I accepted and informed him of my role as an act of good faith. From there, one thing led to another, and I was killed default_tong.gif

Badboy, I'll be honest:

As I pointed out shortly before my death, the Town was overpowered. They had so many investigative actions, which alone was enough to unbalance the game a lot. But then our scum team had only four members, none of them having a killing role. Sure, we could have doubled our numbers by investigating and then killing the Godfather, but that was pretty unlikely. And they still did. Of course it's not your fault you made a mistake of giving the wrong result, nobody's perfect. But you might have informed them after you realized your mistake (that is, if you realized it while one of us was still alive. If not, you of course didn't need to :wink: ). And the town had a mason, even though they already were pretty powerful. So, no offense intended, but I really think the game was very unbalanced.

Another thing was the role cops learning about the affiliations, like we learning Cornelius was the vigilante and the Mutineers learning I was a Goon (I was the Godfather Lyncher anyway :wacko:). I'd prefer the role cops to be weaker than actual cops, as they simply get to know what someone does. Of course, that's a matter of the game mechanics which you, as a host, are free to design. Still, that's what I would have prefered.

I myself have no problem with centering the game around the four brothers, is there really a rule against deciding which character gets which role? I only thought the players had to be assigned randomly to the roles, which is absolutely necessary, but also the roles and the characters? I don't mind it anyway, and I don't think it was obvious during the game. At least, I didn't see it.

But what I really enjoyed was the Yakuza setting. Nice job on this, Badboy. :classic: I'd also like to thank def for his information on Japanese stuff in the discussion thread. :thumbup:

And about the game, I still think you did a good job hosting. It wasn't great, but it wasn't a really bad first scum experience either. I'm looking forward to seeing you hosting again.

Oh, and that thing with Zakura and VolcanicPanik was quite annoying at some point, too. And Panik, you shouldn't have claimed your role to def for no reason, when there was a Town blocker as well. And you should have told us before claiming, and not after they killed Legonator. :sceptic:

But anyway, I'd like to congratulate to the Town, though. You managed to get organized pretty fast, which was another nail in our coffin. Regardless of the game mechanics and the balance, I think you did well and earned the win. :classic:

Yeah, I must apologize for my behavior that Day. I was incredibly frustrated that, in my mind, I'd done everything I could do to help, and you were taking it was reason to lynch me, and I was annoyed that you wanted me to compile my own list of actions, because, really, that's not a defense. Anyone can make themselves appear Townie by doing Townie actions, so it's the motive behind them that needs to be exposed, and I thought that I had already defended that in the best possible way. In any case, my behavior that Day really wasn't helpful and was unnecessarily hostile, so I apologize.

No worries. This may frustrate you to hear, but there was a chunk in the middle of the game where I really didn't have time to read through the day thread much. On a Sunday I was fine to, but on weekdays, I had a day job, in the evenings most nights I had a few private lessons, and most of the players PM'ing with me. Add that to the fact that family comes first for me, and I wasn't able to keep track of things.

I didn't explain this at the time, and it would have been less confrontational if I had :blush: but I expect that people can remember their own posts and find them better than others can. I roughly remember whatever I wrote in thread, and can usually find it relatively quickly, whereas it takes forever to comb through others' posts.

I do 100% agree that you participated a lot more than other survivors, and for that you should be proud. It's much better to play than to survive. :sweet:

It's a huge mistake and against the rules to base roles, affiliations, or anything else on characters and figures. All roles are supposed to be assigned randomly.

I agree that roles shouldn't be assigned that way, though we've seen it happen in the past (*cough* Hogwarts *cough* Gotham). It rewards bad play, assuming roles are based on characters when they should be independent.

At the same time, a host can get away with it from time to time, I guess, since the experienced players shoot down players who propose theories based on rolls. <ah, taking me back to Day One of my first hosting game here, when some players proposed that a member of the hospital staff must have been the killer since they had access to the broom closet :facepalm: Luckily that was shot down quickly enough>

Def: Job well done on this game, I'd go as far to say that this has been your best yet. :thumbup: You did a great job organizing the town and also staying alive. On the dead writeboard I was cheering for you to lynch Bob. Remember when I said in PM, the night that I died, that if that was the case I was sure Bob was scum? :tongue:

Thanks :classic: I made an effort not to take over, and to work with people this game, which made me a little blabbier than usual, but luckily I blabbed mainly to town. You would have been in the group PM the next day if you'd lived.

The assumption with Bob was that he was blabbing to Etzel, who would have killed you, and we didn't see it as all that suspicious that Bob was in there. When I did truly see he was scum, it was quite clear, and his confiding with Etzel was as unlikely as Nightshroud's confiding with Rufus.

To earn his trust and tell him that I was coordinating with other townies. I certainly didn't think my team would override me and kill you. I intended to coordinate you like I tried to do with Legonater, but alas my team felt it paramount to get rid of power roles rather than to use them to their advantage. :hmpf:

Ironically, you would have been in a lot better position if you hadn't told me Jim's role. The first decision after you blabbed that was to never tell you anything I didn't have to. So, the only real info I gave you (that I remember off hand) was that Rick was a trusted vanilla, when I asked you to protect him.

At Night I targeted Def, because for whatever reason I found his seemingly cranky behavior odd.

It's a really puzzling thing how people read the threads. Basically, on day one, you and MetroiD figured me for scum, while at the same time, Cornelius Murdock, Cecilie, and Zakura had me for town, with the two telling me their roles, and Zakura betting his game on it, since he would die if he targeted a non-townie. So, there were very different interpretations of my behavior. As I said earlier, if you hadn't targeted me, I would have caught Rufus early on, you wouldn't have been night-killed, Tammo would have lived another day, Rufus couldn't have killed iamded and zakura, the masons would have survived longer... Amazing the difference an action makes :classic:

Badboy, I'll be honest:

As I pointed out shortly before my death, the Town was overpowered. They had so many investigative actions, which alone was enough to unbalance the game a lot.

I don't think town had that many investigative actions, at least compared to other games here. I was bullshitting a bit in thread when I said I had three. One was the cop, my action, and the other two were the hider and the mason, who both would die if they targeted scum. Alopex's ability wasn't so useful. And the role cops were scum roles here. So, I know the Agents have some legitimate gripes, but that wasn't one, in my opinion.

I'd also like to thank def for his information on Japanese stuff in the discussion thread. :thumbup:

I'd rather see the Discussion thread used for educational purposes than for gaming outside the game thread :wink:

And Panik, you shouldn't have claimed your role to def for no reason, when there was a Town blocker as well.

Panik claimed to zakura, who just told me what he knew when he recruited me to the masons. Panik never blabbed to me, though he had a funny attitude when he realized I was going to feed him to the dogs over Legonator's town reading.

It's amazing the amount of frustration I had when that result came up. I knew I had to get some scum quickly after that!

Basically, on day one, you and MetroiD figured me for scum...

Actually, I didn't think you were scum on Day One; it just seemed to me as though you were trying to build a Townies circle, as it turns out you really were, and I really wanted to get you talking as much as possible in the Day thread so that I could try and base my future actions on that. A misguided move for the sole reason of deciding whether I could trust you, seeing how I was placing unneeded attention on you, but at least the Scum decided that they should consider other targets due to that feud. As I said in my first private message, you really did seem Town to me. What made me suspicious was the fact that initially you said you would definitely not be leading Town or pulling the strings, when in fact it looked as though you were. That's the reason for the whole scene at the end of Day 1. If I wanted to push for a vote against you out of sheer conviction, I'd have started that much earlier and would have followed through on Day 2; I just wanted a "reading" of sorts.

Apparently, I overplayed the Colorado-bulldog-attitude and it irritated you immensely, for which you know I'm sorry. At that point I did get concerned you might be scum (towards the end of Day 2) and shared my suspicions with Tammo, Masked and the Legonater. The exchange you and I had in private though served a purpose in proving me wrong, even if it did burn all the bridges. Either way, it was an interesting game for me, and having found myself isolated outside the solid circle of trust I opted to relay all (both) my Town contacts to you since by Day 3 I knew they should trust / protect you.

My last active attempt at helping Town was the idea of getting the Scum after me based on the fact that Masked told me who'd visited Legonater. Obviously, that plan didn't work since Alopex wasn't Scum. After that, I pretty much followed your lead and tried to be helpful in the Day threads while bouncing ideas off Rick.

Actually, I didn't think you were scum on Day One; it just seemed to me as though you were trying to build a Townies circle, as it turns out you really were, and I really wanted to get you talking as much as possible in the Day thread so that I could try and base my future actions on that.

In that case, I really don't get the strategy, but we all have our own methods :wink:

For the most part, I had a good time with this game, and no hard feelings to anyone who crossed paths with me. I was impressed with the scum activity of fhomess and Scubacarrot in particular.

I must say, I didn't really feel like I had much idea of what I was doing during the game itself. I can understand why Bob felt frustrated with the relative newbie-ness of our team, although I was convinced fairly early on that there was another scum team out there and that it really ought to be friendly to us. Blocking Flitwick was a bit of a shot in the dark, but I just had a feeling about him being important based on his complete lack of anything controversial in the day thread.

fhomess: You were scummy in PMs, and you tried to fish me :tongue:

This is something I haven't figured out yet... I don't really understand how to try to reach out to more townies later in the game as the only game I've played town in, I was cleared the second night. I felt like it was important to try to communicate more, since Def was at that point cleared beyond any doubt in my mind, but I clearly would've been better served by maintaining my quietness. To be true, I really wasn't trying to fish for roles, but I can understand why it came across that way. I really just wanted to look like an interested townie who was trying to follow the town leaders.

I think this game was a good learning experience for me. I was pretty convinced by day 4 that the game was either really unbalanced or really strangely configured. In the end, I think the game was unbalanced because of the mistakes on night results. I also have to confess to being particularly frustrated early on that TBW was the day 1 lynch.

As for my day thread play, I was a lot more quiet than I intended to be simply because my work schedule was much busier and I usually can't contribute as much on weekends due to my family commitments. I also think the timing of my demise worked out quiet well in that regard. I had committed to the game with the understanding that my wife was due to give birth right at the tail end of the time commitment window. In the end, though, my son came 2 weeks earlier than anticipated, just after my lynch.

This is something I haven't figured out yet... I don't really understand how to try to reach out to more townies later in the game as the only game I've played town in, I was cleared the second night. I felt like it was important to try to communicate more, since Def was at that point cleared beyond any doubt in my mind, but I clearly would've been better served by maintaining my quietness. To be true, I really wasn't trying to fish for roles, but I can understand why it came across that way. I really just wanted to look like an interested townie who was trying to follow the town leaders.

Basically, you asked me who was alright, or something along those lines, and there was no reason to ask that sort of thing as a vanilla town.

I was pretty much clear as town, so making your vanilla claim was fine enough, and there were a lot of lazy town players, so just doing a little would have set you above. The approach I would have taken is this: do most of what you did, be friendly and non-aggressive. But, instead of asking for any info at all, you make an uneasy alliance. "Listen, I'm vanilla, so all I have is my votes, and the few people I'm talking to, plus what we read in thread. I believe you when you say you are working with the investigator, so I'm mostly just going to vote with you unless something comes up. But, please, do me a favor and let me know how sure you are with the vote, since if you're not sure, I can just guess the scum myself :wink: What I can do though, is feel some people out if you like, maybe we can catch someone in a lie. I've talked to XYZ players, and I can probably talk to XYZ players, since I talked with them a bit last game. If there's anything you'd like me to do, let me know :classic: "

So, offer what little you have, and ask for little in return, and that helps build up trust. I said something to you last game about how I can only judge based on what I'd do, and as a vanilla townie, that's what I'd do.

Congratulations on your new son :sweet:

Thanks for letting me play badboytje.

A lot has been said already that I wholeheartedly agree with. Most importantly: the game for the Agents wasn't fair. Although they did have a killing action, they had to make sure their "killer" got killed in order to effectuate the kills. I didn't follow Gotham actively, so it came as a surprise to see such a role in this game (thanks Pie for clarifying that). To forget to actually merge the scum teams when they should have been is a game breaker really. In Baritones 3, the two scum teams could function independently of each other as they each had a night kill. When they merged, one advantage (the extra kill) disappeared but was replaced with the advantages of more members, a conversion (to replace the dead Godfather), and the combined scum knowing who'se town. In this game, the Agents couldn't survive on their own and basically had to find the Mutineer's Godfather. That hinges too much on luck and should be avoided.

A lot of night action results that should not have been reported, were reported nonetheless. A vanilla that gets blocked shouldn't be told and even when a power role is blocked, they should only hear they're "unsuccessful", not that they're blocked specifically. However, we "verified" Bob through the feedback I got on his jailkeeper action, so we hurt ourselves by relying on the night action feedback. In my view there are two reasons why Bob managed to survive so long. (1) I could only see the jailkeeper action as being town, as we knew both scum teams had a blocker and I saw no need for a protector or another blocker. (2) There were still quite a few uncleared townies left who were all slightly scummy and were investigated before Bob who had been "cleared" through the use of his jailkeeper action.

As to game balance. Town was very powerful, but so were the Mutineers, whose kill, block, and role cop got inherited. Also, they got a 2-shot jailkeeper action. And of course you should avoid tying the roles to characters. I'm not looking for these things anymore, because I really expect everything to be randomised. This should both be the player-to-character and - even more importantly - the character-to-role assignment.

Overall, I think you took on a bit more than you could handle badboytje. I don't think "advanced" games should always be so full of new roles and twists. In this case specifically, I think something can be said for simple setups that are also much easier to balance correctly. Mafiascum's wiki includes examples of tested, balanced setups. Perhaps it's an idea for hosts to base their game mechanics on those, especially when they're not sure about their game being balanced. Also, I wouldn't be afraid to ask for advice from experienced hosts/players who aren't going to play the game.

I must say, I didn't really feel like I had much idea of what I was doing during the game itself.

I quoted this in a PM with def:

However, our goal is to rid ourselves of the Mutineers specifically, so I would think a secret agent would have to be considered quite a bit more dangerous to our cause than a Mutineer to earn that vote. Either way, we still have to systematically root out the traitors in our midst regardless of the form of their treachery.

The 'goal' in the town PM was to eliminate scum, not the mutineers specifically. It should have been consistent with the town win condition in the thread, as it could easily be abused (even though that's against the rules and it didn't actually happen behind the scenes as far as I know).

Thanks for hosting, badboy, and thanks to all that played. I am pleased that the Town won, which appears to mainly be because of a core of faithful Townies. I wasn't as active as I should have been, but struggled at the start with the sheer number of people and the Japanese names. Later I managed to at least have some PMs with def, but as vanilla found it hard to trust anyone else and could not bring anything to the table that would have gotten me access to the machinations of the inner circle of Town power roles.

I agree that the game was unbalanced for the Secret Agents and I think most people expected there to be another one left.

Great game, badboy! I have to agree with Rumble, though. I thought that there was one agent left still. Besides that it was great! The Japanese names were hard to remember, but I got used to it near the end of Day 8. :grin:

cimg0592.jpgPlayed by K-nut

Daisuke is one of the best Asian Elvis impersonators you’ll ever see. He travels the country going from gig to gig just doing his thing. Currently he is on a break to help his wife raise their kid. He is also the owner of a successful chain of karaoke bars.

You are a Vanilla Townie and have no Night Action what so ever. You win when all the Scum is eliminated.

Errrm, out of sheer curiosity... Didn't Fangy / Cherry Blossom also actually win, despite not having survived? Seeing as he did take down a Scum player with him and all...?

Errrm, out of sheer curiosity... Didn't Fangy / Cherry Blossom also actually win, despite not having survived? Seeing as he did take down a Scum player with him and all...?

If I can post here:

I had wondered about Cherry Blossom's role, as she could kill after being lynched.

If I can post here:

I had wondered about Cherry Blossom's role, as she could kill after being lynched.

Fangy was Vengeful. He could choose someone else to kill when lynched. The rest was just storytelling.

I don't think town had that many investigative actions, at least compared to other games here. I was bullshitting a bit in thread when I said I had three. One was the cop, my action, and the other two were the hider and the mason, who both would die if they targeted scum. Alopex's ability wasn't so useful. And the role cops were scum roles here. So, I know the Agents have some legitimate gripes, but that wasn't one, in my opinion.

At that point we already knew your three ways of, well, not actually investigating, but at least confirming people to be Town. Okay, Cecilie wasn't that strong, as her role would be lost upon hiding behind scum, but at least she couldn't be killed properly at night. And I thought Zakura's action would have been passed on after his death? So, even if he would have tried to recruit scum, as long as there's another Mason member left the Town wouldn't have lost anything anyway, would they? And you still had a role cop, whose resukt gave hints about the alignment as well. So you were capable of confirming four Townies per night. I do think that's pretty much overkill, but I may be a bit biased, too.

Errrm, out of sheer curiosity... Didn't Fangy / Cherry Blossom also actually win, despite not having survived? Seeing as he did take down a Scum player with him and all...?

Every Town player has won, I think. It should be a team win after all...

Um...I think all the townies should've won. :wacko:

Thanks for the great game, Badboy. I think I actually managed to be a relatively 'helpful' (meaning I didn't get in the way too much :laugh: ) vanilla townie, but for the most part it was just luck at being investigated Night Two and mason'd 2 nights afterward. Although, both times I really felt like I had helped get a scum both turned up Yakuza...:wall: But I felt like I've learned a lot about being townie and hopefully will carry to to future games.

However, I disagree with the agents not having a killing action, when, if I'm correct, they simply have an orthodox way of doing it. I believe Rufus had the same suicidal lover chain thing going on as I did in Gotham, but due to unfortunate circumstance as a result of targeting basically the wrong people each night, not much happened when he finally died. But his victims being told they'd been slept with was probably rather difficult to deal with. :sceptic:

Also, Badboy, I'm pretty sure me and Murdock were supposed to come up as Yakuza Mason.

Um...I think all the townies should've won. :wacko:

I know I'm completely biased as a killed Townie, but EB games have recently been team win, and there are dead Townies who did exponentially more to help than some of the surviving Townies. I'm not that upset since getting lynched was my fault and in the end it's just a game, but I think all the Townies should have won.

Also, Badboy, I'm pretty sure me and Murdock were supposed to come up as Yakuza Mason.

Cornelius was never recruited to the masons. zakura recruited def, was blocked when trying to recruit MetroiD, me, and you. I think zakura should have just been shown as 'Yakuza'. And I still have no real idea why iamded was neutral.

I know I'm completely biased as a killed Townie, but EB games have recently been team win, and there are dead Townies who did exponentially more to help than some of the surviving Townies. I'm not that upset since getting lynched was my fault and in the end it's just a game, but I think all the Townies should have won.

I think it's EB mafia 'policy' that we now have team wins. But is it really such a big deal? I'd rather play a good town game when the scum eventually win than a lousy town game but still win in the end.

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