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"I can't believe with all of you 'men' around, I'm the one who had to swim down and retrieve the third sword," Ingrid says, "Whatever's coming up from below is here now. It was right behind me."


"Yikes, a Bionicle!" Ingrid screams as she smacks the claw with the sword. It quickly retreats back into the water.


"Oh no you don't!" Ingrid cries as she swings the sword at Fred, Diesel, Samantha and Diana. "We figured out who we can trust and you four are not on that list!"


"OK, you other trusted tour members!" Ingrid says as she takes a battle position on the stairs, "Grab a sword and let's stab these no good demon jokers and then take care of that vacuum salesman."


"The sword still won't come down!" Penny cries as she foolishly tries to pull the sword down by the blade. That's not very safe.


"Try now!" Ingrid says as she places the third sword in the remaining hook.


"Got it!" Penny cries as she grabs the sword.


"And now we can fight the demons!" Ingrid cries as she grabs the other sword and joins Penny, ready to fight the demons.


"But there are three swords!" Donna says, "Who did we vote as the third person to grab the sword?"


"Um..." Penny and Ingrid think about what 'voting a third person' means.

"Did anybody vote for somebody besides me and Ingrid?" Penny asks.


"I voted for Tony," Donna explains, "But after he agreed to the vacuum salesman thing, I unvoted him and changed my vote to Ingrid."

"What happens if we didn't work it out well enough to vote three people to hold the swords?"


"Well I know I can be trusted," Sylvia says, "So, I'll grab this sword."

But, the sword is now stuck.

"It won't come off the hook!" Sylvia yells, "Somebody help!"


"Now it's Diesel's turn to shine," Diesel says, annoyingly referring to himself in the third person, "I've been waiting for this for what seems like years."

He begins to trash the statue.


Diesel knocks the statue over and removes the torch from it's hand.


"I see where you're going with this," Siegourney says as she similarly trashes the statue opposite Diesel.


Diesel and Siegourney place the torches in the hooks where the swords were.


"Yoink!" Samantha laughs as she grabs the sword out of the hook.

"Hey!" Sylvia cries, "You're not trusted!"


"I should be!" Samantha says as she forces Sylvia to the top of the stairs, "I have the true power of sight, not Chris. I can show you who these people really are and who among us is a demon."

Before their very eyes. Sylvia turns into a hideous demon.

"Sylvia Berent is a demon!" Samantha yells triumphantly, "not me!"


Samantha lops off Sylvia's head...


...which rolls past the other and into...


...a gaping, reeking maw.


Vacuus has risen and fed on it's first tour member. Sylvia Berent's body had perished, and her soul claimed by Hell.


Penny, Samantha and Ingrid got ready to fight for everyone's soul.


"Here is another demon among us!" Samantha cries, "Richard Stanton!"


Samantha tosses a dazed Richard into the mouth of Vacuus.


Richard's head and limbs fall to the bath as his soul sinks even deeper, to Hell.


"Something's not right," Donna says, "These aren't the people we figured to be the demons at all. Could the puddle clues have pointed to Sylvia and Richard? Were the puddles tampered with after all? Maybe we were listening to the wrong people."


"Drop the act, 'Mom,'" Diesel says as he grabs Donna, "I have the gift of sight too and it's clear that you're one of the demons who has been tricking us this whole time."

Donna transforms to a hideous demon in front of them.


After a quick trip to Vacuus's mouth, Donna's body expires as her soul gets trapped in Hell.


"You know how pissed I'm going to be if we waited all this time just to lose on a technicality." Sheldon gains the strength to deride what's happening.


"What were we supposed to do?" Ingrid asks, "The rules didn't say 'Make sure there are three nominees.' What were we supposed to do? Work together and coordinate?"


"But I was voted as the third most trusted member!" Samantha declares as Vacuus takes a seat behind her, watching the little souls below him.


"When you fools didn't vote a third trusted member," Samantha explains, "the demon's vote got counted. If you guys had just voted for three people, we wouldn't have gotten a vote. But our master told us to take advantage of our attack on Sheldon, and it worked! You fools forgot that all three swords had to held by trusted members. Vacuus has risen and our power has returned! That's how we made you think your friends were actually demons. They didn't look like Collectible Minifig Zombies. That was just our powers making you see that. And now you shall meet the demon who has brought this all to be."


In a flash, Fred Thomas appears before them. He has been transformed into a hideous, yet somewhat hilarious, beast.

"OK, that vision about the tour roster was total megablocks," Fred says, "The killer's name wasn't on the roster, but all the guests name were. Someone else's name was under the heading 'security detail'. That's why that stupid bus driver kept calling me by the wrong name. And that's how Johnson Willoughby learned my identity."


"And now it's your turn, you hideous bitch!" Diana growls as she grabs Ingrid, "I hate your hair!"


"Ha ha! You didn't count on me saving one of the sails from the boat!" Tony cries, "Ha! Yup...I have a sail...and now you'll be sorry..."


"I was totally innocent until Fred stabbed me with his tooth," Diana laughs, "Funny enough, it was my husband who first brought the demon back to life during the last eclipse. I had no idea that's how he had died. I was told the body was missing. Now I know it's with Vacuus and now we shall be together in eternity!!"

Tony's sail floats lamely on the surface of the bath.


Vacuus sweeps Tony and Ingrid up in his claws.


Tony is squeezed so hard, his head pops right off. His soul is now trapped in Hell


Ingrid makes a tasty little snack for Vacuus as her soul is discarded and sinks to an eternity in Hell.


"I can't believe my demon face is a the Fright Night witch." Samantha complains.

"I'm from Atlantis." Fred says.

"My sideburns don't even match my hair." Samantha continues as her self-consciousness grows.


"Well, here we are at then end," Fred laughs, "Unfortunately Penny's granny gave her the special ability to protect people. After trying to protect three of us, she finally used her ability on the two of you losers."


"So you are protected from harm," Fred admits, "However, the protection only covers your souls..."


"Sorry I have to kill you," Siegourney says to Sheldon, "The sex was great and I'll always have our demon seed to remember you."


"There's only room for one sexy red-head around here," Diesel says.


Sheldon and Penny's decapitations are quick and relatively painless.


"Ah, the best for last," Fred laughs as Diana pushes Chris Owen to him, "You did an amazing job at cracking our game wide open. It was quite an accomplishment for you to be the one who solved the mystery. Maybe you should learn not to gloat quite so much."


"The best part of this is that you were so thorough in rubbing it in that you had figured it all out that you missed an important detail and didn't organize the innocents," Fred smiles, "You could've really put the final nail in our coffin, if you'd have paid as much attention to the structure as you did arguing point for point with me. And it's not like it was hard to figure out. The monk told you exactly what needed to happen."


Chris stammers.

"What's the matter Chris?" Fred laughs, "Grasping at straws?"

The other demons laugh as Fred slits Chris's throat very slowly.


The demons disappear as Chris slowly bleeds to death, suffering all the while.


Outside the temple, 6 figures walked out into the deep red of the full lunar eclipse.

The winners of Red Moon 2: Fred Thomas (CorneliusMurdock), Diesel Nolan (Dragonator), Siegourney Harcourt (Siegfried), Samantha Cole (Rufus), Diana Mantino (Fugazi) and William Falcon (WhiteFang).

"Do we feel good about winning on a technicality?" Samantha asks.

"Yes," Fred answers, "A win's a win."

"It was an epically stupid mistake on their part, too." Diana adds.

Everyone agrees and starts to laugh.

"This post-game discussion is going to be interesting," Diesel predicts.

William just stares at the frog.


Back in the baths...

"What do you guys do for fun around here?" Sheldon asks.

"Oh, we swim," the crazy old monk answers, "...or we solve anagrams or move statue arms."

"If I'm dead already, can I kill myself?" Sheldon asks...


I'll forego any player analysis for now and just let you guys discuss what happened. :grin:

Cast of characters:


Sylvia Berent played by Zepher


Chris Owen played by Tamamono


Siegourney Harcourt played by Siegfried


Richard Sexton played by Mrlegoninja


Donna Falcon played by Dannylonglegs


William Falcon played by WhiteFang


Diesel Nolan played by Dragonator


Penny Maltese played by Peppermint_M


Sheldon Wills played by Shadows


Samantha Cole played by Rufus


Tony Peck played by Bob_


Ingrid Peck played by iamded


Fred Thomas played by CorneliusMurdock


Diana Mantino played by Fugazi





The Legonater

*Thanks so much to VolcanicPanik, CallMePieOrDie, Swils, JediAnakin, Scorpiox, K-Nut, Darth Nihilius, The Legonater and Flipz for showing interest in the game. I wish there was more room. Please sign up again for future games! :thumbup:*

Rules for Game play

  1. No anagrams.
  2. Each chapter you will be faced with a LEGO building challenge. The first part will be a group effort to find a certain amount of LEGO pieces. The second part will be an individual effort to figure out what model the pieces create.
  3. The winner of the individual effort will be judged by how much time is taken to solve the puzzle. When you begin to solve the puzzle post "Challenge begin" in the thread. When you solve it, PM me a picture of the finished product. Do not post in the thread for fifteen minutes following your "Challenge begin" post or your entry will be disqualified.
  4. The winners of the challenge will elect five people to receive clues.
  5. You must search for clues. This means that an action must be specified. For example, you wish to search a room for hidden objects. The following is an example of how not to go about this:
    "I wish to look for suspicious or hidden objects in this room".
    Instead, you must be able to specify what you want to do. For example:
    "I would like to open the drawers of the cabinet."
    It is not required for you to specify exactly what you are doing and what you are looking for, but a generalised statement will not find you anything. Act like a detective and you will be fine.
  6. Dynamic Actions: Actions you wish to carry out without all of the other players' knowledge can be PMed to the game host, Hinckley. You may or may not be allowed to do what you request.
  7. Host response time: Please be patient. You may bring the story to a point where you need the host to further game play. I will be on top of this game as much as possible. Please be patient with me between chapters as well.
  8. Stagnant game: If you find yourself stuck in the group challenge portion, it is because you need to find a clue or you've missed something. Don’t argue with the game host. You’ll be there until everything that needs to be discovered has been discovered.
  9. Each game day will last 72 hours with three portions, each lasting 24 hours. The team challenge will last 24 hours. The individual portion will last 24 hours. And the nomination process will last 24 hours. If the group fails to find all of the pieces in the first 24 hours, then the chapter will end with no further clues given.
  10. You cannot edit your posts.
  11. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning. A second failure will result in the humorous death of your character.


Very cool, love the pictures, and the whole MOC/setting in general. But I must admit, even though I followed the whole game, I had no clue of what was going on :laugh:.


"You know how pissed I'm going to be if we waited all this time just to lose on a technicality." Sheldon gains the strength to deride what's happening.


Diesel and Penny's decapitations are quick and relatively painless.

Perfect, I'm still alive by a technicality, the retarded old man named the wrong dashingly handsome dark orange haired stud. :devil:

When it comes down to it, if they hadn't been given the power to cripple me at the end, I would have been the third easy vote and the whole thing would have gone differently. Whatever the case, well played demons, well played. I'm kind of glad this doesn't exactly lend itself to a sequel. Seriously, I'm just glad it's over. :laugh:

Thanks for an interesting experience, Hinck. I hate you, as always. :wub_drool:


Perfect, I'm still alive by a technicality, the retarded old man named the wrong dashingly handsome dark orange haired stud. :devil:

Seriously, I'm just glad it's over. :laugh:

:laugh: Me too. :blush:


:laugh: Yeah, I was a demon from about mid-game.... and we worked for it too! We have 14 pages (no kidding) of PM conversations! :tongue: I'll be back to gloat more later, but congrats to my Demon buddies.

...and I've got my old jacket back! :wub:

When it comes down to it, if they hadn't been given the power to cripple me at the end, I would have been the third easy vote and the whole thing would have gone differently.

...and if you guys weren't given as many blatant clues you would have lost even worse! :devil: It really wouldn't have been fair if we didn't have the chance to knock one of the trusted group out.

Whatever the case, well played demons, well played.


Red Moon 3 in June? :grin:

Thanks Mark for seeing this though to the bitter end! :wub:


Why didn't I have a gun or something? I should have been able to strangle someone with that flag.

Anyway, it was a good fun game, I got one of the building challenges right early! :sweet: But then I screwed up and it was wrong, and I didn't want to embarrass myself by doing another one... :sad:

I told you all it was Fred. Never trust a man in a mafia/mystery game that's called Fred. :look:


And so, after 2 years, Red Moon has reached it's bloody conclusion! Congratulations, you magnificently scummy bastards. :laugh:

It's been an interesting game Hinck. :grin: Thanks for sticking with it all the way through and bringing it to the end. You did damn fine job.

Great job on figuring it all out too, Tammo. Kudos. And again, congrats on the win CM, Draggy, Siegfried, Rufus, Foog and Fangy. Y'all deserve it.

I'll have more to say later no doubt, but that's enough for now. :tongue:


I had a feeling that there would be more to it than just us voting in the third fighter.

Congrats Fellow Demons! You guys were a great team. :classic:

I'm glad that's over too. Being a demon for so long was starting to get to me.


Thanks for a great game, Hinck! The sets and characters were all great, the pictures were gorgeous, and the humor was as absurdly hilarious as usual! :thumbup:

Congrats to Cornelius and the demons! You guys did a great job of leading us from wild goose chase to wild goose chase, leaving us stumped almost every chapter.

Great job on figuring it all out too, Tammo. Kudos.

Thanks, Amy! Sorry I wasn't able to tie all the ends together and get the innocents a win. :blush: By the way, what was the 'epicly stupid mistake' I made? :look:


By the way, what was the 'epicly stupid mistake' I made? :look:

It was all of you really. You needed to vote for three people. You should've coordinated to make sure that the votes fell in place so three people that were trusted ended up holding swords. Since everyone voted for Pep and iamded, the demons got the third sword. So after working so hard to put all the pieces together, you lost on a technicality: only voting in two sword holders.


It was all of you really. You needed to vote for three people. You should've coordinated to make sure that the votes fell in place so three people that were trusted ended up holding swords. Since everyone voted for Pep and iamded, the demons got the third sword. So after working so hard to put all the pieces together, you lost on a technicality: only voting in two sword holders.

It's funny too, because I had planned to coordinate everyone, but my schedule busied up and I didn't have time to sit down and work out the mechanics of how we were supposed to get a third sword user. :laugh: Sorry, everyone. :blush:


:wall: I'm the reason we lost. :wall:

I unvoted Tony! We would have had three sword bearers if I just hadn't unvoted Tony!!!

I knew he was innocent, but I thought that the demons' votes counted and I was wasting mine on someone who wouldn't reach enough of a popular vote to be picked! AAARGH! :facepalm:

Aside from that though, the game was great. I'm sorry I did not participate as much as I wanted. In the beginning of the year, I was overwhelmed by school work and I couldn't devote nearly enough time to making sense of the game. I considered at several points letting someone else have my character. I really wish I could have helped more before the lines were drawn. I had a great deal of fun compiling those clues though. I really nailed the identities of the scum without relying on Sylvia's hints and provided concrete evidence that Chris was right. If only I had known what to do with that info. :facepalm:

~Insectoid Aristocrat


:wall: I'm the reason we lost. :wall:

I unvoted Tony! We would have had three sword bearers if I just hadn't unvoted Tony!!!

Well, if other people had voted sooner or the simple shield puzzle had been paid attention to earlier you wouldn't have had time to unvote. I had to end it when I did because while waiting for people to stop by and vote, you had changed the outcome of the game. I thought it was because Bob was going along with Cornelius's plan to wait for the vacuum cleaner salesman to pass. The demon's votes wouldn't have counted if you had kept your vote in place. The game mechanics wouldn't have worked that way. The game mechanics were an interesting device. I'll get to that later, but some things went out there just to get the innocents working. All that being said, I can't believe 5 of you didn't even vote for the last chapter. :hmpf:

Like Cornelius, I was starting to have trouble with the theme. Considering something happening in real life, I didn't want the characters to all be doomed to Hell. I would really have liked the demons to lose, just to see everyone's spirits set free. However, that was not to be. The dark nature of the subject I chose is disturbing and I'm glad this game is finally drawing to its conclusion.


I'm sorry that I was in Paris for the weekend and stranded without internet. I still can't say much. I would have put in the effort if I'd been home. I know it's a sorry excuse, hope you're not too disappointed in my Hinckles, thanks for the great game witht the greaty conclusion.

Fred, I was the first to point the finger at you, and I was damn right. Tammo, sorry I left the country and left you with the work of coordinating the non-demons without me. We were a damn fine team while I was still around. I really am very sorry I could't participate these last few days, but I was quite literally without a computer or phone or anything. :angry:


Awesome game, great to finally see it come to fruition. :sweet: It had a lot more of a mafia feel than most mystery/puzzle games (the second half was much more puzzle/mafia than the first, and I did much prefer the latter half) that really kept me interested in how the whole thing turned out. I'm almost glad I didn't get to play, I wouldn't've gotten a single challenge right.... :laugh: The characters and the story were very well done, and I really look forward to more games like this in the future.



Ah, what an epic ending! Vacuus is awesome! :wub_drool: This game turned out to be very different from what I had expected reading the original Red Moon, but it's not meant as a bad thing! :sweet: The relatively fast pace and the structured chapters made it seem like a simple game, while in fact it was quite complicated! It took me quite a few chapters to get what we (the town) were supposed to achieve, thanks to the bad demons keeping all the clues to themselves! :tongue: Anyway, even now that the game has ended I still scratch my head trying to figure out why the demons couldn't convert some of the townies, why Tammo could dip gems night after night, and many other details that remain mysterious -- at least to me. I definitely look forward to hearing more about the game mechanics!

And I must absolutely mention what a great game Cornelius played, both in thread and privately! He never gave up even when things looked bleak for the demons, went on arguing in public and forming strategies in PM. He kept us focused and updated. He was a great leader from the start till the very end! :thumbup: My regret was that shortly after the game was unpaused I left on holidays and my Internet access was much poorer that I had expected. I basically could log on every other day or so and managed to take part in the challenges, but didn't contribute to the strategies nor spoke much in thread. For that I apologise to my team, it was bad timing as the action really picked up as I left. :sad:

Anyway, congrats to all the players, and thank you so much Hinck for another excellent game! Despite that town has us totally figured out, we were kept on our toes until the very end not knowing how it would all end. Who won and how is mostly irrelevant here, the mystery was solved and I think we all had a great time! :sweet:


Thanks for an awesome game, Hinck! :wub_drool: The story-telling was beautiful, funny, and intriguing, and kept me guessing despite supposedly being on the side 'in the know'.

I confess I didn't really have much of a clue what we as demons were supposed to be doing, so I just concentrated on the challenges and tried to keep a low profile in the thread so I didn't accidentally help the good guys. :laugh: I still don't know what 'actions' the 'town' had, but figured Peppy must be important somehow, and Tammo seemed to know what he was doing from quite early in the game.

Scummos - I had great fun with you guys! :wub: I'll second my teammates in congratulating Cornelius on being an awesome demon leader, who kept our morale up even when things started to turn against us. :thumbup: Sieggy - you really should play mafia more! You'd be great on a scum team.

Well done Townies on figuring us out! Sorry it didn't translate into a win. :blush: Good work Tammo - but Hinck is right, you really shouldn't gloat! :laugh: That had the effect of firing us up, and making us work harder to beat you guys. :wink:

Still, I think Foog sums it up best for me:

Who won and how is mostly irrelevant here, the mystery was solved and I think we all had a great time! :sweet:

I really wouldn't have complained (much :blush: ) if the result had gone the other way - it turned out nicely poised in the end!


Wow! I'm saying wow but I still don't understand everything. Honestly, I know I didn't play that much, but it was too complicated for me to understand. Also, when I solved the challenges, I didn't have a picture sharing acount, and when I tried using Flickr, an error occured. Also, I didn't know if I could post if I hadn't PM'd you after 15 minutes. Also, I didn't see what was there to do, because while waiting for a clue, there was really nothing to investigate. I may not be making any sense, but I think it would have been better if it [Red Moon 2] was simpler. That being said, I'm sorry, and I think that I will take a break from games for some time.

I still congratulate all the winners. Good job.


Wow! I'm saying wow but I still don't understand everything. Honestly, I know I didn't play that much, but it was too complicated for me to understand. Also, when I solved the challenges, I didn't have a picture sharing acount, and when I tried using Flickr, an error occured. Also, I didn't know if I could post if I hadn't PM'd you after 15 minutes.

Did you ever figure out how to solve the puzzles? I had difficulty with that too in the beginning. You technically didn't need a photo sharing account. You had to search for the set that all the pieces came from. I used bricklink.

~Insectoid Aristocrat


The ending??? I supposed this is the longest run game ever in Eurobricks! Thank you Hinck for sticking this game right to the end with a great conclusion. :wub:

Congrats to my fellow demonic teammates. I was invited in the party at a very late stage. Before that, I didn't have any idea at all on the conversion portion since I don't get clues that early or manage to solve the challenges in time. Nonetheless, to be part of the demons had helped me to realise the objective and shift of this game and it was fun doing so.

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