Posted April 15, 201212 yr infrapinklizard posted the above Flickr picture of a "possibility for MinuteBot base -- This is a mock-up of a possible improvement to the MinuteBot base. The MinuteBot base is a 3rd-party 21x30 Technic Liftarm to be used as a rigid base for technic creations: . This uses the dead space between the pin-connections to have bar connections." The MinuteBot base needs backers on Kickstarter to become reality. There is this video which explains it well. Here are excerpts from the Kickstarter webpage: "What is MinuteBot Base?" "The MinuteBot Base is a thick, robust base plate that can be used for construction of robotics based on LEGO Mindstorms. It extends a LEGO beam into a rectangular plate with 21 x 30 holes [ = 630 Technic Pin holes]. The dimensions and holes are a perfect fit with LEGO products: "The physical dimensions (L x W x H) of a MinuteBot Base are: 240 x 168 x 8 mm. The weight is estimated to be around 135g. The material is ABS (maybe with some glass fiber added to increase stiffness). The component is claret-colored. This makes the component stand out as a unique MinuteBot creation (we have checked with the people at LEGO and they are completely cool with the project). "What can the MinuteBot Base be used for?" "We hope that a lot of dedicated LEGO builders will appreciate the new possibilities that MinuteBot Base provides and use it for whatever project they are tinkering with! "Personally, we would use MinuteBot Base for semi-professional robotics. As an example, we recently needed a robot for a biotech research project. It would have been easier if we had a robust base plate with holes - see images: "We know we're not the only ones using LEGO Mindstorms in a research lab setting. Check out this cool by courtesy of Dr. Oyen, OyenLab, Cambridge University, UK:[media] "Do I need more than one MinuteBot Base?" "No, not at all. You can do a lot of awesome stuff with just one MinuteBot Base. But, as they say: Two's company, three's a crowd - and four is a party! Look at what you can do by linking four MinuteBot Base plates together:" Edited April 15, 201212 yr by DLuders
April 15, 201212 yr That is certainly an interesting idea and it would definitely make building robots easier. i wish i could donate . tim
April 16, 201212 yr I don't see how the above project is impossible in studless. Get a couple of 15-stud beams to connect the two halves of the machine together, and use some extra 15-studs to extend the base.
April 16, 201212 yr I don't see how the above project is impossible in studless. Get a couple of 15-stud beams to connect the two halves of the machine together, and use some extra 15-studs to extend the base. Sure you can :) We are just saying it would be easier. Can you think of any other parts that could be helpful?
April 24, 201212 yr So... this became the first project that I pledge to back on kickstarter. I haven't thought what I will build with it but I pledged for 4 plates. I hope more people see this and also back it so it can be done! I would support this on Cusoo, but not donate money...... Just to clarify if you don't know (no offence): This is not a donation (i.e. giving something without any (physical) in return) but more like "we give you this money and you will produce and deliver this item to us". Right know there are 57 backers. Extrapolating from the money that has been pledged it would require ~128 backers in total to reach the goal. With cuusoo one needs 10 000 supporters for TLG to review and maybe produce it. And you then have to pay money for it anyway. I don't think TLG would sell it much cheaper. I pledged $90 for 4 plates. That is $22.5 including shipping per plate. Personally I don't think this could reach 10 000 on cuusoo and I don't think it fits TLG to produce any set with it. Lego is about making something from small pieces. So I much more like to back it with kickstarter than support it (for free) on cuusoo. I don't see how the above project is impossible in studless. Get a couple of 15-stud beams to connect the two halves of the machine together, and use some extra 15-studs to extend the base. Far from impossible. But sometimes the part of building with lego is not the goal. When I see a big base plate and hear it is about robots I think of all the hobby and university course robots with some wheels and something for navigation, like this one: It is beneficial to have a plate where one can just mount whatever important computer components and don't worry so much about the structure of holding them together. And MinuteBot was about enabling people to make robots fast.
April 25, 201212 yr So... this became the first project that I pledge to back on kickstarter. I haven't thought what I will build with it but I pledged for 4 plates. I hope more people see this and also back it so it can be done! Same here, first project and 4 plates. I really hope this kicks off. A perfect part for prototyping and Technic baseplate. What happens if the project get like 90% funding when the time ends? Are they disqualified to continue or can they decide to go trough anyways? I´m wondering because there may be more people like me that could pledge a bit more money if the project stands or falls with these extra pledges.
April 25, 201212 yr Same here, first project and 4 plates. I really hope this kicks off. A perfect part for prototyping and Technic baseplate. What happens if the project get like 90% funding when the time ends? Are they disqualified to continue or can they decide to go trough anyways? I´m wondering because there may be more people like me that could pledge a bit more money if the project stands or falls with these extra pledges. First, I'm not an expert on kickstarter. I think that if they only get 99% it will disqualify and they won't see a dime and no money is taken from the backers. And I guess that kickstarter won't admit the same project again with a little lower total price. I will look on the page regulary and chip in with a bit more money that may take them over the edge if they are close to it the last day. Even if I don't need so many plates I guess it won't be so hard to sell on auction sites. I wonder where else this can be mentioned to draw more attention to it. It has been on the technick bricks blog. Edited April 25, 201212 yr by Aqualize
April 25, 201212 yr First, I'm not an expert on kickstarter. I think that if they only get 99% it will disqualify and they won't see a dime and no money is taken from the backers. Well, it would disqualify. Funds are collected only if the project is succesful, if it is not, no money is collected from pledgers' accounts. Pledger can scale the plade up or down at any time, or even calncel it, there is no risk. But the more you pledge now, the better for the project, the more buzz it creates, and later even if some pladges are cancelled the buzz lives on and reaches other enthusiasts. I wonder where else this can be mentioned to draw more attention to it. It has been on the technick bricks blog. We are trying to reach as many LEGO builders as possible, through fora, blogs, personal contacts, twitter and others. If you like our idea, if you want to help us spread the word meet us on Facebook <> or at Twitter <@MinuteBot>. Hope to see you there and great great thanks for all the support from all of you!
May 1, 201212 yr Why was a size of 21x30 chosen? It seems like 20x30 would be make more sense, since a square could then be made using only 6 of them. Also, for the dead space between the pin connections, instead of just bar connections, you could add axle connections, like in element 3649.
May 1, 201212 yr These would be great for GBC builders... There have been some amazingly bizarre things that I have seen people support and pledge money to on that site and get the results... Also heard of a few scams that were run on there...
May 14, 201212 yr How did I miss this post?? Just a few more days to go. Want to know what to do with the base? Well, for starters, you could use it to test all those setups that you want to include in your MOC in an easy way, for example like this: I want mu MinuteBot Base :D :D There are some more ideas here:
May 18, 201212 yr Author With some publicity (and support) on TechnicBRICKS , the "MinuteBot Base for LEGO Mindstorms enabled robotics" has garnered 135 financial backers and has achieved the $11,000 threshhold! See this Kickstarter webpage to read that "This project will be funded on Monday May 21, 1:38pm EDT." Congratulations, MinuteBot! Your "Homeless Hole" is cute! Edited May 18, 201212 yr by DLuders
October 2, 201212 yr Author [bUMP] Laurens200 posted this of a MinuteBot Technic Baseplate on a LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Turntable: On this webpage, he wrote, "Remember the MinuteBot Baseplate Kickstarter project? It was funded successfully, so the base plates have been turned into a real product. I’ve received a few plates last week as part of the pledge I made to the project. "I’m quite satisfied with the quality of the product. They’re strong and hold LEGO pieces well. Obviously, you shouldn’t expect LEGO quality, or they would have had to raise $100,000 to produce the plastic mould – not $8,000. The color is somewhere in between Normal white, NXT white and Light Grey. "I didn’t have any specific ideas in mind when I made the pledge, but when I received the plates, I immediately turned them into the sandwich shown above. This model should come in handy for display at events. Now the robots just turn around without falling off the table. Purists may say they could have done this without the base plate. That’s OK.... "UPDATE: You can buy the base plate for $30 here."
October 2, 201212 yr I totally lost sight of these baseplates. Now that they are available for order, I'll get one. Perhaps more later.
October 2, 201212 yr Feels a little expensive for 1 board. The price does indeed seem a little bit steep. Great idea though. Will probable buy one anyway.
January 1, 201312 yr Author Did anybody on this forum buy one of those MinuteBot bases (USD $20)? If so, what did you use it for?
January 1, 201312 yr I was planning on buying it for use with my NXT sets, but I think it's less useful than I first considered. Since the price is a bit steep I won't buy it as a nice to have, but maybe I will buy it in the future when I really need it.
January 1, 201312 yr I bought 4 but have yet to figure out what do use them for. Its been a bit slow on the technic prototyping building the last months
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