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  • Governor
On Youtube the other day i found this funny, three part trilogy, called "Pirates of the Black Skull" based loosly arround Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the black pearl.

My Webpage

I've fixed this up for you but here's at tip: On EVERY YouTube page to the right of the video is its URL. Just click on the URL box then copy. That's how you get the correct address.

My Webpage

My Webpage

if these links dont work..... just go to you tube and search Pirates of the Black skull.


Pirates Of The Black Skull - The Mask Of Kamuki


Pirates Of The Black Skull - Return To Fort Victoria


Pirates Of The Black Skull - Curse Of The Seventh Sea


It's out of order however :-( . I saw part two then part one. It goes POTB "Mask" then Return to Victoria. I realize that some of the footage is just repetead in the movies. Interesting though. A pretty good watch :-) , If you have about 24 minutes to spare.

  • Governor
It's out of order however :-( . I saw part two then part one. It goes POTB "Mask" then Return to Victoria. I realize that some of the footage is just repetead in the movies. Interesting though. A pretty good watch :-) , If you have about 24 minutes to spare.

Ok, I've reordered them. I've seen Part 1 so I should have realised that was first but NOOOOOOOO I put it second. What a drunken barnacle I am!

  • Governor
'm guessing photoshop, but they could have yous'd a real thing and not edited in.

You mean the animators used Photoshop to draw different mouth positions for the mini-figures? That's most likely, however it doesn't really explain how it was animated.

One possibility is they took each image individually and used a program like Adobe Premiere/Final Cut Pro/Ulead Video Editor to put them together sequentially. Or another possibility is they used special software designed especially for stop motion animation which takes care of putting the images together as soon as they're taken.

  • Governor

Which links are you referring to Evil Willy? Those provided by Norrington or those provided by me in the third post? The links provided by me should work fine... They do on my computer anyway.

  • Governor
The links fail, please fix them.

Which links are you referring to Evil Willy? Those provided by Norrington or those provided by me in the third post? The links provided by me should work fine... They do on my computer anyway.

So do they to me. I think I saw the first of series a while ago before this thread. Wow, it seems alot of these movies are just popping out at one time.

Are they "popping out" at one time or are they just being posted in this forum around the same time?

We need to find a way to advertise the forum on YouTube to get all the Pirate LEGO fans there aware of this forum.


Well, I must say, its far better and far more origional then MOST Lego stop-motion you see. (See the new Stop-Motion BZP fad for more details. 1 frame per second choppyness! woo!) The use of real-time film and actual water/plastic water is VERY origional and cool. The animation itself, while a bit choppy, is good when you concider these are legos. Im sure it took a fair bit of time to do.

But it could still be done a bit better :/ Some of the poses are simply unnatural, the rain falling straight down is rather dumb looking, and most of the voice acting is rather bland.

But still, when viewed all-around, very nice!

  • 2 weeks later...

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