April 30, 201212 yr Oh.... Flipz! Always remember to use the NPC's for stuff like that! "Emperor Alandri, the pedestal is where the Chimera's were created correct? Do you know why our mage is feeling ill when he touches it?"
April 30, 201212 yr "Oh wow. There is a big mess in this room." "I'm glad that you're okay my highness." Isabella turning to group and asking calmly; "So, what will be our next move? Maybe one of us should stay with Emperor to protect him?" lowering her voice; "This minataur isn't doing that great it seems."
April 30, 201212 yr Author On 4/30/2012 at 11:30 PM, Capt.JohnPaul said: "Emperor Alandri, the pedestal is where the Chimera's were created correct? Do you know why our mage is feeling ill when he touches it?" "I don't know. I bought the lot for the books. The pedestal was packaged with them. I keep it because it's a convenient place to put my crown. The seller's been dead for a few years, now, but I remember he said he found the items in a cavern somewhere in the mountains."
April 30, 201212 yr On 4/30/2012 at 11:40 PM, Brickdoctor said: "I don't know. I bought the lot for the books. The pedestal was packaged with them. I keep it because it's a convenient place to put my crown. The seller's been dead for a few years, now, but I remember he said he found the items in a cavern somewhere in the mountains." "Does he have a son, or a partner, or someone else who would know where to find that cave?" Turning to Count Knighton, he adds, "my friend, please wrap this pedestal up securely, so that none of it is exposed. We'll need to take it with us to prevent the Cult from getting their hands on it." "I've got a better idea." Taking a broken board and some rope, he fashions the magical portion into a makeshift shield. "I dunno how got it'll do against physical blows, but it's nice to have somethin' tha' can drain an enemy's Ether." Whirling suddenly, he holds the pedestal-shield to Arthur's throat. "Now, tell me why I shouldn't suck ya dry of yer magic, mage?" OOC: Pause to let others react.
April 30, 201212 yr Author On 4/30/2012 at 11:46 PM, Flipz said: "Does he have a son, or a partner, or someone else who would know where to find that cave?" Turning to Count Knighton, he adds, "my friend, please wrap this pedestal up securely, so that none of it is exposed. We'll need to take it with us to prevent the Cult from getting their hands on it." "Nope. Old guy. No relatives. Told me the cave collapsed after he removed the items, too. Said it looked like some knight's hideout. He picked up the stuff, loaded it into his cart, walked past some sort of seal carved into the floor, and the whole thing came down."
May 1, 201212 yr On 4/30/2012 at 11:52 PM, Brickdoctor said: "Nope. Old guy. No relatives. Told me the cave collapsed after he removed the items, too. Said it looked like some knight's hideout. He picked up the stuff, loaded it into his cart, walked past some sort of seal carved into the floor, and the whole thing came down." Even though we don't know the location of the cave, we should still try to find it. Perhaps we should have our cavalry explore the mountains and report back?
May 1, 201212 yr "The least he could have done is brought the grail with him," Skrall mumbled to himself. Turning to the Emperor, "so she attacked you from behind don't you have gaurds to prevent this sort of thing from happenin'?" Before he could get his answer Skrall noted the clash between the Count and Arthur going on. "Hold yer horses Knyghton," said Skrall as he pushed Knyghton off of Arthur. "Now what seems to be the issue?"
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 12:07 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "The least he could have done is brought the grail with him," Skrall mumbled to himself. Turning to the Emperor, "so she attacked you from behind don't you have gaurds to prevent this sort of thing from happenin'?" Before he could get his answer Skrall noted the clash between the Count and Arthur going on. "Hold yer horses Knyghton," said Skrall as he pushed Knyghton off of Arthur. "Now what seems to be the issue?" "Of course. The two guards who were accompanying me are dead. They weren't exactly instructed to look out for one of our new allies to attack me."
May 1, 201212 yr On 5/1/2012 at 12:07 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "The least he could have done is brought the grail with him," Skrall mumbled to himself. Turning to the Emperor, "so she attacked you from behind don't you have gaurds to prevent this sort of thing from happenin'?" Before he could get his answer Skrall noted the clash between the Count and Arthur going on. "Hold yer horses Knyghton," said Skrall as he pushed Knyghton off of Arthur. "Now what seems to be the issue?" "You saw what he did, back at the camp. He's not right. Either somethin's really messed 'im up, or it's not really him." "What are you talking about, Knyghton?" "I'm talkin' about tha Tethusial, 'Arthur.'" "The Tethusial? What did...?" Arthur suddenly recalls what happened. His face goes white, he drops the books he had been holding, and he rushes outside. The sounds of heavy vomiting can be heard. Knyghton rounds on Skrall. "As fer you, I'm begginin' ta wonder abou' you as well. You seem ta know an awful lot o' things tha rest of us don't. Apparently there's traitors all 'round, here, and until I figure out who ta trust, I'm trustin' no one, aside from Luke." He turns to the Sage. "Keep an eye on tha Emperor, friend. The so-called 'Heroes' an' I are goin' outside ta have a little chat." The moment the group was out of the Emperor's earshot, he stops the party. Arthur is slumped against the wall, across from the mostly-digested remains of his meal. "All righ', both of ya, the truth. All o' it. Now. We can start with you, ogre, since yer askin us ta trust you with leadership. Start talkin'."
May 1, 201212 yr Skrall gazed down at the Count, "Humans," he thought to himself. "Always so quick to flip from one side to another, at least with an orc ya always know what they're goin' to do, even if ya don't agree with 'em." After hearing out Count Knyghton, Skrall replied, his voice tremoring with a slight growl. "Careful Count Knyghton. Arthur has told me of yer noble character and I have not questioned it to this point, but I don't take kindly to other's questionin' mine. What the mage does is his business, I'll put a stop to him if it starts endangerin' our mission. Remember who's kin folk it was who started this soddin' mess and tell me why I should be trustin' you in all of this. Fer all I know you and Luke were busy helpin' Lady Leofwena start off on her rampage while we were dealin' with the rebels." Skrall spit upon the floor, "since yer wantin' it all out on the floor I'll give it to ya. Yes, I have a contact in these parts. He's a dragon my party and I helped back in Ennon when we were puttin' down another soddin' rebelion. He briefed me on the cult, which if yer a spy ya already know about. So now that yer up to speed, anythin' you'd care to tell the rest of the group while we're havin' our little confession time? Believe me, if ya turn up to be the one that's leakin' our plans, then I will personally be trackin' ya down and I'm sure ya know how good we hunters are at such things." Skrall fingered the Hunter's Crossbow holstered at his side. Edited May 1, 201212 yr by Waterbrick Down
May 1, 201212 yr "Glad to know it's him and not Wren. Ever since we came to this godsforsaken desert, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, and home, and Chaos." "Shut it, mage. If you're so worried abou' darkness an' evil, why'd ya torture and eat that Rebel?" "I don't know. Something's not right here. I've been feeling...strange...ever since I saw that thing at Bric'bay." "The thing no one else saw?" "The 'thing' that sent De'kra into a coma and amnesia any time I mentioned it. It was a sign...I...I shouldn't be here. I just want to go home..." Arthur breaks down crying. "What, a 'great' Hero like yerself wantin' ta run home ta Eubric? Quit the act, ya clone freak." Knyghton turns to Skrall. "I, uh, borrowed tha' book about yer Quests, Skrall. I couldn't make sense o' it, but it mentioned somethin' about evil clones o' folks? Anyhow, thought ya might be one o' them, an' in league with tha Rebels, but now I'm inclined ta think otherwise. Arthur here, on the other hand..." "Eubric's not my home. I'm not a coward, and I'm not a fool. I know what you think I am. Thing is...I'm starting to think you may be right. Not a clone, per se, but..." He pauses. "I don't feel like myself. Like there's a part of me that's...evil. That's takin' over. Look, I'm not backing out of the Quest but, if any of you think I can't be trusted, I understand if you want to leave me behind, or tie me up or something. I'd do the same in your position. Now, if any of you want to waste your time dealing with a foolish Mage like me, go right ahead, but if you're not interested I suggest you get back to the Emperor before he starts to worry." "Firs' reason'ble thing he's said all day." Knyghton pushes past the others and heads back inside.
May 1, 201212 yr Skrall watched as Arthur seemed to shrivel up before his eyes, he gave a long sigh before picking up the mage by the back of his robe. Looking into his eyes Skrall made himself clear, "Now listen. I've seen you've got a good head on yer shoulders and I don't know what's the matter with ya, but we are goin' back in there and we're goin' ta get to the bottom of this with or without ya. We were hired to get this job done, some believe in fate others in some sort of good an' evil, but for me there is just livin' and keepin' my word. I don't care who ya think ya may be or what ya think ya may be, but whatever it is, yer either goin' to help us or I'll have to see to it that yer antics aren't goin' to interfere with the task at hand. Now pull yerself together and let's get goin'." Skrall returned inside. "Mages," he thought to himself. Skrall turned to the Emperor, "Well whoever wanted in here, wasn't after you, but what seems like the necessaries fer brinin' a chimera back to life. I don't know why she didn't kill ya if that is what the rebellion wanted, but it matters not for the moment. Is there anywhere we can lock this pedistal up fer the time bein'? If not, then I guess Count Knyghton, ya'll be carryin' it with ya. Now then, if there's nothin' else, let's get the troops ready and set out after this intruder. Your majesty, if their is a Chimera to be raised, are any of the Dragon riders of yer land able to be summoned to do battle with it?"
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 1:15 AM, Waterbrick Down said: Skrall turned to the Emperor, "Well whoever wanted in here, wasn't after you, but what seems like the necessaries fer brinin' a chimera back to life. I don't know why she didn't kill ya if that is what the rebellion wanted, but it matters not for the moment. Is there anywhere we can lock this pedistal up fer the time bein'? If not, then I guess Count Knyghton, ya'll be carryin' it with ya. Now then, if there's nothin' else, let's get the troops ready and set out after this intruder. Your majesty, if their is a Chimera to be raised, are any of the Dragon riders of yer land able to be summoned to do battle with it?" "You can always lock it up in the vault in my chambers. "No, unfortunately, I've never been in contact with them in my life. You're on your own."
May 1, 201212 yr "With all respect, Your Majesty, I feel it would be more conducive to your safety to keep the pedestal with us, and to publicly remove it and all other potential chimaera-producing artifacts from your palace. It's the artifacts they want, so they'll come after us instead of you. As an added benefeit, if we have to deal with any unrulay mages--" at this he shoots a dirty look at Arthur "--we'll be prepared. Besides, I look good with a 'shield.'" He chuckles at his little joke. Arthur does not. On 5/1/2012 at 1:15 AM, Waterbrick Down said: Skrall watched as Arthur seemed to shrivel up before his eyes, he gave a long sigh before picking up the mage by the back of his robe. Looking into his eyes Skrall made himself clear, "Now listen. I've seen you've got a good head on yer shoulders and I don't know what's the matter with ya, but we are goin' back in there and we're goin' ta get to the bottom of this with or without ya. We were hired to get this job done, some believe in fate others in some sort of good an' evil, but for me there is just livin' and keepin' my word. I don't care who ya think ya may be or what ya think ya may be, but whatever it is, yer either goin' to help us or I'll have to see to it that yer antics aren't goin' to interfere with the task at hand. Now pull yerself together and let's get goin'." "I'll do my duty, you can count on that, Master Skrall," Arthur said in a quiet voice. "No matter what the cost."
May 1, 201212 yr Skrall commented to the Emperor, "On yer next round of messengers, I would make sure ya tell the other emperors about the need fer the dragon riders or at least alert them to the threat of another Chimera." "Knyghton, leave that soddin' thing here, we'll make sure it gets put in the vault but we ain't totin' it with us. Thguardsds know who to look out fer now so I doubt the rebels will get another chance at it. I won't have us takin' the weapon of the enemy to its very doorstep, no matter how safe we may considerate it in our possession." "Now let's round up the troops, first though I want to see if I can locate Sir Leofard and pay him a visit."
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 2:12 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Now let's round up the troops, first though I want to see if I can locate Sir Leofard and pay him a visit." You dispatch a pikeman to begin readying the troops for departure, while you visit Sir Leofard's quarters. "Thank goodness you've come! There's been some kind of attack on the emperor, and those MegaBlokin' pikemen won't let me leave my quarters. Threatened to call in the minotaur."
May 1, 201212 yr "Ah Sir Leofard, yes there has been an attack on the Emperor and it seems only percautions were bein' taken care with yerself, though I would have agreed ya should have been there for the action. Have ya seen yer squire as of late? The rebels ambushed the troops on the trainin' grounds and we're trying to get a head count."
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 3:39 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "Ah Sir Leofard, yes there has been an attack on the Emperor and it seems only percautions were bein' taken care with yerself, though I would have agreed ya should have been there for the action. Have ya seen yer squire as of late? The rebels ambushed the troops on the trainin' grounds and we're trying to get a head count." "What's the child gotten herself into, now? I tell you, she's got no respect for authority. If it weren't for the fact that her parents are influential members of the nobility, I never would've agreed to take her as my squire in the first place."
May 1, 201212 yr "How about the occult? Lady Leofwena has been identified as the intruder and has escaped."
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 4:12 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "How about the occult? Lady Leofwena has been identified as the intruder and has escaped." "Occult? I don't know. Her family is on the secretive side. None are mages, to my knowledge. Obsessed with history, though, I hear. Very impractical. "She attacked the emperor? Why the MegaBloks would she do that?"
May 1, 201212 yr "We were hopin' you could tell us. Apparently while we were fightin' off the rebels, she was back here stabbin' Imperial guards and makin' off with as much loot concernin' a dead and buried chimera as she could make off with."
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 4:35 AM, Waterbrick Down said: "We were hopin' you could tell us. Apparently while we were fightin' off the rebels, she was back here stabbin' Imperial guards and makin' off with as much loot concernin' a dead and buried chimera as she could make off with." "MegaBloks. Always was a girl who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. Did seem interested in the legend of the chimera, now that you mention it."
May 1, 201212 yr "Anything else she mention that might be of help? Secret caves in the mountains, that sort of thing? Where did she learn about the legend of the Chimaera anyway?"
May 1, 201212 yr Author On 5/1/2012 at 4:43 AM, Flipz said: "Anything else she mention that might be of help? Secret caves in the mountains, that sort of thing? Where did she learn about the legend of the Chimaera anyway?" "She never mentioned anything like that to me. Like I said, her family is supposedly obsessed with history. Besides, the legend is well-known among the troops. Every pikeman knows it from the first night he sleeps in an army tent."
May 1, 201212 yr "Very well, watch yerself Sir Leofard. If the rebels have sympathizers amongst our own division, there is no tellin' who else may be waitin' to betray us." Skrall met up with the rest of the Party. "Let us prepare to depart, if the intruder was injured by the emperor, we may be able to track down a blood trail." Skrall walked toward the barracks to ensure all was in order for the expedition.
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