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Sarick listened to everyone's speech. He thought about their situation and decided to act decisively and speak frankly.

"I do not know you Felton. I do not know you Constance. I do not know this Wren you hunt. Some heroesss have stated that Felton was untrustworthy before, whatever the circumstances. Everyone has only speculated that Constance is a traitor, with no proof. Felton speaksss on and on, trying to convince us of his side. Constance is a Dragon Knight which I assume means she has the support of the dragons. She is decisive and adamant, lets end this conflict and move on. I support the dragons and I will side with Constance."

Sarick slithered over to Constance, not too close since she did not seem friendly. He then drank his tonic in preparation for the battle.

Sarick flexed his fingers and forced the magical energy to his hands. "I do not plan on killing anyone and I hope my team feels the same. I hold no grudges on whichever side you choose. Let us make our choices and move on."

  On 6/4/2012 at 11:42 PM, Xarrzan said:

Constance is a Dragon Knight which I assume means she has the support of the dragons. She is decisive and adamant, lets end this conflict and move on. I support the dragons and I will side with Constance."

Sarick slithered over to Constance, not too close since she did not seem friendly. He then drank his tonic in preparation for the battle.

Nerwen bowed her head for a moment, then raised it, nodding.

The decision is made.

Nerwen sides with Sarick and Constance.

Cronk hates to point out, but weren't heroes told that the dragon knights no longer fought on dragons? Cronk believe they are dragon knights in name only, in memory of old order that fought riding dragons. Cronk sees no evidence that dragons support Constance.

Cronk also hates to fight against Cronk's teammates but Cronk cannot take back decision now. Matter is in Ennoc's hands.

IC: De'kra nodded sadly at Nerwen and Sarick's decision before clicking, "I will use I Cloak of Elven Spy to search both Constance and Felton. Maybe .i will find clue to stop fight. Galen, Hammer Hero, Nerwen, Cronk, just like leader said, if Team must fight each other, can heroes and I promise one thing? Can heroes and I make sure not to target each other, only Felton and Constance? And as soon as Felton or Constance fall, heroes and I will stop fighting? Regardless of who is left stand? I personally will not target other heroes, and I lack of ability to target many foes should limit splash damage. I think some of Team have shields that will affect multiple fighters, so I understand if you accidental hurt others when attack Felton or Canstance. But can all of Team try not to attack each other?"

To Sarick De'kra clicked, "I language skills are flaw, but I not mean to be rude. However, there are two things I am confuse and. This is not meant offensively, and if you see flaws please explain them. First source of confusion Cronk mention, I believe Dragon Knight is artifact title. Two, I probably misunderstand whole situation and I apologize if I bad language skill make this sound offense, but I think Dragon Knights rode dragons. Heroes and I know for fact that dragons were ridden of own free will? I am unsure, but I think most sapient species would be too proud to let someone ride them. Dragons of course might be different, but is there chance Dragons were...servants of sort here? I apology if I offend you, what I understand of Olegaia is limit and I knowledge of this tongue bad as well."

Finally De'kra concluded, "I admit evidence not perfect, but Atramor has confirm some of what Felton said. I agree that most of evidence is shaky, but there more for Constance than Felton. I will side andFelton, unless I cloak learn something new and important."

  • Author



Level 16 Wren Fighter

Power: 16

Health: 56/56

Gold: 0

Inventory: Rapier of Dastan (WP: 5), Felton's Hat (+10 Health, -5 Power)

Shield – Deceive – Deals damage to enemy equal to enemy’s level x2.

Critical Hit – WPx2+Lvl



Level 15 1/2 Dragon Knight

Power: 30

Health: 30/30

Gold: 150

Inventory: Dragon Heart (WP: 15, Fire/Wind Elemental), Mead x2, Nostrum, Dragon Scale

Shield – Heart of the Dragon: Does 10 damage to target and burns them, dealing another 2 damage at the end of each round.

Critical Hit - WP x3 +Lvl

Edited by Zepher

Tarn had been in deep thought for a while, as heroes all around him made their decisions. He spoke quietly, but forcefully.

"I have Quested with Atramor and Mr Harkenshire before, and together we helped stop a plague being unleashed on Eubric. During this Quest Nyx has been a close and invaluable ally. Mr Felton was with me as we fought to stop U'Vires mad plan succeeding. I trust their judgement, as it matches my own. I side with Team Felton."

IC: De'kra turned to the heroes siding with Felton and clicked, "If your health is below thirty one, you should stand in back row in fight. Honestly even Cronk might want to stand in back, her power very strong. Her best attack will deal 60 damage, if I math correct. Her health not as high though, Cronk and Felton both easily have more. Any plans for fight her?"

OOC: how is Felton's level the same as his power when he has a WP: 5 sword? Won't his power be 21, or his level 11?

  • Author
  On 6/5/2012 at 12:49 PM, Tanma said:

IC: De'kra turned to the heroes siding with Felton and clicked, "If your health is below thirty one, you should stand in back row in fight. Honestly even Cronk might want to stand in back, her power very strong. Her best attack will deal 60 damage, if I math correct. Her health not as high though, Cronk and Felton both easily have more. Any plans for fight her?"

OOC: how is Felton's level the same as his power when he has a WP: 5 sword? Won't his power be 21, or his level 11?

OoC: Read his one other item. :laugh: Also, just warning you in advance, I love that you're planning, but you'll all have to fight until the end. Dropping the NPCs will not end the fight. One team giving up will result in their NPC being killed. :devil:

It was settled then; Xander would stay true to his quest leader, solemnly walking over to where Team Constance was gathering.

  • Author

OoC: Galen and De'kra have yet to bold choices, unless I've missed something. Sorry. :blush:

IC: De'kra clicked, "Loyalty can be noble quality, I can understand your decision Hammer Hero. Not to mention that and all that has happen in Dastan, everything is confuse and itis hard to tell who to trust. I will bare no grudge even if I am right. Just try to remember I suggestion not to target other heroes, exclude accidents of course. I still have to stand and Felton, I am sorry but I think that Constance more likely to be guilty."

De'kra paused, there was something wrong here. But try as he might, he could not tell the source of this alien feeling.

OOC: Muh-ha-ha-ha.

Galen sighed.

"I don't like Felton's moustache, and I'd rather not fight my friends to get rid of that ugly sight. But by sitting out, I would leave my party leader and his team outnumbered and outgunned. I will side with Team Constance. But nothing good will come of this."

  On 6/5/2012 at 9:04 PM, Fugazi said:

Galen sighed.

"I don't like Felton's moustache, and I'd rather not fight my friends to get rid of that ugly sight. But by sitting out, I would leave my party leader and his team outnumbered and outgunned. I will side with Team Constance. But nothing good will come of this."

IC: De'kra nodded and clicked, "I not understand that logic of mouse stache, but I will accept it. I suggest that as long as you can you not target other heroes, and that once Felton or Constance fall, or both of them if you must, you flee. I plan to enact that as well, if I can. I mean no disrespect to other heroes side and Felton, but once Constance, or Constance and Felton, are dead, there is not much point to fight on. And I prefer not to fight I allies. If you have good reason for I not to flee once those conditions met I will listen, if not please understand."

  • Author

OoC: Alright, thanks everyone! Let's get this party started.

Constance downs her mead and rubs her Dragon Scale and picks up her shield, and the the battle begins.

Team Constance


Nerwen Calmcacil
(played by Chromeknight)

Level 9 Cleric





Peace (Hammer, WP: 6), Wooden Staff (WP:3), Bedroll, Shovel, Potion, 2x Tonic, Remedy, Nostrum, Elixir, Grand Tonic, Venom, Bone, Fire Bomb


Galen Woodward
(played by Fugazi)

Level 8 Rogue




Sword of Bashing (WP: 5, Ice), Throwing Dagger (WP:4), 2x Venom, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Nostrum


Sarick Lanse
(played by Xarrzan) *Party Leader*

Level 10 Mage





Dragon's Wrath (Staff WP: 6), Healing Staff (WP:5, healing effect), Opal(Ice), Sapphire(Wind), Topaz(Lightning), Potion, Tonic, Bone, Fire Bomb


Xander Unth'or
(played by posades)

Level 13.5 Barbarian




Pongcanis Club (WP: 8), Double-Sided Battle Ax (WP:6, Aim), Enigmatic Hammer (WP: 3), Robe of the Pongcanis Champion (WP: 1 Front Row)(SP: 1 Back Row), Potion (2), Grand Potion, Phoenix Essence, Horse (WP: 1 Front Row), Fire Bomb, Skeleton Decoy, 2x Venom, Elven Bomb, Green Potion



Level 15 1/2 Dragon Knight

: 30

: 3

: 30/30

: 150

: Dragon Heart (WP: 15, Fire/Wind Elemental), Mead, Nostrum

Shield – Heart of the Dragon: Does 10 damage to target and burns them, dealing another 2 damage at the end of each round.

Critical Hit - WPx3+Lvl

Team Felton


Atramor Gibbin
, Level 18 1/2 Witch *Acting Party Leader*

Power: 27

Health: 21/21 (-14 for remainder of Quest)

Defense: 2

Ether: 7/7 (-9 for remainder of Quest)

Gold: 12

Inventory: Ratsbane, WP: 10, Sand Worm Hide, Witch's Talisman, Black Katana, WP: 8, Staff of the Elven Warlock, WP: 5, Scroll of Sealing, Bone x2, Grand Tonic, Fire Bomb, Phoenix Essence, Ether Core


(played by CorneliusMurdock)

Level 19.5 Paladin






Zoot's Bane (WP:12, Light), Healing Staff (WP:5 Healing effect), Bloody Pointy Stick (WP:1), Lance (WP:12), Ennoc's Blessing (Shield, SP:7), Elaborate Helmet (SP:2), 2x Potion, Holy Bomb, Bedroll, Paralyzing Venom, Blacksmith Writ, Bone, Cultist Documents, Lightning Bomb


, Level 19 Battle Mage

Power: 32

Health: 29/29

Ether: 24/24

Gold: 0

Inventory: Book of a Thousand Creatures (WP:13, each roll has a 1/6 chance to summon a creature to aid the hero), Dawnstar II (WP: 9), Healing Staff (WP: 5), Shiny Helmet (+1 max health), Ruby (Fire), Amethyst (Darkness), Topaz (Lightning), Sapphire (Wind), Emerald (Wood), Garnet (Earth), Sandman's Parasol, Potion, Remedy, 3 Tonics, 2 Grand Tonics, Holy Bomb, Bedroll, 5 Bones, Wooden Shield (SP:2), Bomb XX, Phoenix Essence, Ether Core, Dragon Scale


(played by Tanma)

Level 14.5 Rogue




Kapura (WP:5, Fire), Pongcanis Dagger (WP:5, Lightning), Shadeaux Dagger (WP:5), Fauxthril Hand Cannon (WP:5, unsuitable), Cloak of the Blue Assassin(SP: 1), Cloak of the Elven Spy, Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Venom, 6x Potion, 2x Remedy, Water Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Smoke Bomb, Phoenix Essence, Bone


Tarn Valco
, Level 15 Barbarian

Power: 25

Health: 22/22

Gold: 13

Inventory: Helbaerend (WP: 10, Water, Ice and Lightning Elemental, Hollow Blade), Fauxthril Spear (WP: 6), Phoenix Essence, Grand Potion, Remedy, Holy Bomb, Shovel, Pickaxe, Bomb XX, Dragon Scale


William Harkenshire
, Level 13 Ranger

Power: 18

Health: 18/18

Gold: 20

Inventory: Hand Cannon (WP: 5; Lightning, Wood) Repeating Crossbow (WP: 5 May not be upgraded; Fire; Hastened), Potion (2), Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Mead, Smelling Salts, Pickaxe, Horse, Skeleton Decoy, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Venom, Elven Bomb, Fire Bomb, Bomb XX



Level 16 Wren Fighter

: 16

: 56/56

: 0

: Rapier of Dastan (WP: 5), Phoenix Essence, Felton's Hat (+10 Health, -5 Power)

Shield – Deceive – Deals damage to enemy equal to enemy’s level x2.

Critical Hit – WPx2+Lvl

Everyone state your actions. Team Constance will attack Round 1, and then Team Felton will attack Round 2, and so on and so forth.

Edited by Zepher

Nerwen speaks an elvish invocation softly under her breath and hefts her staff. Stepping forward she strikes at Cronk standing in the back row using her wooden staff(wp:3).

Sorry Cronk, but I do not want you to have a free hit on our party.

Edited by Chromeknight

IC: De'kra sjhakes his head at the healer and clicks, "I suspect Cronk would target Constance as best he could, I doubt that he would not try to harm heroes. Either way, Let Team hope Heroes and I miss each other, and only hit Felton and Constance. Any suggestion to I attack? I plan to target Constance from Back Row, but if there reason not too I will listen." The echo readied Kapura, who glowed a calming flame against his hand.

OOC: Constance counts as a humanoid right?

OOC: also, you are Makutaspawn.

Atramor, standing at the forefront of his party, chuckles as they all try and strategize, arms crossed casually, looking more ready for to sit down and have a cup of rum than he was to fight.

"How about we 'ave Tarn (or Will) just drop a little partin' gift we got from one of Wren's henchmen and call it a battle, eh...?"

OOC: :devil_laugh: :devil_laugh: :devil_laugh:

So...how exactly does this work? Do we (Team Felton) wait until Round One has ended before putting in our actions? I think that would make the most sense, I don't want to miss a healing opportunity and losing a teammate because of it.

Also, I should only have 21 health as a result of the Drink of Zoot.

  • Author

OoC: All actions in now! I will run round 1 and 2 back to back. The "offensive team" will change each round.

  On 6/5/2012 at 11:33 PM, Zepher said:

OoC: All actions in now! I will run round 1 and 2 back to back. The "offensive team" will change each round.

I am right in thinking we'll suffer free hits along battle order lines? I wouldn't want De'kra's ire if not...

OOC: Sarick should have full ether since he drank his tonic in the post declaring which team he chose.

Sarick blasts Felton from the back row with frost (ice) magic.

Battle Order:


Constance vs. Nyx


>Nerwen vs. Cronk

>Sarick vs. Felton


Edited by Xarrzan

"Assumin' neither of 'em drops the bomb....Cronk, Nyx, can ya'll pile on Constance with De'kra? You're our strongest, and can take a hit without a problem."

Atramor whips Ratsbane from his side, the cruel dagger glittering even in the dim Dastan moon, and jabs at Xander from the front row.






  On 6/6/2012 at 2:27 AM, CallMePie said:

"Assumin' neither of 'em drops the bomb....Cronk, Nyx, can ya'll pile on Constance with De'kra? You're our strongest, and can take a hit without a problem."

Yes, Cronk think best chance of taking out Constance is going all out offense against Constance. Hits really hard but relatively low health. Cronk not opposed to bomb if bomb end battle quickly. Cronk would be willing to heal other heroes after battle.

Cronk will bash Constance from front row.

  On 6/6/2012 at 12:38 AM, Xarrzan said:

Battle Order:


Constance vs. Nyx

"You will ask Constance to attack me rather than attack Felton? Offensive action will be returned with interest, Naga. I suspect Constance will make her own mind up anyhow. I shall stand in the back row and cast Darkness magic on Constance.

Atramor, please don't forget Cronk and yourself from our battle order."

"Er, yeah, that might be helpful."








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