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Since there's a topic all about this already I've moved your post.

Sorry, didn't notice this topic, even though it was a pretty obvious one. :blush:

-Hawkeye did fly a jet.

-Capatain America does ride a motorcycle, just not the same as what's in the set.

-Hawkeye does have on shades with red tinted lenses, it's at the end of the movie.

Edited by Super Goblin

Hawkeye flys a quinjet and if were spliting hairs its Steve Rogers not captain America riding the motorcycle.

I don't see why the Helicarrier breakout is such a popular set, especially with all the faults. There are basically no play features and the model doesn't even look good...

Exactly my problem. I would think LEGO has two options: Making accurate backdrops with not functions or making function heavy things which are only basic outlines for the place the scene is set in. Somehow Helicarrier managed two have only unnecessary complicated baseplates and shoulder-high walls, a halfassed prison, some consoles and this holding thing for the spear. Except for the prison opening mechanism and the thing with the crates there are no playfunctions. Okay, the plane is also in there which is a fine model, even though I think the one from the movie looks way different, I find it acceptable.

Its most likely due to the giant green rage machine we call the Hulk :laugh:

Which is my second problem: Hulk seems to be the sets only reason to exist. Thor is already in the Quinjet, Hawkeye in the Jeep and Loki in both of these. When you don´t find Hulks figure appealing the set is completely skippable.

I think the set should have been more on the detailed side of things. The prison should have been the main attraction and look exactly like in the movie. Some fumbling with the windows and you could have ended up with an exact copy, and if you were lazy, when watching the film I was constantly reminded on the old X-Pod sets. Two of those containers and the Thor and Loki figure could have fit in it. Doesn´t even have to be the exact size really, just the basic outline, which the tube part which was eventually used didn´t capture in any way.

Then a baseplate with the two consoles, another baeplate with a simple table for the spear and some loose crates. Loose crates without catapults were given a go in Batmans Catwoman Chase in January, why not now?

For figures I would have chosen Hulk and regular Banner. Thor is acceptable as he has his awesome clash with Thor in there. No Loki and Hawkeye. Hawkeye really isn´t that popular to warrant two figures and Loki seems to be in every set. Maybe one of Lokis mooks and Maria Hill. Coulson would also be possible, but he is easily recreateable with a simple suit body, regular brown/orange hairpiece and a head of your choosing.

Would this have been that much more expensive? It seems to be of the same size as the actual set and much more endearing. I would have bought it.

If the Cosmuc Cube set contained Loki, Hawkeye & Black Widow it wouldn't sell.

Black Widow is good with the Quinjet, seeing how she is not as popular as any other superhero and wasn´t in the scene anyway. Nothing speaks against the actual line-up of Iron Man, Loki and Hawkeye, just include Fury. I don´t even see why he was scrapped. Seeing how Star Wars´ Geonosian Cannon can include three complicatedly printed figures and a regular one while also having a medium sized vehicle, the Shield van should have been more along the size of other City cars like the 4433 crossbike transporter. Then there is the question how Fury can chase Loki. The chopper would be to big and a small halfassed version would look unfitting, even for a kids toy. Maybe a simple motorbike? Preferably a grey one so Fury can swap it with Cap, so he has his technicolor hero bike and harsh reality wartime vehicle? Fury riding a bike doesn´t even seem that much out of character.

Oh, a hairpiece for Loki would have been nice, seeing how he has the helmet for like only 3 minutes of total screentime. Snapes old hair would fit, but something new couldn´t have made a damage, seeing how LEGO throws new mold after new mold after us recently.

In 6867: Loki's Cosmic Cube Escape. The Cosmic is White Translucide.

Why ? To me it must be blue.

Yes, trans light blue. I would even say two 1x1 plates (one without a stud) would be perfect. I find it strange how those pieces were never made in that color (at least I couldn´t find them on bricklink with that color). Would have been the perfect occaison for introducing them.

well the only 'mistake' I've noticed so far the star and ring printed on my captain americas shield is noticeably off center and doesn't line up with the handle properly so the tip of the star never points fully up when its on the back of his bike.

I actually really like caps bike but I'd also like to see one were the shield can be mounted on the front of the bike like in captain america the first avenger.

It feels like nitpicking, even for my standards, but the shield should have had two handles further to the side instead of one in the middle. The movie shield has two handles, too and the figure could wear it more like he did. But I see how this would completely ruin any reuse in the Castle and Lord of the Rings lines, so I can forgive them. It´s a wonder they even made a new mold. I always though they would certainly use the new round shield with a stud in the middle that is so prominent with the collectible figures line.

The bike looks somewhat stupid, but it looks stupid in a nice way. Like the 60ies Batmobile or people in 1880 attire. If Fury had a regular bike in Cosmic Cube Escape this wouldn´t even be that much a problem.

The rest of Caps set is actually very good. Maybe the ship could have used more skelettal parts instead of the sleek panels with stickers, but you have to cut at some corners. I certainly would have taken the flick-fire station out and have made the ship a bit longer and added a third soldier figure. It would have made the set jump some bucks higher, but this way it would have been more armybuilder friendly and two bucks don´t make that much of a difference to parents when they see this is the cheapest Avengers set.

also it might just be me but black widow's minifig makes her look about ten years older and the hair colour seems far duller than in the film.

The cheekbones were unnecessary. I don´t have anything against cheekbones, they really help making the figures look more like the real person, but they imply that the person has prominent cheekbones. Scarlett has a round and smooth face. Sooo smoooooth... Scarleeeeeett...


Uh, Thor very definitely rode "on" the Quinjet, albeit briefly. It's too bad the cockpit isn't bigger so Black Widow and Hawkeye could ride side-by-side. Since Iron Man and Thor are both self-propelled flyers, they're presence in this set doesn't bother me, as everything in the set is from the final battle. I agree the SHIELD drone is probably the Nuke.

The Quinjet is the set I have the least problems with. Figure selection is fitting. Cap being ignored is acceptable, even kids will probably buy multiples of Caps set as it is the only real scource of alien soldiers. Hawkeye could have been included here if you have to have the heroes in multiple sets. I don´t imagine the price to go higher because of this. The Jet itself is as near to the movie as other licensed sets vehicles are to their movies. Some parts in completely ridicolous colors like green and red, blue and yellow interior (why always blue and yellow anyway?).

The biggest omissions from the Marvel sets for me are the SHIELD agents. Coulson, Fury and Maria Hill all have significant enough parts that it'd be nice to see them in Lego form. I'm going to hold out hope for a Millennium Falcon/Malevolence size Helicarrier set.

As harsh as my criticism sounds, I like the line more than any other license from recent years (somehow even Star Wars). The changes are generally not in the realm of idiocy (except the helicarriers layout and Nick Furys omission) and serve to make the sets more playfull, even though the kids are probably happy enough to get the figures alone as we are.

The SHIELD agents have to come through other sets next, maybe fleshing out the helicarrier playset with some other halfassed playsets that I wind up buying because of all the Shield agents.

The Leviathan would be the perfect concept for a Marvel set to rival the Star Wars line with. Maybe all four main heroes and a bunch of alien soldiers with the flying serpent dragon. Man, this sounds like the ridicolous specific dream of a 9 year old child watching the movie. Shouldn´t that be reason enough to do this set? And looking back on all Marvel films I don´t see any other possibility to make a 100+ set and LEGO likes those sets more than anything else, don´t they?

I just hope LEGO doesn´t take the idiot route as always with licensed sets and completely forgets about past films when a new one comes out. The first few films would make great sets. Iron Man v.s. the Iron Monger, Thor and his amazing friends against the frost giants or the Destroyer, Captain America and the Howling Commandos v.s. the FREAKING HOUSE-SIZED TANK.

I think the sets did a good job overall of conveying the movie. Some characters obviously pop up in sets they didn't appear in (Iron Man with the Cosmic Cube Escape most notably) but that's normal as far as LEGO goes. You'll be getting a Queen Amidala figure with the upcoming Gungan Sub set, and just about every other Star Wars set includes characters that have little or nothing to do with the model, such as Princess Leia and the recent Y-Wing model. It's certainly nothing to get worked up about.

Captain America's motorcycle set would be the odd one out, but I'm guessing they wanted to add something extra to play with since just Captain America versus those flying aliens would've been rather boring. And it's not like Captain America never had a bike before. It's still accurate to the character, just not the movie itself.

The only really obviously strange design choice I can think of is that they put a sai-blade on Loki's staff instead of using a transparent blue diamond piece to illustrate the power source. That staff with a blue diamond would've looked far more true to the movie than the staff + sai blade.


The only really obviously strange design choice I can think of is that they put a sai-blade on Loki's staff instead of using a transparent blue diamond piece to illustrate the power source. That staff with a blue diamond would've looked far more true to the movie than the staff + sai blade.

I actually watched the 'Thor' movie last night, and I noticed that Loki's staff in that movie was used as the inspiration for his staff in the Avengers sets. Perhaps Lego didn't have any pictures of his new staff in the movie and (logically) thought it would be the same staff as in the 'Thor' movie. The Lego staff resembles that one pretty closely.

Going to have to agree with what quite a few other people pointed out: nitpicking something from one medium to another is never going to end well. If you try comparing two different representations of the same idea they are never going to be the same. It's like comparing the book to the movie. Please don't.

Having seen the movie last night, I now have things to say about this. Overall, the sets are decent, and in comparison to some past themes based on new movie material (Indy 4 :sick: ), LEGO has pulled off a very good theme. When Indy 4 came out, I had already collected all of the sets for the movie. I was quite upset with how almost none of the sets made sense. It was a very disappointing theme (not overall, just those first sets based on Indy 4). PoP also had this problem, but not as bad as Indy. POTC made sense overall, except for the Fountain set. This Avengers theme (which I really hope continues and spreads out over Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Capt. America 2, and any other related movies) is probably the best (besides Star Wars) when it comes to accuracy to the movie

This is why I've purchased the Wolverine set and will pick up any future X-Men sets that aren't based on movies, but I'm not interested in the Avengers any more. If they had been classic Avengers, or more accurate to the film, I would pick them up, but too many liberties have ben taken. I don't think Hawkeye represents his character at all and I can't accept Widow's face at all. And I'm not interested in modding the characters to make them fit, like other people have done.

Also not particularly fond of the 'scene from movie set within a vehicle, rather than using entire vehicle' thing they do with licensed sets. Not that they could have done a full-sized helicarrier, but I like to build my sets all together and it doesn't work when you have a full ground-based vehicle next to the interior of a sky-based vehicle.

Great movie, though. :thumbup:

After seeing the movie I have to say that LEGO really missed the boat by not including Fury somewhere among this wave! But, it also gives me hope that we will be getting him eventually since he did play a pretty prominent role!

Second, I feel LEGO really hit the jackpot with the Hulk set! Not because of accuracy or because it has a lot of great features but simply for the Hulk! After seeing the movie, Hulk is definitely one of the characters that stands out most and any kid who loves LEGO and sees the movie will definitely want that set! If you need more convincing just see Oky's latest funny with the Hulk involved! :laugh: LEGO will make huge $$$ off that set!

Finally, as stated before, Thor did ride the Quinjet and for those that want a smaller cycle for Cap I think there is a new body in one of the Monster Fighter sets that is the same size as Wolverine's and would work out pretty nice! (I am color deficient and to me the bike in the Monster Fighter theme looks red so hopefully it actually is! :blush: )

Edit: Here is the link to the forum with the new motorcycle. It is in the last set where the guy is chasing the vampire! Monset Fighters 2012

Edited by Iron-Man

After seeing the movie I have to say that LEGO really missed the boat by not including Fury somewhere among this wave! But, it also gives me hope that we will be getting him eventually since he did play a pretty prominent role!

Second, I feel LEGO really hit the jackpot with the Hulk set! Not because of accuracy or because it has a lot of great features but simply for the Hulk! After seeing the movie, Hulk is definitely one of the characters that stands out most and any kid who loves LEGO and sees the movie will definitely want that set! If you need more convincing just see Oky's latest funny with the Hulk involved! :laugh: LEGO will make huge $$$ off that set!

Finally, as stated before, Thor did ride the Quinjet and for those that want a smaller cycle for Cap I think there is a new body in one of the Monster Fighter sets that is the same size as Wolverine's and would work out pretty nice! (I am color deficient and to me the bike in the Monster Fighter theme looks red so hopefully it actually is! :blush: )

Edit: Here is the link to the forum with the new motorcycle. It is in the last set where the guy is chasing the vampire! Monset Fighters 2012

The bikes also available now in the pharaoh's quest sets. I can't remember which one but it's not very expensive and was about £6 when I got it. If you don't want to wait for monster fighters you could most likely get the quest set a lot cheaper now.

Good find! I really like that design for the bike and that will definitely be a cheaper way to find it!

Here's a pic of what Captain America looks like when he's on the bike in question. I added the clip from the back of his standard bike so that his shield can be stored like in the real set.


What do you guys think? I think its much better and seems like the bike would ask for. :classic:

Kids would prefer the other one though.

Kids would prefer the other one though.

How do you know? I for one, even as a kid, would have preferred this detailed, more accurate bike over the bulky stickered one that we got any day.

How do you know? I for one, even as a kid, would have preferred this detailed, more accurate bike over the bulky stickered one that we got any day.

Agreed! Also since the one in the actual set never showed up in the movie and a regular motorcycle did at some point, I'd think kids would prefer the PQ (and now Monster Fighters) bike over the "bulky stickered" one.

Edited by The_Box

How do you know? I for one, even as a kid, would have preferred this detailed, more accurate bike over the bulky stickered one that we got any day.

I know as a fact that kids would like the one in the set better. Kids like sports bikes better than the Harley Davidson style.

How do I know? I have 23982019840923 cousins under the age of 12 :tongue:

Kids would prefer the other one though.

This argument isn't going to go anywhere. Unless someone wants to spend the time and money required for proper market research, no one can prove themselves right.

And in the end it doesn't really matter. What's done is done. If one of us, as an AFOL with knowledge of Bricklink, prefers a more classically styled bike, it's available to us in the secondary market.

Well, I don't think a kid would look at the Captain America set and say "Urgh, what a terrible bike, not buying THAT set!" I think both kids and AFOLs want that Capt. America minifig! :laugh:

In my opinion LEGO did a great job with these sets and some of the detail is great! Expecially the Space Invaders screen in the Hulks Helicarrier Breakout set. Also I think both of those bikes look awesome. :laugh:

I have seen this brought up before I think but does Hawkeye ever actually wear goggles during the movie at all? I can not seem to think of a scene where he is shown wearing them, and with that being the case why did LEGO give us that goggled face instead of maybe just one normal un-scrunched up face or maybe just a different reversible one? :hmpf_bad:

They gave him the sunglasses as he is seem wearing them in lots of early promotional material, and Lego wouldn't know if they'd be used or not, as the sets would have to be designed before the film releases.

I have seen this brought up before I think but does Hawkeye ever actually wear goggles during the movie at all? I can not seem to think of a scene where he is shown wearing them, and with that being the case why did LEGO give us that goggled face instead of maybe just one normal un-scrunched up face or maybe just a different reversible one? :hmpf_bad:

In the recent comics Hawkeye wears the sunglasses, also they are homaged in the final scene.

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Here's a pic of what Captain America looks like when he's on the bike in question. I added the clip from the back of his standard bike so that his shield can be stored like in the real set.


What do you guys think? I think its much better and seems like the bike would ask for. :classic:

I did the same for my Captain America figure except I used the spare round trans-clear tile from the Cosmic Cube set as the headlight :blush:

This argument isn't going to go anywhere. Unless someone wants to spend the time and money required for proper market research, no one can prove themselves right.

Well, my money is on LEGO being the ones that did the market research.

AFOLs can just get the PQ sets bike and be happy.

But my experience both as having seen kids behave and memories of being a kid. Is that the first thought a kid has when looking at Cap's bike in the set is "OMG a large armored motorcycle so cool". And not "I wonder why Cap is not riding the same motorcycle as in the movie!?"

Edited by vexorian

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