Posted May 9, 201212 yr Hello all, I have started building on my newest ship. The Consul Pust. It's a 1920 german steam fishing boat. There are no photos to be found of this ship only some images of cartboard models and a digital designed model. this is my example image: Consul Pust by Konajra, on Flickr I started designing the model in Ldraw first, like i do with all of my models. I finished the file somewhere in march. this is how my model turned out: Consul Pust final 1 by Konajra, on Flickr After some discussion on the Lowlug forum I decided to weather the ship. So that it looked more like my example: consul pust weathered by Konajra, on Flickr After that it was collecting bricks again. I still do not have all the parts I need because some bricks are in my Lugbulk Order, which I hope will be delivered somewhere in june/july. I did however had enough bricks to make a start with the brigde: Consul Pust WIP by Konajra, on Flickr That's all for now. I'll update this thread when I have build another part. Hope you like it.
May 9, 201212 yr I'm impressed so far 'Konajra', I really like the detailing on this.....I look forward to progress shots of the fishing boat as you go. Brick On Fish On 'Konajra' !
May 9, 201212 yr Mate, this is fantastic. What amazing detailing. I quite amazes me as to what one can build out of Lego! This is going to be one sweet model. Can't wait to see the finished product!
May 10, 201212 yr Looks great so far! You're combining my two favorite hobbies of paper models and LEGO.
May 10, 201212 yr I'm guessing you're going to need quite a few yellowed / old grey bricks, but I'm sure the end effect will be awesome. This project is yet another good example why people shouldn't moan about their discoloured bricks - all the more possibilities to depict realistic aging! The 'bruised and weathered' look works great on your source image and I'm sure it will be absolutely striking in LEGO form once you're done with this. Keep us posted :)
May 10, 201212 yr Looks like this is going to be another of your outstanding ships. Looking forward to the result!
May 10, 201212 yr Brilliantly shaped hull, the weathering takes it to the next level! It's quite a big trawler, have you thought about the cost? And are the sails going to be brick built or custom?
May 10, 201212 yr Author Thanks everyone. @ MetroiD: there are not so many yellowed/ dark grey bricks needed to get the result of the ldraw file. @ TheKingOf Building: I'm not sure what the total costs will be when I start on a new model. Every time I finish a Ldraw file that I think is worth building for real I start with collecting the bricks I need for it. I buy for about €125 euros per month on bricks and only the bricks I need for a certain model. Long live Brickstore and the Bricklink wanted list. After building three ships I know the cost for a 1 meter long model will end up somewhere from 500 till 800 euros. The smit Bison tug was the cheapest and the trawler VLI -8 the most expensive due to the sandgreen elements and a lot of dark red bricks for the hull. So collecting bricks takes me about (average) 4 to 5 months for one model. I have build some more: the deck and some deck equipment Consul Pust WIP (2) by Konajra, on Flickr At the moment this is all I can build since I am waiting to be able to order the last bricks so that I can start with the hull. After that I have to wait on my Lugbulk order to be able to fit the deck in to the hull and place the last details. when there is more I'll post it here. Hope you like it. Edited May 10, 201212 yr by Konajra Changed the photo to a smaller size
May 10, 201212 yr I'm very certain that this will turn out to be just as lovely as your other ships. I really don't know of anybody else who designs large Lego ships with such eye for detail and realistic colours as you do. Keep it up - I'll be following the progress :)
May 12, 201212 yr As an ex-Navy guy, I'm always delighted to see modernish ships around these forums, especially ones as well-build and detailed as yours. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished product.
May 13, 201212 yr Again a wonderful model! How long is the model exactly, around 100 studs? I can see these type of ships having the right scale to be integrated into any private Lego town.
May 27, 201212 yr Author I've continued working on the Consul Pust. after finishing the steam tug, I thought that I could start with the hull although I still miss a lot bricks. here is the result so far: Consul Pust WIP by Konajra, on Flickr Consul Pust WIP by Konajra, on Flickr And as usual I'll update this thread when I have build some more.
May 27, 201212 yr Wow, the hull is looking amazing. And you've got a great design, so I can't wait to see this completed. Keep it up!
June 14, 201212 yr Author Sorry, this time no WIP pictures. Here is my latest Ship: Consul Pust Steamtrawler by Konajra, on Flickr Consul Pust Steamtrawler by Konajra, on Flickr Consul Pust Steamtrawler by Konajra, on Flickr Consul Pust Steamtrawler by Konajra, on Flickr more on my flickr account Edited June 14, 201212 yr by Konajra
June 14, 201212 yr That looks great. I like the 1x2 grille pieces for the stairs. Many excellent details.
June 15, 201212 yr It's just as wonderful as your other ships, and it's absolutely amazing how many realistic details you manage to cram into these. I agree about the ladders made from grille tiles, that's a great way to make them. You know, these look huge and imposing in pictures. I can just guess how impressive they must be when they're on a table before you :)
June 15, 201212 yr Author Thanks for all the kind words. @ Alexgri: I don't know the exact cost because I had already a nice amount of bricks in my collection, but it did cost enough.
June 15, 201212 yr That is amazing! I really love it. Fascinating to see all the details. Are there any indoor interior to see?
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