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Some retailer's already know what's coming next year and the just saying LOTR brings funny reactions....expressions of hiding something. :wink:

If LOTR sets are released they would even having the low age range plus seven's that is......AFOL's would actually be the target and hoping kids like what the AFOL's have and bam....The Hobbit pops up and more sets....more money again for TimeWarner and of course Lego ! :grin:

Now age ratings on films hold no bearing on if/what sets are released....what was the latest Transformer's movie rated at and what about ROTS (SW ep.3) that from memory was PG13.....and Lego released sets. :grin:


Well I hope they eventually release this info, when the time is proper.

I want to make a "set scale comparison" from other themes to LotR/Hobbit.

Possible set sizes:

-Bag End could get the size from Hagrit's Hut (HP)

-Amon Hen ruin could get the size from The Old Mill (PotC)

-Also get the Cirith Ungol Tower (where Frodo to be held captive)the Old Mill size

-Rivendell get the size from The Daigon Alley (HP)

-Moria Gate might look like the LEGO Hoth Base gate (SW)

-The Balrog could get the size like a LEGO Vikings Dragon (same size for Smaug the dragon)

-The Prancing Poney is fit for the Burrow size (HP)

-Siege of Minas Tirith in several sets like the SW Endor/Hoth Battle:

*Siege tower for AT-ST size (or Castle siege tower)

*Minas Tirith Battle set (gate plus wall) could get the size from the Endor Battle set

*Mumak with tower (war elephount) might look like the AT-AT

*Grond (big battering ram) could get also the size from the AT-ST

-the arrival of the Corsair Ship might look like the ghost ship and the small harbor (Castle-theme)

-Mount Doom final scene get the size from the Young Fountain (PotC)

-also Gollum's cave, the Nazgul attack at the Weather top and also the Dead Marshes scene

...I think these examples are enough. :grin:

For the collector factor it would be wise if every minifigure in every set (apposite to the scene) get a several face (worry, happy, classic, angry, scarry... whatever in this scene happens). Maybe are the many different face prints for LEGO more expensive, but also would LEGO sell more sets. I think every set need his own flair. Why I should buy a LEGO set if I already have exact those minifigures. :wink:

Edited by Elander

I just still can't see this license happening. Would be great if it does but I think in some ways it's still too adult for kids

I wouldn't say I'd "rather" see a continuation of fantasy, but I would be extremely happy either way - not only do we already have a number of dwarfs and other fantasy figures, but you'd be able to use "fantasy 2" with the first fantasy theme, and they'd be yellow instead of fleshies.

This conversation about LOTR vs Fantasy 2 definitely made me think. Either way, I'd be happy too. It's entirely true that the licensed stuff is relatively more expensive...makes "sense" (although a bit of a bummer) since more parties get a cut of the profits. Don't really care much for the non-fleshies argument personally. LEGO evolves and I'm open to it. I used to bemoan the shift from classic space to the newer space lines with their more detailed prints and accessories, but I learned to appreciate all the new possibilities that come from variety. Besides, on a half-serious note I hate that we call them "fleshies", since my flesh is brown. Reminds me of being a kid with the crayons and having others ask for "flesh color"...just sayin. Not trying to troll, just to raise what seems to be an oft-unmade point. And it does somewhat make sense to bring up here in the LOTR topic since one of the Pros to a possible LOTR theme, in my opinion, is an expansion on the variety of minifigs/creatures we'd be getting if the theme actually happens...elves, dwarves, orcs, trolls, uruk hai, eagles, ents, hobbits, dragons, etc. To me, the fear of "fleshies" is an argument for minifigs to stay the same...unnecessarily limited. I *love* the fact that licensed themes (NBA, Star Wars, and POTC) have given me some fleshtone variety in my minifig possibilities. Here's hoping that LOTR continues the trend.

I want to make a "set scale comparison" from other themes to LotR/Hobbit.

Thanks for that. Brilliant breakdown. This adds a great new direction to this topic and really helps concretize what's possible. I think you're spot on with the comparisons. And I'm 100% with you on the variety of figs. Here's hoping. Besides, they could pull a POTC and not be 100% accurate with which figs are in which scenes / movies, just for the sake of not having to give us too many Gandalfs, Frodos, etc. I'd love it if they could avoid the Anakin/Dastan/Jack Sparrow clone syndrome.

Besides, on a half-serious note I hate that we call them "fleshies", since my flesh is brown. Reminds me of being a kid with the crayons and having others ask for "flesh color"...just sayin. Not trying to troll, just to raise what seems to be an oft-unmade point.

I think when most of us refer to "fleshies" we are talking about all of the shades that licensed figures come in. There are "fleshies" with brown skin (though admittedly they seem much more rare and in larger sets than other tones :sad: ). Realistic skin tones is the reason they stopped using yellows in licensed sets in the first place.


Well I hope they eventually release this info, when the time is proper.

I would say the proper time is now! I need to know how many joust sets to buy based off how the LOTR sets look :wink:

Elander - I like your break down as well. Helps illustrate the point that LEGO can easily make sets from epic trilogies like LOTR (just look at SW). I think a nice addition to your list would be battle packs. Knights, orcs, dwarves, hobbits, trolls, wizards, goblins, ents even... can you imagine :wub:

While I am here in potential-set-fantasy-land I would also like to see a LOTR advent. That could incorporate some of the different faces you were talking about, and would be a great way to get a lot of the key minifigures in one spot.

Well as of this year Playmates Toys still holds the license for making building block toys (intelliblox)for the LOTR line.

Furthermore if LEGO ever planned to make a LOTR line or Hobbit line in the next year or two, we would have heard by now that they have gained the licensing rights to do so.

As for the Hobbit Bridge Direct owns the worldwide master toy license for the line:


Edited by Scarapis

Elander and ka.lego made a good point here - you can find analogies for the LOTR ideas in any of so far made licensed themes - it would be nothing new. You could use all the sceptics' arguments about construction problems for PotC, HP or Indiana Jones before they were released as well - all those films included many objects and creatures that potentially would be hard to fit in Lego - and either designers managed to create them, or just skipped them, having a lot of other stuff much easier to do.

And as for minifigs and creatures, just think of how big variety of new elements in last few years was introduced in licensed themes, and then, after the new molds payed off in a bit more expensive licensed sets, they could be also available in regular sets of other series. The company wouldn't make such investment (as every new part mold or new colour is quite an investment for Lego) if it hadn't been for licensed themes, that are their bestsellers. And that concerns both minifigs and creatures, as well as other parts. It's good to get new wide variety of accessories or skin tones, so higher prices for licensed sets are partially covered by this additional gain - remember that. It's also visible, that the designers have to work much more on the licensed sets, they are much more thinked over, and nono-licensed may be a bit more free-style, but less detailed for sure (as there is no license-owner, who checks if their work is goo enough - not that it wouldn't be). "Fleshies", as many of us call them, may be liked or disliked, but so may be yellow minifigs, which tend to get bit boring, when the same faces are repeating in each set. So there are always two sides to every story, I prefer to pay a bit more, and get a bit more, rather than get cheaper, but also less exiting sets.

Edited by Innos

Well as of this year Playmates Toys still holds the license for making building block toys (intelliblox)for the LOTR line.

Furthermore if LEGO ever planned to make a LOTR line or Hobbit line in the next year or two, we would have heard by now that they have gained the licensing rights to do so.

As for the Hobbit Bridge Direct owns the worldwide master toy license for the line:



I am sorry to say but your preaching to the deaf at this point. TLG doesn't have the license, period. No getting around that fact. I would SQUEEE! like a child to see this happen but not license no building.

Elander....that was a really weird comparison. :wacko: All of those sets are within in the same price point. Most themes follow the 10>20>30>40>50>100 price point, though with some exceptions for licensed themes.

Well as of this year Playmates Toys still holds the license for making building block toys (intelliblox)for the LOTR line.

Furthermore if LEGO ever planned to make a LOTR line or Hobbit line in the next year or two, we would have heard by now that they have gained the licensing rights to do so.

As for the Hobbit Bridge Direct owns the worldwide master toy license for the line:


So is this a confirmed death to all the rumors?

seems so sir, but i dare say there will be nay sayers.

Can anyone shed more light on the license issue?

I don't know much about licensing when it comes to toys, but I remember reading that for Star Wars there were different licenses for toy merchandise. I remember because people were saying that Mattel (or Hasbro? I forget) killed the Lego products where they were packaging just minifigs (3 to a pack I think) because it was encroaching on Mattel's action figure SW license. That tells us that for SW there were different toy licenses for different types of toys. Obviously Lego had/has one for building blocks. So to me it's not all that clear how this works. Maybe we can lure a "resident expert" from SW over here? :classic:

That link also says that they have a license for the two upcoming new movies (with "Hobbit" in the titles) and doesn't mentioned the older LotR movies.

(BTW I'm pulling for classic Castle. I'd much rather have original Lego stuff instead playing minifig collector to the detriment of building fun and affordability.)

Edited by Zeya

seems so sir, but i dare say there will be nay sayers.

Star Wars/Hasbro. Though I don't know anything about how licenses work, so correct me if this is just an exception.

I am sorry to say but your preaching to the deaf at this point. TLG doesn't have the license, period. No getting around that fact. I would SQUEEE! like a child to see this happen but not license no building.

Then why do the moderator's allow this topic to continue in the Licensed forum eh ? It's only for actual Lego Licensed themes. :wink:

Perhaps in the next three or four months things might become clear after some of toy fairs. :wink:

I just thought of a way around the whole licensing issue. If that toy company has the rights for The Hobbit toys, that does not necessarily mean that they hold the license for construction toys. As mentioned before, it is like the SW license. Has bro holds the rights to make single action figures, whereas LEGO cannot sell SW mini figures without some sort of building component. That is why the BPs always have some sort of lame speeder or something. This may turn out the same for LOTR/TH. Who knows? All I can say is that I can't wait for these sets if they are true!

Has this even been confirmed? Some of you are acting like it has..I'm so confused.

The advantage by LEGO's LotR/Hobbit is ->that so much adults loves that theme. And what adults want, want children also. Because adults stuff cool is. :devil::laugh:

Hey come on,

if they see that elderly are crazy about LotR -than will the kiddies to think that fascinating. And if they see a LEGO Sauron (without to know his story) than they will despite like them. That guy looks cool enough (all LotR guys (and womans :grin:) looks cool) so as to create his new own story.

All armies of Middle-earth are perfect for playing...

Elander - I like your break down as well. Helps illustrate the point that LEGO can easily make sets from epic trilogies like LOTR (just look at SW). I think a nice addition to your list would be battle packs. Knights, orcs, dwarves, hobbits, trolls, wizards, goblins, ents even... can you imagine :wub:

:thumbup: So my thought.

Elander....that was a really weird comparison. :wacko: All of those sets are within in the same price point. Most themes follow the 10>20>30>40>50>100 price point, though with some exceptions for licensed themes.

I to accept the challenge. :devil:

The smallest set:

10$/€: Saurons destiny/Isildurs bane set get the same size like the "Viking Warrior challenges the Fenris Wolf set"

Some action:

20$/€: Nazgul attack at Bucklebury Ferry -> "Castaway's Raft"

A sweet house:

30$/€: Radagast's house -> "Majisto's Magical Workshop"

For our Forestman friends a nice replacement:

40$/€: Henneth Annûn (Faramirs hidden Gondorian ranger outpost) -> "Skull Island" (Without skull :grin: )

Found at Forestmen surfing:

50$/€: Elf treehouse -> "Forestmen's Hideout" (just bigger)^^

And at last the large set

over 100$/€: Minas Tirith Citadel -> "Hogwarts Castle"


to find comparisons for possible set sizes makes fun. :laugh:

Now it's your turn.

Then why do the moderator's allow this topic to continue in the Licensed forum eh ? It's only for actual Lego Licensed themes. :wink:

Perhaps in the next three or four months things might become clear after some of toy fairs. :wink:

Ohhhhh man, I can't wait!!

In February 2012 are the major Toy Fairs in New York and Nürnberg! That's 10x weeks to wait. I will be soooo thrilled for the first pics, infos, official confirmations... what ever :wacko:

I do count the days: Toy Fair Nürnberg 01.-06. Feb. 2012 -> That's are 60 days to wait. :hmpf: arrg that is too long. :sing:

And what adults want, children want also.

Really? Since when?


Edited by Omicron

I think when most of us refer to "fleshies" we are talking about all of the shades that licensed figures come in. There are "fleshies" with brown skin (though admittedly they seem much more rare and in larger sets than other tones :sad: ). Realistic skin tones is the reason they stopped using yellows in licensed sets in the first place.

Of course... the problem is not black/brown/tan/whatever, it's that any of the "flesh" colors simply don't match the yellow. Since we already have so much yellow in the fantasy line, it would make combining figures from a licensed theme with original fantasy line impossible.

32 pages or rumors, speculation, wishlists and generally useless information.

I'd really just like confirmation either way on this 'theme'.

32 pages or rumors, speculation, wishlists and generally useless information.

I'd really just like confirmation either way on this 'theme'.

Good luck with that. So far we have one article that had part of it taken out of context/read wrong to kick everything off. Followed by the claims of a former employee (which, in fairness, may be true) and then a claim of the license being negotiated (which conflicts with it being a done deal). And topped off by an appeal to authority (if it isn't true, why hasn't this been closed?). So far, no actual information of any kind, which makes the "why hasn't this been closed question?" an interesting one that should be asked. At this point, a facial expression that may appear as a wink from 100 feet away in the right lighting isn't going to get it. Either someone has proof or they don't. I'm inclined to believe they don't.

The reason for this is that LTG is keeping this very tightly secured. I am pretty sure that at least some of people on this forum had seen official information about this, but do not dare to talk about it in fear of official TLG countermeasures.

So, yeah, I guess that we will have to waint until Nurnberg (and even there I expect enhanced security and maybe no pics)

32 pages or rumors, speculation, wishlists and generally useless information.

I don't think the discussion has been useless. A lot of ideas have been tossed around, and it's been a fun conversation in general. Of course, 32 pages later our answers are still "TLG might do LOTR", "wouldn't it be nice if TLG did LOTR?" and "TLG are NEVER going to do LOTR". But it's got people thinking about how the theme could be done, and if nothing comes of this phantom theme I hope we will see some fresh LOTR MOCs soon.

For my part, I really don't have a dog in this fight. If they do it, we get a wonderful selection of minifigs for our fantasy creations. If they don't, they will be free to do another great Castle theme like Kingdoms, or even keep Kingdoms going. It's win/win all around.

I don't think the discussion has been useless. A lot of ideas have been tossed around, and it's been a fun conversation in general.

Seriously. Perhaps I'm a little new to this forum posting thing, but I don't really get the frustration folks seem to be having with the fact that conversations continue about this theme despite it being confirmed. While I get that there are rules / categories for forum posts, isn't a part of this whole forum to build community and connect people through fun conversations about our favorite toy. If it were just about giving us the "news" or facts about this theme being confirmed or not, I don't know that I'd bother...I'd just wait til it appears on one of the news blogs and be done with it. But for me, it's all about the speculation, conversation, and overall collective "what-if"-ing. I mean, to attempt to bring us back to reality, we're either young people who play with building toys or grown adults who play with building toys...either way, if we were looking to maintain serious, 100% purposeful conversations, maybe these forums for such toy fans might not be the be a good place to kick it. Seems like it's a recipe for unnecessary aggravation.

...If they do it, we get a wonderful selection of minifigs for our fantasy creations. If they don't, they will be free to do another great Castle theme like Kingdoms, or even keep Kingdoms going. It's win/win all around.

Agreed. For me, my life will continue either way (and I'm pretty sure that's the case for all of us, if I may be so bold), which is why I'm wondering why folks seem annoyed by us having the conversation at all. Anyhoo, let's get back to the silly speculation because, well, it's fun...and again, I'm a grown man who plays with kids toys. Just sayin.

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