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These look fantastic.

Gonna need loads of those Uruk-hai Army sets for my Helm's Deep project. :classic:

I'm curious as to how Gollum will turn out, I hope his legs will be poseable.

All in all, a fantastic theme so far, I'm looking forward to be seeing the finished products.

Every single one of these sets are must-haves for me. The highlights are the minifigs as usual. :thumbsup:

~ General Magma

All in all, I must say, I'm pretty impressed. For whatever reason, I had it in my head that these would look absolutely nothing like traditional castle, and that's not necessarily true. Helm's Deep could still co-exist in a layout with, say, a lion's castle if it had to.

I guess what surprises me the most is that these pics feature very few new parts-- I imagined TONS of new weapons, specifically, but the hobbits are using traditional Castle swords, the Nazgul both have the Highlander's sword, the orcs are all using existing halberds, etc. Now, if you ask me, these are all placeholder weapons-- seems inconceivable that TLG won't make a square Uruk-hai sword, or even a new hat for Gandalf...

I agree with you here. The sets look easier to integrate than I thought, and the weapons shown are probably just placeholders. I expect much better from LEGO in terms of new weapons and armor, and they rarely let me down :sweet:

Edited by BTappel

This just amuses me! The sets are as expected. Every time a new license theme is announced people always have absurdly high expectations and then as soon as the first pics are shown they all moan that it's not all that. Really? Come on, what were you expecting. You only have to look at the POTC line to get an idea of how these sets were going to turn out. To be honest, I don't see what the big complaint is. We already have all the pieces we need to create Middle Earth, there are plenty of excellent LOTR mocs out there that proove that. BUT, we don't have the official LOTR figures. Well, we do now. I expect the figures will be as nice as the POTC ones, which were excellent IMO. So this theme will provide us with very usefull figures, shields, weapons and some new pieces. That's all we need anyway, so what is there to complain about?

Im glad Lego has done this theme for those reasons I stated, so I am more than happy with these sets.

Next year I am going to build Middle Earth, as highly detailed as I can, and I'm going to do it all with the pieces we already have, except now I have the bonus of nice official figs etc.

So it's all good!!! How many of you are really going to use the sets as the actual scenes themselves? Very few, as most will raid them for pieces and figs and then make there own. So does it really matter that the sets arnt huge exact representations of the films! You don't need Lego to build Middle Earth for you, the fun is doing it yourself!

So yeah, I'm happy with this theme and will enjoy the new Parts and figs. With or without this theme, LOTR is still buildable anyway.

I realised I haven't been commenting, but mainly because I am busy with other stuff. In simple words, LOTR is definitely gonna take my breathe away no matter what! It is just like a dream come true and being a LOTR fan and a LEGO collector, this is something I will never wants to miss! I have absolute faith and confidence on the actual designs.

Well done TLG for being able to secure the license. :wub:

BUT, we don't have the official LOTR figures. Well, we do now. I expect the figures will be as nice as the POTC ones, which were excellent IMO. So this theme will provide us with very usefull figures, shields, weapons and some new pieces. That's all we need anyway, so what is there to complain about?

You summarised my thoughts. Thank you Derfel.

These sets are AMAZING! I know that these pics are just preliminary, but that just means they will get better!

Gandalf Arrives: This is exactly what I was expecting! I really hope Gandalf has his staff and sword, and a new beard.

Shelob Attacks: Again, exactly how I imagined it would be! Gollum looks like he will be great!

Weathertop: Better than I expected! Well done LEGO!

Uruk-Hai Army: A pleasant surprise! This is obviously an add on to the Helm's Deep set, so as to make the Deeping Wall bigger and to add more guys to the battle.

Mines of Moria: Exactly what I thought it would be! Amazing!

Helm's Deep: OMG! This is the best of them all! I can't believe how many Uruks they are putting in this set! And added with the other Uruk set, you can easily build up a good sized Uruk army!

LEGO has done an amazing job, and these are just the prelim pics! After ten years of waiting, my childhood dreams have come true!

EDIT: I just noticed that the Rohirrim Rider in the Deeping Wall set looks an awful lot like Eomer. Look at how reddish brown his torso is, similar to Eomer's armor in the movie.

Edited by Fives

Wow, these sets are all really underwhelming. None of them really would justify a tax that will feed the SOPA lobby that goes by the name of Warner bros. Seems like yet another minifig-centric licensed theme. They would have to be a very intricate fake if they are not legit.

Did you not like peach figs? Prepare for epic horses, let us turn the incompatibility up to eleven.

Edited by vexorian

I think I'm gonna make myself a mines of moria in the meantime, using han in carbonite for balin's tomb. just for kicks :tongue:

I personally think the preliminary images are fantastic, and they will only get better. Odd how orc forge is not there. I am adding uruk high army to helms deep. Gandalf arrives, however, I think currently looks a bit tacky.

Balls. Just baalls. If these do not change drastically I quit Lego :devil::wacko::cry_sad::hmpf_bad::thumbdown::sad:

Is wat they all say.

I remember this happening in POTC and with the DC- wave, but some way or another, Everybody buys them anyhow. :wink:

I sure as hell will be getting some of these.

I concur. Even if you do think they are bad, they will improve

Edited by Andonii

The sets do look interesting to me. Maybe some where expecting more, but remember that this is (just) the first wave. So there is still more to come.

As a non-LotR fan I have to say that mines of moria do look quite interesting to me, but that was also my favorite place in the movies :cry_happy:

I do not know much about the kingdoms sets but is that a new sword mold that aragorn has, cause it has the shape of narsil/anduril.

Well I know these are only preliminary pics but.... I'm very happy with them! There aren't many themes where I think I must get every single set, but from what we've seen even at this early stage, I think this line is it. The focus was always going to be on the minifigs alongside suggested environments, but I think several of these are much better than I expected. I really can't wait for these, glad that my birthday is in June!

People who are posting purely negative comments should get a bit of perspective. If they're not going to buy any of the sets, then that's their preference. If they are universally hated they will, presumably, die a horrible death and be on bargain shelves within a few months. And these fans will be no worse off.

Oh this is a good day indeed!

Gandalf arrives I was correct about, as pretty much everyone else :wink:

Shelob Attacks I was correct about, and I want that set. Shelob looks very good!

Uruk Hai Army is on of the best! A battlepack and addition to the deeping wall of Helms Deep!!! :sweet:

Attack on Weathertop: I find it disturbing that neither Merry or Pippin are in this set, or for that matter, in any sets!?! :angry:

Mines of Moria: A very nice set, it has Boromir :sweet: , but way too many stupid skeletons. I want Goblins!! And Merry and Pippin!!! :sadnew:

Helms Deep: Amazing! It looks just like Helms Deep in the movie except smaller. I wish it had a generic Rohan soldier though; some elves.

I honestly don't think that they are bad... Of course the locations in the LotR-Lego game will be more epic. But you can always upgrade the sets with other bricks ;)

YES!!! More fleshies!! I can't wait for some new pirate head's! New hair mold's! I get grey brick's with awesome new fleshies?! Yes! New monster mold's?! Yes! New monsters for mocing? Yes! I finally get a Gandolf?! What!? This is redonkulous!! I'm glad fools are hating on this. More supply for me! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! Let's hope not one of these comes with stickers. I can't wait for the offical images! I'm getting two of all of them right when they come out but not at Toys r' us. I can wait to get'em somewhere else. Does tru get exclusive releases for movie sets?

Hi, I have found a website with pictures of the new LOTR sets. http://www.lordofthebrick.com/

I have also made a video about it.

Wow, thanks a lot, YangHao6998 (and if someone else gets credits, thank you too!)

I have to admit that I am a little disappointed by the weathertop, I know where they were going but it's a little different in my opinion. I would have prefered it to have it rather flat, but what you see is what you can mod, as usual! Lots of figures though, like that!


Frodo - Shelob's Lair

Frodo - Orc Armor


Sam - Orc Armor

Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the White


Aragorn - Helms Deep

Aragorn - Black Gate

Aragorn - Rohan Red Shirt costume

Aragorn - Strider




Merry - Rohan armor


Pippin - Gondor armor


Elrond - Prologue

Faramir - Ranger

Faramir - Gondor Armor


Boromir - Gondor Armor



King Theoden - Edoras

King Theoden - Possessed

King Theoden - Armor

Eowyn - White dress from Edoras

Eowyn - Helms Deep

Eowyn - White dress/Brown corset costume from ROTK

Eowyn - Armor


Arwen - Green dress from FOTR

Arwen - Any of the numerous Rivendell costumes







Witch-King - Weathertop wraith form

Mouth of Sauron





King of the Dead

Various Orc commanders (Gothmog, Sharku etc)

Thats just from the trilogy. When we throw in the army builder figs:


Goblin Orcs

Uruk Hai



Rohirim soldiers

Gondorian soldiers



Ghost Soldiers

Pirates from ROTK

On top of that we also have the characters from the 2 Hobbit films, various creatures like Ents/Fell Beasts/Trolls/Balrog/Shelob and the possibility of collectable minifigs (if we got Ceremony versions of Luke/Han/Leia, who says we can't get Coronation Aragorn/Legolas/Gimli/Eowyn/Arwen?)

There's more than enough characters and variations for the line.

I think you are misunderstanding my post. I didnt say there not enough characters, I said that there are not as many characters (and character variations) when compared to SW. You have mentioned around 60 characters there and if we add another 40 from the Hobbit and another 50 variations of soldiers that gives you 150. Star Wars line so far has released 350+ (I know because I own them all) and that's with Lego being picky which characters to release. Lego releases 2 waves of SW sets per year which include on average between 40-50 new characters every year.

SW also gets new releases all the time which provide plenty of new characters etc. LotR has only got the 5 films and nothing eise (as it has been mentioned before here by several members). There is enough material to sustain the Lego line for a few years but there's no way that LotR could become as big as SW.

SW also gets new releases all the time which provide plenty of new characters etc. LotR has only got the 5 films and nothing eise (as it has been mentioned before here by several members). There is enough material to sustain the Lego line for a few years but there's no way that LotR could become as big as SW.

I don't think anyone should expect the kind of success that SW had, you will bet setting yourself up for disappointment.

SW has the SW:TCW, an ongoing (and very popular) series to sustain it.

With all the nostalgia people have for LOTR, it's not enough to sustain it for a long time.

I'd say if we got three years of LOTR, we should consider ourselves lucky. Is POTC dead? That didn't even last a year. (*)

I'm not arguing there's not a TON of stuff I'd personally love to see (and shell out good cash for), but I'm not going to be irrationally exuberant about it, either.

(*) EDIT: meaning: you have hype leading up to the movie, then the hype fades for most movies shortly after it's release - that's what happened with all of new licenses lately: Toy Story, Cars, and POTC. The Hobbit will at least have two good years of hype, and I'm hoping that, like the LOTR, the hype won't die off so fast. If it's another $2 billion franchise (the first LOTR movies averaged over $1B/each, over $3B total), I think we can get three years.

EDIT 2: wanted to comment on the pictures.

Gandalf Arrives is EXACTLY what I expected (and one of the set suggestions I mentioned).

Shelob Attacks... pretty much what I expected; the spider is bigger than I thought it would be.

Uruk Hai Army looks pretty terrible. Figure pack only.

Weather Top... not what I expected, and too small for multiple levels. I would have preferred just the figures with a few rock pieces if it's going to be that small.

Mines of Moria... looks like we'll get a new cave troll (and not a recolored Wampa, I hope). I think they would better name it Balin's Tomb, and have other Moria sets. It looks pretty good, though. I'd like more walls, but understand why they're not there.

Helms Deep... well... it's play set, and it's preliminary, so I can't be too hard on it. I like that they have the culvert/drain, the main entrance... looks about like what I expected.

I'm going to be honest here... if we want really great versions of anything, we're going to have to do them ourselves; TLG is going to give us a lot of pieces and iconic figures to make it possible. Unlike Harry Potter, where often trying to get the right colors was difficult, these are just gray. TLG should do us castle fans a favor and release bulk gray.

Edited by fred67

The minifigure holding the bow and arrow on top the wall in the Helms Deep set looks like a place holder image. I am wondering if Lego will actually do a new hair/ear piece since they really need a longer hair design with the pointy ears as opposed to simply using the CMF elf in a flesh tone with short hair. That will be great if the do make a new sculpt.

Also, I'm glad it looks as though they are trying to give us something from each of the the 3 movies. Looking forward to many more waves of sets in the future. I hope they end up doing a huge $149 set.

Edited by sharky

The minifigure holding the bow and arrow on top the wall in the Helms Deep set looks like a place holder image. I am wondering if Lego will actually do a new hair/ear piece since they really need a longer hair design with the pointy ears as opposed to simply using the CMF elf in a flesh tone with short hair. That will be great if the do make a new sculpt.

Also, I'm glad it looks as though they are trying to give us something from each of the the 3 movies. Looking forward to many more waves of sets in the future. I hope they end up doing a huge $149 set.

They will have to do a new mold for the elves. Also, I have a feeling that the elf on the Deeping Wall in the Helm's Deep set is not Legolas. Off you look at the bottom row of minifigs, it looks like the elf has a red ape and some red stuff on his body. I'm guessing it will be Haldir.

Also, I think that Helm's Deepwill be the first of many big $149 sets.

I'm glad fools are hating on this.

So, people with a different opinion are fools? I don't know about anyone else but between comments like this, telling Kingdoms where it can go, and the "I told you so" type comments that completely ignore the content of the comments they are supposedly debunking in favor of a cheap shot against an argument almost no one was making, I can really feel the love in this thread for fellow forumites.

As for the sets, scale issues with Helm's Deep aside (and I never expected it to be in actual scale with the figures, but it still looks small to me), I more or less like them. I hope they are improved and I believe they will be. The figure count is encouraging. If it ends up pretty close to what we see, and it isn't outrageously priced, I will get several of the Uruk Hai set for army building and for wall parts. Gandalf Arrives and the Shelob set aren't must haves for me, but if I see them on sale or decide I just have to have Gandalf right now I will get them. If Helm's Deep is $100 or less (I'm hoping, but I accept that it might be more like $110 or 120) I will try to get more than one, mainly for the mass of parts. The Moria set is a multiple purchase for me if the price is right and the Goblins and Troll are decent. I just hope the larger, armored Trolls from Mordor make it into a set. Now we can only hope the Orc Forge set is an impulse set. Maybe we will see some baggies too since we got them for just about every other license, and hopefully they are generics.

After watching the Two Towers again, I believe, as has been mentioned by a good number of others, that it'll be a collapsing tower, blacksmithing stuff, and Treebeard, along with probably Merry, Pippin, and an orc or two. At first I thought it was an army builder of sorts - but the Uruk-hai army has that covered.

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