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I hope they don't discontinue the Kingdoms line or something similar but I would buy LOTR, but just not as much. Don't care for the peach mini figs.

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I believe that Merry comes in the Attack on WeatherTop set. Look at the Figures on the bottom. It looks more like him then Sam.

Oh, for crying out loud... "Historic Themes?" :hmpf: Really? I mean, one might expect the Pirates forum folk to appropriate Pirates of the Caribbean, since looting and pillaging are just things pirates do, but this...



This will make orlando Bloom by my count the third actor to be immortalised in lego for roles in different franchises after Alfred Molina (Satipo and Doc Ock) and Harrison Ford. Lego Liv Tyler and Scarlett Johansson in the same year? *oh2*:wub::laugh:

Don't forgot Alfred Molina also played Shiek Amar in Prince of Persia.

What about John Ratzenberger, Mark Hamill, Warwick Davis and Pat Roach?

I think Samuel L. Jackson also has an excellent shot at joining this club.

Well for very early prelims these are exactly what I was expecting - Except Helm's deep looks a bit more impressive in terms of scale than I thought it would be. (I'm liking the curved wall)

This is the first theme for a while where I already want a few of the sets, mainly so I can get a whole world going.

POTC and POP didnt do anything for me - But with all the castle pieces I already have I can build huge scenes for this.

Now I'll have to build a Prancing Ponty for myself, and a Shire ETC.....

But seriously there does seem to be a bias towards the first 2 books/films (Shelob excepted) in these sets meaning there are plenty of other scenes to plunder for later years.

Given the release schedule of the Hobbit movies I fully expect this theme to have a good 3 years - It's up to us to help it last longer if we can, but realisticaly without further films/books that will be hard.

(Unless PJ makes a movie of Simarillion or Children of Hurin (I think that's correct))

Oh and this is the first theme that non-lego people at my work have said they will be buying - LOTR has a big following!

So this theme will provide us with very usefull figures, shields, weapons and some new pieces. That's all we need anyway, so what is there to complain about?

Im glad Lego has done this theme for those reasons I stated, so I am more than happy with these sets.

Next year I am going to build Middle Earth, as highly detailed as I can, and I'm going to do it all with the pieces we already have, except now I have the bonus of nice official figs etc.

So it's all good!!! How many of you are really going to use the sets as the actual scenes themselves?

I might. Or maybe not. But personally I find comments like that not especially nice, as if people who care what the official sets are like as themselves are somehow inferior compared to the MOCers who just pour the pieces straight from the box into their drawers and never look back. "So what, you can MOC it" is a bit lame excuse, because you can negate any critisism against any official sets with it. Sometimes the Lego designers do a better job than other times. Sometimes we disagree with their choices. And I think we should be able to say it without someone quipping that we should stop complaining because we can MOC the thing. Like in the Medieval Marker Village I'm bothered that there's no stairs to the upper floor in the blacksmith house. I can understand why the designer did not include them (because most people would choose more interior details over some stupid staircase), but still it remains one of the few negative points I have about the set - even though I added stairs to my own version of the house, getting rid of the stable part of the lower floor. Another point why I care whether the sets as themselves look good or bad is that I am also a Tolkien fan. Even more than I am a Lego one. So I do care what they do with the license. I do care because some of my friends are already excited for this theme even if it's been ten or twenty years since they last played with Lego. For them it's not the minifigures but the whole set that is either going to get them inspired or disappointed.

That all said, I appologise for the rant that you personally didn't really deserve. I just had to vent it out. Also I think the sets do look, for the most part, very good, better than I expected. And as far as I can see most of the commenters here have shared more or less the same opinion, or a somewhat positive one anyway, there has been only a few completely or unconstructively negative opinions.

If you look at the Mines of Moria box, it looks as if Gimli is just a little bit taller than the hobbit next to him. Which is exactly what people were wanting, different sized legs. More than likely it would be one millimeter or two, so very tiny difference, but maybe enough to add different heights to figures. I am all for that!

I will reserve my judgment for the sets when I see better pictures. I am not too impressed right now, but I know they are early shots.

I like the idea of the new horse mold, but at the same time I don't want many of them (which you will get when building up your Uruk-hai army battlepack) I like the new coor and would like some regular horse molds with that. I can understand having a few different action poses for horses for extra MOCability, but I don't want to build up my entire army with just that horse.

And I would agree with other people about the sets with Merry and Pippin. I do believe you get basically every figure you would want (minus the lovely ladies and other Elves of course).

I can't wait to see the new pictures. I'm surprised the pre-lims leaked so quickly though.

I think this theme has potential to stay at least as long as the Indy sets. Kids will buy them, I know many TFOLs,AFOLs and LOTR fans will buy them as well!

Also the Hobbit film is split into two separate films, thus two years for sets to come out.


That set looks nice and those minifigures are nice, but to be honest -what happens in that scene?


Frodo has been stung by an Morgul-blade!

I think that set needs really a white shiny Nazgul minifigure with an Morgul-blade. And that minifigure would look very very amazing. And to be honest -a in the dark shinig Nazgul would to increase the value for this set massive! You will love those minifigure. Really!

Edited by Elander

I put in my post earlier that IMHO Merry is in weathertop and Pippin is in the mines. My reply was just too long for some to read fully. I am quite verbose. :blush:

I certainly don't hate on those who hate these sets... However, I do wonder what sets exactly those people do like? I don't get much pleasure out of replies like these sets are great either. I like a little more detail if possible when having an intelligent debate on the sets merits.

I personally think that the Medieval Market Village, Diagon Alley, and the Modular Buildings have raised some peoples expectations very high for sets.

Remember the LOTR sets are aimed at a younger crowd than those previously mentioned sets. They are meant to be representative builds and playable scenes from a movie. They are not meant to be accurate or scale recreations.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions but without a frame of reference sometimes it looks to others like some people are trolling and others are just cheerleaders.

I really agree with Derfel. This may be setting the bar kinda low but a set could almost be just a pile of parts to me. If they are very good useful parts I could care less how they look when TLG designed them. I am going to put them together however I like anyway. Getting the minifigs, weapons, shields, heraldry, creatures, for the LOTR is ultimately all I really need from these sets since the rest we can MOC anyway.

I have a bit of a prediction on how the waves will be set up:

First, we get this initial LOTR wave. Then, in November, we will see some sets based on the first Hobbit movie. Then, the following June (2013) we will have another LOTR wave. Then, a second wave in November 2013 for the second Hobbit movie, and finally either a last wave of LOTR or one big exclusive set to finish it off, with maybe a few other exclusives sprinkled throughout.

Also, on the matter of people simply MOCing these sets to perfection, I myself rarely MOC a set any more than it already is out of the box. I keep sets the way they are and love them so. In the past, I have rarely actually played with my sets, but I think hat I will get a lot of fun playtime out of a combination of Helm's Deep and two of the Uruk-Hai Army sets, along with all the others. All of these sets have gone on my list, and I probably won't buy any other sets, even Star Wars, this year.

I put in my post earlier that IMHO Merry is in weathertop and Pippin is in the mines. My reply was just too long for some to read fully. I am quite verbose. :blush:

That's what I thought - but I believe that's another Frodo in Moria. :sadnew: I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

That's what I thought - but I believe that's another Frodo in Moria. :sadnew: I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

No, it is Pippin. If you look closely, you can tell the jacket is dark blue, which is what Pippin wears, whereas Frodo wears brown. LEGO has given us all the fellowship, but just made it so that we have to but most of the sets to get them.

If you look at the Mines of Moria box, it looks as if Gimli is just a little bit taller than the hobbit next to him. Which is exactly what people were wanting, different sized legs.

Gimli is taller cause of the beard extending hes neck, the legs are not new!

Also to the people still complaining that there is no Merry and Pippin, there is. look at the minifig index on weatertop and Mines of moria.

As for the horse, if you have it horizontal it'll look like its running instead of pranching(?) looks like atleas one leg would connect to a stud that way

Edited by deskp

No, it is Pippin. If you look closely, you can tell the jacket is dark blue, which is what Pippin wears, whereas Frodo wears brown. LEGO has given us all the fellowship, but just made it so that we have to but most of the sets to get them.

Crap, I knew I should've saved the link, now I have to go back 10 pages and check...:wall:

Gimli is taller cause of the beard extending hes neck, the legs are not new!

Also to the people still complaining that there is no Merry and Pippin, there is. look at the minifig index on weatertop and Mines of moria.

The little box in the lower left hand corner? *huh* If you can make out the names, can you write a list? Or do you mean somewhere else?

EDIT: Oh, you're right, that hobbit seems to have brown hair. Awesome. :excited:

No, it is Pippin. If you look closely, you can tell the jacket is dark blue, which is what Pippin wears, whereas Frodo wears brown. LEGO has given us all the fellowship, but just made it so that we have to but most of the sets to get them.

And what a brilliant strategy that is. It also makes me happy so I am not getting tons of repeat figures. How many of the old Harry Potters did people have after collecting all of those sets! I think this series may outsell SW next year. I can't tell you how many of my non-LEGO friends and family are going to buy these sets!

To fives: It is wrong of any of us to make MOCing assumptions. I suppose since this is an AFOL site where a lot of people do MOC we tend to assume too much. I am hoping everyone likes the final products that come out!

A little bit of wishlisting here, but in addition to the leaked sets I would love to see 4-5 minifigures from the same army in a battle pack in the $15.00 range (like they did with Star Wars). A set of Uruk Hai, Orcs, Rhohan and Gondor troop builders would be an easy sell for Lego and give the AFOLs a chance to build up the large armies that they want.

I could be wrong but I would guess we'll see the finished versions of the leaked sets and more sets at Toy Fair NY in Feb. 2012.

If it's true we're getting Merry and Pippin I am relieved. They are two of my favorite characters. (Which isn't saying much since I love everyone in Lord of the Rings :laugh: )

Crap, I knew I should've saved the link, now I have to go back 10 pages and check...:wall:

The little box in the lower left hand corner? *huh* If you can make out the names, can you write a list? Or do you mean somewhere else?

EDIT: Oh, you're right, that hobbit seems to have brown hair. Awesome. :excited:

I cant see the names, the best way to identiy fy them is by their clothes, for exampla only one of them got a scarf and they all have unique color combinations.


And what a brilliant strategy that is. It also makes me happy so I am not getting tons of repeat figures. How many of the old Harry Potters did people have after collecting all of those sets! I think this series may outsell SW next year. I can't tell you how many of my non-LEGO friends and family are going to buy these sets!

To fives: It is wrong of any of us to make MOCing assumptions. I suppose since this is an AFOL site where a lot of people do MOC we tend to assume too much. I am hoping everyone likes the final products that come out!

No, it is not wrong to make MOCing assumptions, it is just I personally don't MOC, but rather leave the sets the way they are. I was just stating the fact that I don't MOC.

I prefer to reserve final judgement until high definition images are available but these watermarked images certainly haven't dampened my enthusiasm. I do think Helms Deep looks like the stand out set at this stage with an impressive, imposing looking structure and a good variety of mini-figures. I will certainly be looking to pick up a copy when the theme is released next summer. Gandalf Arrives looks like a nice starter set and I may also have some interest in the Uruk-hai Army and the Attack on Weathertop as well.

Good call on the beard deskp. Kinda convenient that with the beard and a helm it will make the dwarves slightly taller than the hobbits with no new pieces necessary. I was just about to type that in.

We are getting replies so fast that I can't keep up. A hot topic to be sure!

Shelob's attack


Here I've found a very good picture where we can see Frodo's spiderweb outfit. That outfit could be the perfect outfit for this set. :classic:

I just noticed something weird: in all of the minifig lineups on the boxes, none of the figs have accessories, which is odd, because usually the figs are holding their accessories in the lineup.

I don't think the molds were ready yet and they didn't want to mislead on the promo packaging. Similar how they pose Theoden's horse to rear up even though it is the same old horse. They just didn't have the new horse mold ready in time for all of the mockup photos.

Edited by DaleDVM

Sweet surly Boromir, you've arrived! :laugh:

The spider looks okay, needs some finish work though to get rid of the blockiness.

The rest of the sets, meh, they're okay, can't see too much from those hazy pics.

I'm hoping TLG releases more prototype pictures of these sets since they always seem to go wild designing them before they have to turn it down a few notches.

I just noticed something weird: in all of the minifig lineups on the boxes, none of the figs have accessories, which is odd, because usually the figs are holding their accessories in the lineup.

They look like drawings to me, not photos. I don't know, again, pics are hazy. Artist was too busy to draw weapons? lol

Edited by DrNightmare

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