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  On 12/20/2011 at 5:48 PM, TheLegoDr said:

Also, as far as Gandalf is concerned, I agree about a new beard and hat.

I'd also love to see something for Boromir to carry his shield on his back instead of always holding it.

And unless I missed something, by looking at those pictures we will get green orcs in Helm's Deep, reddish uruks in the Uruk army, and dark brown goblins in Moria

Gandalf has a new beard!

So far no sign of a shield for Boromir.

The green minifig in Helms deep is a stand in for the kamikaze uruk-hai that lights the bomb.

  On 12/20/2011 at 5:13 PM, On Stranger Tides said:

Just a recap.... of what "I" want...

Thanks for that. Agreed...I'd love the variety too!

As well as the races (breeds?) already discussed there is the potential for Misty Mountain goblins in the Hobbit sets. In theory different again to the Moria goblins. Although we won't know for sure for a while yet (unless they're in the tease trailer!)

Edited by Ash

  On 12/20/2011 at 3:06 PM, Ash said:

An aging Star Wars fan who still sees LEGO as a kid's toy he's no longer interested in might walk past a landspeeder and think "sweet, that's totally going on my desk" and buy it (because that's exactly what I did when Star Wars Lego first launched). But a generic siege tower won't have the same effect and appeal. The Nazgul mount (Fell Beast) could be damn cool though. And of course there's always the Balrog (PLEASE LEGO GROUP PLEASE!)

The key difference there is that Star Wars was always an inherently visual medium, so anyone who was a fan will know what a landspeeder or a x-wing looks like. Old timer Lord of the Rings fans grew up with the books, so the attachment isn't quite so strong.

  On 12/19/2011 at 10:17 PM, Elander said:


That set looks nice and those minifigures are nice, but to be honest -what happens in that scene?


Frodo has been stung by an Morgul-blade!

I think that set needs really a white shiny Nazgul minifigure with an Morgul-blade. And that minifigure would look very very amazing. And to be honest -a in the dark shinig Nazgul would to increase the value for this set massive! You will love those minifigure. Really!

Ok, to be honest...

...I miss that guy really! I hope LEGO change one black Nazgul against this guy -then that guy is the Witchking of Angmar! :devil:

Im still wondering about the pricing myself :sceptic:

How much, on average, is the normal coat of a wave of lego? I need to get saving :thumbup:

I think it will come out at around £300 for the lot, I hope Christmas is kind to me :cry_happy:

As for gollum, by the picture, his arms are definatly posable! :thumbup: i dont think his legs are, just a hinge on his waist to bend backwards and forwards. But still! I cannot wait! :sweet:

Can anyone comment on how finished those preliminary pics we've seen are? In my opinion some of the sets look a bit raw and plain. Can we expect much to change before the release?

A bit disapointed with the minifigs as well, both in terms of quality (although some posters are claiming that many figs are just stand-ins?) and the army building potential - if you bought all the sets shown so far you'd only have one human soldier and no elves (I figured Helms deep would have at least 1 or two?). Contrast this with about 7 or so generic orcs and the Orc Forge set will likely increase this number further. There are only so many hero's you can use in a big battle!

Sorry to be so negative, I am looking forward to this and will probably buy most sets, but to see my hopes of building up a Gondor and Rhohan army dashed so soon is saddening!

  On 12/20/2011 at 7:37 PM, Viceroy said:
if you bought all the sets shown so far you'd only have one human soldier and no elves (I figured Helms deep would have at least 1 or two?).

I think Legolas does come with Helms Deep, he's holding the bow. Granted though, i believe it is a stand in for the real thing.

I think the sets will just be refined, meaning the actual minifigs themselfs included and maybe a slightly reduced brick count to keep cost down? But i dont really think they need improving that much myself :tongue:

Edited by TheDoctor

DOes anyone know where else we can find the pics, since the video on YouTube has been deleted due to copyright issues. If you could post the link, that would be great.

  On 12/20/2011 at 7:37 PM, Viceroy said:

Can anyone comment on how finished those preliminary pics we've seen are? In my opinion some of the sets look a bit raw and plain. Can we expect much to change before the release?

A bit disapointed with the minifigs as well, both in terms of quality (although some posters are claiming that many figs are just stand-ins?) and the army building potential - if you bought all the sets shown so far you'd only have one human soldier and no elves (I figured Helms deep would have at least 1 or two?). Contrast this with about 7 or so generic orcs and the Orc Forge set will likely increase this number further. There are only so many hero's you can use in a big battle!

Sorry to be so negative, I am looking forward to this and will probably buy most sets, but to see my hopes of building up a Gondor and Rhohan army dashed so soon is saddening!

Seems to me like the difference between preliminary pictures and the final product are mostly in the mini figs. The sets themselves do not really change.

Do not worry! I am sure we will get plenty of common soldiers, both human and elf, in future waves.

http://www.lordofthe...-la-gamme-2012/ They can also be found here

Taking in consideration that these are preliminaries, I am pretty chuffed about them. The things that I am picky about is the appearance of Weathertop.

It looks too much like a small guard tower rather than a ruined castle on a hill. Also find the walls of Helm's Deep (and the army builder) looking too

plain. On a lighter note, I love Gandalf's cart. It may not be one of the most exciting sets but I really liked that scene in the movie.

Edited by Andeh

  On 12/20/2011 at 7:45 PM, BTappel said:

Seems to me like the difference between preliminary pictures and the final product are mostly in the mini figs. The sets themselves do not really change.

Do not worry! I am sure we will get plenty of common soldiers, both human and elf, in future waves.

Ya, you can easily tell which sets were ready sooner than others. In the Uruk Army set, they have a new shield piece, and the "brick" bricks are light blew, whereas in the pic of Helm's Deep, they are still holding the old shields, and all of the "brick" bricks are dark tan. Those should all change, and I also hope that all the sand green bricks on the walls of Helm's deep will be changed to dark bley.

  On 12/20/2011 at 7:37 PM, Viceroy said:

Can anyone comment on how finished those preliminary pics we've seen are? In my opinion some of the sets look a bit raw and plain. Can we expect much to change before the release?

We will see MAJOR minifig changes before release. The ones in the photos are place holders for the most part. Look at the troll in the Moria set, or Gollum in the Shelob set, those are NOT final and you can expect many of the others are not as well. Though the shileds in the Uruk sets look pretty nice! The small break-outs on the bottom of the set boxes are closer to what you can expect for the minis.

The other thing that is missing from the prelims is some color changes and sticker changes. I think the "brick brick" will likely not be dark tan, and I would expect some stickers on a few of the other sets to make them look better.

  On 12/20/2011 at 7:20 PM, Elander said:

...I miss that guy really! I hope LEGO change one black Nazgul against this guy -then that guy is the Witchking of Angmar! :devil:

If we get one or possible 2 more waves, I think we have a good chance of seeing his Return of the King getup. :thumbup:

Now with a decent idea of what they're going for, here's what I can see in another Lord of the Rings wave. (Can't guess on the Hobbit, since it'll be movie-based, and obviously that isn't out yet.)

Boromir's End

Boromir, Uruk-hai, Aragorn, brick-built tree.

Rohirrim Ambush

Eomer, Rohirrim 2 Uruk-hai, Merry OR Pippin, 2 horses, tent, campfire, destroyed tree.

The Witchking of Angmar

Armored Theoden, armored Eowyn, Witchking, Fellbeast. Some random ruins, since the Fellbeast'll probably be molded.

The Prancing Pony

Butterbur, cloaked Aragorn, Frodo, Nazgul, Nazul's horse, 2 story Prancing Pony, first floor bar, second floor bedroom.

Bridge of Khazad-dum

Gandalf the Gray, Frodo, Moria goblin archer, brick-built Balrog, collapsing bridge.

Attack on Miras Tirith

Gandalf the White, Gondor soldier, 2 orcs, Shadowfax, troll, orc siege tower. Not exactly a scene, but more a mash-up between the siege of Minas Tirith and when Osgiliath was abandoned.


Galadriel, Haldir, Legolas, Gimli? Frodo, Sam, stone basin (with some function that flips it between Bag End and Sauron's Eye), tree hut, 2 Elven canoes.

Siege of Isengard

Saruman, Grima Wormtongue, Merry, Pippin, 2 orcs, brick-built Treebeard. Isengard'll pretty much a scaled-down tower. First floor is kind of made out to be 'under' Isengard from a playset perspective, with a weapons rack and a forge, second floor is the 'library', third floor is the palantir room, fourth floor is blank but with a window (from when Saruman and Wormtonge looked over the Uruk army in tTT.) And of course the top floor.

Organized by size. Tried to get in the whole Fellowship and some new figs. I think we'll have to wait some time for a proper Minas Tirith.

Though those sets will be majorly overpriced, as all licensed ones are and ever have been, by those preliminaries alone one can tell those will fill a gap left by a fading castle/medieval in-house theme. Nice parts and the new LOTR-exclusive armour-items may be generic enough to fit into other contexts.

I for my part will look into the uruk army set the most. Seems promising. I take it those new horses are not fancy cgi-stuff but actual factual new horses? A novelty but a welcome one. Those will be useful for vignette style MOCing.

Be well all!


  On 12/20/2011 at 5:13 PM, On Stranger Tides said:

Just a recap.... of what "I" want...

Besides the skin color and some minor difference I'm really not seeing a big difference, especially once they are put in block form. Just kidding, of course.

I'm sure there will be plenty of Orcs available once they start doing the Gondor scenes. Until then, think of this wave as your chance to build up your Uruk Hai army (and see how well they can do on the table top battlefield).

I also don't get why some people are complaining that LotRs is temporarily taking over the Castle (Kingdoms or whatever you want to call it) product slots. If there is any property that is fit and worthy to step into those "shoes" while the designers and creative staff come up with new Castle stuff, then it is LotRs (a much better successor to Castle than Ninjas or Harry Potter). I'm ready to embrace LotRs with open arms (even though the human minifigs will be peach) however, how well the sets look once we see the finished versions and how much they end up costing will determine how long that embrace will last. But no matter what LotRs will be bringing in new parts that we will be seeing and using for years to come.

For people looking to build armies if the line was really succesful it would be cool if we got Star Wars style battlepacks with multiple generic minifigs for major factions. It strikes me as good fit for bulking out Lord of the Rings sets.

While these sets look great, there are way too many Uruk-Hai and not enough soldiers of Rohan. I realize that obviously in the movies/books the uruk-hai vastly outnumbered the Rohirrim but it would be nice if either the Uruk-Hai army set or the Helm's Deep sets included a few more of them. Also I cannot wait for sets from The Return of the Kind. Minas Tirith will be epic.

All I want in this theme is: Witch king of Angmar on his Fellbeast(wraith on wings), Goblins, orcs, Uruks, Rohirim, Gondorians, and elves with different faces. If they did a tannish colored orc, greenish goblins, and grayish reddish blackish Uruks Ill be happy. I really want more realistic Viking Helms(spectacle Helm) for Rohan. New Uruk armor and helms would be grand. Witch king Helm, and THE WHITE HAND printed on Uruks and there banners.

  On 12/20/2011 at 9:39 PM, On Stranger Tides said:

...and THE WHITE HAND printed on Uruks and there banners.

I believe the one Uruk with the bow that killed Boromir had one. If we get a small inexpensive version as the scene as I think we might, a few of those would do good. :classic:

Does anyone else think all of the Uruks so far (around 8 or 9) will have subtle differences, ala the PotC cannibals?

(Picture from Jammiedodger's review)


I'm sure we will have at least 1 or 2 of the same between Helm's Deep and the Uruk-hai army, but still.

  On 12/20/2011 at 9:52 PM, CallMePieOrDie said:
Does anyone else think all of the Uruks so far (around 8 or 9) will have subtle differences, ala the PotC cannibals?

I myself don't expect there to be too many variations :sceptic: i think maybe 3-4 different legs and torsos, maybe a few more individual heads. It will be interesting to see :thumbup:

  On 12/20/2011 at 9:24 PM, SWMAN said:

While these sets look great, there are way too many Uruk-Hai and not enough soldiers of Rohan. I realize that obviously in the movies/books the uruk-hai vastly outnumbered the Rohirrim but it would be nice if either the Uruk-Hai army set or the Helm's Deep sets included a few more of them.


The Star Wars theme has battle packs to compliment the Battle of Hoth. Logically the Battle of Helms Deep/Hornburg deserves the same. Hopefully TLG will follow this logic. (Riders of Rohan battlepack? I'll take 10.)

A problem with Rohirrim battlepacks might be that the bulk of their army were horsemen, so the battlepacks would either have more horses to the detriment of minifigs, or would be mostly infantry.

  On 12/20/2011 at 9:52 PM, CallMePieOrDie said:

I believe the one Uruk with the bow that killed Boromir had one. If we get a small inexpensive version as the scene as I think we might, a few of those would do good. :classic:

Does anyone else think all of the Uruks so far (around 8 or 9) will have subtle differences, ala the PotC cannibals?

(Picture from Jammiedodger's review)


I'm sure we will have at least 1 or 2 of the same between Helm's Deep and the Uruk-hai army, but still.

Ya, Lurtz killed Boromir in the movie. I think, from what I can tell from the blurry pic of Helm's Deep, is that the Berserker has a white hand on his head. Then again, I may be wrong, because the pic is so blurry.

I like the idea of having variations of Uruks. I think that the ones with hair with have their own face, the ones with helmets and swords will have another, and the pike Uruks with have a third variation, and the Berserker will have his own, special print.

  On 12/20/2011 at 10:34 PM, Ardelon said:

A problem with Rohirrim battlepacks might be that the bulk of their army were horsemen, so the battlepacks would either have more horses to the detriment of minifigs, or would be mostly infantry.

Sorry for the double post, but you posted this before I got my previous post done.

If they did Rohan BPs, I would rather more foot soldiers and then just put them on my own horses. Then again, they could have new barding for Rohan horses and such, so that would be nice.

OH and yea I think everyone on here would loooove some pikes that are double or triple the length of current pikes...

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