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Incredible images, thanks for sharing :thumbup:

I'd love to see a few more images for Mines of Moria, but it still looks like my favourite from the box art if nothing else.

Attack on Weathertop is the biggest revelation from these images IMO, I really like the inside.

Attack on Weathertop is the biggest revelation from these images IMO, I really like the inside.

It's been my favourite since the original shots were first released. I really like solid compact sets like this. The picture where it is open makes it look a lot more substantial than it looks at first glance. It looks like it works both as a "play" set and a solid model.

Of all these it's the only definite purchase for me. Not saying I don't like the others but in terms of cost/space I simply can't have them all.

Edited by Ash

has anybody figured out what the inscription above the door of Balin's tomb means?

The one on the tomb itself is the same as in the movie or the books.

Just wondering ...

Interesting. I was in the impression that I probably won't spend money on these, but boy was I wrong ....

Edit: http://www.tolkiensociety.org/ed/study_02.html

Looks like it translates to "diordie wæs here"

Could that be an easter egg :oh:

Perhaps they tried to write it as an archaic version of "George was here", as in this George...

Edited by Alldarker

Well, looks like I can't ignore LotR anymore... LEGO, y u make all the sets so expensive this year? :hmpf_bad:

I'll have to pick up Gandalf Arrives as soon as it releases, Moria will have to wait, unfortunately. :cry_sad: I wish there was a hi-res of the orc forge, that's the real "army-builder" set for me (uruks aren't as helpful for me as actual orcs).

Is it still unkown what kind of torso design Théoden has under the breastplate? In Grogall's HR pic what little of it is seen looks like green with purple details? :wacko:

I didn't think it was possible, but these pictures made the sets look even better, and I already thought they were fantastic, along with the figures. (Which are amazing)

Thanks for the pics, Grogall!

Can't wait to buy these. :thumbup:

~ General Magma

Nice, Love the wall layers on the last pic! :thumbup::wub:

I wonder if Lego offers a payroll deduction plan? You know, so I can just send them 10% of my check each year pre-tax and save me the hassle of having to order these online or in the store. These all look great and "dead" Frodo from the Shelob set is my new favorite mini-face.

9471 looks like a brilliant army builder/castle extension battle pack in addition to the 9474.

I had no intention... but if my money/job situation changes I may be tempted by a few of these :cry_sad:

Wow, these all look fantastic! Love the brick-built walls. Very nice!

I'm glad most of the minifigs have dual sided heads :wub: Though I'm not sure whether Gimli and Gandalf have alternate expressions as well, you can't really tell because of their beards :wink: And is it just me or does Theoden's alternate head really sport a huge grin (look in the left corner of the box of Helm's Deep) *huh*

Wow, after 28 years new horses! And so many nice figures! 2012 will be an expensive year....

I love the last pic with the Helms Deep set next to the Uruk Army set.

It looks so good. :sweet:

Thanks Grogall.

Thanks for the pictures! Looking good...

Best thing is that there's a new horse in cheapest set which features many other cool parts as well. Can anyone spell "duplicates" for me? ;)

No really! Those HD pics are a nice frosting on our pastries and solidify the to-be impact those LOTR sets will have. The Moria and Weathertop sets so need to be bought in quantities... on discount of course! (Although... that didn't work out with POTC as well, so maybe no Ringwraiths for me...)

Be well!


This isn't fair, not in the least :cry_sad: Just when I need to keep even closer tabs on what I spend my for, such amazing pictures tempt me into throwing all other things aside.

Helm's Deep is a real beauty and I amazed at just how well TLC has managed to capture the look of the movies, while still giving it their own style. The same goes for all the other sets and there'll probably be no way around getting them all at some point - much to the horror of my wallet :hmpf:

Peculiar that in these sets, they have 2 riders (ringwraith and rohan) with capes on horses and gandalf sitting on the carriage with the cape.

I have never managed to get a fig with cape on a horse withour wrinkling the cape and everything looking awkward.

Also, Gandalf cape seems crammed, too.

Simly amazing! Can't wait to see "The Hobbit" sets

Thanks a ton, Grogall. :wub: Especially for my new avatar.... :grin:

On first seeing the NY toyfair images I was of a I can take it or leave it persuasion with only the attack on Weathertop being on my radar. This pictures have me trying to figure out where I can make savings in order to get them, these are great, thanks for posting them.

Thanks a ton, Grogall. :wub: Especially for my new avatar.... :grin:

Your new avatar is the best!

Amazing pics, Grogall! This is possibly the best theme LEGO has ever made, EVER! Every set is fantastic! I love the fact that they included a basic Barrow blade for Sam n the Shelob set. Also, the pic of Frodo, Sam and Gollum standing outside (or inside, I can't tell) of the cave reminds me of the book, because it was both Frodo and Sam who ventured into the tunnel. And of course, form the position of Sam's hand in that pic, it looks like he is feeding Gollum am invisible cookie.

The pic with Helm's Deep and Uruk Army is amazing! It gives a real sense of size, and how big someone could make this fortress. My plan is to buy one Helm's Deep and six Uruk Army sets, so I will have the curved wall, then three solid sections of Deeping Wall, then the culvert wall, the three more sections. Plus, my Uruk army will be pretty big, and my Rohan army will also grow quite a bit. Man, I cannot wait for these sets to come out!


ahhh my wallet she is burning :laugh: junes ganna be a lean month in my household, lean, lean, lean :thumbup:

Many thanks for sharing Grogall! :thumbup: As has been said by other members, it's going to be an expensive year what with these sets and the new SW coming out, but it'll be worth it as the sets are looking more and more beautiful with every new picture :wub:

I was planning to buy "Attack on the weathertop" but the price sounded horrible, so I might just get Shelob attacks :sad:

And yes, more pictures for the other themes, pretty please :sweet:

Awesome HD pics yet again! Do I see a new dagger/short sword mold in a few of these sets? :oh:

has anybody figured out what the inscription above the door of Balin's tomb means?

The one on the tomb itself is the same as in the movie or the books.

Just wondering ...

Interesting. I was in the impression that I probably won't spend money on these, but boy was I wrong ....

Edit: http://www.tolkienso...d/study_02.html

Looks like it translates to "diordie wæs here"

Could that be an easter egg :oh:

You are correct it has actually been mentioned here in the EE Topic. :grin:

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