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So do you guys feel like you have to pick up one of each set of the LOTR wave before the Hobbit wave comes out, just to “not fall too far behind?” That’s kind of how I’m feeling right now!

I have been saving since February when I first learned the LotR Lego sets were coming out. Due to this and the fact none of the other Lego themes really interest me (not enough to buy them over extra LotR Lego stuff anyways), I managed to get pretty much everything I wanted right away when it was released. I might pick up several more Uruk-Hai Army sets, another Mines of Moria, and maybe even a Helm's Deep if I can get them for super cheap (doubtful).

Now I am just eagerly awaiting the unveiling of all the Hobbit themed sets so I can plan out how many of each to get.

So do you guys feel like you have to pick up one of each set of the LOTR wave before the Hobbit wave comes out, just to “not fall too far behind?” That’s kind of how I’m feeling right now!

This year l barely got any lego set or tried to complete a theme by buying all it's sets,but this changed when lotr came out,expect the "Shelob attacks" set I'll try to buy to finish this wave by buying the remaining sets I'm missing like the "Mines of Moria" or "The Battle Of Helm's Deep".

Don't forget if you're in the UK, Argos have their annual 3 for 2 Toy sale in August/Spetember and as they are listing all the Lotr sets this should make for some happy army building.

I will try to exercise some patience and wait till then so i can get multiples of each set but I will probably complete the set before then as i have very little self control!

Incase your'e interested.


Click for bigger image.

Incase your'e interested.


Click for bigger image.

Thanks deskp for the update,Thorin and Nori look awsome,l wish the pictures werent so blury but still l'm exited,about thorins sword is it a new mold?

Edited by LOTR343

Thanks deskp for the update,Thorin and Nori look awsome,l wish the pictures werent so blury but still l'm exited,about thorins sword is it a new mold?

It's hard to tell but to me it looks like the same gladius that Nori is holding.

Thanks deskp for the update,Thorin and Nori look awsome,l wish the pictures werent so blury but still l'm exited,about thorins sword is it a new mold?

Nah, looks like the gladuis that was first found with the Gladiator in CM Series 5. But the quality of the pictures isn't exactly making it easy to judge such things.

It's hard to tell but to me it looks like the same gladius that Nori is holding.

You're probably right, but it almost looks like Thorin's sword is longer. I guess it's just a matter of perspective/proportions. Since the fig is small (short legs) it makes the small sword look big. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

Thanks deskp for the update,Thorin and Nori look awsome,l wish the pictures werent so blury but still l'm exited,about thorins sword is it a new mold?

I believe he's holding STING... for now!

By the looks of it reminds me the "Orcrist" Thorins sword (movie version)

Thanks deskp for the update,Thorin and Nori look awsome,l wish the pictures werent so blury but still l'm exited,about thorins sword is it a new mold?

I'm sure that's Orcrist. The shape doesn't seem right for a Gladius, but for Orcrist, yes...


I'm sure that's Orcrist. The shape doesn't seem right for a Gladius, but for Orcrist, yes...


Thanks for the pic,and yes now l see it again l can cleary say that it's indeed simiral to the Orcrist,l hope lego will make aragorn's sword on the second wave of the lotr,but for now l want moar HOBBIT!!!! :grin:

I really like Nori's hairpiece, it looks pretty fun.

I dunno, it's really hard to tell because the pictures are soo blurry and the sword is being held at a weird angle in them. It looks like Thorin's sword might have a slope like Orcist.. but then again it kind of looks like the gladius too, which all the hobbits except Frodo come with:


Edited by Deathleech

After a second look its the gladiator sword for sure. Just look at the last picture.

After a second look its the gladiator sword for sure. Just look at the last picture.

No, that's definitely Orcrist. The hilt looks different from a Gladius, one side of the hilt's ends are a bit longer and curved,

and the blade itself is curved at the top. Look closely - even when the last picture isn't something to go by, you can still see some rather longer bits on the top and bottom of the hilt.

On the first picture, a curve is visible, similar to the LEGO cutlass piece, and you can see how different the hilt is from the Gladius hilt:


I think there's more to the blade itself than the straight line I showed here,

but I just wanted to show the curve and the hilt's shape.

Edited by General Magma

Well then its Sting. its not quite there for it to be orcist.

I love the look of Thorin! It's perfect.

Just to let you know, chapter 3 the Seige of Helm's Deep story animation is now added to the website!


Very funny, as usual. Though, they seem to have ignored Boromir's death completely, with no explanation! :tongue:

Incase your'e interested.


Click for bigger image.

Thanks for posting!

Regarding Thorin, I hope to see him wielding Orccrist. At the moment, it looks as if he's holding Sting.

Another question I have is whether he wears a cloak. In the second picture from the left, it appears as if he has a cape, and I see reflections of a cape in all but one picture. Then, I wonder what happened to the colour in three pictures. The background shows the green of Bag End, so why is Thorin's blue taken out? Anyway, I hope for a blue cape on Thorin, although I fear the reflection only comes from his hair piece.

As for Nori, my only concern is that the hair piece will look too much like a hat rather than hair.

Edited by Lynx

Thanks for posting!

Regarding Thorin, I hope to see him wielding Orccrist. At the moment, it looks as if he's holding Sting.

Another question I have is whether he wears a cloak. In the second picture from the left, it appears as if he has a cape, and I see reflections of a cape in all but one picture. Then, I wonder what happened to the colour in three pictures. The background shows the green of Bag End, so why is Thorin's blue taken out? Anyway, I hope for a blue cape on Thorin, although I fear the reflection only comes from his hair piece.

As for Nori, my only concern is that the hair piece will look too much like a hat rather than hair.

Its just the picture quality + reflection from the glass +the dark blue color. I've not taken out any color.

He does not wear a cape, its the axe that looks like a cape, and the shadow is from the arms + axe.

Very funny, as usual. Though, they seem to have ignored Boromir's death completely, with no explanation! :tongue:

Well I doubt they are going to glorify him getting shot up by arrows when they are so adamant about keeping the violent to a minimum :laugh:

As for Nori, my only concern is that the hair piece will look too much like a hat rather than hair.

That's actually what I thought it was the first time someone posted a pic, before I saw it was Nori. It looks a lot like a smaller wizard cap or something.

Edited by Deathleech

Funny video as usual, although they seem to have skipped whole parts of FOTR and TTT... :tongue:

I do hope that the video game will be far more real to the original, though, but it probably will. These mini movies just seem to be for some fun silliness around.

Well then its Sting. its not quite there for it to be orcist.

Can't be Sting either - the curve at the top of the sword only goes one way, not both like on Sting.

Funny video as usual, although they seem to have skipped whole parts of FOTR and TTT... :tongue:

I do hope that the video game will be far more real to the original, though, but it probably will. These mini movies just seem to be for some fun silliness around.

Can't be Sting either - the curve at the top of the sword only goes one way, not both like on Sting.

I really hope you're right. It certainly seems that one part of the sword's guard is elongated, and the curvature is only present on one side. But I'm thinking (fearing?) it could just be the blurry picture. It would be almost too good if this was a new mold.

It would be almost too good if this was a new mold.

I really think it's Orcrist. Each dwarf already has a new mold for hair, it's not out of the question, and I think they might give Thorin and Fili the same hair mold, just recolored, and I wouldn't mind at all if his sword has its own mold. :thumbup:

The video was okay, there will be one more for sure, we've just got to cover Shelob now.

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