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The rock and accesories are neat but why another identical Gandalf? :sceptic:

  On 11/25/2012 at 6:39 PM, Krulis said:

The rock and accesories are neat but why another identical Gandalf? :sceptic:

I don't find the Gandalf polybag quite as bad as the Frodo one from the last LotR wave. Sure Gandalf is in 4 sets now, but at least only one other is a cheap set available for under $50. Frodo on the other hand was available in a 13 and 20 dollar set, the two cheapest ones available at the time outside the polybag. What I find it odd is how people have so many problems with the Gandalf polybag, and not the Frodo one. Both are equally as horrible imo, considering the alternative options to getting Frodo in shire clothing or Gandalf. Come on.. give us a Legolas or Thorin and make the poly at least somewhat useful! I can't complain too much though considering both the other polybags are amazing. We get one superb polybag each wave, and one terribad one it seems.

The Frodo minifig has more use than the Gandalf one as he could be used to make a generic Hobbit.

But they were both disappointing compared to the other polybag they were released with.

I'll probably end up getting that polybag; I actually like it! It's nice, and I do love that sword piece! :wink:

Even that I like the Gandalf polybag I would prefer the Elf polybag since it has more new pieces.

  On 11/25/2012 at 3:47 PM, Deathleech said:
Why would ANYONE EVER get the Gandalf or Frodo polybag? There is next to no incentive.

Not for you, perhaps. I bought the Frodo set in a heartbeat (and will do the same with the Gandalf set) simply because I'm a big fan polybag sets, redundant minifigs or not. Besides, $3.99 is a pretty negligible amount for a Lego fix. :grin:

  On 11/25/2012 at 8:05 PM, Seaber said:

The Frodo minifig has more use than the Gandalf one as he could be used to make a generic Hobbit.

Gandalf's torso, beard, hat and legs could be used for a number of different things as well.

  On 11/25/2012 at 8:37 PM, The_Chosen_1 said:

Not for you, perhaps. I bought the Frodo set in a heartbeat (and will do the same with the Gandalf set) simply because I'm a big fan polybag sets, redundant minifigs or not. Besides, $3.99 is a pretty negligible amount for a Lego fix. :grin:

Oh don't get me wrong, I will too. The only reason being I am an OCD completionist though, not because it offers anything of real value I couldn't get in another set.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Gandalf OR the Frodo polybag are any better than one another, I just find it odd how no one really complained about the Frodo poly like they seem to be doing over the Gandalf one. Regardless I think 2 amazing polybags (Uruk-hai and Mirkwood Elf) and 2 terrible ones (Frodo and Gandalf) are better than 4 mediocre ones. At least I can pick and choose which I want and how many of each to get (except the Uruk-hai since it wasn't readily available here in the U.S. :sadnew: )

I'm starting to see a pattern in this...

One great polybag and one bad (or less than average) one at a time. Mhm...

  On 11/25/2012 at 9:05 PM, Deathleech said:
Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Gandalf OR the Frodo polybag are any better than one another, I just find it odd how no one really complained about the Frodo poly like they seem to be doing over the Gandalf one.

I'd say because at the time, the Frodo bag was all we had. Then came the Uruk-Hai, Elrond, Mirkwood Elf, and now Gandalf. No one really complained about the Frodo, because we didn't have anything to compare it to. Now that we've had a sample of how good things can get, it becomes disappointing when every bag isn't a great army-builder or rare character.

Now that I think about it, I wont be surprised if we see another polybag on the Hobbit. LEGO tends to release at least three polybags to accommodate a new film release (Harry Potter, and The Avengers, while Toy Story and POTC got four).

Seems like an odd polybag to make as Gandalf is in a small set already. Maybe it'll make more sense after we see the movie.

So I went to TRU yesterday and asked when they were getting their next truck, they didn't have any Hobbit sets. The lady said she didn't know and then asked what I was looking for. I said LEGO Hobbit sets, they should come out Tuesday, and that other TRUs in the county have them out. She replied that if they have a street date of Tuesday that's when they'll go out. But I've seen that TRU break the street date all of the time, so as far as I'm concerned, that lady knows nothing.

^^ As far as I'm concerned, TRU employees in general know nothing. I've never seen group of employees that consistently have no clue about customer service.

  On 11/25/2012 at 9:51 PM, Hawkman said:

I'd say because at the time, the Frodo bag was all we had. Then came the Uruk-Hai, Elrond, Mirkwood Elf, and now Gandalf. No one really complained about the Frodo, because we didn't have anything to compare it to. Now that we've had a sample of how good things can get, it becomes disappointing when every bag isn't a great army-builder or rare character.

Actually the Frodo and Uruk-hai polybag were both first revealed at the same time when their instruction files were found online. I am not entirely convinced the Frodo polybag came out first either, since the Uruk-hai one has not been talked about much at all here in the states. Supposedly it was also released at Legoland Discovery centers some time ago, but other than that it's availability/release are pretty much unknown. The UK Sun release of it that has been publicized and over shadowed any U.S.

Regardless of it's release order, we still knew about the Frodo AND Uruk-hai polybag at the same time. While the Uruk-hai may not have been considered as good as the Mirkwood Elf for a number of reasons (other options to get Uruk-hai for almost as cheap being the main), it's still a great polybag by any standard.

  On 11/25/2012 at 11:59 PM, The_Chosen_1 said:

^^ As far as I'm concerned, TRU employees in general know nothing. I've never seen group of employees that consistently have no clue about customer service.

True that. I called last week asking about the Hobbit sets and the woman on the phone came back after a 10 minute wait and was reading off the LotR sets they have available.. get this, on their online site! Yes, I am well aware of your online sets available, I have checked and seen them many timers. I also am aware you have the LotR sets there. What I want to know if you have the HOBBIT sets available IN STORE!

TRU employee incompetence aside, the Gandalf polybag is highly undesirable IMO. Nothing new, rehash pieces, no proper Glamdring or staff, not even a unique piece to represent Dol Guldur. So I say let the scalpers keep all the Gandalfs and leave me my Elves! Speaking of Dol Guldur, maybe we will get a lego set of the Necromancer's hidden abode for the next wave during the summer or something.

  On 11/26/2012 at 2:23 AM, Deathleech said:

Regardless of it's release order, we still knew about the Frodo AND Uruk-hai polybag at the same time. While the Uruk-hai may not have been considered as good as the Mirkwood Elf for a number of reasons (other options to get Uruk-hai for almost as cheap being the main), it's still a great polybag by any standard.

*Sign*. The Frodo bag was mass released at all TRU stores, the Uruk-Hai bag was only offered in the UK thru one newspaper. Sorry, the Frodo bag came out first - I had him in hand well before reports or in hand pics emerged for the Uruk-Hai bag.

I can see some uses for the Gandalf polybag. This way you can easily add him to a few scenes, such as Mines of Moria, without stripping him from another display piece. Plus have a few cheap lets you experiment a bit. Play mix and match to find a good choice for a "White Wizard". For these reasons it does seem a lot better than the Frodo bag. Which has a much harder time to use or even part out fig. At least there some of the detail pieces can be used to add detail to Bag end or flesh out a Shire moc. About the only good thing that can be said about the Frodo pre quest fig is that the triangle of skin at the top of his shirt is so oddly out of color that you could easily use the torso with the yellowheads. So a nice torso for Pirates, or Castle civilian, etc.

Whereas the Elves and the Uruk Hai are just pure perfect army builders. Yeah they have some detail pieces. Mushrooms, Barrels etc. Who cares? Just gimme lots o the same figs to line up.

If we could have a polybag of a minifig from LOTR or the Hobbit what would it be and what would you like in it? My top 3

1. Dwarf from the iron hills with full kit, cape, axe, hammer with some rock background.

2. Gondorian Ranger with cape, hood and also a hair piece with a tree in background

3. Gondorian Soldier in full armour with shield, spear and sword, Maybe a bow and quiver as well.

  On 11/26/2012 at 8:25 AM, Wolvarie said:

If we could have a polybag of a minifig from LOTR or the Hobbit what would it be and what would you like in it? My top 3


those 3 are excellent! I would add a Lothlorien elf (armored for HD)

Edited by Legonardo

  On 11/26/2012 at 8:25 AM, Wolvarie said:

If we could have a polybag of a minifig from LOTR or the Hobbit what would it be and what would you like in it? My top 3

1. Generic Rohan soldier that looks different from Uruk-Hai Army duo

2. Generic Goblin from the Hobbit

3. Generic Ghost (Army of the Dead)

  On 11/26/2012 at 9:13 AM, Legonardo said:

those 3 are excellent! I would add a Lothlorien elf (armored for HD)

Yep! Still holding out some hope that there might be another Lorien elf/ Rohirrim battle pack to supplement the wall and Helm's Deep itself. Could add a leather paldroned Legolas to that as well.

I'm with Wolvarie. Now we have a Mirkwood elf, his top 3 fantasy fantasy polybags nail it.

  On 11/26/2012 at 4:51 AM, Hawkman said:

*Sign*. The Frodo bag was mass released at all TRU stores, the Uruk-Hai bag was only offered in the UK thru one newspaper. Sorry, the Frodo bag came out first - I had him in hand well before reports or in hand pics emerged for the Uruk-Hai bag.

*double sigh* Did you miss the part where I talked about the Legoland Discovery Centers? The Sun promo wasn't the only place the Uruk-hai polybag was available, it was available a few months earlier at Discovery Centers here in the U.S. (and apparently the only place it was released in the U.S... so far). Exactly when it came out am not sure due to it not being talked about much. I would be inclined to agree with you that the Frodo polybag 'officially" came out first, but that's not really the point.

My point was both polybags were REVEALED at the same time. That negates your argument about us only having the Frodo polybag to go off of and hence why people didn't complain about it as much. We knew about both Frodo and the Uruk-hai at the exact same time. Huw at Brickset found the instructions for both the Frodo and Uruk-hai polybag when he was searching Lego's database , as well as many other new ones yet unreleased at the time. Here is but one example of a link to the news. It was revealed a month or two before either polybags were available anywhere. I even made a thread talking about how bad I thought the Frodo polybag was and how good the Uruk-hai one was before either sets were released.

  On 11/26/2012 at 8:25 AM, Wolvarie said:

If we could have a polybag of a minifig from LOTR or the Hobbit what would it be and what would you like in it? My top 3

Tough question! It's especially hard to say right now since we have no idea what's in store for future waves. For instance right now I would LOVE a Gondor Soldier in full armor, but if Lego releases a set like the Uruk-hai Army one, except with Mordor Orcs and Gondorian Soldiers my longing for a Gondor Soldier polybag would plummet. With that being said, based on what has been released my top three are:

Gondor Soldier

Mordor Orc (preferably in different armor than what we have seen so far, can never have enough orcs!)

Easterling (they just look so great in their armor, I think a minifigure version would be fantastic plus they don't really have any big scenes Lego could use to create a set based around them, unlike the Haradrim and Mumakil)

  On 11/26/2012 at 8:25 AM, Wolvarie said:

If we could have a polybag of a minifig from LOTR or the Hobbit what would it be and what would you like in it? My top 3

Lord of The Rings i Would Have...

Gondor Soldier Full armor, Shield Sword Spear

Merry (i am not a fan of wethertop it would be a great way to get him)

Mordor Orc

The Hobbit i Would have

One of the Dwarves of the Company that's in the goblin king set (i won't be picking that set up)

The Elf Polybag we have now with but have elf hair and as well as the bow one of those swords

One of the Goblins from the Goblin King Battle (not the scribe)

Hmm, here's my list.

1 Orc (With battle armor for some variation)

2 Easterling!

3 Ranger of Ithilien

I would love any of those!

I would love to see the Orc Key Chains go on sale for 99 cents! I would get over my fear of not being a purist and cut off the key chain part! :blush:

I just got back from my local TRU today and it seems they finally put out ALL the Hobbit sets, including the Barrel Escape set! I quickly snatched everything up as TRU is currently running a buy one, get one 50% off sale. Even with marked up TRU prices it still comes out to be about 10-18% off MSRP for most sets. I also picked up 10 more Mirkwood Elf Guard polybags, and 2 Gandalf polybags since EVERYTHING was on sale.

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