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Can someone please make Oscar the Couch an enemy encounter? That sounds utterly hysterical! :laugh:

Bonus points if Oscar is a double-decker.

Sunny Day

Sweepin' the monsters away

On my way to where the mead is sweet

Can you tell me how to get,

How to get to Heroica Hall

There's the opening for the quest...

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Part of the problem is I am using a cell phone, so I am not sure that might work. What I was thinking of is using was some symbols before and after the statement.

//It does not matter what the symbols are.//

//as long as you are consistent.//

//the tone is more about word choice.//


I've been having trouble returning to Bobby, for a few reasons. Two of them are "meta" (I don't want to steal quests from new players with only one character, and I also want to make sure I have the time for my commitment to 150) but I'm also sort of stuck as to what to do with him now that he's a "servant of Zoot". Purpearl never really indicated what that meant/what the consequences were other than an appearance change, and I believe her Zoot is a little different than my Zoot. What are people's thoughts?


I've been having trouble returning to Bobby, for a few reasons. Two of them are "meta" (I don't want to steal quests from new players with only one character,

Honestly, I wouldn't mind at all. There are very few true new players (under level 15) in the hall, so he wouldn't really do any harm.

and I also want to make sure I have the time for my commitment to 150)

I wouldn't think that having two characters would take so much time that you could lose commitment to one of the quests, but that's just my opinion.

but I'm also sort of stuck as to what to do with him now that he's a "servant of Zoot". Purpearl never really indicated what that meant/what the consequences were other than an appearance change

You QMed the Wren quests, what were the consequences of serving Zoot?

and I believe her Zoot is a little different than my Zoot.

Go with whatever Zoot you find to fit Sandy's official description in the library and wiki.

I've been having trouble returning to Bobby, for a few reasons. Two of them are "meta" (I don't want to steal quests from new players with only one character, and I also want to make sure I have the time for my commitment to 150) but I'm also sort of stuck as to what to do with him now that he's a "servant of Zoot". Purpearl never really indicated what that meant/what the consequences were other than an appearance change, and I believe her Zoot is a little different than my Zoot. What are people's thoughts?

Yeah, I've always seen Zoot as kind of an evil guy. What would you say Bobby's feelings are on his new servitude? I find asking questions about a character to be the best way to figure out role play issues.


You QMed the Wren quests, what were the consequences of serving Zoot?

That's why I specified the difference between different QMs visions! I could just go with what I think of when Zoot comes up, but that's not as interesting as honoring the story that Purpearl set up for Bobby. My Zoot would never take servants or be involved all the way on that side of the globe, so it's more what Purpearl's vision was.

Yeah, I've always seen Zoot as kind of an evil guy. What would you say Bobby's feelings are on his new servitude? I find asking questions about a character to be the best way to figure out role play issues.

I'm just having trouble deciding how he feels about it because it was (in that quest) a very lenient servitude. Nothing was ever asked of him. He was just branded and then Zoot walked away. It'd be like if some random person came up to me and asked me to be his servant and I said "yes, fine" and then he bounced and never contacted me again. Confused, I guess? That'd be a funny way to play it, but certainly not new for Bobby. But maybe that is actually the best way to go about it. :laugh:


Then perhaps play Bobby as someone trying to get out of this branding? I'd set up a goal for Bobby to fulfill: find someone who can remove the branding. That's my two cents, at least.


I've been having trouble returning to Bobby, for a few reasons. Two of them are "meta" (I don't want to steal quests from new players with only one character, and I also want to make sure I have the time for my commitment to 150) but I'm also sort of stuck as to what to do with him now that he's a "servant of Zoot". Purpearl never really indicated what that meant/what the consequences were other than an appearance change, and I believe her Zoot is a little different than my Zoot. What are people's thoughts?

I was wondering why we hadn't seen Bobby for a while!

From what I remember of Purpeal's portrays of Zoot, her version seemed rather more anarchic, and had little real plan. Instead I see this version as having transformed Bobby into a champion of Azzot, as something of a test, to see who of the party would accept the mantle and how they would respond to it.

So I would say that there isn't really a correct answer as to how Bobby should be portrayed in his new form, but he should just respond naturally to having a dramatically altered appearance and new powers-trying to reverse the effect, as kintobor suggested, seems like a logical path to go down :thumbup:


I don´t know, I am fairly new to this game and its story, so I am not really the right person to say in this matter but i have seen Zoot as an ultimate evil being, being on many planes and dimensions. He takes servents but he doesn´t care about them and doesn´t treat them well. I have played that the being Keliim has served been a solider too is this Zoot but he is know with an other name in his world.

But this is something that can be easily changed if it clashes with the lore.

Because I haven´t made myself too familiar to every story where Zoot is mentioned and I think Sandy has a better idea how and what he is.


Because I haven´t made myself too familiar to every story where Zoot is mentioned and I think Sandy has a better idea how and what he is.

Zoot was created as the personification of chaos and evil. There are many myths and legends about him, and some of them are conflicting in nature - which is great, because that is what makes them myths and not facts. :wink:

I personally would like to keep the deities as ambiguous and mysterious as possible, not something that can be easily defined and identified. They are certainly not people with minds and bodies residing on another plane of existence (well, with a few exceptions :blush: ), but beyond that I'll leave it up to each QM and player to have their own ideas about them. That's what makes this game's story so intriguing - it's not something anyone could write on their own, but a collaborate effort.


I don't really have a lot of advice for you, Zeph, sorry. With Arthur's former chaos-worship and even now how his past affects his present philosophy, I've always tried to respect what you built over the Wren saga and then build onto it with my own perspective. Purpearl's take on Zoot did not, so I'm not sure how or if you should build off of it. :sceptic:

I will say that Interesting Things might happen if Bobby interacts with Arthur at all. :laugh:

Sorry, MDM. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time I've confused the two. :blush:

I'll be honest here, I think it's because Hoke and Thormy were both Dragoons with silent Dragons. And I mean, it's a valid choice and all, but I didn't really get a feel for Torc's non-verbal characterization until 139 (ironically, the first time she spoke, even if that was only in a PM side-Quest; side note, are you planning on posting those, Zeph, now that 139 is finally completely over?), and Arx...I feel like Arx had a lot of characterization early on, but now he's sort of regressed into a useful class feature and little else. I had really hoped for Arx and Miirym to get to interact a bit more, but I suppose there's plenty more time for that, especially as we get closer to more interaction with Immortalis. (Who knows, maybe he'll turn out to be related to Immortalis, too? :tongue: ) It's just something that's come to mind upon seeing this comment, especially now that Hoke has given up his Dragon companion.


I have nothing but compliments for Torc, actually (and yes, I will get around to posting those side-quests!). If I were trying to imagine something that were born to Hoke and raised by him, I can't possibly see it going a different path than being silent and stoic. Hoke's strength has always been more of the silent stubborn type, and if Torc were taking a cue from him, she'd also be silent - even more silent, I'd argue, because I think she's more inherently powerful and therefore needs to say less. :thumbup:

I don't know quite as much about Arx and Thormy, as I've never hosted them. :blush:


(Who knows, maybe he'll turn out to be related to Immortalis, too? :tongue: )

Well, with Immortalis being the Father of All Dragons, I wouldn't be entirely surprised if their was some familial connection. :tongue::laugh: (Unless that was the joke...)

I have nothing but compliments for Torc, actually (and yes, I will get around to posting those side-quests!). If I were trying to imagine something that were born to Hoke and raised by him, I can't possibly see it going a different path than being silent and stoic. Hoke's strength has always been more of the silent stubborn type, and if Torc were taking a cue from him, she'd also be silent - even more silent, I'd argue, because I think she's more inherently powerful and therefore needs to say less. :thumbup:


Yup, pretty much what I am going for. And hopefully will get to do again. :wink:


I will say Arx's interactions with Immortalis via PM and in quest have been pretty top-notch, and i look forward to what the final confrontation may bring in terms of RP.

Posted (edited)

(For starters, yes, "character discussion is best done after the fact," but I'd like to get this out there before the deluge of post #147 quest reviews - which I can't but imagine shan't be terribly complimentary of a certain player.)

It's definitely not going to go down as the most approved-of choice in Heroica RP history, but I'm frankly glad that the #147 mob moment happened.

Lind, as a character, has always been fascinated by the idea of Justified Control. That's one of the reasons he was siding with Immortalis so much. Arthur tried to reason with him - and I could further speculate on this, but it's beside the point - but he couldn't see why, "if no one was going to be hurt(by removing some portion of their "free will")," "Doing something for the better good," wasn't a better modus operandi*.

But for him to suddenly stand up there, and to realize that they were doing the exact same thing as Immortalis - to directly see people being hurt through "destroying something for the better good," - well, it was/is an in-character turning point, and one that I don't think he would have encountered any other way.

It's pretty simple stuff, but it's also important stuff.

Yes, I'm sure good arguments can be made as to why it was "selfish" for Lind(the player and the character) to "derail" the quest like that, and I'm sure that even those that don't condemn it for that, will say that it could have been written out much more gracefully - but for Lind(the character), it was a ground shattering revelation**, and a "moment of insight" that he wasn't likely to have gotten any other way.

Thank you, fellow #147 players, and Endgame.

*Obviously "Apologizing to another PC," is a pretty self-centered "better good," but that's because of his in-character "Knight Templar" view on things. He wanted to do it, so to him, it was for "the greater good".

**Again, WBD's excellent post on separation of character and player applies.

Edited by Lind Whisperer

By the way, great way of switching classes. :thumbup:

At first it was a smooth way to transition from one class to the next because I was unsatisfied with Dragoon. However, the closer it got to the quest ending, the harder it became to make the decision. I think I finally put the right pieces together for Hoke and Torc only to split them apart. If the game lasts long enough, we may see them back together again.

  • 3 weeks later...

For some reason I was thinking of this again and came up with a new tag line...

Sunny Day

Sweepin' the monsters away

On my way to where the mead is sweet

Can you tell me how to get,

How to get to Heroica Hall

There's the opening for the quest...

Come to Heroica we got "Cookie Monsters".


  • 2 months later...

Exactly what I was thinking. Should I ditch Blizzard and make a less bland character, or make the best of him?

I didn't get Karie in the position she is now, having slain demons, dragons, started a family, and now vying for a spot as one of Heroica's veterans by constantly dropping characters in favour of new ones. My first question would be why did you drop Timothy? Honestly, I kind of liked what I saw of him.

I think I might make a Character Creation 101 piece for the theatre, seeing as how it might be helpful to both newer players, as well as those coming up to their second character.


I think I might make a Character Creation 101 piece for the theatre, seeing as how it might be helpful to both newer players, as well as those coming up to their second character.

I think that would be a great addition and it would sure help players a lot, either will creating a character or NPCs for a quest I would imagine.


I didn't get Karie in the position she is now, having slain demons, dragons, started a family, and now vying for a spot as one of Heroica's veterans by constantly dropping characters in favour of new ones.

Well, anyone can 'vye' for a spot as a Veteran. It doesn't really mean anything. :tongue:

There's no problem with changing character constantly, but having your character's personality/relationships change over time is one of the most enjoyable parts of a long-lived game such as this one, in my opinion.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, while we're waiting for the site to recover...let's talk roleplaying!  It's time for the super-amazing end card tournament

Random Question of the Unspecified Time Period!!!!

What is/are your character's greatest fear(s)?

For Arthur, the answer's simple: having to choose between his family (Miirym) and his family (the Ziegfrieds).  I honestly don't know which way he'd actually go if push came to shove, but if there are lives on the line I can honestly see the choice killing him. :blush:

For Zanna...honestly, I'm not sure.  Zanna's still a very new character to me, so there's a lot about her I don't know.  She hasn't even finished her first Quest, so I'm not really sure what motivates her; she doesn't fear death, because as a Selkreeth true, lasting death is extremely unlikely in most cases, and as a [REDACTED] her old tribe doesn't really motivate her either.  Deserts, perhaps?  She's good friends with Addok-Zo, a desert-dweller, but I think the desert itself might prove too much for her.  It's something I definitely want to consider for her as time goes on. :blush:


What about you guys?  I have a few guesses for some characters, but there's a lot of characters I don't really know, and I'd really be interested to find out. :classic:

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