June 24, 201212 yr Oh, I didn't know that. I was just saying that since they made Star Wars sets off the Old Republic game. I can see where you got that thought from. I had agreed with you until I remembered TLG only has the license for sets based on the movie. Dang...that means no Tom Bombadil.
June 25, 201212 yr i've read in the official reply to the cuusoo project "dark bucket" that for star wars, lego only has the license for "building toys" not for "action figures" and that is why they have to keep the ratio of minifigs and building bricks in one set more on the construction side. i guess quite a lot of people here are just waiting for huge army building sets to build massive displays with goblins, riders of rohan and orks (and yes uruk-hai army is a good start). does anybody know, if the same kind of licensing is an issue with LORT as well? regards, kenzaburo
June 25, 201212 yr i've read in the official reply to the cuusoo project "dark bucket" that for star wars, lego only has the license for "building toys" not for "action figures" and that is why they have to keep the ratio of minifigs and building bricks in one set more on the construction side. i guess quite a lot of people here are just waiting for huge army building sets to build massive displays with goblins, riders of rohan and orks (and yes uruk-hai army is a good start). does anybody know, if the same kind of licensing is an issue with LORT as well? regards, kenzaburo We dont know for certain, but I dont think the market is so hot for lotr acrion figures at the moment, far as I know noone is making that right now so it shouldn't be a problem. EIther way I think lego will include some buildable stuff in battle packs anyway, unless its the 5 minifig blister pack you want, (wich usualy contains heroes aswell as random soldiers)
June 25, 201212 yr I can see where you got that thought from. I had agreed with you until I remembered TLG only has the license for sets based on the movie. Dang...that means no Tom Bombadil. Good point. And to 'deskp', I remember hearing somewhere that no company has the licensing rights to LOTR action figures. But I'm probably wrong. Edited June 25, 201212 yr by just2good
June 25, 201212 yr Okay, so I made my own: Sory about making Aragorn float! When the evil Corsair bring their ships to attack Gondor, Aragorn must use the magic sword, Narsil, to bring the Army of the Dead to help! Can the skeletons stop the boat from arriving at Osgiliath? Nice job! In my opinion the most important thing is to have all characters of the films as figs. what kind of sets will contain them doesn't matter to me. I'm confident of seeing Elrond and Galadriel included in the first sets for the Hobbit in winter wave. So there's no need to have an LotR Set for them.
June 26, 201212 yr So far the Lord of the Rings line up looks AMAZING! I haven't bought a Lego set in years, but after learning about the new LotR sets coming out I got super excited to get my hands on all of them! Of course after seeing the initial sets out I immediately thought of all the future possibilities with this license. I realize LEGO is already brainstorming/working on some of these ideas and has a lot of plans for the license. I also realize I have a TON of sets below, some of which would most likely never get made. If the line is popular enough like the Star Wars one, I'm sure we will see many more sets though! Sorry for the text heavy thread, I figured I would make my own thread for this stuff rather than spam one of the existing ones since I think my ideas are a little more elaborate and there are a large number of sets listed. I have some drawing I am also working on to accompany these sets and give a better idea of what I imagine. Hopefully I can post them soon. Anyways, without further adieu... Wave 2 The Shire MSRP: $19.99 MiniFigures: Bilbo, Frodo, Samwise A pretty simple set, this would be the home where Frodo and Bilbo live. It would include an older Bilbo, Frodo, and Samwise, along with a small rendition of their home built in the ground and some foliage outside with a fence. The Black Gates MSRP: $24.99 MiniFigures: The Mouth of Sauron w/horse, 2 Mordor Orcs For the sake of having a cheaper set in this wave, they could throw in the Black Gates. This would be a pretty simple set consisting of just a gate piece and a couple mini figures. They could also make the set link with other Black Gate sets, so if you want you could buy multiples and build a much longer and larger set sort of like with Helm's Deep and the Uruk-hai Army sets. If they did that though, I probably would prefer a mountain troll or something in place of the Mouth of Sauron minifig w/horse. Warg Ambush MSRP: $29.99 MiniFigures: 2 Moria Orcs, 2 Wargs, 1 Eowyn(?), 1-2 Rohirrium soldier, 1-2 horses I could see this set going one of two ways. It could include some rock outcroppings and boulders, or even a cliff and be more of an actual set and include some named characters like Eowyn and have less overall figures. Alternately it could be more of an army builder set, in which case it wouldn't have many set pieces and would focus more on the Orcs/Wargs and ideally would just have no name Rohirrium Soldiers as the "good guy" characters. I would definetly like to see new Warg models though rather than brick built Wargs. Battle the Balrog MSRP: $49.99 MiniFigures: Gandalf the Gray, Balrog, 2-3 Moria Orcs(?) This set would depict the epic show down between Gandalf the Gray and the mighty Balrog. It would most likely include some crumbling runic steps with a long thin bridge that could break away in the middle. The set could also include a few Moria Orcs, and possibly one or two of the Fellowship members who aren't featured in many of the other sets depending on the price point of this set and how much structure is included. Seeking the Undead MSRP: $59.99 MiniFigures: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, 2 Undead, 1 King of the Undead This one would be inside the mountains where Aragorn and company seek out the Undead so they can fulfill their oath made long ago and have their curse lifted. This set could have bone and skull piles all over and a small part of the city where the undead reside along with the King and a few undead soldiers. Of course these figures would have to be green and glow in the dark ;-) Saruman's Tower MSRP: $99.99-129.99 MiniFigures: Pippin, Merry, Treebeard, 1-2 Ents, 3 Mordor Orcs, Saruman This would be a set modeled after the Ent attack on Saruman's Tower. Of course the focal point would be Sauruman's Tower, but it could also include some wall pieces and siege weapons the orcs have built. Saruman's Tower could open up so you could also see/use the inside. Army Builders The following would be strictly army builder sets consisting soley of figures and a small built piece. Riders of Rohan MSRP: $14.99 MiniFigures: 4 Rohirrium Soldiers, 1 horse Orcs of Moria MSRP: $14.99 MiniFigures: 3 Moria Orcs, 1 Cave Troll Wave 3 Battle Overhead MSRP: $19.99 MiniFigures: Nazgul, Fell Beast, Great Eagle, Gandalf the White(?) This set could also be treated as sort of an army builder if it didn't include Gandalf the White. It could have a Nazgul on Fell Beast, a Great Eagle, and could include a small piece of Minas Tirith wall to add to the Minas Tirith set sort of like the Uruk-Hai Army set has walls to add to Helm's Deep. Mount Doom MSRP: $39.99 MiniFigures: Frodo, Samwise, Gollum This set would be pretty simple and straight forward. It's iconic and the final conclusion to the War of the Ring. The set would consist of a volcanic mountain play set(Mount Doom), that would ideally be a little smaller than the Attack on Weathertop set but open up the same. It would have to include a patch into the mountain, a small ledge, and some running lava below. It would include just 3 minifigs: Frodo, Samwise, and Gollum. Sauron's Tower MSRP: $79.99 MiniFigures: Sauron, 5 Mordor Orcs Possibly the only set to feature Sauron, this would be his tower. Of course it would include his all seeing at the very top. Like Saruman's Tower, this one could open up to reveal the inside. Since there would already be tons of sets with Frodo and Sam, and since they are the only two good guy characters to ever really visit the tower, I figure they could sit out to make room for more Mordor Orcs to beef up your orc army. Minas Tirith Since Minas Tirith is such a grand and enormous city, I figure they could split it into upper and lower city sets to cut down the cost. This way it would be more affordable for people who may only want one piece and not the other, or for people who want to space out blowing huge chunks of cash on them. I mean they could easily make another 400 dollar Death Star like set out of Minas Tirith, but this seems much more flexible. Just make it so the sets interlock together! Now, with that said: Lower Minas Tirith MSRP: $129.99 MiniFigures: King Theoden, Eowyn, Merry, 1 Rohirrium Soldier, Witchking, Mumakil Muhad (chief), 2 Mordor Orcs, 3 horses This set would only include the lowest level of Minas Tirith and the gates to it. It would mostly focus on the bottom seige of Minas Tirith and the Battle of Pelennor Fields. It would include a couple ladders and siege weapons for the orcs, and several good characters to combat them. Upper Minas Tirith MSRP: $129.99 MiniFigures: Faramir, Gandalf the White, Pippin, 2 Gondor Soldiers, 1 Nazgul, 1 Fell Beats, 2 Mordor Orcs This set would focus more on the actual city of Minas Tirith. It would include the very top tier with the Citadel and courtyard with the White Tree. It would also have one or two tiers of walls below that with a couple trebuchets (catapults). Army Builders Rangers and Elves MSRP: $14.99 MiniFigures: 2 Rangers, 2 Elves, 1 horse Men of the South MSRP: $19.99 MiniFigures: 3 Haradrim, 1 Mumalik Wave 4 Grond, The Wolf's Head MSRP: $19.99 Minifigures: Gothmog, 1 Mordor Orcs, 1 Mountain Troll A fairly small set, this would only include the 2 orc minifigures, one of which would be the orc general. The set would also include the massive battering ram known as Grond, being pushed by a Mountain Troll. Watcher In the Water MSRP: $49.99 MiniFigures: Frodo, Samwise, Pippin, Merry, Aragorn This set would be a small wall with the entrance into the Mines of Moria, and a formation of water outside where the Kraken attacks the Fellowship. the Kraken could be a solid plastic figure kind of like the old octopi but bigger, or more likely would be like Shelob and a piece made out of bricks. If it were the ladder the tentacles would be able to bend all over and grasp the mini figures much like the Kraken did it the movie (and parts could be removed like when they get cut off in the movie as well!). Battle of Osigiliath MSRP: $59.99 MiniFigures: Faramir, 2 Gondor Soldiers, 3 Mordor Orcs This set would capture the scene where Faramir is sent with his company of soldiers to try and attack/defend Osigiliath. The set would include a staircase or two and mostly be made up of crumbling arches and pillars. Forming of the Fellowship MSRP: $129.99 MiniFigures: Elrond, Arwen, Boromir, Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli, Frodo, Gandalf the Gray This would be a set that is modeled after Revendell. It would include the Elvish city with a waterfall in the back, and the area the council meets to decide what to do with the ring. You will probably notice I didn't include Merry, Pippin, and Samwise in this set and that was intentional to keep the amount of mini figuers lower, and also because they are already in a number of other sets I have listed as is. Army Builders Gondor's Soldiers MSRP: $14.99 MiniFigures: 4 Gondor Soldiers, 1 horse Orcs of Mordor MSRP: $14.99 Minifigures: 3 Mordor Orcs, 1 Mountain Troll Men of the East MSRP: $14.99 MiniFigurers: 5 Easterling Warriors More Wave 4 sets coming soon ;-) Edited June 26, 201212 yr by Deathleech
June 26, 201212 yr Adding sets such as 1. Minas Tirith, 2. Saruman's Tower, 3. Sauron's Tower and 4. The Shire will be, of course, a great idea ! Nice descriptions, when I read them, I wanted to buy each sets.
June 26, 201212 yr Wow....four waves! Let's hope Lego LOTR lasts that long! I do like some of your ideas, although I don't think many of the kids (target audience) will know who the Mouth of Sauron is, as he was only in the special ROTK edition. (To my knowledge.) I would love to see a Minas Tirith set, and the $130 range for one is perfectly understandable. But I would rather have your Upper Minas Tirith, including Denethor. I think that you have too many orcs in you ideas - if someone were to buy every set, they would have around 30 orcs in all. I think you should focus more on the first movie a bit more. I would love to see an idea for the Prancing Pony, Lothlorien, the battle at the River, etc. For the second movie, how about the Forbidden Pool? You've covered pretty much all of my third movie needs. As my favorite movie, it had the least sets. And are these army builders like battle packs? If so, they would need to include some pieces - a building, a catapult. All in all, though, great ideas, and I would buy every set if I had the money to. Let's just hope that the next wave will have some LOTR stuff, not just Hobbit things.
June 26, 201212 yr I decided to use some of my set ideas (see page 2) to form a possible range of sets for Wave 2, 3 and 4 of LOTR. (If the further LOTR waves are not mixed with The Hobbit) This list goes from smallest to largest - so it's done in a similar way as the first wave of LOTR sets we've gotten so far as for set size, amounts, etc.. This means that each wave should have 7 sets (3 small, 2 medium, 1 large and 1 exclusive), although TLG usually has differing set counts. (Look at SW) Wave 2 The White Tree Minifigs: 1 Gondorian soldier, 1 Gondorian Tower Guard (new helmet mold with wings and a black cape) and 2 orc soldiers. Components and scenery: The White Tree of Gondor on plates, and 1 or 2 barrels with spears and bows. Size: Small. Extra information: None. Orc Army Minifigs: Faramir (Gondorian armor), 2 orc soldiers, 1 orc archer and 1 Gondorian archer. Components and scenery: A rather large and curved wall of Minas Tirith, as some sort of expansion for the rest of Minas Tirith, like the official Uruk-hai Army set as an expansion for Helm's Deep. Perhaps a catapult or something else that's small, but the wall would have to stand tall, and the set would be a Minas Tirith version of the official Uruk-hai Army set, so the piece count should be about equal. Maybe just a small catapult or something. Size: Small. Extra information: It's mainly an army builder set and a Minas Tirith expansion in one, like the official Helm's Deep + Uruk-hai Army sets. Attack of the Witch-king Minifigs: Éowyn (Rohirrim outfit), Merry (Rohirrim outfit), King Théoden (wounded) and the Witch-king of Angmar. Components and scenery: A brick-built Fell beast for the Witch-king, and 1 white horse for Théoden. Size: Small. Extra information: This wouldn't be everything for The Battle of the Pelennor Fields sets, this is just the part in which the Witch-king plays his largest role. Amon-Hen Skirmish Minifigs: Boromir (grey cape*), Aragorn (*), Pippin (*), Lurtz (armored) and 2 Uruk-hai scouts. (new helmets) Components and scenery: Some trees, plants and foliage to resemble Amon-hen. Comes with the Seat of Seeing where Aragorn draws his sword, right before the battle begins when Frodo escapes. Size: Small or Medium. Extra information: While Merry and Pippin are already in two sets so far, it would be reasonable to have one of them here with grey capes to resemble the Lothlorien cloaks they received some time after the passing through the Mines of Moria, and to have several other members of the Fellowship with the cloaks as well for a better variation. (Size is around that of Weathertop) Tower of Orthanc Minifigs: Gandalf the White, Legolas (cape), Gimli (grey cape), Saruman and Grima Wormtongue. Components and scenery: The Tower of Orthanc, a bit scaled down and not minifig-scale (that would just be too big) with place for Saruman and Grima on top, the pointy warmachine near a blue baseplate (resembling water), Gandalf's white horse Shadowfax. There's also the palantir, which could be one of those small globe pieces in printed form. Size: Medium. Extra information: None. The Great Gate of Minas Tirith Minifigs: Denethor, Gandalf the White, 1 Gondorian soldiers, 2 orc soldiers, Gothmog, Pippin (Gondorian outfit) and 1 armored troll. Components and scenery: The large gates of Minas Tirith (where the trolls play their part in), with large walls on both sides of the gates, curving a bit backwards and 1 or 2 buildings to be placed inside. The gates could have a play feature to be smashed apart and re-assembled later again, but gates that just open are more likely. Other than that it would have the large rock wall with the 'bridge' and some things on top, including an open space to add the White Tree of Gondor, for which you need the 'The White Tree' set. with the gates of the tower and a small hall with statues and a throne at the end for Denethor. Size: Large. Extra information: Since Minas Tirith is so large, I decided to not put everything together as it would just be too big and too much. This is part 1: the gates. Hobbit Escape Minifigs: Merry (grey cape), Pippin (grey cape), Grishnákh, Uglúk, Snaga and 1 Rider of Rohan. Components and scenery: Parts that make up the Uruk-hai camp near the forest, the border to Fangorn with several trees, with some more trees, plants and foilage behind it, and also Treebeard. His arms and legs can move independently and he can stand on the baseplate for the ability to stomp onto Grishnakh, like in the movie. So Fangorn Forest is built up on a baseplate with some trees, the border (created with trees), and the camp components stand loosely on small, dark tan plates. Comes with a brown horse for the Rider of Rohan as well. Size: Medium. Extra information: The Rider of Rohan is different from the one in Uruk-hai Army and comes with a printed helmet. (Dk brown and gold) * EXCLUSIVE SET * Wave 3 Forest Attack Minifigs: Frodo (dk. green cape), Merry (dk.tan / olive green cape) and 1 Nazgûl. Components and scenery: A blue plate with a bridge built over a part of it, with the Bucklebury ferry at the end where the Hobbits can be placed. Other than that, there would be a black horse for the Nazgûl, and one or two trees. Also comes with The One Ring, and maybe just a sword or two for the Hobbits. (Although inaccurate; if it's done it would be done for playability for the kids who buy this too other than us people here) Size: Small. Extra information: Merry and Pippin both got olive green capes in the first two existing sets they appeared in, which was rather inaccurate, especially for that time period during the movies. Dark tan would be more accurate here. Mount Doom Minifigs: Frodo (no coat, 'wounded' look), Samwise Gamgee (no coat, 'wounded' look) and Gollum. Components and scenery: Plates to form lava with the 'bridge' leading towards the end, with some rocks and an entrance outside. Size: Small. Extra information: None. Last March of the Ents Minifigs: Pippin (grey cape) and 2 orc soldiers. Components and scenery: A scaffold with a play feature to make it collapse, and a brick-built Ent (because we already had Treebeard in wave 2 otherwise) that is fully pose-able and can stand up on one leg on a plate to stamp onto an orc, for example. Size: Small. Extra information: None. Battle of Pelennor Fields Minifigs: Legolas (cape), 1 Rider of Rohan, Shane Rangi (Haradrim leader) and 2 Haradrim archers. Components and scenery: One large, molded Mumak (also known as Oliphaunt) with the Haradrim archers mounted on them, and a horse of any color for the Rider of Rohan. (Preferably a new color, rather than brown) Size: Medium. Extra information: Could be in-between small and medium, and serve as a larger kind of 'battlepack' to recreate the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. (Although it only has 3 generic minifigs) Paths of the Dead Minifigs: Aragorn (ranger clothes, cape), Gimli (cape), 2 Dead Men of Dunharrow, The King of the Dead, 1 Corsair captain and 1 Corsair spearman. Components and scenery: One of the Corsair ships of Umbar with sails and Paths of the Dead cave entrance with some skulls. Size: Medium. Extra information: The inclusion of the orc was done to have the possibility of having a more special orc figure. He represents the orc who led the army that Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas ran into after stealing the Corsair ship. Gimli could be replaced if the minifig count is too high already or to be replaced by another Corsair soldier/archer. The Black Gate Minifigs: Aragorn (Gondorian outfit), Éomer, Mouth of Sauron, 2 orc soldiers, 1 Rohirrim soldier, 1 Gondorian soldier and an armored troll. Components and scenery: The Black Gate itself in a pretty large scale, Brego (Aragorn's horse), Mouth of Sauron's black horse and maybe some scenery to add something to it. Size: Large. Extra information: None. March of the Orcs Minifigs: Frodo (orc armor), Samwise Gamgee (orc armor), orc linebreaker and 2 orc soldiers. Components and scenery: Bits of a camp with some rocks, torches and a bit of a rocky wall from when the Hobbits slide down. Size: Small or Medium. Extra information: One of the orc soldiers could be replaced with an orc inspector. * EXCLUSIVE SET * Wave 4 Warg Attack Minifigs: Aragorn, Rider of Rohan, Sharku and 1 Warg Rider. Components and scenery: Fitting scenery, 2 horses - 1 brown (Brego) and the other (dark) tan or white, and 2 Wargs. (New molds like the city bears) Size: Small. Extra information: None. Saruman's Betrayal Minifigs: Gandalf the Grey and Saruman. Components and scenery: Palantír holder, Saruman's chair/throne and an entrance gate. Size: Small. Extra information: Could come with both Gandalf's hat and hair, or just with his hair for a wounded face as a secondary facial expression, if he has his hat they wouldn't be able to do that. Siege Tower Minifigs: 2 orc soldiers, 2 Gondorian archers and 1 troll. (2 trolls would be better but is very unlikely) Components and scenery: The orc siege tower as seen in the film, used to attack Minas Tirith - it was pushed towards the walls of Minas Tirith by trolls. Size: Small or Medium. Extra information: Could come with a wall similar or identical to the one from my 'Orc Army' idea, with a play feature to destroy/topple down the crenelations and/or a top part of the wall, with a boarding ramp so the orcs can run into Minas Tirith from the siege towers. The Golden Hall Minifigs: King Théoden (maybe 2 hairpieces, 1 blond and 1 white, with a reversible head: 'normal' and 'cursed'), Grima Wormtongue, 1 Royal Guard (with helmet), Gamling, Legolas (cape) and Gandalf the White. Components and scenery: The hall itself, placed upon a baseplate with gates at the end (and some space outside for a part of the stairs, with 2 flags), with pillars, a throne and probably walls. Would be like Weathertop where you can open the thing. Perhaps with a removable roof if needed. Size: Medium. Extra information: None. Minas Morgul Minifigs: Frodo, Samwise Gamgee, Gollum (new facial expression), 3 orc soldiers and an orc lieutenant. (The one with the skull on his head) Components and scenery: Minas Morgul itself with the two statues in front of the bridge, with a part of the 'winding stairs'. Size: Large. Extra information: 2 orc soldiers look the same, the other one is different from the rest. Hopefully TLG will have many different versions of orc soldiers, rather than having just one or even a few of the same orcs running around. They RARELY looked the same! Rescue in Cirith Ungol Minifigs: Frodo (bare-chested), Samwise Gamgee (no coat), Gorbag (orc), Shagrat (Uruk-hai), 1 Uruk-hai scout and 1 Mordor orc. Components and scenery: The tower of Cirith Ungol (perhaps modular, or at least with a way to see the inside sections) with perhaps a bridge (or path) of some sorts at the front. Would have a large staircase inside, with some play features to re-enact the orc fights. It would lead all the way to the top where Frodo was captured, before Gorbag tried to kill him. Comes with Sting (Frodo's elven sword, worn by Sam in this set) and The One Ring. Size: Medium. Extra information: None. Arrival in Rivendell Minifigs: Frodo (no coat), Bilbo (old, no coat), Elrond, Boromir, (no cape) Arwen (dress) and Aragorn (Rivendell clothing). Components and scenery: The location for the Council of Elrond, with several chairs, some sort of round block in the middle with the ring on it, walls around the place with a baloncy at the end, and a door or staircase somewhere leading away from it. As for the part of the movie where Bilbo is, there could be a loose bit with part of a balcony and a door leading into some sort of apartment. Could come with some plants, foliage and things such as trees for behind the balconies, but those are unnecessary. The set would come with Bilbo's sword, sting, for the scene where he hands it to Frodo. Other than this there would be the building where Frodo wakes up to recover from his injuries. Size: Medium. Extra information: * EXCLUSIVE SET * ============================================================================================================================== This should cover up most of the possible sets. Have a look at the top of page 2 of this thread to see some more ideas of mine. I'm not sure how many more large sets would be a possibility - I thought of Minas Morgul since wave 4 needed a large set, and I didn't have any others. I wanted to include a LOTR version of The Shire as well, but I decided to go with my own 'top priorities' instead, since we're likely to have a Bag End set in one of the waves for The Hobbit. ~ General Magma Edited June 26, 201212 yr by General Magma
June 26, 201212 yr Sorry for the text heavy thread, I figured I would make my own thread for this stuff rather than spam one of the existing ones since I think my ideas are a little more elaborate and there are a large number of sets listed. I have some drawing I am also working on to accompany these sets and give a better idea of what I imagine. Hopefully I can post them soon. Anyways, without further adieu... Sorry, it fits in the existing thread perfectly, and I'm sure you'll get plenty of feedback from fellow LotR fans here. Merged.
June 26, 201212 yr Great ideas...I would love to see them built. So far though, the LOTR sets have been average at best IMO.
June 26, 201212 yr I have one question: Is LEGO able to provide Battle Packs for LotR? Proper Battle Packs without characters like Jack Sparrow? What do you think ??
June 26, 201212 yr I have one question: Is LEGO able to provide Battle Packs for LotR? Proper Battle Packs without characters like Jack Sparrow? What do you think ?? Mind you, they were able to provide "battle packs" without Jack sparrow they just didn't. fyi the only generic characther in the potc pack was the royal soldier, the pirate and the zombies weren't the generic kind people seem to think. anyways I doubt lego got the same restrictions with lotr as they do with star wars, If lego thinks it is feasable do do packs with just random soldiers is another thing.
June 27, 201212 yr Wow....four waves! Let's hope Lego LOTR lasts that long! I have heard the line is almost as popular as the Star Wars one, and look how long it has gone on! If it's even a fraction as popular, we should get many, many more LotR waves. I do like some of your ideas, although I don't think many of the kids (target audience) will know who the Mouth of Sauron is, as he was only in the special ROTK edition. (To my knowledge.) Really? I coulda swore he was in all versions, but I haven't watched anything but the extended version in so long I could easily be mistaken. Regardless I still think it would be cool to have this set with him for the really hardcore fans, maybe make it an exclusive? I heard this line was more aimed at adults anyways. If not they could always remove the Mouth of Sauron and just include another Mordor Orc I would love to see a Minas Tirith set, and the $130 range for one is perfectly understandable. But I would rather have your Upper Minas Tirith, including Denethor. I think that you have too many orcs in you ideas - if someone were to buy every set, they would have around 30 orcs in all. Ya, I could probably include some more named characters like Denethor and less soldier grunts. I really love the army building aspect though! I don't think 30 orcs is too many considering the first wave alone had 14 orcs, not including Lurtz. We got 10 Uruk-hai, 2 Mordor Orcs, and 2 Moria Orcs. You will notice I didn't include any Uruk-hai since I think they will be plenty available now what with them being in an upcoming polybag, Helm's Deep, and the Uruk-Hai Army sets. I think you should focus more on the first movie a bit more. I would love to see an idea for the Prancing Pony, Lothlorien, the battle at the River, etc. For the second movie, how about the Forbidden Pool? You've covered pretty much all of my third movie needs. As my favorite movie, it had the least sets. Some of those ideas like Lothlorien and the Forbidden Pool had very limited screen time in the movies and they weren't really huge action sequences. Not that every set needs to be centered around a huge epic battle from the movie, but I do think those sets are more appealing. Since the Lego sets seem to be focused mostly on the movies, I don't see them coming along till much later waves if at all. For this reason I didn't include any sets like the Barrows either. I do like the Prancing Pony idea a lot though, and would probably include that in the forth wave, along with a Battle at Amon Hen set. Also note the first wave had roughly half of it's sets made up of scenes from the Fellowship of the Ring movie. That's three out of seven sets. I had another four sets from the first movie- the Watcher in the Water, Balrog, Rivendell, and the Shire, which would bring the total to seven. If you exclude the army builders (which aren't really movie specific in my eyes), then you only have around 22 sets with the first wave and my proposed ideas. That's almost 1/3 of the sets exact inspired by the first film. And are these army builders like battle packs? If so, they would need to include some pieces - a building, a catapult. Yes, they would be army builders. I noted in the second wave they would include some piece of scenery or building, but I didn't really specify and that's because I am not even sure myself what they should include! Ideally I would like them to be treated like the Uruk-Hai Army set where they come with a piece that can be connected to a larger set to expand it. For instance the Moria Orc set could have some stairs or a small wall that could connect to the Mines of Moria set. Of course this would only be a very small piece since these sets would be focused more on the figures than say the Uruk-hai Army set was. I think I probably need to either raise the price on those to 19.99, or exclude one figure because 4 figures and a horse for most, on top of a small structure seems like way too much for $14.99. All in all, though, great ideas, and I would buy every set if I had the money to. Let's just hope that the next wave will have some LOTR stuff, not just Hobbit things. I imagine the next wave will be either all LotR, with wave 3 being Hobbit centric, or have at least 2 sets from LotR. Since the Hobbit is broken into two parts they will probably only do sets based on the first half. I don't think the first half has a ton of action sequences. Because of this they could easily fit in some LotR sets. Heck, who knows though. Depending when the next wave hits they might op to just wait to do Hobbit inspired themes till more people have seen the film as to not give anything away with the sets. If that's the case we might not even see any Hobbit inspired sets till wave 3!
June 29, 201212 yr The Army of the Dead is possible! Print the dead soldiers as per the shiny mummy..... .....and add some prints on the arms according to Boba Fett! Ohhh yess! Give this shiny horse a suitable harness (maybe also shiny printed) and that army will become the famous LEGO army of all time! ...so, and now serious. Why not? Maybe are those prints very expensive, but kindly note, that the run to those LEGO sets will become very big, if those shiny soldiers are included.
June 30, 201212 yr A few questions/speculation about The Hobbit: - How the heck are they gonna handle Bombur? A normal minifig, with or without stumpy legs, simply won't do. He's way too fat. - How about Beorn's human form? He's s described as being way taller than men. Maybe a modified Hagrid mold? Hagrid was a ripoff of Beorn anyway.
July 2, 201212 yr The mouth of Sauron was only in the special edition of RotK and would probably not be made by LEGO. A little too graphic i think for the intended audience. Unfortunately i don't see us getting many (if any) of the LOTR trilogy in the winter wave. I think Orthanc will be part of a next wave though if we get one. With Saruman, Grima, Treebeard, 2 Orcs and one of Merry or Pippin, hopefully both.
July 2, 201212 yr The mouth of Sauron was only in the special edition of RotK and would probably not be made by LEGO. A little too graphic i think for the intended audience. Him being in the Extended Edition wouldn't mean that he's less likely to be made into LEGO. If the Extended Edition scenes had any control over that, then I doubt we'd be seeing the Tower of Orthanc anytime soon - at least, not in ROTK state. But I don't think it does. Not sure what's too graphic about MOS either, when in the scene of the suggested Orthanc set, Saruman fell off his tower and was impaled by a spike on that war machine... in case you were referring to the Mouth of Sauron's decapitation. And a mixed wave with both LOTR and The Hobbit sets may be a bit unlikely, but not impossible - even if only 1 or 2 sets are LOTR-based.
July 2, 201212 yr If we only get 5 LOTR sets next winter, these two are my top wanted: Attack of the Witch King (with Eowyn, Merry, Witch King + felbeast, maybe Theoden). Minas Tirith (bigger than Helm's Deep in size and piece count) Attack on Isengard (Saruman, Treebeard, Merry & Pippin) The Black Gate (King Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas) The Destruction of the Ring (Frodo, Sam, Gollum)
July 2, 201212 yr Since we have seen a sneak peek at the Elrond fig (it is inevitable that he will appear sooner or later, and this pic makes me think sooner), I've thought of a way they could tackle the Battle of Dagorlad. Rather than making a big battle scene with lots of orcs, men and elves, LEGO could make a set similar in size with Shelob Attacks. Sauron could be brick built, with a special moulded head/helmet and mace (maybe). The rest of him would be brick built, with either printing or suckers to give him armor detail. There could be a function to blow him up, so his arms, legs, torso, and head all dislocate from each other, to recreate his physical destruction. The rest of the set could have a bit of mountainside where Elendil gets thrown. Minifigs could include Elrond, Isildur and Elendil, with a special exclusive broken Narsil, so it would just be the handle and the bit of the blade. I would just love to see the scene where Elrond takes Isildur into Orodruin recreated on the back of the box. To accompany that set, LEGO could make a battle pack. The battle pack could have some mountains (maybe a little function to recreate the orcs being shot of the mountain slopes), and have four figs total, two good and two evil. There could be a Noldor elf with longbow and a sword and shield, and a Numenorean with sword and shield, while there could be two orcs with assorted weapons. Get a few of these with the Sauron set and you essentially have the Battle of Dagorlad. Also, Elander mentioned how there are glow in the dark figs in the new Monster Fighters theme, and how that is what LEGO should use for the Army of the Dead. I think this is perfect. What I would love to see would be a Corsair ship with maybe three Corsairs, the Kind of the Dead, and the three hunters, and maybe two more Oathbreakers. Then, like the Sauron set, there could be a corresponding battle pack with some more Soldiers of the Dead and Corsairs. Edited July 2, 201212 yr by Fives
July 2, 201212 yr My new ideas! The Last Alliance Imagined Price Point: 19.99 Includes: Elrond, Sauron and Isildur Rohan Battlepack Imagined Price Point: 9.99 Includes: Eomer, 3 soldiers and 1 horse Gondor Imagined Price Point: 9.99 Includes: Faramir, 3 soldiers and the white tree Edited July 3, 201212 yr by TeardropTrashcan
July 2, 201212 yr Not directed at anyone in particular, just musing. In fact, I originally wrote this for the “LOTR 2012” thread, but decided it goes here: Hopefully LEGO Middle-earth is so long-lived that everyone can eventually get what they want. But IMO it’s nuts at this stage to be hoping for Last Alliance sets. Why are people so focused on “armies” and “scenes”? To me, LEGO Castle was always about building castles (and forestmen hideouts, of course)! Don’t you want to build Minas Tirith, Isengard, Rivendell, Hobbiton Hill, Lorien, Beorn’s Hall, Meduseld, Lake-town, Cirith Ungol, the Argonath, The Prancing Pony, and a much-expanded Moria? So far the Hornburg is really the only worthwhile set, IMO. Let’s dare to dream big! Please?
July 2, 201212 yr I never collected castles until LOTR, but I fully agree with you (except the part about the Hornburg being the only good set - they're all good). Never was much of a minifig collector. They just exist to populate a scenery. Being a primary Town guy, I prefer large buildings/locations over large armies. Edited July 2, 201212 yr by SheepEater
July 3, 201212 yr I agree I want to see actual sets in this line. Some of the suggestions like "The Last Alliance" or "Arwen's Chase" sound like a waste to me. What are we BUILDING here? What is the SET supposed to be of? All I see is minifigure packs.
July 3, 201212 yr Hopefully LEGO Middle-earth is so long-lived that everyone can eventually get what they want. But IMO it’s nuts at this stage to be hoping for Last Alliance sets. Why are people so focused on “armies” and “scenes”? To me, LEGO Castle was always about building castles (and forestmen hideouts, of course)! Don’t you want to build Minas Tirith, Isengard, Rivendell, Hobbiton Hill, Lorien, Beorn’s Hall, Meduseld, Lake-town, Cirith Ungol, the Argonath, The Prancing Pony, and a much-expanded Moria? So far the Hornburg is really the only worthwhile set, IMO. Let’s dare to dream big! Please? Problem is, there are only 1 or 2 big "castle" sets per wave. The rest of the sets are smaller stand alone ones, or they are only small parts that connect to a larger set (aka Uruk-Hai Army). Keep in mind too that Lego is still a child's toy so they generally try to keep the appeal to them. Not many younger kids have 100+ bucks to blow on a bunch of huge castle sets. The sets also need minifigues in them to play with otherwise it's just a display which most kids would get bored with fairly quick. I think people love the minifigs soo much because, unlike with the bricks and castles, you can't really create your own Elrond minifig. I mean sure you can customize one, but it's much more permanent and difficult than making your own MOC castle with a bunch of bricks then taking em apart and using em for something else later.
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