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There's a lot of talk of multiple sets comprising a larger Minas Tirith in this topic. I don't think that's very realistic. There isn't enough differentiation between parts of the city, nor enough reason to differentiate, for such puzzle pieces to have marketability when released in tandem. In most cases, such smaller parts do not make sense as sets, because they're just fragments of a more cohesive and sellable whole. Plus, if TLG instituted such a plan, the LOTR shelf would be a mess of white castle-looking fragments, which non-LOTR fans would not understand or be attracted to buy. A multi-part Minas Tirith wouldn't sell widely enough or appeal to new customers. Besides, that many sets in a similar price range wouldn't be feasible, and would probably need to take up the whole line, which seems counter-intuitive for TLG.

If TLG is going to make a Minas Tirith - and I would dearly like them to - it will almost certainly be one large set. I could see them plausibly doing an Uruk Hai Army-esque expansion structure set, as long as it had enough difference from the main model to be separately sold, but to break such an iconic location as Minas Tirith into multiple boxed modules, none of which would be recognizable alone, would destroy that very iconography as a selling point. It just wouldn't make sense.

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Posted (edited)

I rethought my idea out and after realizing that Minas Tirith is a city built in tiers, TLG could release the tiers that major events occur on as smaller, more affordable sets that all attach together. For example, the bottom tier, complete with the main gate and the wall, and maybe a little barracks or something in the back could be called Siege of Minas Tirith, and could sell for like $70. Then there could be another set comprised of the citadel, the courtyard with the White Tree of Gondor, and a small "great hall" sort of thing, maybe under the great hall could be the mausoleum type thing that we see in the movie. That set would be about 50-$70.

Edited by Evan D

Some ideas, which have probably been done already:

Rivendell: includes Aragorn and Boromir; two statutes holding the shards of Narsil on an altar (nice excuse to get a broken sword piece); throw in a couple of arches/trees for background

Watcher in the Water: a cave with the door; includes Frodo (or Merry if you prefer the book version, as I do) and Gandalf; watcher in the lake

Cracks of Doom: stairway to an archway; through the archway is a little bridge and platform over a red lava baseplate; includes Sam (in a nod to the books with pots to throw in a hole so Gollum can't get them), Frodo and Gollum

Any of these could be done well at a $20 - $30 price point


  • 2 months later...

The new LEGO elves needs new helmets! -Helmets with two attached elf ears. :sweet:

What do you think? When we will receive the first Battle Packs?

(I hope for elven battle packs) :wub:

The new LEGO elves needs new helmets! -Helmets with two attached elf ears.

No no no no no. No unnecessary flesh (or yellow, for that matter) in unnecessary places. I'm certain that TLC could design a helmet that would be nicely Elvish without showing overgrown ears. :sweet: Hopefully we will see such a mold sometime in the future. I suppose the best chance for that is the Battle of Five Armies in The Hobbit part 3, as I view any Last Alliance sets as a rather improbable pipe dream and we have probably seen all we've gonna see of the battle of Hornburg too.


There's a lot of talk of multiple sets comprising a larger Minas Tirith in this topic. I don't think that's very realistic. There isn't enough differentiation between parts of the city, nor enough reason to differentiate, for such puzzle pieces to have marketability when released in tandem. In most cases, such smaller parts do not make sense as sets, because they're just fragments of a more cohesive and sellable whole. Plus, if TLG instituted such a plan, the LOTR shelf would be a mess of white castle-looking fragments, which non-LOTR fans would not understand or be attracted to buy. A multi-part Minas Tirith wouldn't sell widely enough or appeal to new customers. Besides, that many sets in a similar price range wouldn't be feasible, and would probably need to take up the whole line, which seems counter-intuitive for TLG.

Unless Lego decides to make it into some huge, several hundred dollar D2C set like the Death Star, I can easily see them splitting Minas Tirith into multiple sets. If they don't it's going to look ridiculously small and not do the grand white city justice. It would look MUCH worse than the Helm's Deep set, which isn't good considering a number of people already are complaining the LotR/Hobbit sets look too small and fragmented.

You make it sound like Lego would need to create several Minas Tirith sets that combine like a huge puzzle, and you need to buy every one to complete the set, but I don't think that's necessary at all. They could easily just do two large sets with an optional third that is much smaller and serves as a battle pack/city expander. The first set could be the top tier of the city and the citadel with the white tree. The second set could be a lower level with two walls or so that stack and the main front gate. These could each be $100-150 depending how big Lego wants to go. Doing all tiers of the city would be too costly and not feasible so they could just make the city three or four levels with the top.

If TLG is going to make a Minas Tirith - and I would dearly like them to - it will almost certainly be one large set. I could see them plausibly doing an Uruk Hai Army-esque expansion structure set, as long as it had enough difference from the main model to be separately sold, but to break such an iconic location as Minas Tirith into multiple boxed modules, none of which would be recognizable alone, would destroy that very iconography as a selling point. It just wouldn't make sense.

The Uruk-hai Army wall and the Helm's Deep wall with the stream running through it look almost identical. The only difference being the water and the exploding feature of course. With all the different parts of Minas Tirith I am SURE Lego could come up with a $30 set that looks different enough from the two large main sets and yet could still be bought in multiples to further add on and expand the city. Plus I garuntee if they made it have 3 or 4 Mordor Orcs and 2 Gondor Soldiers it would sell like hot cakes for the minifigures alone, just like the Uruk-hai Army set has done. What would be REALLY cool imo is if they had an Osgiliath set, and a Minas Tirith set, and then a small "Mordor Orc/Gondor Army" set that could be built in one of two ways, or even three way... it could be built as two different parts of Minas Tirith or as an add on to Osgiliath.

  • 1 month later...

One set I'd really love to see is Minas Morgul utilizing the new glow in the dark pieces. You'd have the main wall similar to the one in Helms Deep, the connecting bridge with gargoyles and the tower that lights up. Would be a nice set to include the Witch-King on his Fell Beast in if he doesn't get his own with Eowyn.

Posted (edited)

I must say TLG did a good job at us guessing them. Not even a leaked picture/news of Minas Tirith or Gondorians (other than the game)?

I love this suspension!

Edited by clouette

Just a couple of ideas (OK, quite a few ideas):


1. The Last Alliance - ($79.99) Isildur, Elendil, Sauron, Elves (2x), Men (2x), Mordor Orcs (2x)

Includes weapons rack, slopes of Mount Doom, minifigure flipper, lava catapult

2. Bree - ($69.99) Frodo, Aragorn, Barliman Butterbur, Doorkeeper, Ringwraith (2x)

Includes the Prancing Pony, the gate (with collaspible function), another building, well, shed, 2 Ringwraith horses, a cow, a pig, two chickens, and two goats.

3. Ringwraith Chase - ($14.99) Arwen, Frodo, Ringwraith

Includes two trees, a bush, Arwen's horse, Ringwraith's horse, and some water.

4. Rivendell - ($49.99) Elrond, Gandalf, Frodo, Old Bilbo, Aragorn, Arwen

Includes patio where Council of Elrond occurs, bridge, library, Frodo's healing room, waterfall, tree, and hall with statue bearing the broken shards of Narsil.

5. Bridge of Khazad-Dum - ($39.99) Gandalf, Moria Orc (2x)

Includes bridge of Khazad-Dum (with collapsing function), and brick-built Balrog.

6. Lothlórien - ($29.99) Galadriel, Frodo, Celeborn, Gimli

Includes two tree houses connected by bridge, Galadriel's mirror (with flipping function), foliage, and rack for Galadriel's gifts.

7. Amon Hen - ($34.99) Boromir, Aragorn, Uruk-hai (3x)

Includes three trees and the ruins of Amon Hen.


1. Treebeard Encounter - ($39.99) Merry, Pippin, Grishnakh, Rohirrim

Includes two tree, brick-built Treebeard, horse, and Uruk-hai camp.

2. The Dead Marshes - ($14.99) Sam, Frodo, Gollum

Includes marshland with bushes, water, and pop-up dead Noldor Elf.

3. Edoras - ($89.99) Theodén (with reversible face [Cursed/Normal]), Eowyn, Grima, Gandalf the White, Rohan Soldier (2x), Rohan Civilians (3x and a Baby)

Includes the Golden Hall, stable, armory, civilian building, well, trough, two flagpoles, horse, two chickens, pig, and a goat.

4. Warg Attack - ($19.99) Rohan Soldier (2x) Warg Riders (2x)

Includes two horses, two Wargs, scenery.

5. Attack on Isengard - ($119.99) Saruman, Grima, Merry, Pippin, Mordor Orc (4x)

Includes Orthanc, two Ents, boulders, and some scaffolding/machinery with self-destruct function.

6. Osiligath - See Nuju Metru's design (the best idea for an Osiligath set).


1. Minas Morgul - ($59.99) Frodo, Sam, Gollum, Witch-King, Mordor Orc (2x) Troll

Includes section of the Secret Stairs, and the tower, gate, bridge, and wall of Minas Morgul (glow in the dark).

2. Corsair Ambush - ($69.99) Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Mordor Orc with skull on head, Corsairs (3x - one as PJ) Oathbreakers (3x)

Includes Corsair ship, dock, and rocks.

3. Minas Tirith -($$$ [?]) Not sure what it should look like, but should include Gandalf, Pippin, Denethor, Faramir, Gondorian Soldier (4x), Nazgul (2x) Gothmog, Mordor Orc (6x), and Easterling (3x).

Will be edited for more ideas in the morning, too tired to finish now...


I really hope there will be at least one set where we can get Easterlings and Harradrim factions (preferably including a Mumakil). I believe the Harradrim is not that far fetched, as they are pretty famous from the movies during the Battle of the Pelenor Fields, but I fear for the 'forgotten' Easterlings.

Also some rangers with Faramir would be cool, but they only fit either Osgilliath ruin (but I'd rather have Gondor soldiers there) or a scenery like 'the forbidden pool', and I don't think anyone wants more Frodo's and Gollums.

  • 1 month later...

One set I'd really love to see is Minas Morgul utilizing the new glow in the dark pieces. You'd have the main wall similar to the one in Helms Deep, the connecting bridge with gargoyles and the tower that lights up. Would be a nice set to include the Witch-King on his Fell Beast in if he doesn't get his own with Eowyn.

You just gave me a good idea for a MOC. The sad part is that I don't have bricks enough for it x)

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