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All ideas are welcome! Thanks.

Thinking out of the box (or in this case castle) for a moment, you could turn it on its side and cover the loophole. The resulting shape could then become part of a boiler for a steam engine train or an engine housing or equipment/weapons pod for a fighter plane or space ship.

Thinking even bigger, maybe it could serve as the nose for a 3 meter tall Colossus of Rhodes statue... Just because it started out life as a castle wall segment doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to towers and other "masonry" applications. :wink:

Thinking out of the box (or in this case castle) for a moment, you could turn it on its side and cover the loophole. The resulting shape could then become part of a boiler for a steam engine train or an engine housing or equipment/weapons pod for a fighter plane or space ship.

Thinking even bigger, maybe it could serve as the nose for a 3 meter tall Colossus of Rhodes statue... Just because it started out life as a castle wall segment doesn't mean you have to limit yourself to towers and other "masonry" applications. :wink:

I really like steampunk and steampunk Lego MOC's but I'm not really good at making steampunk MOC's, but maybe I'll make one in the future. I haven't got enough experience now :tongue:


I would like to order bricks to make a cave wall for some Power Miners play this Summer. Here is a general example of what I'm trying to do rock-wise, but it doesn't have to be exactly like this:


I also plan to experiment with some BURPs, LURPs and 2x4x6 Rock Panels (part 47847) sprinkled in for good measure.

Questions are as follows:

- In what ratio should I buy the various slops parts? I can just guess based on the picture, but if there are those with experience building rock formations I would love to hear it.

- Do folks mix the old and new grays for effect or because that's the bricks they have on hand? I'm not sure I like the look of the two mixed together, but I'm open to experimenting.

Bonus: A cool set I am using for inspiration:



I would like to order bricks to make a cave wall for some Power Miners play this Summer. Here is a general example of what I'm trying to do rock-wise, but it doesn't have to be exactly like this:


I also plan to experiment with some BURPs, LURPs and 2x4x6 Rock Panels (part 47847) sprinkled in for good measure.

Questions are as follows:

- In what ratio should I buy the various slops parts? I can just guess based on the picture, but if there are those with experience building rock formations I would love to hear it.

- Do folks mix the old and new grays for effect or because that's the bricks they have on hand? I'm not sure I like the look of the two mixed together, but I'm open to experimenting.

Bonus: A cool set I am using for inspiration:


This might sound like a weird suggestion, but you might try building the rocks in LEGO Digital Designer before you go ordering a ton of slopes. I built a large extension to the set you're using for inspiration, and I did all the pre-build layout stuff in LDD. Of course, then I went a little nuts and built a 192-stud x 144-stud table layout for it... But hey, I got plenty of practice with landscaping!

Color problem!

I haven't got enough gray plates to finish my MOC, so I'm about to buy some on Bricklink buy I'm facing a dilemma.

Should I buy light gray or bluish light gray? I'm using the plates for my MMV. I'm kinda new here so I have no idea what gray is used in most MOC's.

It depends, Bley is cheaper because it is new, but it depends on what you like and what you can spend.

I was sorting out my Lego boxes when I found a lot '30246' bricks. I've got them in dark grey and light grey and I have no idea what do with them. Who has an original idea or a photo of a MOC containing these bricks? I would like to make something I can add to my MOC, a castle, tower or house, something medieval. I've got about 10-15 of them. All ideas are welcome! Thanks. (If placed wrong, please move)

They make such nice supports inside mountains, elevated bases etc...

Lego Arkham city WIP overview

So here's the deal. Im stuck on my Arkham City MOC. I've worked on it on and of for at least a year. Above is a over view picture,

on my flicker you'll find more pictures with descriptions. Any advice would be welcome!

Edited by Im a brickmaster.

Hello Everyone-

First off let me apologies if I ask questions that are already discussed on the forums, please simply direct me to the proper discussion if you don't mind to make my research a bit easier.

I have been a long time fan of LEGO, but really have been in a 'dark age' for a good while. Recently, I have been trying to find a hobby to mix my product design training with my desire to keep my inner child alive and well (growing up is for the birds). I went to Lego land for a vacation with my wife, and was inspired by what is even possible to make with even the most basic of LEGO bricks.

As I am starting to research and develop my concept (which currently I want to remain unknown just in case I fail to even begin this project), I am trying to just practice advance SNOT techniques, and build up my library of parts while I detail my concept. I thought about just buying sets to build my set up, but that seems fairly costly, and not targeted enough to build my library of parts up fast enough.

A basic concept I want to build in order to practice advance techniques would be a large flying saucer (about the size of a real life Frisbee). I thought this would incorporate a lot of SNOT techniques, and help me get a lot of useful pieces. If anyone has any help on make a large disc shape out of LEGO, what parts I need to accomplish this, and a good bulk way to purchase these parts would be greatly appreciated.

Also if you have any suggestions for great builds or tutorials to help learn great advance building techniques that would be awesome as well.


Edited by elgiemd

Making round shapes with SNOT often uses the Lowell Sphere technique. For this, you'll need a bunch of basic bricks and plates, as well as bricks with one or four studs on the side. Technic bricks with holes and half pins also work. I've been working on sourcing parts for a MOC that uses a lot of basic parts, and I've found that LEGO's online Pick-a-Brick sometimes has the best prices. For the SNOT bricks, Bricklink is a good choice.

Hi Folk's

I Really need some help.

I am building a build and want to add some Lego Solar panel's in it and I would like to add some light's too it aswell.

What it is I need to know if Solar panels would in real life run a small Generator? If they i can hide my battery pack inside the ''fake '' generator housing'' i will make.

Any help will be great.




I just did a long distance call with my engineering consultant (and hubby) who is working 3 states away in FL, and he says you would not run a generator from solar panels...would not make any sense. With LEGO, if you need to pretend there is power being generated by the solar panels, just use a battery.

In real life a generator itself is very inefficient producing about 10-25 per cent of the power it uses to run. So you would use solar panels during the day if there is enough sunlight, storing extra energy in batteries that are used when there is not enough sun, and when the batteries are drained, they are backed up by a generator powered by another fuel...natural gas, electricity, coal, etc. when needed, but that can be very expensive. Or you can simply draw power off the electrical grid if you are on one...after your solar panels and batteries can no longer do the job. That would be more cost effective if you live on the grid...dream on, eh!

It is confusing, so please ask any questions and I'll contact my cheerful consultant again. Cheerio!

Edited by Legogal

Here's a quick schema for Solar Power....

Panels connect to a Charge Controller (it basically ensures you don't overstuff the batteries). The Charge Controller connects to a series of Batteries (these can be big! and you may need a lot of them - I worked on an off-the-grid building in Colorado and the 12 Marine Batteries were stored in a room about 6'x8'). The Batteries connect to either a DC circuit or an AC circuit. If it's an AC circuit (like what you have in a normal house) you'll need an Inverter (small box to convert the DC power in the Batteries to AC).

Probably too much information.... but I'd just suggest using the Battery Bank to hide your Battery Pack.

Hi Both

Thank you both very much for the help. Back to the drawing board for me then.



Hi, I have been looking for info on custom stickers (for lego buildings/signs etc) , where/how can you design/buy them?

I'm making a MOC for the future Mrs. Tom and thought it would be a good idea to try and recreate the the place where we are getting married to surprise her. I want to try and replicate the floor as best I can but I'm a little stuck. Any ideas on how to make that carpet. I already have a good idea for the dance floor but the carpet is bugging me. http://www.danverspo...en_terrace.html that's the actual room we're using for reference.

Edited by tomdobs55

Hi, I need some help too with creating rocks, have tried with the drawing tool, but that does not give me te right looks. And yes there are many examples online, but no how to start :blush:

http://www.flickr.com/photos/87198490@N07/8952775590/in/set-72157633934671812, for example has great rock texture. But when I trie to build like that mine seems very messy and instabile. So I was hoping some one here has a setup to start with in Lego Digital Designer,with I could use to get the feeling of rockbuilding

Thanks Asterix

Has anyone here tried making a custom Lego motorcycle? I am interested in learning how. The motorcycle doesn't have to be rideable for the minifigures. It just has to look cool and realistic.

Hey guys,

Im searching for tutorials, that provide a few basic tricks for building your own Lego creations.

For example, I would like to know how to build the base from this neat model of the statue of liberty


I just cant figure out how to connect the left side to the right one, due to that they're turned upside down.

Please help me by sharing links of good tutorials for basic tricks.

Many thanks in advance!!

There are many ways of creating a '180 degree reversal'; picking the right one depends on your build. In this case I think it could be done by threading two 1x1 round bricks onto a lightsabre blade with their bases facing each other. This construction could then be hidden under the statue, also using a snot brick to attach the base to the statue.

Dumb question of the night.... But what is "MOC"? Thanks for your patiences and the motorcycle links listed above.

Dumb question of the night.... But what is "MOC"? Thanks for your patiences and the motorcycle links listed above.

MOC is abbreviation for "My Own Creation". I myself had some hard time figuring out what these abbreviations mean. Two most important are MOC itself and AFOL - "Adult Fan Of LEGO". When you know these two Eurobricks and other web-sites about LEGO become so much more easy to understand :laugh:

Edited by imvanya

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