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I've seen a lot of theories on how the Polyp Squid launcher will be able to shoot the Polyp Squids, one being pulling the tail, and releasing.

I can't believe that most people missed this.

(By the way, that PSL looks very MOCable.But i'm not sure why Carapar has two swords instead of one claw in this pic)

As you can see,there are two holes in the launcher.My guess is that you put your fingers in there and squeeze them, like with the Kanoka launcher.

The problem is- it's been confirmed that the Polyp Squids will be made of rubber in the sets.There is no way that a Kanoka launcher-ish gun can shoot a rubber squid.But yet...the finger slots????

Thoughts, ladies and gentlemen?


i have a question,

are the do the torsos cange color underwater? im sure that guy is brown.

also what are the heads made of? is it the same material they made the krana out of?

Im gona asume that the baraki are made out of water resistant materials as seeing they have been displayed under water.

Also i those holes look to small for fingers.

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i have a question,

are the do the torsos cange color underwater? im sure that guy is brown.

also what are the heads made of? is it the same material they made the krana out of?

Im gona asume that the baraki are made out of water resistant materials as seeing they have been displayed under water.

Also i those holes look to small for fingers.

Although this topic was more to discuss the PSL,i'll try answering these questions for you.

1: Nope, Carapar is just yellow. Brown didn't sell so well, so the new Stone sets are yellow and grey.

2: I don't know.But a person at MNOnlineV3 has some Barraki (there's a topic about it somewhere in here) so maybe you could register at MNOnlineV3 and ask him?

Just makes me wanna get these more... *sing*

you have to pull the end of the polyp thing over the end of the lancher and let go... i dunno how that works.

The missile is elastic itself.

When pull it, it works like an elastic band.

The End of BIONICLE is Nigh I

Kanoka - Highly diverse masks

Krana - VERY highly diverse small rubber masks

Kraata - Um... Reliativly diverse slugs...?

Kanoka - Rather unorigional disks, but very cool uses and storyline tie ins.

Rhotuka - Ripcord-powered energy wheels. Well, origional idea at least.

Zamor - Marbles. Woo.

... Squid Ammo?

c) is there going to be mask packs or something like mask packs next year (other than sqid ammo refill packs)

c) No. While I and some others on the team would like mask packs back, a search for masks is not part of the '07 story, and the focus groups don't seem to care about masks - they just want more and bigger weapons.

With a fanbase like that, what can you expect, Zandur? *sweet*


The End of BIONICLE is Nigh I

Kanoka - Highly diverse masks

Krana - VERY highly diverse small rubber masks

Kraata - Um... Reliativly diverse slugs...?

Kanoka - Rather unorigional disks, but very cool uses and storyline tie ins.

Rhotuka - Ripcord-powered energy wheels. Well, origional idea at least.

Zamor - Marbles. Woo.

... Squid Ammo?

For once, I have to partly agree with you. I still love the Bionicle story, but unfortunately when I saw a gallery of actual set pictures of the Barraki, I was left feeling very dissapointed. Now only Mantax and Kalmah look good to me, and as for the "squid ammo"..... well, it's more of a crud ammo. |-/

Funny though, when I posted a comment about why I was so dissapointed about the Barraki, I was politely dissed by another member for being negative. Yes, he had some good points, and some of mine weren't completely solid, but when he assured me "that I don't have to worry about being banned," I felt very ticked off. I'm begining to see why BZP is not really fun for me anymore: because you have to love bionicle in every aspect in order to get along there. I mean, not one of BZP's Bioncle reviews has ever been more than slightly negative! :-|

P.s. Admiral: The diverse bionicle masks are not called kanoka. ;-)

At long last, you've seen the light, Grevious. Welcome to Eurobricks, land of the free. :-D

c) No. While I and some others on the team would like mask packs back, a search for masks is not part of the '07 story, and the focus groups don't seem to care about masks - they just want more and bigger weapons.

Wow. There are no words to describe this. That's just AMAZING. Soon enough, we'll have Halo references left right and center. Oh, wait. We already have the Elit... I mean Barraki. At this point, I'm not really worried about the existance of Kanohi any more. I'm more afraid of Master Chief popping up as the seventh Toa and blowing up the Barraki with an assault rifle now...

... CRAP!

That was a Typo, mate :P

Kanohi, Kanohi, Kanohi...

And yes - I have essentially quit BZP because I hate having to deal with the Target Auidience - AKA, 10-year-olds screaming in bad english about how great the Barraki are and hanging on to every wittle wurd GregF has to say.

The missile is elastic itself.

When pull it, it works like an elastic band.

here is an image of that


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Now that the way of shooting the Polyp Squids is known,we could start debating about another detail of the PSL?

So... Who wants to join me in crashing one of these "Focus Groups"? >:-)

I've got some SERIOUS payback to give to said Focus Groups... Payback that requires blood... lots of blood...

Wow. There are no words to describe this. That's just AMAZING. Soon enough, we'll have Halo references left right and center. Oh, wait. We already have the Elit... I mean Barraki. At this point, I'm not really worried about the existance of Kanohi any more. I'm more afraid of Master Chief popping up as the seventh Toa and blowing up the Barraki with an assault rifle now...

I really hate it when people really over exaggerate the condition of the storyline.... I mean, its not nearly as good as before to most people on this site, BUT, it's not nearly as bad as what you are saying, KMOI, either. I mean, Master Chief? Assault rifle? Come on, that's taking it too far! |-/

(P.S. I'm not super angry, I'm just a little ticked.)

And, for those who are wondering, I still feel that BZP is great when it comes to storyline info, and fan stuff like art, computer games, and stories. It just needs to stop being so happy about absolutely everthing that Bionicle does. ;-)

Another note: After looking at some new pictures, I've changed my mind on Ehlek. Asside from the mixing of the green colors, he's AWESOME. His weapons are sick, his face is cool, his design is better than I thought, and the way they did his spine is just beautiful. Those spine pieces look awesome for MOC'ing.... 8-

Looks like I'm going to have to adopt hinckley's signature. You clearly missed the point. I was JOKING. Using extremes is used to achieve a POINT for the sake of having IMPACT.

But since you've chosen to take a serious take on it, might as well explain why in retrospect, it may not be so far fetched. All of the canister sets from the Visorak has had some sort of projectile weapon involved. We even got a machine launcher with the Inika. We even dipped into "assault rifle" territory with Jovan's modified Zamor launcher. Now we have crossbows which fling miniture cephalopods. Just look at the focus groups quote from GregF himself. Focus groups want bigger weapons. And it's not like bigger weapons mean melee type weapons. We're talking projectiles. Neo-Halo? Nope, not yet. But like life, you never know wait waits around the corner.

Let's just hope focus groups never see this :-D :


And yes, Ehlek is great for spare parts. Really like the use of multi-pieced spines (Great for foliage) and viking horns (Can be used for just about anything)

Looks like I'm going to have to adopt hinckley's signature. You clearly missed the point. I was JOKING. Using extremes is used to achieve a POINT for the sake of having IMPACT.

You know what is the biggest problem with Eurobricks? So often, you can never tell when people are serious and when people are not. X-D

Sorry for my mistake, I often take things literaly when people make jokes without giving any indication that they are joking ('tis a problem I have. |-/ ). ;-)

Humor comes in many forms, my friend! And sometimes, in proper grammer! Y'never know. :-D

Anyhoo, I can't really see how one can customize the launcher, persay. There aren't an abundance of peg "holes". The only one I'm thinking of is the one that attatches the launcher to the hand, so I guess you could make a really awesome sting-ray or a shield if you combine two of them. Aside from that, however, I don't see too much potential. Better have a more "professional" opinion though. I'm not a brilliant builder. :-/

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