Posted June 16, 201212 yr After the WWII, the authirities of Sviet Union decide do go back to porducing light tanks. They want them to be able to work in any terreain in any weather conditions. That's when PT-76 is being constructed. Light amphibius tank is a great design and soon spread into every battliefield of Cold War. It does great as a recon vehicle as well as an infantry backup. Today I'd like to present you my latest MOC: Model of soviet amphibious light tank. The model is as always created in 1:40 scale. The hardest part was to build the turret, as it's diameter has to be about 7 studs long. After few times I came up with somthing that you can see on the pictures; some may not like it, but I'm quite satisfied with it. Interesting fact about PT-76: While swiiming, it's being proppeled by hydrojet - the same way that the jet ski is. That would be all. I hope you like it. C&C are always welcome ;) Cheers, GabryS
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