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The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 8 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 13

Health: 18/18(+1,+1)

Ether: 11/12

Gold: 61

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 7 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 16

Health: 14/14

Gold: 49

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball


Daxus Octavian, Level 8 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 15

Health: 14/14

Gold: 89

Inventory: Combrys (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (2x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Fire Bomb (1x), Holy Bomb (2x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence,


Mizuki Kimura, Level 8 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 17

Health: 14/14

Gold: 227

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Holy Bomb, Potion x2, Green Essence,

Will the party go back in?

OOC: Are the Toxic Twins immune to Poisoning?

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OOC: Are the Toxic Twins immune to Poisoning?

QM Note: Yes, I forgot to specify that. :blush:

QM Note: Yes, I forgot to specify that. :blush:

OOC: I thought that they should be.

"Why don't we look about the Vault a bit more? Perhaps we will find a way to refine the Essences, or some more Consumables. It is not as though the ToxiProggs are going anywhere."

  • Author

OOC: I thought that they should be.

"Why don't we look about the Vault a bit more? Perhaps we will find a way to refine the Essences, or some more Consumables. It is not as though the ToxiProggs are going anywhere."

QM Note: Exploring another part of the vault results in the Toxiprogg regaining full HP instead of partial.

QM Note: Exploring another part of the vault results in the Toxiprogg regaining full HP instead of partial.

OOC: In that case:

"Let's attack the Toxiproggs."

"Yes, let's get them."

Erik walks back into the place with the toxiproggs.

Edited by Myrddyn

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The party defiantly strides back into the toxic chambers, where the Toxiproggs were licking there wounds. The creaking of the door alerts the two venomous menaces of their presence.


"Ah, welcome back! You really loved our poison that much, huh?"

It would appear that in that short time, half of the damage they had dealt had been undone!

Prepare for Battle!

T5MSD.png "Back for round two?"

Toxiprogg A, Level 9 Nocturnal Beast

HP: 105/145

SP: 3


1 Venom Veil: Covers the room in toxic gas, poisoning the entire party and hurting every for 3 damage regardless of row. The poison may be remedied or removed by a cleric for 1 ether.

2.1 Double Dose: Injects the target with a second helping of venom, badly poisoning them. The fatal poison may be remedied or removed by a cleric for 2 ether.

2.2 Life Leech: Transfers 4 HP from every hero to himself, regardless of row.

The Toxiprogg first uses Venom Veil. If the next person to roll damage is poisoned, he uses Double Dose. If not, Life Leech is used.

Drops: Venom, Door Key, 32 gold

T5MSD.png "I'm afraid you're not going to get the chance to flee this time."

Toxiprogg B, Level 9 Nocturnal Beast

HP: 107/145

SP: 3


1 Venom Veil: Covers the room in toxic gas, poisoning the entire party and hurting every for 3 damage regardless of row. The poison may be remedied or removed by a cleric for 1 ether.

2.1 Double Dose: Injects the target with a second helping of venom, badly poisoning them. The fatal poison may be remedied or removed by a cleric for 2 ether.

2.2 Life Leech: Transfers 4 HP from every hero to himself, regardless of row.

The Toxiprogg first uses Venom Veil. If the next person to roll damage is poisoned, he uses Double Dose. If not, Life Leech is used.

Drops: Venom, 32 gold

The Party:


Monk Pretzel, Level 8 Cleric. 463-year-old male "hermit". (Played by Palathadric)*Party Leader!*

Power: 13

Health: 18/18(+1,+1)

Ether: 11/12

Gold: 61

Inventory: Cross (=Nimbus Broomstick) (WP: 5), Viking Helmet (+1 HP), Arm-Mounted Shield (+1 HP), Potion (x1), Tonic (x1), Remedy, Shovel, Bedroll, Yellow Essence, Green Essence, Grand Tonic, Scroll of Sealing, Blue Essence, Cannonball, Holy Bomb


Erik Tyrvarr, Level 7 Barbarian. Male Human, 18 years old. (Played by Myrrdn)

Power: 16

Health: 14/14

Gold: 49

Inventory: Spear (WP9), Axe (WP3), Potion x2, Mead, Remedy, Yellow Essence, Fire bomb, Green Essence, Grand potion, Smoke Bomb, Green essence, Cannonball


Daxus Octavian, Level 8 Rogue. Male Human, 23 years old. (Played by LEGOman273)

Power: 15

Health: 14/14

Gold: 89

Inventory: Combrys (WP: 8, WP goes up by 1 for each suscessful attack, drops to base WP when attack fails or the battle ends) Draken's Fire (WP: 7), Raider Crossbow (WP: 5)(Ice), Belt, Bedroll, Shovel, Potion (2x), Venom (2x), Grand Potion (1x), Mead (1x), Fire Bomb (1x), Holy Bomb (2x), Blue Essence (1x), Green Essence (1x) (Quest Items), Smelling Salts, Yellow Essence,


Mizuki Kimura, Level 8 Rogue. 21 years old female human. (Played by Zakura)

Power: 17

Health: 14/14

Gold: 227

Inventory: Dagger (WP: 9), Venom, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Grand Potion, Shovel, Pick, Nostrum, Blue Essence, Green Essence, Holy Bomb, Potion x2, Green Essence,

Edited by Endgame

"Look, guys, after all that, I've gone and forgotten why we're fighting. I don't suppose we can come to a compromise peacefully?"

"If you still want to fight, though, I'll target Toxiprogg B from the front row. I reckon Sir should try and seal A, before all you rogues clobber him."

  • Author

"Look, guys, after all that, I've gone and forgotten why we're fighting. I don't suppose we can come to a compromise peacefully?"

"If you still want to fight, though, I'll target Toxiprogg B from the front row. I reckon Sir should try and seal A, before all you rogues clobber him."


"Leave diplomacy to the knight, hatchling. Every moment you loiter in our territory the more satisfying it'll be to strike you down."

"Oh, I remember know. You're a bunch of psychopaths who kill everything on sight."

"Wait, there's a knight somewhere in these vaults? And of course, since when is it your territory? Don't these vaults belong to the Commerz family?"

  • Author


"Do tell me how we're supposed to get a half-decent meal if the light drives us mad? We're hungry, plain and simple.

No, you fool, the vault was vacant and has been since we tunneled here. Only those irksome spiders were in here. The only of your kind in here was that really loud screaming woman and you four. I've lived for 256 years, though - I've been around a bit."

Edited by Endgame

"Huh. That woman said her father died in here recently, then you guys were here when she came to look. So unless I'm wrong, you guys must have moved in here between him dying, and her coming in to look. That's pretty unlucky. Anyway, what is there for you to eat in here?"

  • Author


"Moss and dead vermin carcass. Not a suitable diet even for the lowest of animals on the food chain, and it's all we got. Supposedly Death Progg is doing experiments or something, exposing Proggs to light for an extended amount of time to see if they adapt. Sounds like torture to me, but I don't argue with him. I like having all of my body parts attached, you see."

Proposed Battle Order and Actions:

1. Pretzel: Seal A

2. Daxus: A from Front Row

3. Mizuki: B from Front Row

4. Erik B from Front Row

"Daxus, I think it would be better if Mizuki went for A. With it sealed, there would be less chance of a special, and getting one out of the way first would mean if lots of us needed healing, only one person would have to deal with free hits. Also, if we did have to flee again, one of them would be dead, and probably unable to heal."

"As for you two green guys, what would you rather eat? Also, if you are scared of the Death Progg, we can help you kill him. And if you can tunnel, why not dig for worms and stuff? It can't be that much worse than what you're eating now.

"Good idea, Erik."

Battle Order and Actions:

1. Pretzel: Seal A

2. Daxus: A from Front Row

3. Mizuki: A from Front Row

4. Erik B from Front Row

  • Author


"Our tunneling causes quite the racket - it scares everything off.

Are you suggesting mutiny? If you had to flee from us, Death Progg will end you in mere moments. We are mere insects to him. He has taken on the entire Progg clan and won, and he can do it again."


"Our tunneling causes quite the racket - it scares everything off.

Are you suggesting mutiny? If you had to flee from us, Death Progg will end you in mere moments. We are mere insects to him. He has taken on the entire Progg clan and won, and he can do it again."

"Yes. You fear him, and we have been tasked with destroying him. You could help us; your Venom would be useful. Why not? The Death Progg doesn't care about you, and you will likely die at his. . . um. . . tail? Even if you die, your sacrifice would ensure that the Death Progg dies."

  • Author

"Yes. You fear him, and we have been tasked with destroying him. You could help us; your Venom would be useful. Why not? The Death Progg doesn't care about you, and you will likely die at his. . . um. . . tail? Even if you die, your sacrifice would ensure that the Death Progg dies."


"Will it? Or will it just ensure that our numbers will dwindle more? Me and my brother here are hardly the pinnacle of Progg strength, thief. We all know who is. All that'd happen if we attempted mutiny is us being tortured to death, you being smeared across the wall, and the Death Progg reprimanding the entire clan for our disobedience. The best course of action here is killing you.

...I'm sorry..."

Edited by Endgame


"Will it? Or will it just ensure that our numbers will dwindle more? Me and my brother here are hardly the pinnacle of Progg strength, thief. We all know who is. All that'd happen if we attempted mutiny is us being tortured to death, you being smeared across the wall, and the Death Progg reprimanding the entire clan for our disobedience. The best course of action here is killing you.

...I'm sorry..."

"It's not. We are going to attack the Death Progg, you will not be able to talk us out of it. You can, however, help ensure that he dies."

*I see that this is not working, and change my strategy*

"If you do not help us, and try to kill us, we will have no choice but to kill you. If you help us, you have a much greater chance of living."

  • Author


"...Okay, here are the terms. We will not fight our brethren directly, nor will we give you items to help you fight our brethren directly. If you can prove that you atleast have mettle to last a few seconds against the Death Progg by reducing our HP to 0 and knock us out, (whatever that means), come back here before you go into the Death Progg's chambers. We'll give you some venom that will help you take him out. After that we'll tunnel out and find some other cave to crouch in."

"Or you can kill us now, take our 64 gold from our lifeless bodies, and scram."

Edited by Endgame

"Alright, It's a deal."

  • Author


"Also, if you flee again or get completely knocked out, the deal is void.

Shall we begin?"

"Let's fight."

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